The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 16: The secret of the name


The first thing Sheyan saw was the body of a Los Angeles police officer. The expression of the dead body was extremely horrified, the pale and tight fingers pressed tightly on the position of the abdomen, and the gurgling blood flowed out from a small opening on his neck. There were still five corpses that died in a similar way, lying in disorder in the living room, and the air was filled with a bubbling smell of death and blood.

Beside the corner of the living room of the house, there is a dying Los Angeles police officer mechanically covering the bright red wound on his neck and twitching. His throat is rattling, which is the sound made after the trachea is cut. His eyes are white, and his head He went up, his hair pulled by a hand wearing a white glove. The bearded man who had met Sheyan twice before raised his head and looked over in a little surprise.

The two looked at each other, and their interlaced eyes seemed to cut a series of interlaced sparks in the air, and neither of them moved first.

Just like the awkward stalemate when they first entered the world.

Fang Sheyan tilted his head, his gaze quickly swept over the corpse on the ground again, and then said lightly:

"It seems that you want to complete the milestone of Friends of Sin?"

The initial requirement for Friends of Sin is to kill 50 cops in this world. The bearded man specially attacked the Los Angeles police, so Fang Sheyan called him out at a glance. And the bearded man slowly put down the policeman in his hand, and said lightly:


Fang Senyan felt the indifference and contempt of the guy in front of him, and an unknown grin appeared on the corner of his mouth. According to common sense, he who is good at close combat should shorten the distance between him and the enemy as much as possible at this time, but Sheyan made a serious face, took a big step back, lifted his clothes, and Pressed on the M500 revolver at his waist, it seemed that he was about to flash into the bunker and shoot in the next second.

Obviously, Fang Sheyan cleverly disguised himself as a gunman, and it was the type of high-power and high-distance burst shooting. The purpose was to lure the other party to attack him in close quarters. At that time, the guy waiting for him was naturally very vicious and violent. scene of...

The bearded man obviously has a lot of knowledge, and he recognized the large-caliber weapon known as the "hand cannon" on Sheyan's waist at a glance, and his expression changed:

"What do you want?"

Sheyan answered irrelevantly and said:

"You are really courageous. Killing the police will greatly increase the crime value, which will eventually lead to the pursuit of the Delta Special Forces. Are you not afraid at all?"

The bearded man took a deep look at Sheyan and said:

"Do you know the attributes of the title rewarded after completing Friends of Sin?"

After hearing this, Sheyan said calmly:

"I have some detailed information on the Terminator T-750."

The two stood facing each other, although they didn't make a move, as if they were answering irrelevant questions, but the sharpness of the conversation was like a sword, you and I have already fought for a while. And the bait thrown by Sheyan at this time obviously also made the bearded man very excited, and said tentatively:

"Then we confirm the exchange through the nightmare imprint? I exchange your information with the specific attributes of the title of Friend of Sin and the method of killing the police and not being wanted?"

Fang Senyan has also seen this method in the inquiry before. The nightmare mark can play a "notarization" role in the transaction process, ensuring that both parties have no fraud and can trade with confidence. But the disadvantage is naturally that you have to pay a certain amount of common points as an intermediary fee. Sheyan intercepted a part of the information about the Terminator T-750, and after spending 50 utility points to transmit it through the Nightmare Mark, he quickly obtained relevant information:

Title: Friend of Sin.

Equipped only.

Equipment effect: If the enemy you attack has no evil value, then the damage he receives will increase by 1%, and the item/equipment drop rate will increase by 1%.

Title upgrade condition for the next stage: You have killed 150 policemen accumulatively in the Terminator world, (your direct cumulative damage to the policeman must exceed 50% of the total damage)

Ways to kill the police to avoid the wanted warrant: When you kill a policeman, the crime value will increase at an alarming rate. But if you have no witnesses when you kill him/or you also kill the witnesses, then the crime will become an unsolved case, and your crime value will drop rapidly after ten minutes. But there will still be a small amount of basic evil value remaining.

Obviously, the biggest attraction of the title of Friend of Sin is that it can increase the drop rate. And the method of killing the police given by the bearded man seems quite feasible. It's just... for the bearded man at this time, wouldn't Sheyan be called a witness? But if he rushed over to silence him, he didn't know that Fang Senyan was like a hungry wolf that had been lurking in the snow for a long time with its sharp teeth bared, and had been waiting for it for a long time!

At this delicate and tense moment, a piercing siren suddenly sounded outside. It should be that the Los Angeles police rushed here for reinforcements. In this case, if the two sides fight each other, the sound of fighting and gunshots is likely to attract a large number of police officers, and there are several dead bodies of Los Angeles police officers in this room! This is by no means the fact that both parties want to see what happened, so both of them lost the will to fight, and at the same time they retreated slowly on guard, and turned and left after reaching a safe distance.

After leaving the building, the siren sounded from a passing police car, but there was no danger. Sheyan identified the direction, and walked towards the direction where the gunfire sounded. After bypassing a building, a large black police vehicle suddenly appeared in front of Sheyan's eyes. It was the car of the previous Delta Special Forces. At this time, the door of the driver's cab was open, and it seemed that there was no one on it. There was also a little bit of blood spilled.

After seeing this car, Fang Sheyan's heart skipped a beat, seeing that no one was around, he sat in the driver's cab, and turned on the walkie-talkie next to him. It was 1984 at this time, and the communication technology was far from being as advanced as that of the 21st century. The main communication was still the walkie-talkie. After a burst of turbulent current interference, the dispatcher’s slightly hasty voice came:

"The suspect has already entered the seventh building on Third Avenue, asking for support, repeat, asking for support, and five more wounded were sent down ahead, please put medical staff in place."

"The seventh building on the third avenue..." Sheyan nodded slightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a slight heat in his vest, and then a faint voice came from inside the carriage:

"Put up... hands, hands, head against the wall with both hands... squat down."

There was someone in the carriage!

Fang Sheyan followed the instructions and slowly raised his hands upwards, but his eyes looked at the rearview mirror above the roof of the car, and his heart tightened suddenly. It turned out that the man who pointed the gun at Sheyan was wearing a black one-piece camouflage uniform, a black hood like a gas mask, and even put on black gloves on his hands. He seemed to be a member of the Delta Special Forces.

However, he also looked abnormally weak, sitting obliquely against the wall of the carriage, his left hand covering the red gauze around his neck, and what he held in his right hand was just an ordinary police pistol, and a large number of guns were scattered around him. Fang Senyan took a look inside the compartment before getting on the train, only to find that there were clothes piled up in a mess, but he didn't see any trace of people.

Looking back now, it shouldn't be that this team member deliberately pretended to be, but because he lost too much blood and his body temperature dropped and felt extremely cold, so he gathered the surrounding clothes and piled them on his body to keep out the cold, and this was not hidden from Sheyan's eyes.

"Alas." Fang Senyan sighed slightly, and said lightly in a compassionate tone:

"You really shouldn't be here."

He turned around slowly, looking at this member of the Delta Special Forces, his eyes were full of murderous intent! The seriously injured special forces member in front of him was also experienced in many battles, so he immediately fired without any scruples! The scorching bullets spattered blood on Sheyan's eyebrows, throat, and heart, but Sheyan had already pounced on him like a wild beast, scattered bullet casings were still flying in the air, and Sheyan had already raised his clenched left fist. There is a metallic luster flashing on the body, and that powerful weapon from the future has emerged!

Sheyan punched this member of the special forces on the throat!

The team member's eyeballs immediately protruded in an exaggerated manner, looking very much like the eyes of a dead fish. His body immediately bounced up exaggeratedly, but when he fell, he had already lost his life. Sheyan even smelled a stench of incontinence, and his neck was already deflated like a ball of bloody doughnuts!

At this time, the warhead embedded in Sheyan's skin/muscle fell down, bouncing on the floor of the carriage and making a soft "tap-tap" sound.

The ordinary police firearm held by this member of the special forces basically couldn't cause any real damage to Senyan. But he, who was seriously injured, couldn't bear Fang Sheyan's full-strength punch! But if what he held in his hand was the kind of powerful and terrifying firearm that he usually used, then Sheyan could only obediently restrain himself. The reason why Fang Senyan dared to attack him decisively was because he had also witnessed the injuries of the members of the Delta Special Forces before: the Terminator's strafing shots from as far as 100 meters away caused the team members in the car to bleed, which shows that Delta The essence of special forces is also the kind of high attack and low defense. They can kill an enemy in an instant, but they are also easily killed by the enemy in an instant...