The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 162: Black Iron rank title


The other man was frightened and angry, and bent down to copy the stool next to him. How could Sheyan give him this chance? With one kick, the man felt a huge force coming from his waist. He couldn't help but flew up in the air, then crashed into two wine tables and three people, and rolled several times on the ground. And his waist was almost so painful that he almost lost consciousness. This is obviously the result of Fang Sheyan's holding back.

The young girl became frightened at this moment, seeing Fang Sheyan approaching slowly like a wild beast, with blood dripping from the hair on her forehead, she screamed loudly:

"You, what do you want to do?"

Sheyan grabbed her hand, the girl screamed loudly and cried, and scratched frantically with the other hand, Sheyan slapped it mercilessly, she struggled harder, Sheyan slapped again , now her voice became hoarse, her actions became more honest, and the bar became chaotic. Some called the police, some sneaked away, and some shouted and cursed loudly in shock and anger. But because of the lessons learned by the two flower protectors, none of them dared to provoke Sheyan.

"Let her go!" At this moment, a voice that suppressed his anger suddenly came from the bar. Fang Senyan turned his head coldly, but saw the bar owner Pete holding a double-barreled shotgun with both hands and aiming at it.

Sheyan smiled contemptuously and said:

"You don't dare to shoot. If you have the courage to shoot, you can't stay here and open a small bar."

Fang Senyan grabbed the girl's neck with one hand, and then threw it away casually, just like throwing away a torn sack. Of course, there was a sound of rattling, and two or three tables and stools were completely brought down. Fang Sheyan Regretfully shrugged his shoulders and said:

"You should lose weight."

Then he folded his hands in front of his chest, turned around and said lightly to the bar owner Pete, who was full of disbelief:

"You can see it now, right? I'm a ruthless and vengeful bastard. If I were you, I would definitely consider accepting the two hundred thousand dollars, and then drink a glass of Charcanac. That's the only way to get me out of here the quickest."

Saying that, Sheyan walked to the seat he was sitting on earlier, and threw the combination box over. Pete shook his head and said:

"No, no, it's hard for me to believe that you're only here for a glass of wine."

Sheyan said seriously:

"Reality is stranger than fiction, sir. Why don't you put down that shotgun and try mixing me a Charcagnac? What have you got to lose? Don't tell me you're still going on now." That damn principle of only mixing three cups a day, I believe it's just a tool for you to make money."

The owner of the bar, Pete, had nothing to say, and he didn't know what to say at this moment. In less than 20 seconds, a glass of Charcanac was pushed in front of Sheyan. Sheyan stared at the hard-won glass of wine that caused him to cross the sea, then picked it up and drank it down. Finally, he heard a reminder from the imprint of nightmare:

"You drank sarcagnac."

"You have successfully completed Milestone: Wine Master."

"You have obtained the title of Black Iron Level: Wine Tasting Master. When you drink any alcoholic beverage, you will get a 6% increase in critical strike rate, an additional 10 points of health healing effect, and an increase in critical strike rate. Lasts 60 minutes."

Looking at the special effects added by this master wine connoisseur, Fang Sheyan let out a long breath of satisfaction. If he is most satisfied with this title, he will gain an additional 10 points of life when he is healed when drinking any alcoholic beverages. value of the therapeutic effect. This effect seems tasteless, because unless the contractor is an alcoholic, who would run around with alcohol? And it's just increasing healing, not direct healing.

However, because of Sheyan's soul equipment: the endless pot of strong vodka, Sheyan's healing effect was only 25 points when he took a sip of the wine, but now he can gain 35 points of health with a sip of wine!

Of course, he also got an important piece of information, that is, the title actually has a rank! It seems that the black iron rank is the most basic. Fang Sheyan then inquired about the nightmare mark, but only got the important information that "titles above the black iron rank can only be obtained through synthesis". At this time, he had successfully obtained the title, and he didn't want to stay here for a long time, so he walked out of the bar and prepared to leave.

After leaving the bar, Sheyan realized that it was drizzling outside, and there was a Maserati sports car outside the bar entrance, which should be driven by the rich lady. A Ferrari sports car suddenly popped up at a corner in the distance, and it drove to the entrance of the bar in an instant. The bright lights came straight to Sheyan, and the little drops of rain were like dense needles and threads weaving a net.

"That's him!" A customer who ran out of the bar just now pointed at Sheyan and shouted.

Before the Ferrari could come to a complete stop, a graceful figure in a white practice suit rushed out of the car window, and kicked Fang Senyan in the air!

This kick was extremely steady and accurate, and the long leg was stretched even more straight, and there was even a rush of wind in the air.

Fang Senyan is far from being comparable to ordinary people at this time. Even without the support of equipment, the three major attributes of naked attributes, strength, physical strength, and perception have reached terrifying values of 12, 24, and 13, which are several times that of normal people. Sheyan raised his elbow to block it, unexpectedly, the speed of this kick in the air suddenly increased, and it landed on Sheyan's neck with a "slap"!

If it was an ordinary person, then Sheyan would have been kicked away directly, but for Sheyan who also has a terrifying 24 points of physical strength in the real world, this kick could only make him shake.

However, the white and graceful figure propped itself up on the ground with its hands, using the force of the rebound on its feet to hover in the air, and then kicked out again. Fang Sheyan blocked it in time this time, but the third kick carried a dance-like kick. Immediately after, she kicked Sheyan's knee. The angle and strength of this kick were just right, so Sheyan lost his balance and fell face down.

Fang Senyan's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly realized that he probably met the legendary martial arts master, and there was another possibility that the other party was also a contractor. However, Sheyan could feel that although this woman's fighting experience and skills seemed rich, she lacked the fierce and murderous aura of the contractor who had struggled for life and death! So it doesn't pose any big threat to him at all.

Even though he was hooked by this woman and lost his balance, Fang Senyan's strength as a contractor was also shown. He pressed his right hand to the ground, and easily made a movement similar to street dancing before withdrawing. Just as he was about to catch his breath, he realized that this woman had kicked her across the face again! Once the woman in the white practice uniform kicks out, it is like a spinning wheel, and once it is started, it will be kicked continuously by her. Even if it is a pick-and-roll, she will be kicked by her.

This kick mercilessly landed on Fang Sheyan's left cheek, and the power contained in it was also quite strong, kicking Fang Senyan directly, causing him to roll and fly, and immediately rolled all over his body dripping with mud and water. There was a burst of cheers and sparse applause, and the drinkers who snatched it all said that Miss Jin was amazing. The woman smiled slightly, flicked the tied ponytail behind her head and raised her chin, looking quite proud.

At this time, Fang Sheyan didn't feel humiliated by being swept away, but felt that Miss Jin's melee combat skills were indeed quite practical, and he understood some of the mechanical obscurities when he was learning "Gripping and Fighting". After kicking it away, I didn't feel anything special, and immediately stood up again, and hooked my fingers at that Miss Jin.

Miss Jin's heart tightened suddenly. Her previous kick was almost at full strength. The previous test in the gymnasium had already "broken five boards". Usually, if she kicked someone's head, she would be dizzy. Unexpectedly, this person got kicked and stood up as if nothing had happened. In addition to contemptuous contempt, a man hooking his finger on a woman also has a sexual insult and discrimination in it. This Miss Jin immediately became angry, and with a run-up, she aimed at Fang Senyan and kicked back in the air!

Sheyan's strength was far superior to hers, and he stretched out his hand lightly, only to be staggered back half a step by Miss Jin. And the woman followed up with another round of kicks like a storm, and the people watching seemed to be suffocated, and they were really drunk and applauded loudly.

In fact, this is what Fang Sheyan wanted. Anyway, he is thick-skinned, and it doesn't matter if he gets hit a few times. The important thing is to be able to understand some fighting skills in the battle with her. Not good at this moment of epiphany will determine the outcome of a life-and-death battle! So what's the point of delaying at this time

As the duration of the battle gradually lengthened, even the people next to him realized that something was wrong with the battle. Although Miss Jin had long legs, she still kicked furiously, and she could kick Zhongfang Sheyan once in a while, but she panted like a princess who had just picked up three guests, her forehead was dripping with sweat. In fact, this is quite normal. Once a fight occurs in the real world, it can usually be settled within a minute or two. If it lasts for five minutes, it can be regarded as a protracted tug-of-war. What's more, this woman is born with physical strength. Disadvantage