The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 163: Ice Bar


Fortunately, these two monsters did not take advantage of the momentum to chase Sheyan, otherwise, Fang Sheyan would have been in danger. He took a breath and resisted the shock state. But when he saw the two statues ignoring the harm others did to them, they directly rushed towards Fanu viciously, Sheyan suddenly realized one thing, that is, the two statues might have sensed something critical about Fanu. Something—most likely the parchment map—that's why he was so stubborn in the attack.

However, in terms of combat experience, the people present were all much richer than Sheyan. Seeing that the metal mentor's fireball had beaten the two statue soldiers to shame, but failed to attract the attention of the two statue soldiers, they keenly felt that something was wrong. Deke, who was the most agile, supported Fanu to escape quickly. At this time, Fang Sheyan rushed forward to block it for a while, and finally bought enough time.

At this time, the metal teacher had no time to cast spells. He suddenly stood on the spot and chanted for a while, and then bent down and spun around. At this time, Sheyan finally understood why he was called the metal teacher. He saw the metallic clothes on his body Suddenly it turned into pieces of butterflies and flew out, shining cold light in the air, howling, colliding and slashing, just like a violent steel vortex sweeping past!

What's even more strange is that this violent vortex of steel actually swept towards the rocks on the roof of the cave above. The stone chips were flying, and with a clatter, several hanging bell-shaped rocks fell down. I don't know how long these bell-shaped rocks have been hanging here, but they fell down with a bang, and suddenly brought a heavy wind sound and smashed down.

Seeing how these several stalactite-shaped rocks fell, it was absolutely impossible to touch these two statue soldiers. As long as the two statue soldiers immediately stop their forward pounce, there is no doubt that Metal Mentor's wave of metal knife fans will be in vain, but these two statue soldiers completely ignore the huge threat above their heads and still pounce forward. It looks like it was sent to the stone to be smashed.

There was a loud bang! The two statue soldiers were hit by boulders at the same time, and fell to the ground in embarrassment. Clear cracks appeared on their bodies, and they also faltered when they got up again. The two statue soldiers were also affected to a certain extent, but the rocks that collapsed from above were quickly smashed away by them wielding their long swords and shields, and they continued to press on.

In desperation, Fanu reluctantly sat up, glanced at the metal instructor, who nodded, and a roar suddenly sounded in the air! The steel horn of the thick-armored stegosaurus reappeared in this space. Although its injuries have not recovered much at all, it has to be admitted that the steel horn of this huge beast from the depths of the wilderness is undoubtedly the The perfect target for these two nasty guys!

Under the crazy impact of the steel horns, in just thirty seconds, these two powerful statue soldiers turned into strange white stone fragments scattered all over the place, and their weapons also instantly darkened and rusted. , In the end, it completely turned into dust and flew away! What's even more tragic is that these two guys didn't drop anything, yes, nothing! This means that the consequences of their desperate efforts are absolutely nothing in return. This also means that a one-meter-long wound on Iron Horn's abdomen, which can almost be seen in internal organs, was in vain, and one eye was also blind in vain.

Fanu coughed violently, and he could even see bright red liquid overflowing from the gap between his fingers, then raised his head and said flatly:

"Unfortunately, Iron Horn may not be able to help us for a long time."

The metal instructor nodded, but his cold eyes looked at Sheyan. Sheyan took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"Okay, I'm here to find the way, but I don't know how to get there."

At this time, Sheyan was forced to do so because Phil's wolf, which could be used as cannon fodder, would have died long ago. If he refused at this time, he would immediately stand on the opposite side of the team. He is confident that with his physical strength of 31, even if there is any trap, he will not die first. If his hidden ability is exposed, no one in the team can catch up to him if he escapes casually in this maze-like environment! Even if he catches up, according to the current tired and injured state of the metal mentor, how many times can he withstand the frontal bombardment of ambition

So at this time the formation of the team became: Sheyan in the front, Deco covering Fanu walking in the back, Phil in the third, and Metal Mentor in the back. The group was attacked by statue soldiers several times, but this time the statue soldiers appeared one by one, which undoubtedly greatly reduced the difficulty. Metal Mentor and Deco were able to focus their firepower on his legs at the beginning, and then slowly consumed him to death.

After walking around the maze for nearly three hours, an extremely wide cliff appeared in front of them. Presenting a bluish-gray color, it looks full of hardness and death. Protruding and staggered tubes can be vaguely seen on the cliff, like veins protruding petrified after being dead for thousands of years.

Seeing this cliff, both Metal Mentor and Fanu showed indescribable joy on their faces. They immediately ordered:

"Everyone search separately, follow the cliff to the left in one group, and in the other group to the right, if you find anything unusual, please let me know immediately."

When grouping, Metal Mentor and Fanu were grouped together, obviously to play a monitoring role, to prevent someone from discovering some information first and leaving them alone. In the process of searching along the cliff, the strange feeling in Fang Sheyan's heart often reappeared, and it became stronger every time, but at the same time, he also found a large number of bones here. Lin, humans, goblins and other races, it is obvious that something tragic has happened here.

Half an hour later, the metal instructor sent a message. They hurried over, and when they met, there was a door carved out of stone on the mountain wall. Surprisingly, this door Surprisingly, various decorations of that kind of bar are carved around, and even the stone door has very detailed wood textures and handles, which looks just like the back door of an ordinary bar. Looking at such an environment, it seemed as if a smiling waitress would appear in the next second to invite them in.

On the top of the door were written a few completely unrecognizable words, but Phil told Sheyan quietly that this should be a language similar to Hebrew, and it was a mixture of lizard script and dwarf script. It means:

Icestone Bar - the gateway to miracles and death.

"It's... the place, it's the place!!!" the metal instructor said with a hint of fanaticism.

He turned around and waved his hands, roaring in a completely hysterical way:

"One hundred meters to go - we just need to open this damn door and go another hundred meters! My dream will come true, I'm going to prove it to those idiots, those pompous and arrogant idiots, In this damn space, everything is possible, I firmly believe, yes, I firmly believe, I will succeed!!!!"

The metal tutor's crazy roar echoed in the open field, Fang Senyan noticed that his eyeballs were clearly congested and red because of excitement! After a while, it slowly subsided, and regained that cold and sharp person.

Then, Metal Instructor turned around and said to Senyan in an orderly tone:

"Go and open the door, now!"

At this time, there was already a harsh and icy meaning in his voice! No one can question it at all. Fang Senyan listened to the metal instructor's words, took a deep breath, bent down and pretended to tie his shoelaces, and patted the thorns on the upper of the shoe, raising his physical strength to 31 points, then looked back, and saw the metal The instructor's eyes were full of excitement, enthusiasm, anticipation, and vigilance, and then he stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the handle of the stone door.

The stone bar doorknob is quite exquisite, and there are even three lively lizard stripes engraved on it-in that era, all drinkers were superstitious that squeezing lizard juice and mixing it with spirits was a magical aphrodisiac. After Fang Sheyan touched it, he found that the stone was cold, but smooth, probably because of the exquisite craftsmanship of the craftsman, the handle was even engraved with dense silk-like winding texture, so it added a kind of comfort unique to wood.

The stone door was very heavy, Fang Senyan put more effort into it and pulled it open. Unexpectedly, the perception didn't give any warning, which means that at least Sheyan probably didn't have any danger when he pulled the door.

In this fleeting moment, Sheyan's mind was clearer than ever before, and he immediately made several inferences:

First of all: it should be very dangerous inside, so that even the trivial matter of opening the door, the metal instructor has to find someone else to do it.

Secondly: The metal instructor seems to know the situation quite well, and he can even say that the dream can be realized by walking another 100 meters, but he doesn't know that opening the door is not dangerous. This means one thing, that is, it is very likely that the metal instructor only has a very simple understanding of the situation inside - just like everyone knows that there is a vault in the bank, but how many defensive facilities are there from the bank gate to the vault? It is a truth that most people are at a loss.

Finally: Looking at the situation at this time, if there is a dangerous place inside, most of them should go to explore the way by themselves, and this situation must be changed!