The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 165: The secret of LV4!


After Sheyan and Hegel successfully made a deal, his general points skyrocketed to 8800 points, and his potential points reached 9 points, reaching a record high. Sheyan spent five hours bargaining with people in the trading market, so There is not much time to stay in the space. After strolling around the market in a hurry, he was ready to rush to strengthen his basic ability, but when he came to a newly opened stall, his eyes were suddenly attracted by something.

Butcher's Boning Ax

Made in: Blacksmith's Shop, Temple Cote, Arizona

Equipment rarity: light blue

Attack Power 3~16

Material: pig iron

Weight: 11.2 kg.

Durability: 65/65

Attack speed: slow

Conditions for using the equipment: the strength must be above 9 points, and the physical strength must be above 6 points

Equipment part: one hand (left hand / right hand can be used)

Weapon special effect "parry": You can try to use this weapon to parry the enemy's melee physical attack. If the parry is successful, the damage you receive will be reduced by 10%~50%.

When your strength + stamina are higher than the attacker's, the damage absorbed ranges from 30% to 50%.

If your strength + stamina are lower than the attacker's, the damage absorbed ranges from 10% to 15%. In addition, there are various factors that affect parry.

Note: Every successful parry will reduce the durability of the weapon by 5~10 points. When the durability value is 0, the equipment will be directly damaged and cannot be repaired. You can get the repair function in the space or some special plot characters in the nightmare world.

Ax weapons have additional special effects: hit rate is reduced by 1%, and critical strike chance is increased by 2%.

Combat score of this equipment: 9

Evaluation: The wide ax face can easily withstand the enemy's attack.

To be honest, this weapon feels a bit tasteless to many users. The main reason is its slow attack speed and its lackluster attack power. Of course, the 2% increase in parry and critical strike chance of passive weapon special effects is also a highlight. Otherwise it will only lose the life of the store.

What Fang Senyan likes about this ax is its passive special effect that has a chance to parry the enemy's attack. Although the price to be paid for this special effect may be the complete destruction of the weapon, for Sheyan who lost the cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton. Such a weapon with both offense and defense is very suitable for his requirements. With the addition of high strength, although the weapon has a low attack, it can still deal good damage when facing most enemies. At that time, Sheyan will use his left hand to use the ax and his right hand to hold the powerful flintlock gun, so he will be able to deal with most situations.

However, there are pros and cons, and this light blue weapon is obviously sought after by many people. When Sheyan saw it, a large group of people had gathered around the contractor's booth, and it seemed that the contractor seemed to be Eager to leave, he even held an auction-like activity on the spot, directly stating that the highest bidder wins. Fang Sheyan saw this appearance, gritted his teeth and squeezed in to participate in the shooting, but the contractor was very interested in the light blue first aid kit he just got. After a tough tug-of-war between the two, Fang Sheyan He paid the price of the first aid kit plus 1000 utility points, and got the one-handed ax in his hand.

Next, Fang Senyan will naturally strengthen his basic abilities. His basic abilities at this time are:

Basic Melee LV1,

Basic Footsteps LV2,

Basic stamina LV1.

Advanced Basic Ability: Capture and Fight Specialization LV1.

Among them, the advanced basic ability: the grappling and fighting specialization must be upgraded to LV2 after the first three basic abilities, and this advanced ability can be upgraded to LV2.

Sheyan inquired about the nightmare imprint, and walked to the north of the nightmare space. After reaching the wall in the space, the nightmare imprint on Sheyan's chest shot out a ray of light, and after paying 200 potential points, a door opened in front of him, and Sheyan entered a place with soft light In the secret room, lines of words floated in front of him in the form of 3D holographic images. Sheyan could get related services by reaching out his hand.

Obviously, Sheyan's biggest shortcoming in close combat is still speed, so even though the basic footsteps have been strengthened to LV2, he still chooses to strengthen this attribute that is directly related to speed. The prompt he got was that he needed to pay 1000 general points + 1 potential point. After choosing "OK", Sheyan successfully obtained the improvement of this attribute.

But Sheyan soon discovered that the cost of strengthening the basic footsteps of LV3 to LV4 has increased significantly. Actually need 2000 points + 2 potential points. The equivalent currency consumed was doubled directly! After thinking about it for a while, he chose to continue to tentatively strengthen the basic footsteps, and suddenly found that after the basic footsteps were strengthened to LV4, he actually got an additional reminder:

Basic Footsteps LV4: Increase the owner's chance of dodging enemy attacks by 3%, and increase the owner's basic movement speed by 8%.

Tip: You have raised the basic footsteps to LV4, and to trigger the relevant conditions, please extract an additional special effect brought by the basic footsteps LV4.

Tip: You will randomly select one of the following special effects as an additional special effect brought by your basic footstep LV4. The time limit is ten seconds. If there is no action at that time, the space will automatically assign one of the attributes to you.

A: The damage of the owner falling from a height is reduced by 33%.

B: The owner increases the dodge rate by an additional 2%.

C: The owner increases the base movement speed by an additional 2%.

D: The deceleration effect received by the owner in harsh terrain (desert, swamp...) is reduced by 33%.

E: The owner's probability of being hit by melee attacks increases by 2%, and the dodge rate of long-range attacks (including spells and long-range physical attacks) increases by 4%.

F: The owner's chance of being hit by long-range attacks increases by 2%, and the dodge rate of melee attacks increases by 4%.

"Can you extract a certain extra special effect?" Fang Sheyan was a little surprised, and he immediately thought of one thing, that is, if the rest of the basic abilities are upgraded from LV3 to LV4, there will be such a similar extra reward special effect ! Because there was a time limit of ten seconds, Sheyan immediately chose to draw, and the final one was E: the owner's chance of being hit by melee attacks increased by 2%, and the dodge rate for long-range attacks (including spells and long-range physical attacks) Increased by 4%.

Finally, the final attribute of Sheyan's basic step LV4 is:

Basic Footsteps LV4: Increase the owner's chance of dodging enemy attacks by 5%, and increase the owner's basic movement speed by 8%.

Additional special effects: the owner's probability of being hit by melee attacks increases by 2%, and the dodge rate of long-range attacks (including spells and long-range physical attacks) increases by 4%.

Right after the random attribute selection, Sheyan got a reminder from the Mark of Nightmare that if the contractor is not satisfied with the special effect, he can pay 1000 utility points + 1 potential point to lower the basic footsteps again. At LV3, the obtained special effects disappear. Then the contractor can raise the basic footsteps to LV4 again, and naturally get another chance to draw! ! !

Obviously, if the contractor has ample money and wants to pursue a certain limit attribute, he can use this method to train repeatedly, and finally obtain the attribute he is satisfied with. As for Fang Senyan, he is quite satisfied with the result of this draw - of course, even if he is not satisfied, he would not dare to do it all over again. Currently, he only has 4600 universal points left in his hand. , there are only 6 potential points left. After thinking about it for a while, Sheyan spent a total of 1,000 general points and 2 potential points to raise the basic melee and basic endurance to LV2, which can be regarded as meeting the conditions for improving the advanced basic ability: grappling and fighting specialization.

However, it will cost a lot to upgrade the advanced basic ability: grappling and fighting specialization from LV1 to LV2. It actually requires a full 3000 general points + 3 potential points! After Fang Senyan gritted his teeth, he learned it in desperation. However, after the upgrade, the improvement of grappling and fighting specialization is also quite significant: Fang Sheyan's melee attack damage/dodge/block/parry have all increased from the original 7% to 10%, which can be regarded as excellent value for money.

After this frenzied spending, Sheyan's general points shrank back to 600 points, and his potential points became 1 point. re-entered below the poverty line. It was quite uncomfortable to watch the economy crazily drop to a deficit. He also went to the bar in the space for a stroll at this time, and tried to sell some relevant information experience, but after contacting a few contractors, he understood This move has no benefit other than exposing one's own strength. Because the world that everyone experiences is in dynamic changes, most of the information varies from person to person, and there is a high probability that the information you buy is useless.

To give a very simple example: In the world of the Terminator, Sarah Connor exists, and it is very difficult to kill her. But the possibility of her being killed is not ruled out! And Fang Sheyan also heard about the example of a contractor successfully killing her just now. So after killing her, John Connor, the leader of the Human Liberation Army, will not be able to be born, the plot will be stuck, and Skynet will completely rule the earth? Of course not, the Nightmare Dimension will automatically make adjustments, and the leader of the Human Liberation Army will be replaced by another person. He plays exactly the same role as John Connor, but his personality and behavior patterns may be different. If you spent a lot of money to buy a hidden mission about John Connor, the great leader... but you no longer have this person in the Terminator world you experienced, wouldn't you want to cry without tears and have no way to return the product?