The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 169: Metal digestive system


Faced with such a dangerous situation, Fang Sheyan immediately jumped back when the door was opened, obviously he was not hurt, he bit his tongue and spurted a stream of blood at the same time! It looked as if it was blown away by some huge invisible force.

After he fell to the ground, Gu Lu rolled around a few times and then pretended to be unconscious, letting the blood flow from the corner of his lips. If he is so pretentious at this time, if he examines it carefully, he will definitely be found out, but Sheyan judged that in this semi-fanatic state, besides the safety of Fanu, the metal teacher will definitely ignore his own life and death! So he dared to give it a try.

Sure enough, he made the right bet, only Phil rushed up to check his injuries. However, Metal Instructor eagerly stepped forward to look in the open bar door, but he didn't care about Fang Sheyan's life or death at all. After confirming that there were no dangerous traps at the door, he walked in first, only Fanu looked back. After taking a look, he asked Phil in that toneless voice:

"Still alive?"

Phil nodded, and Fanu's next words were very concise:

"Hold him and come in."

When everyone entered the interior of the bar, they still couldn't help but sigh for the skilled craftsmen who built this place. Drinkers of all races, gorgeous waitresses, dwarf beards, ale foam, copper kettles, old-fashioned turntable candlesticks, even the leftover bread and capon drumsticks and sauces on the table! Everything is so vivid, as if the lively atmosphere is still in my ears, as if the food and ale are still emitting a fragrant atmosphere. It makes people feel like they have been in a trance for thousands of years, and they have returned to the era when gods walked in the world and all races on the earth coexisted in the Nordic legend.

Unfortunately, these are carved out of stone.

Carved out of cold stone.

Time seems to be condensed in this moment.

Freeze all merriment and singing...for ten thousand years!

After a simple search, they found the only passage, which was to go up the stone steps next to the bar, and this stone step spiraled up around a huge stone pillar. The stone pillar is extremely strong, and at first glance, there is a feeling that it is about to break through the stone wall, the air, the sky, and even everything!

When everyone reached the second floor, they saw a wide hall.

The hall is extremely empty, at least half the size of a football field. The surrounding stones are covered with a strange livid color, but they seem to be indestructible. The surroundings seem to be completely sealed except for the entrance. Sealed, there is a line of mysterious and powerful huge words engraved on the ground in the center. Although Sheyan doesn't know the words in this line, he can feel a sense of awe and mystery from the pattern of the words. Just looking at the words , there is a solemn feeling that makes the heart and blood flow involuntarily speed up.

"This, this is the ancient Hebrew language." Fang Sheyan, who was pretending to be unconscious, was supported by Phil, so he heard him exclaim in a low voice: "It is said that the Dead Sea documents that wrote the history of Christianity used this language!"

"Greed... is man's... original sin, the lost lamb... if, if... he doesn't know how to return, he will use his flesh and blood to wash away the dirt he brought here."

Fanu next to the Metal Mentor translated this sentence slowly, but the Metal Mentor ignored it completely and continued to walk up the stone stairs that circled up next to him eagerly—but he was caught by a fan behind the pillar in front of him. A solid stone gate blocked the way.

There are two statues standing on both sides of this stone gate. They are exquisite dwarf sculptures. The height of the statues is more than three meters. The shield with the mysterious emblem, and a huge warhammer held high in one hand, all made angry expressions at the same time, as if they were about to go into battle in the next second.

In the middle of the stone gate, there is a very clear hole.

That has only one meaning.

A meaning that can be clearly expressed even after tens of thousands of years.


It is worth mentioning that above the keyhole, there is still a line of ancient Hebrew words carved out.

Fang Senyan continued to pretend to be unconscious, but he heard Phil muttering in his ears, and translated it softly:

"Speed, courage, is the only way to open this door."

"Kindness is my intention."

"But those who are overwhelmed will surely fall into the abyss of despair and pain."

"Sink... Eternal!"

The metal instructor closed his eyes, but when he opened them again, he took a step forward with a sneer, and lifted his cloak, that cloak with a metallic texture!

Obviously, it seems that he is no longer willing to delay any longer, and wants to use his own strength to force a breakthrough. But the Metal Instructor's complexion changed drastically in the next second, and he lost his voice:

"What, there is a strong arcane interference generator here! All my active abilities cannot be used!"

A group of people were shocked when they heard this, and they all said that they had encountered the same situation. At the same time, the Metal Mentor seemed to have touched some mechanism, and suddenly a huge dwarf statue with glaring eyes dropped down from the passage behind. It can be seen that the skill of the statue's processor has reached almost perfect level, even the beard and hair The texture floating in the air is also vividly depicted, and the statue is holding a golden metal warhammer, which happens to block their way tightly!

The road ahead is difficult!

The back road has been cut off!

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable beam of light emitted from the warhammer. It has the extreme cohesion of a laser, but it is not so dazzling and aggressive. It gives people a warm feeling, just like the warmth of winter. Sun is so warm. It can be clearly seen that the light flew out from the hammer surface, and then made extremely fast and non-stop refraction in the entire hall. Although it passed through the bodies of the people present many times during the refraction process, there was no sign of any damage. abnormal injury condition.

After this ray of light shot out, the war hammer of the dwarf statue lost its previous golden color and returned to its stone appearance. Although the statue as a whole is lifelike, it has lost its soul and spirit, and it looks like a lifeless sculpture. But even if this is the case, the group of people from the Symbiosis Society will be completely cut off. First of all, they have nothing to do with this huge dwarf sculpture blocking the road, and under the current situation, even if there is a way, I am afraid it is impossible. Only when forced to do so will they choose the path of violent destruction.

After only a short time, abnormalities began to appear at various points around the hall refracted by the light, and thin and condensed warm rays of light were emitted one after another, shining into the air like a searchlight, because the light Due to the unusual softness and brightness, a cross-section-like cloud of light formed in the upper-middle space of the entire hall. The environment at this time is like walking into a dark room, but the top of the room has sunlight shining down from the hole. At that time, the dust flying in the air and the fine debris can be seen very clearly.

"What is that? A dragonfly?" Deco suddenly pointed to the midair and asked doubtfully. Under the light of that light, one could see that there were indeed slowly flying things emerging from the air, and more and more , that thing looks like a dragonfly from a distance, but it has a unique kind of laziness and leisure. Often, it can float and glide slowly in the air for a long time with a flap of its wings.

There was a fiery light in the metal instructor's eyes, and he couldn't help but yelled loudly:

"That's the key to the door!"

As more and more of these things appeared, everyone could see that those flying in the air were indeed old metal keys one after another. These keys were big or small, long or short, and of various colors They are mainly brown and copper, and there are one or two pairs of dragonfly-like flat transparent wings growing behind the key. This should be the main reason why they can float in the air.

Fanu took out the sheepskin scroll, looked at it carefully and said:

"It is recorded in the scroll that the defense device that dwarves and goblins liked to set up in ancient times was called: the digestive system of metal. The design concept of this protection is so advanced that many archmages who like to study ancient civilizations also I really appreciate the concept of this design, so that they will also arrange similar defense methods and formations in their mage towers—it is worth mentioning that Dumbledore is among these great mages."

The metal instructor nodded slowly and said:

"Our experience along the way is very similar to the experience of Harry Potter and the others going to get the Sorcerer's Stone in the plot. Obviously, what is said in this scroll is correct. Dumbledore has borrowed a lot of defense concepts from the digestive system of metals—and we are facing That's right, but it's obviously the original complete version ten thousand years ago!"

Fanu put away the sheepskin scroll and thought deeply:

"In the original movie plot, the key that can open the door is hidden among the many flying keys. Harry Potter used his searcher ability to ride on the broom next to him and grabbed the key to open the door. , but the rest of the keys were also angry, causing a lot of scratches to Harry. And we seem to be able to grab the keys without a broom in this place... According to the prompt on the door, it should be that after getting the keys, you must Open it quickly, and you must have the courage to be mentally prepared to face life and death!"

At this time, Deke suddenly frowned and interjected:

"Do you feel that the light in the sky has dimmed a little? My eyes are very sensitive to light, it should have dimmed a little."