The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 173: A demon imprisoned for ten thousand years


Infinit happily closed his eyes and drank white water from the yellowed and wrinkled paper cup. After enjoying the fresh guano mask for a while, he finally remembered another thing:

"By the way, my dear friend, can you do me one more favor?"

Fang Senyan's face was full of cattle (I finally heard your words), and hurriedly said:

"At your service, my lord."

"My fifth child is only three years old... You know, little kids have weird ideas, so we parents should give him a lot of room - especially when the ideas don't cost money - he He is very stubborn in thinking that Bowtruckles do not have gallstones, and I hope to correct his common-sense error, can you help me?"

Infinit said seriously.

Fang Senyan was stunned, numb, and stunned. According to the information he got from the Symbiosis Society, Infinit will obviously give you another mission—this mission will cost a huge amount of pounds—and then this ultimate mission "Guardian" The gallstone of the hunchback" is handed over to you, but why does this prompt appear now? Did something go wrong, or did he trigger a hidden plot

Seeing the prompt from the Mark of Nightmare whether to accept this mission, Sheyan gritted his teeth and chose yes, but nothing unexpected happened.

The task of "Help Infinit get the Bowtruckle's gallstone" was accepted like that, lying quietly in the task bar like a stripped beauty waiting to be favored!

Fang Senyan was overjoyed, and immediately left Gringotts, lest Infinit would come after him and take the mission back. But as the saying goes, what you are afraid of, when Sheyan just left the gate of Gringotts, there was an urgent and anxious call from behind, it was Infinit's unique duck voice:

"Wait, wait, stop!"

Fang Sheyan hated his agility so much at this time, why it was only a mere ten or so points. At this moment, if the agility value could be adjusted with his physical strength, he would pay any price!

Seeing the green-skinned dwarf panting in front of him, Fang Sheyan really wanted to kick him up, but he could only apologize with a smile:

"Mr. Infinit, what else do you need?"

"I... why are you running so fast?" Infinit said impatiently.

Fang Senyan clenched his fist, endured it, and said in a constipated voice:

"I need to pee."

Infinit suddenly realized, blinked suddenly, stretched his face over with some embarrassment, and lowered his voice:

"Well... do you think my skin is smoother? It's greener?"


Under normal circumstances, acquiring a Bowtruckle's gallstones is a deceptively easy but difficult process. This thing is sold at Old Hank in Knockturn Alley, but Old Hank is a person with eccentricities, and generally never trades with outsiders.

To obtain the qualification to trade with Old Hank, one must specially improve the relationship with him, from indifference to respect, and this period is a long process. If Fang Senyan did it by himself, according to his poor charm, it might not be enough to spend all the remaining time on it. Fortunately, Sheyan is now in a team. He only needs to pay an extra 2500 utility points, and Finley, the most charismatic man with gold rim glasses, will be happy to help and buy the key props for this tangled final step instead of him. Pass it on to him.

While dealing with Finley, the man with golden glasses, Fang Senyan also exchanged information about the current mission with the rest of the team, but he learned that the current group of Banksy gangsters are also stuck at the step of the horsemen. In fact, what they need happens to be the horseman leather they currently have in their hands. The higher the quality, the better. At least the asking price is 3000 general points. It will be effective if they sell it before 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. After that time they set off to hunt the centaur themselves.

Fang Senyan's heart moved, first he was tempted by the 3000 universal points, and then he felt awe-inspiring, because it was hard to tell if this was a deliberate test in the Symbiosis Society or a smokescreen released by the Banks gang, if it was for the benefit of 3000 universal points If you go in, that's going to be a waste of money. So he made a fortune in a muffled voice, and would rather let the remaining centaur leather rotten and continue to work on his task.

Although he had already washed off the "beauty lotion" on his face when he saw Infinit again, Sheyan still left a deep psychological shadow when he handed over Bowtruckle's gallstones to Infinit. After special, also successfully obtained the prompt:

You have completed Infinit's commission.

Milestone "Enthusiast", Gringotts Manager step completed.

Seeing this reminder, Fang Sheyan felt tears welling up in his eyes. Dealing with this group of goblins was as if his wallet was being cut by blunt knives at any time. The psychological pressure was too serious. Also get some mental illness out. So he was immediately ready to turn back and start off and vowed never to do it again.

But at this moment, Infinit sighed deeply, melancholy, and the atmosphere that suddenly changed from Grandet to a woman in a boudoir immediately made Sheyan's goose bumps all over his body. The grains sprang up one by one, and even though Fang Sheyan had started to speed up to walk out, he still heard a sentence unstoppably:

"That legend in the depths of Gringotts..."


Sheyan's ears perked up all of a sudden, where is Gringotts? bank! Moreover, it is the most well-known bank with the most perfect security system, the best reputation and the largest scale in the world! Its depths are undoubtedly the treasure room, even treasures such as the Sorcerer's Stone that can make people live forever are hidden in it, what secrets are there in the depths? He suddenly thought of the step that he had skipped when he was doing the mission... Could this be the hidden mission that he triggered

However, when Sheyan rushed back, Infinit didn't speak anymore, just kept shaking his head and sighing. According to the habits of goblins that Sheyan has mastered, it is obvious that at this time, the SSS-level super-killing item money is needed to clear the way , However, 100 magic pounds were thrown out, 200 magic pounds were thrown out, 450 magic pounds were thrown out... Infinit is always willing to come, but still refuses to speak!

Fang Senyan gritted his teeth, and began to send it real things, such as a long shiny black mane, horseman's leather...

However, there is still no response. At this time, there is no doubt that Sheyan is already riding a tiger. If he walks away and goes out to get some pounds again, then obviously, according to the great racial instinct of all goblins, he will check it out and deny it. That is to say Most likely you will have to start all over again—or there will be no chance to start all over again. Fang Senyan gritted his teeth, pulled out the dark blue quality wooden spear obtained from Hezrul Bloodmark, and handed it over:

"Dear Infinit, I feel that there seems to be a lack of decoration in your current noble office..."

Infinit finally spoke while reaching out to take it:

"Well, I've been brooding over it for a long time, my friend."

Sheyan let out a long sigh, feeling a sense of emptiness and satisfaction in his heart, and a sense of exhaustion in his body, he didn't care too much, and sat down on the stool next to him.

"Please tell me, Mr. Infinit, that tight-lipped sailors are not called for nothing."

Infinit's eyes were blank, and he seemed to be caught in the memory:

"It has been nearly 10,000 years since Gringotts was established, and a total of 357 managers have been replaced. Only each manager has the right to know the ultimate secret about Gringotts, and this secret can only be It is deeply hidden in the bottom of my heart, and it is not allowed to be leaked to any clansman... Otherwise, it will cause panic and anxiety in the whole world!"

Fang Sheyan thought in his heart that Lao Tzu's investment finally paid off. In conversion, at least six or seven thousand GM points were thrown out. You are a beauty and you should take off your pants. If you don't give me some serious news, how can you be worthy of this burst of heartache? But I heard Infinit slowly say:

"Actually... Gringotts is not a bank at all."

"What?" Sheyan was stunned. In the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the Gringotts Wizarding Union Bank is even more famous than the Swiss Bank in the real world, but it is absurd that the manager of Gringotts took the initiative to stand up and say that Gringotts is not a bank. This is simply as unreliable as Jobs' resurrection claim that Apple will fully turn to enter the oil industry/Osama bin Laden is reborn as the president of the Red Cross!

"Gringotts is actually a prison!" Infinit seemed to be hypnotized, and his voice was full of fear:

"In the depths of Gringotts, there is a demon that can make all goblins crumble! It is a tearer, a terror, a whipper, a destroyer, a screamer, it is a greedy tooth , the claws of plunder! Its name is shameless, despicable, and evil! Once it appears, it will plunder all the gold coins in sight with a sly smile and leave your life cruelly! God, I can’t say Say its name, I dare not say its name! I'm a cowardly bastard, I don't even have the courage!"