The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 174: Bowtruckle!


The trees in the Forbidden Forest grow quite sparsely, and the trees on its edge are usually only as thick as the mouth of a bowl. The ground is bare, and there is very little grass, and even the leaves of the trees are covered with a layer of black. There is a faint mist floating on the ground, and the line of sight is generally unable to go beyond a long distance. On the way around the edge of the Forbidden Forest looking for the soundless bird, Fang Senyan saw a huge and monstrous tree through a gap in the fog. Its root system occupied at least one square mile of land, and a large number of roots were like the roots of a terminal cancer patient. Like veins, they zigzag across the ground.

Just seeing this tree, Fang Sheyan felt great fear in his heart, obviously his perception was giving a strong warning. Sheyan immediately turned around and ran away without hesitation, this was not the time to be a hero. According to the information he collected in advance, there are quite a lot of dangers lurking inside: werewolves, unicorns, centaurs, Aragog, the Whomping Willow... Of course, the biggest danger is hunting inside right now. Catch Voldemort whose blood the unicorn is trying to drink!

Finally, Sheyan found what he wanted on a collapsed dead tree:

Four grubs.

This is the larva of the emerald green scarab. This kind of white and fat worm has always been regarded as a high-quality and rare food by birds, just like humans love caviar—after all, grubs usually live in the interior of rotten wood. Woodpeckers may be dismissive of this thing, but since there are insects in the diet of the Soundbird, Sheyan believes that they will be very interested in the four gifts he prepared. The saying that people make money and birds die for food has been passed down for thousands of years and there must be a reason for it.

The next thing is to find a big tree that is not tall but has luxuriant branches and leaves. It is best to have an umbrella-shaped crown. This kind of tree is the favorite tree for the sound bird to inhabit. Sheyan's plan was to twist a rope out of bark and lay a simple noose near the grub bait. A bird pecks and flicks a grub, and the noose chokes it. Even though this lasso is quite rough and easy to break free, Sheyan's action speed is nearly three times that of ordinary people at this time, so as long as he can delay it for a few seconds, he is very sure to complete today's task.

Time passed quickly, and it wasn't until noon that Sheyan found a tree that met the requirements. He first carefully observed whether there was any danger around him, and then approached the tree with confidence. However, just as he was about to climb the tree, suddenly, the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere was directly broken, and several black shadows rushed towards Sheyan's head. The bark "chacha" sounded, and the sawdust was flying! Even though Fang Sheyan suddenly fell back, the blood was splattered on his face, it seemed that his eyes had been seriously injured!

After the blow, the shadow remained unabated and plunged into the ground. The wet ground immediately flew up with mud, and in the next second, the black figure shot up and rushed towards Fang Sheyan, whose eyes were closed and blood was streaming down his face. But Fang Senyan didn't panic, he grabbed the black shadow with his left hand, and pinched the black figure tightly in his hand. The black shadow immediately let out bursts of ugly screams. It sounded like the cicada was being pinched in the hand. Fang Sheyan slowly opened his eyes at this time, a five centimeter long scar was gouged out at the corner of his left eye, and blood flowed out. If you don't look carefully, it really looks like your left eye has been seriously injured.

The black shadow held by Sheyan is about the size of a palm, and its skin is covered with protective color. It looks like it is made of bark and twigs. It has two small brown eyes, a flat mouth, and a mouth. The teeth inside are slightly blue, like the color of twigs, but its extremely sharp claws can be retracted at will like a cat's, and they are still waving in the air in vain. It looks rather funny, but looking at the injury on the corner of Sheyan's eye, one can also find that it is definitely not as harmless as it looks on the surface.

"What the hell is this?" Sheyan was stunned.

But soon the nightmare imprint sent a reminder:

"You captured a unique creature in this world: the Bowtruckle."

"The corresponding milestone is activated."

"Biologist: Eleven kinds of unique small creatures in the Harry Potter world have been discovered in their original places. So far they have been discovered: Bowtruckle"

"Caring Man: You have entertained 50 different Bowtruckles." (You can no longer complete the Cruel Man milestone after completing this milestone)

"Cruel people: You killed 200 Bowtruckles." (You can't complete the Caring People milestone after completing this milestone)

"Honorary Member of the British Museum: You submit a Bowtruckle to the British Museum in London." (Warning: Your actions will result in subsequent punishment from the Ministry of Magic)

"Enthusiast: complete the final commissions of four shopkeepers in London's magic item shop respectively - Gringotts Manager: Mr. Infinit Franc's final commission: he asks you to find a gallstone from the Bowtruckle. Usually Now, only Bowtruckle bosses have a small chance of developing gallstones. (This quest is not active)"

Seeing the name Bowtruckle, Sheyan also recalled some information he had collected before:

The Bowtruckle is a tree guard animal found mainly in certain forests in western England, southern Germany and Scanvia. It has two small brown eyes, and is extremely difficult to see because of its small body (up to eight inches), and its appearance of bark and twigs.

The Bowtruckle is a peaceful, extremely shy creature that feeds on insects, but if the tree it's in is threatened, it will leap down and pounce on loggers or trees trying to destroy its home The tinkerer, gouging their eyes with its long, sharp fingers. If a wizard offers a woodjack to a Bowtruckle, it will be soothed for a long time so that he or she can remove wood from the tree to make a wand.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the few words Hagrid muttered in his mouth at the beginning, and he suddenly understood that Hagrid was not doubting the contractor's words at first, but thought that the unlucky Stern was injured by a guard while climbing a tree. The attack of the tree hunchback, so it stumbled and fell. Hagrid was wondering why there was a Bowtruckle on that tree, not about Stang's injury.

Seeing a series of milestones related to the Bowtruckle, Sheyan hesitated for a moment. Obviously, what he is capable of doing now is nothing more than "a caring person" and a "cruel person". And it seems that "cruel people" are more convenient and quick to complete, but the huge number of 200 is enough to make people weak. (Friends who have played online games know how uncomfortable it is to do a task where the number of self-killing monsters is 200).

In comparison, the number of 50 required by "caring people" is very close to the people. And it seems that the cost of pleasing them is not high, just catch some wood turtles and feed them. But where on Fang Sheyan can I find the wood turtle? Searching around, he couldn't find half of it at all, so in desperation, he had no choice but to let go of the Bowtruckle in his hand. Fortunately, this guy ran away wisely after suffering a lot, not only that, but also escaped with the seven or eight Bowtruckles perched on the trees, so Sheyan did not delay Fang Senyan's business of catching the Duan Yin bird.

After Fang Senyan set up the trap, a soundless bird flew over after waiting for less than half an hour. This bird looked quite fat, and it made people look forward to it being stripped and wiped. Add salt, spices, five-spice powder and cumin, then roast until oily and sexy. This soundless bird seemed to be quite clever, and it hovered for a while before landing carefully, as if it knew that there was a huge danger waiting for it below.

After waiting for a long time, the bird swooped down with an attitude of looking at death, and went straight to the bait that Sheyan had prepared. The lasso worked very sharply, but it was immediately snapped by the fat bird, but it didn't feel anything about Fang Senyan's self-twisting lasso at all. After watching for a long time, Sheyan suddenly realized that it wasn't that the bird was so smart that it could see its own traps, but that it had suffered from the Bowtruckle on the tree many times before, so it was cautious...

After a while, several soundless birds flew over one after another, and they seemed to stop and didn't want to leave, probably because they also have a preference for this type of trees. Sheyan approached them tentatively and did not fly, even when he was under the tree, the birds flew crookedly until Sheyan was about to climb the tree. As soon as Fang Senyan left, he flew back again, without any delay.

Seeing such a situation, Sheyan also had an idea in his heart. He returned to the fallen and rotting log and dug out seven or eight grubs. Then put one under the tree, and retreat seven or eight meters by yourself.

Obviously, this group of fat birds immediately swooped down like a bomber and ate up the worm. When I got back to the tree, I still seemed to be shaking my head and shaking my head, as if listening to a slow shake with headphones on.

Sheyan put down another one, this time he only retreated five or six meters, and then expressed a very resolute and harmless attitude, absolutely not leaving.

The group of birds hesitated, but the Jueyin bird who came here first rushed up without hesitation, took the worm away in one bite and enjoyed it slowly. The birds looked at each other, stunned and angry, and believed that their hearts were filled with envy and hatred.

Fang Senyan continued to release the insects, and retreated.

When he only had the last two worms, Sheyan threw them directly under his feet. These few birds also began to hesitate and get entangled, but it was still the stupid and bold one that rushed straight forward, and the rest of the birds rushed forward after seeing the leader. Fang Sheyan sighed, retracted his arms, and the jacket that had been unbuttoned a long time ago had slipped off. With a pounce on the front, he covered all the Jue Yinniao in front of him under his jacket and threw them away in one pot.