The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 176: Horrible trap! Powerful tenacity! !


Sheyan couldn't help but looked up, and suddenly felt that the keys floating leisurely in the air seemed to have a layer of hazy color on them. After thinking for a while, the metal teacher lost his voice and said:

"Not good! It is estimated that the damage to the mechanism will be obvious in the ten thousand years. Do you remember the light released from the hammer earlier? If you use modern language, the light should be some kind of unknown energy source. A kind of energy to charge the organs around the hall, and then form the current light belt, making these hidden flying magic keys emerge!"

"That is to say, once the energy is consumed, these flying magic keys will naturally be transferred to another plane! If that is the case, if you want to get another chance to capture the keys, you have to wait for the dwarf statue The warhammer can only be activated after it absorbs enough energy—the devil knows how long this thing will absorb energy after ten thousand years, and it is even unknown whether it can absorb it!"

"So, let's do it!" Metal Instructor said viciously without concealing:

"Cherish the precious time, everyone go together!"

With the metal instructor's order, even Phil could only rush out. The room was already quite spacious, and the keys were densely distributed in it, at least tens of thousands of them. It seemed that just looking for it was quite a task. For the arduous work, Deco admired and trusted the metal mentor the most from the bottom of his heart, and his agility was also the highest among all of them, so he rushed forward immediately. Wherever he passed, even though he passed by and touched many keys flying in the air, these keys were like water plants being stirred in the sea, floating in the air very leisurely, and it took a long time before he flapped his wings and continued. Enjoy that gliding gesture.

"There!" Deco suddenly yelled, and there was a bit of obvious surprise in the cry.

Where Deco pointed, a key that was clearly different from the rest was quietly floating not far from the ground. It has six wings, which are very large and wide. The body of the key looks exactly the same as the stone gate, and there are many mysterious characters engraved on it. It seems to be ancient Hebrew, and the corresponding meaning of these characters should be almost the same. It is similar to the "six-character mantra" in Buddhism. And this key seemed to be very comfortable in the light, and it turned over lazily from time to time, like a fat belly basking in the sun on the beach.

Deco rushed up, jumped up and hugged the key. Although various abilities cannot be displayed here, the contractor's physical fitness is still far beyond ordinary people. Under this jump, there are at least one or two Mi Gao immediately tore off the key, and then ran towards the door.

According to Deke's running speed, if he was empty-handed, he would only be at most 30 meters away from the stone gate, and running at full speed would take three to five seconds. The strength is astonishing, not to mention holding it and running, even if you hold it forcibly, there will be problems. I was nervous and excited at the same time, so I hurriedly yelled loudly:

"I need help!!"

At this time, Phil was the closest to Deco, and with the joint efforts of the two, they pressed the huge key to the ground, and dragged it to the stone gate with difficulty. The key was thumping desperately on the ground, but he could only despair like a peddler who was pushed down by a large group of urban management, watching his earner drift away from him in helpless despair.

But at this moment, Sheyan heard a strange "buzzing" sound in his ears, as if thousands of bees were shaking their wings together.

If you look at it again at this time, you will suddenly find that the keys that seem to be floating leisurely in the surrounding air have begun to flap their wings at high speed, moving through a small area angrily and anxiously. As the key was pulled closer, a large number of keys began to angrily shuttle in an arc at high speed in the air! At first, a brass-colored key grazed Deco's cheek with a whoosh, leaving a bloodstain, followed by two, three, ten!

What's even more frightening is that, with them as the core, a large number of flying magic keys seem to be berserk, flying in an arc crazily, because the number of keys is quite terrifying, forming a circle of afterimages, thousands of them The flight trajectories of the ten thousand keys overlapped together, Fang Senyan unwittingly thought of the prototype of a hurricane that set off monstrous waves! At the same time, even he who was abandoned by the wall was scratched by a flying key, and a bloodstain appeared on the back of his hand.

At this moment, Sheyan suddenly received a reminder from the nightmare mark:

"You have been attacked by the Flying Magic Key, and you will receive 7 points of damage. This damage has the ability to ignore any defensive effects, and its priority level is: domain priority."

"You were attacked by the flying magic key, your hidden talent: tenacity activated..."

"Data conflict, priority determination..."

"Data is abnormal, data is abnormal."

"Continuing to judge..."

"The judgment takes effect: your hidden talent: tenacity takes effect, and any physical damage is forcibly reduced by 25 points."

"You will only receive 1 point of damage this time."

Fang Sheyan looked at this series of prompts, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. If his innate ability in the previous battle with the crowbar only attracted his attention, then this time it made him feel deeply. I finally realized the strength of "toughness"! Even the ancient dwarves and goblins can be exempted from the damage of the classic mechanism... You know, the concept of this mechanism "metal digestive system" even the ultimate big boss like Dumbledore has to absorb it! His eyes suddenly revealed a pensive look, but the fiery look in his eyes became more and more intense, and he began to pretend to be unconscious again.

At the same time, Phil, who realized something was wrong, let go of his hand and screamed wildly, his exposed skin was already scratched and dripping with blood:

"Deco! Let go, or we'll all die here!"

The metal instructor in the distance roared:

"Can't let go, have you forgotten the words written on the door? Courage!!!"

Deco gritted his teeth. He has always respected and believed in the metal mentor. He gritted his teeth and continued to drag the big key for two or three meters. He found that his health was dropping crazily, and he couldn't support it any longer. , let go of his hand, and the huge key immediately fled back to the Feng Shui treasure where it stayed before. Its six wings flickered very slowly, and it seemed that it was extremely difficult to fly.

However, even though they realized that something was wrong and gave up capturing the flying magic key, Deco and Phil were still dead! He died so badly that there were no bones left! !

Because even if they let go of the huge flying magic key, it doesn't mean that the rage of the rest of the flying magic keys will end immediately! The half-formed flying magic key storm continued to rotate crazily. Sparks of friction appeared one after another on the stone walls of the entire hall, and even on the ground. The entire hall was completely occupied by this terrifying and violent steel vortex. Even Even the shrill screams from Deco and Phil were directly drowned out. Fortunately, Metal Mentor and the others were attacked far less frequently than the center where Deco and Phil were located, so they only suffered minor injuries.

After the huge flying magic key returned to its place, the storm gradually subsided, and soon, everything returned to the previous quiet and peaceful state. Only the blood splattered everywhere on the ground, and the bloody flesh and flesh hanging on the surface of some keys, the sticky white bone fragments, and the hair showed the previous horror and cruelty!

And at this time, the light in the sky dimmed a bit again, and it was obvious that the energy was starting to run short, and the surface of the floating magic keys also loomed. The Metal Instructor's eyes flashed with hostility, and he walked directly to Sheyan's side, grabbed his neck and pulled him up:

"Get up, I can see you just woke up."

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly:

"Boss, both Deco and Phil failed to handle it, and died here, can I still succeed? Don't overestimate me!"

The metal instructor said in a low voice:

"This time the three of us will go together!"

Fang Senyan's heart moved, a stern light flashed in his eyes and he said:


At this time, time was running out, and the three of them rushed up together, grabbed the huge flying magic key, and rushed back. This huge flying magic key was obviously quite dissatisfied with the treatment it received at this time, and slapped itself crazily wings, trying to twist his body. However, under the joint efforts of the three of them, it was quickly dragged to the side of the stone gate, and was about to be forcefully stuffed into the keyhole by six hands. At this moment, the flying magic keys floating in the air began to make a commotion.

"One, two, three... Squeeze it hard!" Metal Instructor's voice was filled with tension and fanatical expectation, and he yelled loudly. However! When counting to three, everyone let go of their hands at the same time! The huge flying magic key was freed suddenly, and flew back crookedly with flapping wings. If it wasn't for Fanu's sharp eyes and quick hands to hug it, it would really fly away.

With a whoosh, a bronze-colored flying magic key passed the metal teacher's cheek at high speed, splashing a string of sparks on his mask, his eyes were as cold as the glowing phosphorus fire floating in the cemetery, just so scorching. On Fang Sheyan's cheek, there seemed to be a puff of green smoke coming out with a "chi", he looked at Fang Senyan word by word and said:

"Why are you letting go?"