The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 18: The immediate crisis


Sheyan looked in the mirror, and sure enough, his appearance was totally different, and the clothes on his body were also changed. He summed up the rest of the above information. Obviously, the most useful thing for him at present is undoubtedly "70% pain reduction". It is related to "50% additional enhancement of personal ability", if we understand it literally. Then his personal comprehensive combat ability will be at least doubled.

He next chose the digitized character information, and immediately a long row of things jumped out:

The personal information of contractor No. 1018 is as follows. The reference values of normal adult male attributes are in brackets.

Discover the hidden talent ability of Contractor No. 1018: tenacity (passive). The damage caused by any physical attack to you will be reduced by 25 points. If the damage of the attack is less than 25 points, 1 point of life will be deducted forcibly.

Explanation: The hidden talent ability belongs to the ability that you are about to awaken but has not mastered yet. Therefore, it can only be used in the nightmare world and the nightmare space, and it is invalid in other environments. If you successfully master this innate ability, you can use it in any environment.

Explanation: The evaluation of this hidden talent ability is: C+ level.

Your number is the relative genetic code, independent of any other factors.

Your basic attributes are as follows. Normal adult male averages are in parentheses.

Strength: 8 points (of 5 points). Strength determines the power of some melee attacks. It can also enhance your own weight-bearing ability, and wear and use some heavy and powerful armor/weapons.

Dexterity: 6 points (of 5 points). Agility determines your movement speed and shooting speed, and it can also determine your dodge rate. It also has a certain impact on physical long-range attack power.

Physical strength: 12 points (5 points). Basic Endurance: Stamina determines your ability to fight and fight, and it can also determine your persistent running/combat ability. It also has a partial impact on life recovery speed and defense. Health recovery speed = physical strength/2 minutes (that is to say, Sheyan can automatically restore 6 health points per minute at this time), your current maximum health limit = physical strength X10.

In the state of serious injury, the recovery speed of HP will be greatly slowed down.

Basic defense = stamina/2.

Sheyan's current defense = 6 points.

Defense is the main attribute to reduce enemy damage, and defense can also shorten the duration of various abnormal states (stuns, deceleration, dizziness, freezing, burning, etc.) on you.

The damage reduction conversion formula is: Reduced damage percentage = (Defense X0.4)/(Defense X0.4+10)

An example is: 1 point of defense is equivalent to reducing all damage by about 4%/simultaneously shortening the duration of various abnormal states on you by 4%.

5 defense can reduce all damage by about 16% / at the same time shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 16%.

10 points of defense can reduce all damage by about 28% / and shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 28%.

15 points of defense can reduce all damage by about 37% / and shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 37%.

50 points of defense can reduce all damage by about 66% / and shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 66%.

100 points of defense can reduce all damage by 80% / at the same time shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 80%.

100 points of defense can reduce all damage by 80%. The higher the defense, the smaller the increased damage reduction.

Perception: 11 points (of 5 points). Perception is the umbrella term for your hearing, intuition, vision, and more. Perception mainly enables you to have a certain chance to discover the dangers around you in advance, and to observe the surrounding environment faster and more carefully. The higher the perception, the higher the chance of discovering the imminent danger. In the real world, there are often people with high perception who predict the danger in advance on a whim. Perception will also affect the accuracy of all attacks. An excellent long-range fire striker must also have good perception to suppress the enemy.

Note: If the enemy's perception is similar to yours or even higher than yours, then your sense of prediction will be weakened or even cancelled! If the enemy's perception is overwhelmingly superior to yours, it can even mislead you.

Charisma: 6 points (of 5 points). Charm is the direct feedback of appearance, temperament, eloquence, affinity and other abilities. Charm mainly enables you to better communicate with plot characters, have more chances to learn various magical abilities, and successfully reduce the chance of plot characters attacking you . In addition, certain charm/summoning abilities have a hard requirement for charm. And Charisma has an additional bonus to such abilities. People with high charisma also get an extra boost when earning prestige.

Wisdom: 5 points (5 points) Wisdom determines the upper limit of your mental power and the speed of mental power recovery. Intuitively speaking, it determines the number of times you can release your abilities. Your maximum MP value = Wisdom X10.

Spirit: 4 points (5 points) Spirit has a bonus effect on your ability power, and directly determines your ability crit rate.

When you are in the nightmare space/nightmare world, your injury healing speed is 400% of normal people, and your mental power recovery speed is 120% of normal people. Your current health limit is 120 points, and your spiritual power limit is 50 points. When the health value is lower than 2 points, the action ability will be affected, and when the health value is lower than 0, it will die. When the mental power is lower than 1 point, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and other symptoms will appear. deep coma.

Your body has been digitized, when you are adventuring in the nightmare space/nightmare world, damage to fatal areas such as your brain/heart will not cause you to die immediately. Instead, it greatly increases the critical strike chance of the attack. When the enemy's cumulative damage to some of your functional parts, such as eyes/ears/nose/joints, etc. reaches one-third of your total HP, functional loss effects such as blindness/deafness/mutilation will appear .

Functional loss effects cannot be restored by rest/common medicine, etc. Under normal circumstances, you can return to the nightmare space for treatment, and it is not ruled out that plot characters/rare drugs/contractors who have mastered certain types of advanced abilities may have a lack of healing effect.

When introducing these things, Sheyan could clearly see a red horizontal bar appearing in front of him, and a blue horizontal bar below, which should be HP and MP.

So that's the case, Fang Sheyan nodded, no wonder he was able to predict some bad things in advance when he was very young. This should be the effect of the 11 points of perception, which is far higher than that of ordinary people, and the high physical strength of 12 points should be the main reason why I can persist for so long after being shot.

"Innate ability?" Sheyan wondered as he watched this series of introductions. He immediately tried to consult the nightmare mark on his chest. The mechanized indifferent voice soon rang in his ears.

"Contractors who can be selected into the space are far beyond ordinary people in terms of personal quality or potential. Most of them have outstanding performance or potential in a certain aspect, which is the natural ability that has been evaluated. Among the contractors currently selected, more than 50% have natural abilities, and some of them even have multiple natural abilities."

Fang Senyan frowned when he heard the above explanation, the sentence "more than 50% of people have natural abilities" is of course not good news, and he heard the nightmare mark continue to remind:

"According to your current physical fitness: you still have two basic abilities, namely: basic footsteps LV1, basic endurance LV1. Please check again when this world is over for specific and detailed instructions."

Fang Sheyan immediately recalled these two basic abilities to check. The description of the basic footwork LV1 is: You have mastered some dodging skills and can become more dexterous in battle. The explanation of basic stamina LV1 is: You usually like sports, so your ability to resist blows has increased. Presumably this is because Sheyan is more keen on exercising in the real world.

At this time, the door of the room that was closed was suddenly opened with a "bang", and a fat black woman who was almost filling the door frame frowned and said impatiently:

"Boy, the money you gave is only enough to stay until this time, and the next guest has already paid for the room in advance, pack up and get out. Remember, I will come up again in five minutes, and I don't want to see you at that time you."

Sheyan's face was gloomy, his eyebrows were raised, but he suppressed his dissatisfaction. At this time, he also received a reminder that the world had officially started, so he officially stepped out of the room. At this moment, a hot current suddenly gushed out of his body, instantly flooding his whole body, and the steps under his feet suddenly became brisk. He called up the personal menu and looked at it. At this time, the data was 12 points for strength, 9 points for agility, 18 points for physical strength, 17 points for perception (rounded), 9 points for charm, 6 points for spirit, and 8 points for wisdom. Sure enough, all attributes Both increased by 50%.

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling the surging power. At this moment, something seemed to awaken in his heart, and an indescribable ambition emerged at the same time!

"As long as you have this power, all kinds of shirts and black ghosts are scum! This space is so magical, so the disabled hands of the fourth uncle should be able to heal!"

Sheyan's room is located at the right end of the second floor of this bar, but the only stairs to go downstairs are at the left end of the second floor, and if he wants to go downstairs, he has to cross the entire corridor. Seeing the big fat buttocks of the fat black woman twisting and turning in front of her, Fang Senyan felt a little bored, at this moment, the fat black woman knocked on the door in the front room again and said:

"It's time to rent the room. If the guest wants to renew the lease, please come to the bar downstairs to pay."

After the woman finished speaking, she went straight down, Sheyan didn't take it seriously after hearing this, and then walked forward to go downstairs, but when he passed the room that the black woman knocked on earlier. The door of that room was suddenly opened, and a single man with beard came out.

This bar is an old-fashioned building that needs to be demolished urgently. The wooden boards creak when walking on it, the stair guards are even more crumbling, and the dirt on it is criss-crossed. After the bearded man came out, he happened to be in front of Fang Sheyan, if he wanted to pass, he had to walk sideways while holding the stairs.

Sheyan stopped his steps, raised his thick black eyebrows slightly, and narrowed his eyes, but they shone dangerously like blades. If it was normal, it would not be a big deal to walk sideways. But the strange experience he experienced at this time, the strange encounter is really indescribable. Under the calmness, it is actually full of dangers. If you pass sideways, you will expose a huge flaw in front of this bearded man!