The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 180: Hagrid's weakness


In fact, the key to Hagrid's task of catching the soundless bird is not the bird, but to find a tree they like first, and drive away the threatening Bowtruckle. Most of the trees in the Forbidden Forest are withered and dead, only the Bowtruckle can give the trees some vitality. Therefore, the soundless bird will definitely like to stay on the tree where the bowtruckle stays. So as long as you find a tree, you don't have to worry about no birds taking the bait.

Sheyan took this bag of birds back, Hagrid naturally appreciated it a lot, because the mission requirement was to catch one, but Sheyan managed a whole nest, so it is quite normal for the perception to increase from 276/1000 to 476/1000. It was only noon at this time, and Sheyan originally wanted to strike while the iron was hot to take on a few more tasks, but at this time, there was a magic bell in Hagrid's den, announcing that a visitor was coming, Sheyan naturally had no choice but to get up and walk away. camp.

The lunch at noon was brought by several house elves in Hogwarts. However, it is impossible to expect to enjoy the generous package treatment of students, which is nothing more than hamburger sandwiches and the like. Probably because Fang Senyan had a fight with the Banks gang before, and also showed his strength, so the people of the Symbiosis Club seemed to be more friendly to him. During the meal, Sheyan asked a member of the symbiosis society where to find the soil turtle. The person shook his head and said he didn't know. At this time, a voice suddenly came from beside him:

"Have you met a Bowtruckle?"

Sheyan turned his head and looked over, and saw Das standing not far away with his coat draped over his shoulders, still showing an indescribable cruelty, dragging a huge bag on his right hand, with dark blood dripping on the outside of the bag fell, and there was a clear scar on his left hand. Fang Senyan and he are both neutral personnel at this time, and he also nodded and said:

"Yeah. Hey, Hagrid seems to have given you a bloody job."

Das said lightly:

"Take the train to the mountains a hundred kilometers away to collect the internal organs of three brown bears."

Sheyan shrugged and said:

"Oh! This is really a dangerous and disgusting task. By the way, I have encountered a Bowtruckle. What good advice do you have?"

Das still had that icy look, and said straightforwardly:

"Issues related to the Bowtruckle, a 100 utility point. With 500 utility points, I can tell you all the information related to it—of course, the premise is that I know it. This transaction can be notarized by the nightmare mark."

Fang Senyan smiled, Darth's second option seemed to be a trap, because the premise of the transaction was based on the premise that "Darth must know a lot of information about the Bowtruckle", otherwise it is obviously more cost-effective to choose a retail option that costs 100 utility points. But Sheyan thought about it, and chose to pay 500 utility points—Hagrid’s previous missions had rewarded close to 600 utility points, which was enough for this transaction—and Darth followed the trading rules, and gave everything he knew. They all said it.

It turns out that the "wood beetle" that Bowtruckle likes is actually a clerical error. Hagrid is a mixed blood of giants and humans. He grew up among giants when he was a child, so the "ground beetle" he wrote on the information he gave to Sheyan is actually a slang word among giants, and its real corresponding creature is A kind of beetle in the water, this kind of beetle likes to move in the mud underwater, so Fang Senyan, who was always looking for under the rocks and in the grass, of course couldn't find it.

Secondly, Sheyan also obtained a very important piece of information: that is the detailed information on the milestone "enthusiast" related to the Bowtruckle. When this milestone is obtained, the title "Omnipotent" will be automatically obtained, which is a rare title, and its attributes are very good: the wearer has all attributes +3!

Of course, high value means high risk. To complete the milestone "Enthusiast", you must complete the comparison of the Ella Owl Store/Gringotts Manager/Magic Sporting Goods Store (the store that sells Nimbus 2000)/Bo The ultimate mission given by the four shops of Jin-Bock Magic Shop.

The first three of these stores are located in Diagon Alley, London's magical market, while the last store is in Knockturn Alley, a gathering place for dark magic and dark wizards.

It must be noted that before the task to be completed to reach this milestone, there is the word "ultimate", which means that you must first complete the entrustment of the four shop owners step by step, and after completely gaining their trust , to be eligible for the ultimate mission. The owner of Bojin-Bok Magic Shop didn't need to be so troublesome, but the task he gave was a chain task, which was more complicated than less.

Finally, there is good news. After completing the "Caring Person" milestone, you will get a title: Bowtruckle's Feedback (Speed). Where there are trees within 30 meters nearby, your health recovery speed in combat state will increase by an additional 25 points per minute. And there is an attributive (speed) behind this title, which means that it has the ability to quickly equip, that is to say, even in a combat state, this title can also be replaced at any time. If Sheyan happened to be in a tug-of-war with the enemy and there were trees nearby, then changing to this title meant that the battle lasted four minutes longer, and Sheyan could get an additional 100 points of health healing, which meant it was self-evident.

However, after completing the "Caring Person" milestone, you can no longer complete the "Cruel Person" milestone, and you can only choose one of the two. Cruel people don't have a title after completing the milestone, but they will get the additional benefit of merit +2.

So in the afternoon, Sheyan went to look for Hagrid several times in a row but couldn't find it. I went directly to find a small stream to touch beetles, and then took a large bag of beetles to the edge of the forbidden forest to find Bowtruckles and please them. At this time, Sheyan began to rejoice that he did not consider completing the milestone of "cruel people", not because the Bowtruckles were too powerful, but because they were too difficult to find.

This small creature usually only appears when humans are very close to the tree, and the rest of the time it lies quietly on the tree, not moving a bit. Sheyan couldn't touch every single tree around the Forbidden Forest. The only advantage is that trees with Bowtruckle parasitism will grow more luxuriantly, which at least reduces most of Sheyan's workload.

After night fell, Fang Sheyan didn't dare to take a huge risk to stay near the Forbidden Forest any more. He would not be able to match any of the dangerous creatures here. In the whole afternoon, Laughton only found twenty-three Bowtruckles. And just after he arrived at the camp, he found that the members of the symbiosis society were all sitting around the campfire in silence, and the atmosphere was a little dead silent for a while. And Das, who has always seemed withdrawn and indifferent, was also present.

"Sailor." Crowbar, the leader of the Symbiosis Society, stood up first, and said to Sheyan heavily, "There is very sad news—very sad news for you, me, and even all of us."

Sheyan was indeed shocked at this moment, but he calmed down immediately, and said tentatively:

"What the hell is the Banksy gang up to?"

"Yes." The crowbar said in a low voice: "Hagrid, a big man, will not appear in front of us for at least forty-eight hours. If there is no accident, the next time he appears in front of us to issue a mission will be It's the morning of the last day of the five-day period, which means that even the best among us will have to increase Hagrid's perception of us by more than 500 points in the last day! This is almost an impossible task. "

"Why?" Das, who was acting a little unbelievable, asked the question. "Hagrid is already dereliction of duty by doing this! Isn't he afraid of being punished by Hogwarts?"

The crowbar sneered and said:

"Everyone has weaknesses, and Hagrid is no exception. This big fool loves raising all kinds of dangerous and rare creatures! In the original plot, he accidentally killed the three-headed dog because of a dragon egg. The secret was leaked, and his behavior almost directly led to the almost theft of the Philosopher's Stone. The Banks gang also took advantage of this weakness!"

"Someone in the Banks gang has entered this world many times, and his identity is still a mystery, but the only thing that is certain is that he has already won the trust of a high-level character in the plot, so he also has a lot of words Right. When entering this time, Banks spent a lot of money and brought in a Zerg cub brought from the world of Starship Troopers. This thing must be a brand new species for this world.”

"When the members of the Banks gang used this Zerg cub to trade with Hagrid, they not only got a huge reward, but also injected the cub with a large dose of anesthetic that can last for 50 hours. Well, for Hagrid, who is obsessed with breeding, he will inevitably abandon these unimportant tasks in his hands to take good care of that vicious little cub—just like you see a cub when you are sexually horny. Nude women with big breasts and fat buttocks are so crazy—as for the matter of dereliction of duty, ladies and gentlemen, Hogwarts is currently in charge of Dumbledore, who firmly believes that Hagrid is a person who can entrust his life, in this context Now, there is no doubt that even if there is any problem, Hagrid, a big fool, will be scolded at most, but we have to face the bad fate of being out before the good show begins! Without our support, the head The child is bound to be in a situation of isolation and helplessness, and the big plan we arranged before will definitely be suspended!"