The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 182: I bet I can last longer than you guys!


Fang Senyan bent his fingers, and flicked away an incoming flying magic key with a "ding". At this time, it was almost time for Tu Qiong to meet, Fang Sheyan didn't want to hide anything anymore, and said with a smirk:

"I see that you two are letting go, so I let go. Well, if you use a Chinese idiom: it's just doing the same thing."

The metal instructor took a deep breath and said:

"According to our speculation, it takes a certain amount of time for the key to open the gate, so we let it go. We want to cover you and block part of the attack of the flying magic key for you, so as to prevent you from being too damaged and the opening of the gate falls short."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"I'm more proficient at being a human shield to cover people, why don't you do it, the president."

At this time, the flying magic key has begun to form the rudiment of the terrifying metal hurricane, and many flying magic keys have begun to howl and scrape sparks on the cave wall. The metal instructor suddenly said:

"If you are willing to open the door, then I will trade all the 10,000 utility points I have with you."

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and said sarcastically:

"If you are willing to open the door, then I will trade all of the 100,000 utility points in me to you—Metal Mentor, no amount of utility points will be useless to a dead person. Seeing how old you are, why even this Don’t you understand the reason? The door in front of you is written with courage, speed, and sacrifice. It takes courage to capture their leader from the group of keys, and speed is needed to use it to open the door after capture—finally swing Ming’s final door-opening step requires one person to sacrifice his life! I’m very sorry, but as of now, I don’t have the spirit to sacrifice for your great dream.”

The Metal Instructor was trembling all over, and laughed angrily:

"Very good, you are the first person who dares to speak like this in front of me! To tell you the truth, if you don't open the door, I will definitely kill you after I go out, but if you open the door, you still have a chance to gamble on the mechanism May fail! Choose yourself!"

Sheyan lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said seriously:

"I bet!"

The metal instructor let out a long breath, but Sheyan rolled over and hid in the corner of the statue next to him at this moment, where the range attacked by the flying magic key was obviously much smaller. At the same time, Sheyan laughed loudly and said:

"I bet I can last longer than you!!"

The metal instructor's pupils suddenly turned blood red! At this moment, if he could cast magic, then Sheyan would have died a hundred times! But at this moment, Fanu, who was holding the key, stood up and stared fixedly at the metal mentor. The flying magic key scraped past his body, leaving a series of bloody wounds. Without realizing it, he calmly said to the metal instructor:

"Looks like I'm the only one betting. I love you, Froya! If I die, remember to let this guy be buried with me!"

Immediately after that, Sheyan heard the message from the Mark of Nightmare: Your team's deputy leader, Fanu, has launched a trial against you, and all attributes of Fanu have been temporarily reduced by 5%, and you have been expelled from the team.

The reason why Fanu wanted to do this was because if he died, only Sheyan and Metal Mentor Floya would be left in the Symbiosis Society. Then it might really reduce all attributes by 5% permanently! Fanu considers so thoroughly for the woman he loves, it can really be regarded as a deep and great love.

After Fanu finished speaking, he hugged the huge flying magic key, aimed at the ancient and mysterious stone gate and rushed straight up! The moment the key and the lockhole touched, a dazzling light flashed, and the ancient Hebrew characters on the stone door showed blood red one by one, as if they were about to protrude from the door, standing one by one on the left and one on the right. The giant dwarf statues on both sides of the ancient and mysterious stone gate were bathed in light at this moment, and they suddenly became more alive. They waved the heavy weapons in their hands at the same time! He slashed down hard, and Fanu was within the attack range of those two extremely brutal weapons!

"NO!!!" The metal tutor Froya screamed terribly. At this time, she no longer disguised her voice, and that shrill voice unique to women almost made Sheyan cover her ears!

At this moment, under the two powerful weapons, Fanu's body was almost instantly destroyed into twisted and deformed meat paste, and a large amount of hot red liquid and flesh on the body was splashed on the ancient and mysterious place. On the stone gate! And the huge flying magic key that had been inserted into the keyhole began to spin slowly after absorbing the flesh and blood! At the same time, amidst the screaming sound of a large number of flying magic keys flying at high speed, a series of ancient and silent machine chain operations can still be heard from the depths of the earth! That feeling, as if some ancient and decaying huge creature is coughing violently deep under the ground.

Then, the stone door slowly opened.

Froya, the metal instructor, gave Sheyan a vicious look, and said through gritted teeth:

"You will definitely die a miserable death!"

In all fairness, her combat ability is at least several times higher than Sheyan's, and she uses magic damage that cannot be reduced by Sheyan's natural ability, and she is much closer to Shimen than Sheyan. After using the technique to disrupt the ability hall, killing Sheyan is almost a certainty, so this sentence can almost be said to be a statement of a simple fact, rather than a threat at all.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she moved, and saw Fang Senyan kneeling, gathering strength, jumping up, aiming at the sky and rushing over here!

However, even Fang Senyan, as a contractor, would never be able to jump across the entire distance of seven or eight meters in this huge storm in an instant, and then grab the metal instructor Froya to fight with her. At most, the distance between the two can be shortened to about seven meters, and after he makes such a save, he will inevitably hit the giant dwarf statue in front of him and bounce back. The ancient and mysterious door leaves this hall.

But when Fang Senyan was about to run out of power, the metal instructor Froya suddenly found a powerful musket full of European style in the 16th and 17th worlds in his hand!

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at it impressively!

The mere seven-meter distance between the two of them also put Froya, the metal tutor, within Sheyan's range! ! !

On Sheyan's cheek, a bloody wound was torn out with a "zi" sound.

The bright red blood dripped out, and was annihilated and blown away by the storm before it hit the ground.

The murderous aura swept wildly, as deep as the vortex in the middle of the sea.

At this moment, she even heard the auditory hallucination of the sound of the tide in the depths of the sea! Even smelled the unique smoky aroma of rum!

Rum Song Activated!

There is only strong arcane interference in this hall! But it is only the ability to suppress the mental power, but it cannot be restricted by the instantaneous physical ability of the weapon itself, such as the song of rum!

Although Metal Mentor's health is not yet 30% and he can't hit the special effect of 200% crit, but Fang Sheyan's shot is not only a normal damage, but also a sure hit and a stun for at least 2 seconds!

The huge roar of ambition exploded in this hall, and the metal instructor Froya also reacted very quickly. Seeing Fang Sheyan's abnormal movement, the iron clothes on the surface of the body suddenly flashed like a mirror. There was even a puff of smoke from the necklace, making the whole body blurred. Obviously, the protective capabilities of the two pieces of equipment were continuously used.

Even so, Metal Instructor still felt a numbness in her chest, and then there was a huge force, and she was about to turn sideways and run towards the stone gate, so the whole person involuntarily moved five or six steps sideways, and there was a ringing sound in her ears. The ruthless reminder of the Nightmare Mark:

"You were hit by the enemy's buckshot."

"Your metal armor generates 15% physical damage absorption."

"Your passive ability Metal Body suppresses the enemy's critical strike rate."

"You will be protected by the contractor's 40% damage rule."

"Your equipment ability: Refraction takes effect, the enemy's long-range attack will be refracted, and you will only receive 73% of the damage."

"Your equipment ability: Fuzzy Soul takes effect, and the enemy's long-range attack will be forcibly reduced by 15 points."

"You actually received 24 points of damage!"

"Judgment: You will be affected by the abnormal state: dizziness in the next time, which lasts for three seconds."

"Deducting your defense weight, you will actually be stunned for 2.76 seconds."

"Your passive ability: anti-corrosion takes effect, and the duration of abnormal status is reduced by 70%."

"Computing evaluation..."

"Unfortunately, the opponent's stun effect has priority, and you will be stunned for 2 seconds."

Sheyan didn't even intend that this shot could inflict heavy damage on the metal teacher—even though he didn't expect this woman's defense to be so terrifying, the long-range damage of 140 points was actually weakened by her to only 24 points! But what Sheyan wanted was those precious 2 seconds! !

But before the smoke of ambition cleared away, Fang Sheyan had already hit the dwarf statue and landed. He retracted his stomach, bent his legs, rolled and ran forward with big strides. He opened his arms and blocked the half-open In front of the exquisite and mysterious stone gate, he smiled, revealing bloody white teeth, which looked extraordinarily ferocious:

"Let's see who falls first in the furious steel vortex formed by this damn key? Metal Mentor Froya! Or you can try to come up in this metal hurricane and fight me hand-to-hand to push me away? My strength is only 13 Order!"