The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 183: Infighting among bugs?


Almost all the attributes of this armor were tailor-made for Mogansha, and it was the best. Naturally, it made his eyes and heart beat, and the other weapon could be called a great killer against a large number of swift beasts.

Name: Prometheus III flamethrower

Grade: Special equipment for the plot (cannot be taken out of this world)

Place of origin: The third production star of the Festi galaxy of the Star Alliance

Material: manganese titanium alloy

Explanation: A terrifying massacre tool, it has a very terrifying lethality against groups of enemies, but it lacks in range.

Equipment: Unlimited fuel. The Prometheus III flamethrower can automatically absorb the oxygen/hydrogen components in the atmosphere to refill the fuel. The disadvantage is that each injection time cannot exceed five minutes. Fill time = injection time.

Note: When you equip or dismount this weapon, you need to spend at least five seconds, and you need to use both hands to hold and use this weapon. When you activate this weapon and start spewing flames, your movement speed is reduced by 50%. It returns to normal when you stop spraying flames.

Purchasing this weapon requires you to have a reputation as Exalted in the Iron Outpost, and you need to pay 4000 utility points. Buying this piece of equipment will also pay you 3500 reputation points. The weapon disappears when you leave this world.

Mogansha sighed and said:

"It's a pity that you need worship to buy prestige! Upgrading from reverence to worship requires at least 24,000 prestige, and you are still far behind."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"not necessarily."

As he said that, he went to find Tommy Fickwin, the commander of the base, and received a few tasks from him, which were nothing more than patrolling the nearby area, hunting down a few lone Zerg, and some difficult ones were capturing one alive Velociraptor, after spending two hours completing these tasks, Sheyan gained nearly 2000 reputation points. The steel outpost can be regarded as a relatively large-scale base, and an attached radar station has been built next to the central hall.

After Fang Sheyan entered the radar station, he asked the gold mine to open the way. It only cost 300 reputation points and 300 utility points, and asked the staff of the radar station to mark three locations. After their calculations and real-time analysis, if the crashed transport plane can make a forced landing, then it is most likely to crash in these three positions.

At this time, he went to Ms. Onz's place, and asked the gold mine to bring his own purple star badge in, plus the +1 reputation discount, he actually bought two pieces of NBC high-grade carbon organic armor directly! And a Prometheus III flamethrower! Of course, at this time, Sheyan is buying the props of worship under the prestige of reverence. Whether it is the NBC advanced carbon organic armor or the flamethrower, he has to pay nearly double the general points and prestige! This is still under the full charm of the gold mine! Such a leapfrog purchase directly looted Sheyan's general points and prestige.

Mogansha's eyeballs were about to widen! He really couldn't figure out how Sheyan could directly buy special props that required the reputation of worship under the reputation of reverence! You know, he is respecting the prestige at this time, not to mention buying, even if he can't even see the special prestige props and equipment that can only be purchased by the higher level of reverence and prestige! However, the function of "smuggling" the gold mine at a high price in advance is a great secret, and Fang Sheyan is naturally inconvenient to reveal it at this time, but Mo Gansha is also thoughtful when watching Fang Senyan's reputation suddenly drop from admiration to indifference , and roughly understood what was going on.

After purchasing these three pieces of expensive equipment, Fang Sheyan's financial situation suddenly became poor and empty, but fortunately, Mo Gansha also stepped forward at this time, and first bought a reconnaissance locomotive for the team. This locomotive is a backward and poorer version of the Vulture Chariot. It has no attack capability and can only carry two people. The air-cushion suspension method allows it to run at a fairly stable speed on any terrain, and there is no need to worry about energy. At least nearly 10,000 kilometers can be driven. In addition, Mogansha also purchased ten cans of military dry food, which cost 100 reputation points, and can restore 60 points of life within 60 seconds after eating (cannot be attacked). Life regeneration speed is increased by an additional 10% for 120 minutes.

Considering the harsh weather around them, the two brought enough water and put on helmets to block the wind and sand, and then set off directly. In the previous base defense battle, the surrounding Zerg had already been seriously injured, so they still drove in with confidence. And in the Gobi Desert, the view is wide and you can see far away, and there is no danger of being surrounded and raided. In addition, the holographic map marked the settlements of the Zerg and various dangerous areas one by one, so they drove nearly 200 kilometers without any danger and did not encounter any danger.

On this planet, moisture is quite lacking, and gravel, stones, khaki bare ground, jagged rock piles can be seen everywhere, and the strange thing is that dust and debris are rare, and there is a strange cleanliness, which shows that there is often The strong wind blew away the thin dust.

However, if it is said that there are no signs of life, it is not entirely true. If you carefully distinguish some things that look like brown stones, they are plants that have survived tenaciously. These things are like tightly clenched fists, and it takes a lot of effort to break them apart. Sheyan poured a little water on them , then it can be seen that this thing stretched out at a speed visible to the naked eye. The leaves are as thick as aloe vera, and immediately spread an area of nearly one square meter on the ground.

At this time, Mogansha suddenly trembled all over, then calmed down and said:

"I lost a little bit of merit points."

Sheyan who was driving said calmly:


Of course, the merit points will not be lost for no reason. The only explanation is that something happened to the group of people who went to rescue the tough guys over there. Mogansha frowned and said:

"If they don't lose merit points in five minutes, then it means that they just encountered a sudden surprise attack. But if people die one after another, then there is no doubt...they are in considerable trouble."

At this time Mogansha suddenly took a few deep breaths and said:

"Be careful, there seems to be something wrong ahead."

Fang Sheyan knew that Mo Gansha was quite a person, so he immediately raised his vigilance, and turned on the power of the hovering reconnaissance locomotive to the maximum, ready to turn around and run away at any time. After tumbling over a few dunes with rolling yellow sand, a large and extremely tragic battlefield suddenly appeared on the Gobi Desert ahead! The battlefield can be said to be full of all kinds of grotesque corpses of insects, and the dark purple body fluids even pooled into puddles of disgusting blood, so viscous that even the dry Gobi Desert could not absorb it.

Because of the nourishment of the flesh and blood of these bugs, many plants in the desert woke up from the petrified state, stretched their branches and leaves, and it seemed that on the bloody battlefield of death, they actually showed an indescribable vitality. A feeling of conflict.

The two watched from a distance, and found that if they looked closer, they could see that the insects they were fighting looked similar in appearance, but in fact they were divided into two categories: red and black. It was obviously a dispute between two different insect races. Fang Sheyan drove the locomotive around the battlefield and waited and watched for a while, and then Mo Gansha jumped out of the car and put on the battle armor when he found that there was no movement, and leaned over cautiously.

Fang Sheyan also put on the battle armor and observed his forward posture from behind. He found that if he moved forward with Mogansha's movements, his waist muscles would be quite uncomfortable, but after encountering various variables, he was able to move faster. To make a response, perhaps only a few tenths of a second can be won at most, but sometimes it often determines the life and death of a person. None of these tactical action spaces have been taught, and Mogansha should have figured them out by himself between life and death.

Mogansha hid behind a rock and watched for a long time, then gave Fang Senyan a signal to clear the alarm:

"It's okay, the battle is over for at least one day."

Fang Senyan got out of the car and walked towards the battlefield. The more he walked, the more he felt frightened, because there were no traces of bullets or cannon bombing on the corpses of these Zerg races, and the scars that could be seen were all open and closed. The wounds were torn miserably, and the acid corrosion was in a mess. What is even more surprising is that large scorched marks with a radius of hundreds of square meters appeared on the ground. A large number of insects were carbonized in the scorched marks, and even charred Some shiny particles appeared on the ground, and it can be seen that the temperature of the incineration has reached an astonishingly high level, so that the sand has been melted to form crystals.

Mogan murmured:

"Is this the Zerg internal strife?"

Sheyan's eyes flickered:

"Remember what happened to us at the steel outpost? Although we were attacked by the Zerg, their attacks were in order. The flying bugs took the lead, and the ground bugs arrived later. If If they can launch coordinated attacks at the same time, as long as the flying insects kill the two mechanical siege tanks at the most critical moment! Then the fall of the base is inevitable."

Mogansha pondered and said:

"So what do you mean?"

Sheyan said affirmatively:

"The Zergs may not be so united on the surface. At least the Zergs in the Iron Outpost have two clear camps, and they have no sense of cooperation. If this is the case, then there may not be Zergs who are against each other and can kill each other. The reason why the victor does not devour the enemy's corpse is probably because each brood that hatches the Zerg will label its own combat troops with a unique genetic code, which will be highly toxic to the bugs hatched from the rest of the brood. effect."