The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 184: Frame up


The reason why Sheyan drew the three items was because he wanted the key of the crowbar, and because he coveted the cross that sealed the vampire. Although the cross looks like it should be a disposable utensil... but somehow it has achieved the expected purpose. After he checked carefully, the attributes of the other two items were also presented:

Ghost Whetstone (2 uses left)

Place of Origin: Purchased from the ghost mountain folk of Gondor, the world of Lord of the Rings (that is, the members of the ghost army summoned by Aragorn II)

Rarity: black

Use effect: after use, the next three attacks ignore all the opponent's defense capabilities.

Tip: Ignoring defense abilities includes but is not limited to: defense brought by attribute points, defense brought by defense, defense brought by abilities, and even... some rules of the world.

Tip: The effect of ignoring the defense ability has priority, and it has a suppression effect when it conflicts with other abilities.

Requirements for use: The ghost whetstone can only take effect on melee weapons.

Wearing position: backpack

Weight: 0.8 kg.

Evaluation: Descendants of Isildur, when will the souls of our people in the mountains be redeemed (Men of the Mountains)!

Fifty Magic Pounds: Valuable items that can be used in this world or carried out to exchange for 200 utility points.

Fang Sheyan hurriedly read these two things, and then immediately rushed to the other end of the dense forest, the purpose of course is to get rid of the dying mountain monster. When he rushed over, he felt a chill in his heart, because the mountain monster had disappeared, but Fang Senyan immediately saw through the bloodstains and traces on the ground that the mountain monster was half-climbing and half-climbing towards his lair. Moved away.

After Fang Sheyan chased after him, he found that the mountain monster, which had been alive and well, was dying. Its eyes were shot blind, and the condyle of its right foot was broken to the bone. The behavior of crawling back to the lair caused the wound to burst and bleed. The mountain monster does not have any props to stop bleeding and heal injuries, so the delay until now is naturally almost bleeding. Not to mention restoring life. You know, its physical strength is only 18 points, and its blood recovery per minute is only 9 points. It would take at least 10 hours to restore health.

In fact, the crowbar has already planned for today's plan for a long time. If he is not fully sure that he can kill the mountain monster alone, how can he attack his own people

Seeing the sluggish appearance of the mountain monster, Sheyan finally let out a long breath of relief. The last thing he wants now is to waste time. Once the unconscious Darth and Gree wake up, his plan will be completely blocked. So Sheyan pulled out his weapon Ambition and aimed it at the head of the mountain monster.

The mountain monster also seemed to feel the strong threat of death, and turned its head ferociously, baring its teeth and roaring fiercely, but immediately withered away. Fang Senyan was also unwilling to have long nights and dreams, so he activated Ambition's own ability: Song of Rum, and then pulled the trigger.

When the curling green smoke cleared away, Sheyan got a reminder:

"You killed the first-level legendary creature mountain monster."

"Unfortunately, your direct accumulated damage failed to exceed 10% of the upper limit of the creature's life. Milestone: Fearless cannot be activated."

Fang Senyan was used as a bait from the beginning, and his damage to the mountain monster was the final headshot, which naturally couldn't meet the requirement of 1/10 damage. Even so, Sheyan didn't regret not being able to obtain this title. After all, he had obtained the greatest benefit, and he was satisfied to be able to reach this step. A little light slowly scattered on the corpse of the mountain monster, and finally condensed He picked up a key and dropped it in front of Sheyan, the luster of the key was a touch of silver! !

Fang Sheyan took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, put the silver key into his bosom, and hurriedly dragged the body of the crowbar over, and put the vampire Edward throwing it beside him. The windbreaker that fell off, of course, the most important thing is to throw the blue key from the crowbar beside the mountain monster... After carefully arranging the scene, of course, it is to return to the original place where I was hit by the mountain monster before. The place where the home run was hit and flew away pretended to be unconscious, and of course he had to smear some blood on his face.

Because he had signed a temporary contract before, Sheyan concluded that Nadas and Gree would probably come here to look for his "corpse" to see if there was any benefit, so he would not worry about being left behind by the two. And Sheyan waited for nearly an hour before he heard the sound of heavy footsteps in the distance, but he didn't take extra precautions, he just fell into a coma. Even if these two guys intend to be unfavorable to themselves, they have to declare war first and have a buffer time of 10 seconds. What's more, with Sheyan's current strength, even if they have any malicious intentions, they will not be able to threaten him.

Darth fell into a coma earlier, while Gree's physical strength was higher and his resilience was stronger, so the two woke up almost at the same time. The two of them are also used to intrigues. After seeing this tragic scene on the battlefield, they told the story of Gree using the crowbar to plot against him. Of course, they used their imagination to complete the whole story:

Obviously, the crowbar wanted to swallow the loot all by himself, so he plotted against everyone, and then left himself to face the mountain monster. Who knew that he made a mistake in his calculation. The mountain monster probably went "crazy" and "random" before he died. Crowbar had no choice but to summon the last card vampire, but he was finally killed by the mountain monster, and the mountain monster was also killed by the vampire in the end, dropping a handful of blue The key, and of course the vampire disappears when it's time to call.

While scolding the crowbar, the two began to fight over the ownership of the blue key. Fortunately, both sides restrained themselves and did not cause any internal strife. Fang Senyan followed behind them silently, doing the hardest and dirtiest job of all - carrying the huge bloody head of the mountain monster so that he could go back and find Hagrid to ask for credit. As for Fang Senyan's stealing and changing posts, the two of them didn't think about it at all, but when they mentioned Fang Senyan, a "sailor", they all lamented his fate, and he was hit by a monster like the mountain monster. Did not die.

After returning to the campsite, although the three of them were exhausted to death, they all feared that the night would be long and dreamy. They hurriedly took a bath in the lake, changed their dirty and messy clothes, and urged Sheyan to carry the mountain monster's head together. Go to Hagrid and get things done.

Although Hagrid was tall and strong, the house he lived in looked rather small from a distance. The walls were made of Alpine granite, and the pieces were very well-proportioned in size, giving it a clumsy and thick feeling. Such a small, boxy house had a pointed roof made of larch planks, and it was specially painted green. It's kind of like a fairy tale.

There was a rhombus-shaped chimney at the back of the house, which looked like a cute nose of a naughty girl, and curling smoke was coming out of it—this meant that Hagrid hadn't left yet, and he should be cooking his breakfast. Fang Sheyan and the others rushed here in a hurry, and directly knocked on Hagrid's solid oak door, even the dust in the cracks fell. Soon, Hagrid was wearing a mountain mouse The fur coat wore a pair of pajama pants with a red cornflower pattern and stood in front of them. While yawning with sleepy eyes, he said vaguely:

"Hagrid's meeting time is at four o'clock in the afternoon, and other than that...!!! Dumbledore, what did I see? The head of a grown troll?"

Darth's charm is the highest among the three, so he was publicly launched to have a compensated date with Hagrid... oh no, it was an exchange. It roughly means that when they were working hard to complete the task entrusted by Mr. Hagrid, they suddenly noticed a strange sign, so they went to check. What followed naturally was a fierce hand-to-hand fight between man and beast, for the sake of not threatening the lives of the students who arrived in a few days, for the sake of Mr. Hagrid's reputation as a hunting ground manager, and for the sake of Hogwarts' reputation. defiled, for...

Under the bombardment of Darth's sharp words, Hagrid's face turned from blue to red, then from red to black, and finally sighed, finally opened the door of his hunting lodge, and said helplessly:

"Come in and talk."

From all aspects, Hagrid is an optimistic, kind, gentle, cheerful, and easy-going person—but only when dealing with the Harry Potter trio. People such as Malfoy have never enjoyed this kind of person. treatment. To be honest, Hagrid's attitude towards the contractors is obviously quite ordinary, so among all the contractors, the three of Sheyan were the first to be able to step into Hagrid's hunting lodge.

The space of the hut is not too big, but it is packed full. Lanterns and double-barreled shotguns are hung on the walls, and there are several portraits of people walking around inside. The furniture in the room has the color and luster of logs, rough The craftsmanship, but all highlight the strong and durable style. The only fine piece of furniture was a sofa with a brown leather nailed with thick birchwood nails, and a leather cushion, the smooth fur of which was doubly comfortable to sit on.

As soon as Sheyan sat on the sofa, he immediately felt that his whole body was surrounded by a comfortable feeling, as if soaking in a warm bathtub, his eyelids would fight in an instant and he wanted to fall asleep on the sofa. At this moment, Hagrid Walking out from inside, his thick beard was still stained with a lot of charcoal dust. Seeing Sheyan sitting on that sofa, he said nervously:

"Oh! Wait a minute, it hasn't had breakfast yet!"