The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 190: suspicion


Hearing the word "breakfast", Fang Sheyan's face suddenly became very exciting! He immediately bounced off the sofa at a speed faster than the vampire Edward, and hid behind Darth. Darth also took out his Mauser rifle very simply, opened the trigger, and aimed.

Hagrid shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, and put the tray at his side on the small round dwarf table next to him, then took out a wooden ladle from behind, scooped a ladle full of clean water, and poured it on the sofa very simply. The clear water immediately soaked into the upper leather pillow very crisply, just like a river seeping into the desert.

"Okay." Hagrid said nonchalantly, "You can continue to sit on it."

Fang Senyan was dumbfounded and said very speechlessly:

"That scoop of water... is it its breakfast?"

Hagrid immediately beamed and said:

"Yeah? Although this horse-shaped water monster has made many mistakes before, including knocking over a cruise ship in Loch Ness, this little cutie was unintentional after all! So I secretly caught a hippopotamus Take the blame for the Ministry of Magic for bringing it here to live with me, and now it's hibernating, but its skin is still warm, so I let it play a cameo role as a pillow, oh, what the hell did I say again Leaked."

Das smiled and said:

"You can rest assured Mr. Hagrid, we were all absorbed in enjoying the oatmeal you brought up just now, and didn't hear anything."

As he spoke, he immediately picked up the tray that Hagrid brought, and distributed the oatmeal in the small wooden bowl to the rest of the people. After a few mouthfuls of porridge, it all poured into his mouth. The other two are not fools either. As soon as they saw him like this, they immediately divided up the other two bowls of oatmeal, and then poured them into their mouths in one gulp. A look of joy.

"You had the oatmeal that Hagrid cooked for the first time."

"Your highest basic attribute point is permanently +1."

"Your health is restored by 50%."

"Taking this food again will not increase the attribute points."

Obviously, this should be the extra reward given by the Nightmare Space after killing the mountain monster. The three of them looked at each other, apart from the joy of being alive after the catastrophe, of course there was also some unspeakable joy.

Hagrid himself took a bowl of porridge and drank it, then looked at the huge monster head at the door and frowned and said:

"It is reasonable to say that the mountain monsters will not appear here in this season... But anyway, you have done a good deed and cleared away the hidden dangers for Hogwarts. This kind of thing is worthy of praise. Well then, you guys Got my trust!"

When Hagrid said these words, Sheyan and the others got a prompt at the same time:

"Hagrid's perception of you has increased by 1000 points."

"Hagrid's perception of you is currently neutral: 476/3000."

Sheyan, who had only a few points of charm, began to lament at this time, because he heard Dass excitedly muttering to himself: "Wow, this is so cool, the appearance has increased by an additional 1500 points...!" Fortunately, the next day A series of messages distracted him.

"Follow-up main task: 'Recognition' completed."

"You have obtained the qualification to remain in Hogwarts College after the semester begins."

"You have acquired the status of a Hogwarts game worker."

"Your meritorious service value +2."

"The time you can stay in this world has been reset, and you can continue to stay in this world for seven days. You can also choose to return to the nightmare space immediately. As long as you can board platform 9 and three-quarters and drive to Hogwarts Here’s train No. 5972, and you can return to the nightmare space. Of course, you must be in a non-combat state at that time.”

Hagrid lifted his butt from the sturdy low stool and patted his hands:

"Well, boys, there is still some time between now and the start of school. My suggestion is that you go shopping around. After those little rascals start school, there will not be many opportunities like this. I believe you will also find out , this is a world full of magic, you can experience the beautiful scenery around Hogwarts, and you can also enter Diagon Alley to see some new things. Of course - remember to bring your Hogwarts Badge, or old Nick won't be accommodating."

Of course, Sheyan and the others will not keep the Hogwarts badge on their chests all the time, but store it in the storage space of the nightmare mark. At this time, I took it out and saw that there was a faint glimmer of light on it. It was obvious that a special enchantment had been carried out on the badge after it was converted from a temporary worker to a formal worker. And there is actually an attribute of +3% movement speed after carrying it!

At this time Hagrid turned around and handed over three envelopes, yawned absently and said:

"Recently, I don't know why, I always like to go back to sleep after breakfast..."

At this moment, a weird shrill sound suddenly came from the inner room. Fang Sheyan didn't feel anything, but Gree was a guy who likes to play games. He heard it all at once. The sound of the puppy hatching—of course, it must be amplified ten times. Immediately understood that Hagrid's pet habit was committed again, he immediately stood up and said goodbye, Sheyan and the others naturally followed.

After the three of them got the envelope and opened it, they found that it contained British pounds—a currency that could only be used in this world. It seemed that they were paid by Hogwarts College. Unfortunately, Fang Sheyan's salary was the lowest...only 82 pounds, but the highest salary was 113 pounds for Dass.

"What are your plans now?" Gree asked suddenly after leaving the house.

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I'm going to sleep first, and then I have to woo the Bowtruckles in the afternoon. I've got 23 of them so far, and the milestone should be completed by tomorrow. After completing the 'Caring People' milestone, you will get Title: Bowtruckle's Feedback (Speed) is quite useful."

Gree smiled and said:

"This title is indeed useful. When the titles are synthesized in the future, if the (speed) attached to the title can be increased, then the value will be very high. Darth, how about you?"

"Title synthesis?"

Fang Senyan suddenly caught the extra information attached to Gree's words, and he suddenly realized that compared with these people who joined the organization, his disadvantage was indeed not the slightest bit. There are too many differences in the amount of information exchanged alone. But at this time, Das returned to his cold appearance, and said lightly:

"Of course I have my work to do."

Gree was not angry either, and said seriously:

"I've already contacted the metal instructor. After he heard about the accident on our side, he put down his work and rushed over. He is estimated to be here soon. The instructor expressed that he would like to communicate with the two of you. Of course, there are other My personal request: Because our symbiosis society took action this time, the idiot Crowbar and the traitor, five people died, and only I was left. If there is no physical evidence for some things, how can it be possible for me alone? Can you speak clearly? So please stay and give me my innocence, both of you."

"Of course, I won't waste everyone's time in vain. Someone in the symbiosis club has already completed the milestone: enthusiastic person, who has won the title of 'omnipotent' with all attributes +3. The detailed process of this series of tasks is sold to you at a low price."

Gree's words are also reasonable, not to mention there are substantial temptations, so both Sheyan and Dass agreed to stay. Das is very calm and did not do anything wrong, while Sheyan has a high level of psychological quality and thinks that he has done everything seamlessly. Taking advantage of the free time, Sheyan inquired about the attributes of the title of "Fearless" obtained after killing the legendary creature, and felt his chest pounding in his heart! Because the title attribute of the Fearless can actually increase the upper limit of the wearer's life by 5%! It is conceivable how useful Fang Senyan is! If he had known this, Sheyan would have to take some risks to get the 10% damage to the monster. But fortunately, this title can be completed in the future, and it doesn't mean that it will be missed forever.

The Metal Mentor didn't keep them waiting for too long, and got out of the fireplace at the Hogwarts train station in less than half an hour. The figure of the metal instructor is shrouded in a cloak inlaid with sharp metal scales, and he is wearing a mask of the King of Hearts in the playing card. , he forced a smile to Sheyan and Darth, then immediately frowned and said to Gree:

"What's going on! How did it happen?"

Gree, a man who is obviously a big and thick guy, behaved like a cat in front of the metal instructor. He recounted everything in detail, very detailed, and did not add any personal emotional inferences.

After listening to Gree's narration, the Metal Instructor asked Fang Sheyan and Das to tell what they saw and heard, and the few questions asked during the period were all key points. Das, who is arrogant, restrained himself in front of the metal instructor, and answered honestly. But Fang Senyan was even more shameless, directly saying that he was hit by a mountain monster's home run and fell into a severe coma, so he didn't know it.