The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 191: The swift beasts rule


Under Fang Senyan's persistent spraying, a few seconds later, the extremely tough cage was burned alive by the flamethrower, and the two elite swift beasts rushed in first, and the arched and topped ones were surrounded by the black echinocephalus. Juice ass shoved behind. However, it is estimated that the action mode of brain worms is similar to that of snakes/maggots and other legless creatures, relying on muscle contraction to move forward by rubbing against the ground, while the magic juice of black spiny brain worms seems to be able to wriggle while maintaining the mental wall. Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Sheyan immediately called out and asked everyone to rush up to help, push and push, and with the joint efforts of everyone, they finally pushed this fat insect with a huge weight out of the danger zone in time.

After escaping from danger, the magic juice of the black echinocerebrum slumped directly on the ground. It looked like a black dough magnified dozens of times. It was so soft that it even had a somewhat funny taste. I lost my strength. However, the violent acid liquid from the pipes on both sides lost its barrier and sprayed out directly. The pungent and unpleasant white smoke billowed, corroding several huge ulcers the size of a round table on the surrounding flesh-red floor abruptly. The flesh wall was still wriggling in pain.

At this moment, Fang Senyan pointed to the entrance of the passage that everyone entered, and shouted loudly:


As soon as his shout sounded, an elite swift beast the size of a calf had already rushed out crazily, with blood gurgling from its two ear holes and burns all over its body. explosion sequence. The elite velociraptor ran extremely fast, passing by like the wind, and then stepped on the flesh-red wall next to it in the air. With a light and delicate turning in the air, it cleverly dodged the fireman Balance's strafing fire , baring his teeth and claws at the black acanthus magic juice, five meters, four meters, three meters...

In half a second, it will be able to crazily pounce on the body of the black echinocerebrum magic juice, tear its skin with its claws, and devour its flesh and blood with its sharp teeth! ! !

But at this time, Mogansha had already pulled the trigger.

A series of sounds of "da da da da da" sounded, the muzzle of the golden AK spewed out flames, and two scorching bullets hit its waist, taking advantage of the opportunity, this strong swift beast continued to pounce on the target. The direction was pushed two or three meters, and then a bullet hit its outstretched claw, preventing it from taking the opportunity to attack the brain worm below. The last two bullets once again gave this elite swift beast enough push force, making it cross the black acanthocerebrum magic juice below, and fell heavily into the huge ulcer pit that was corroded by the acid.

The swift beast immediately howled terribly, because it has an elite physique, it was immediately corroded so that its flesh and blood were peeled off quickly, and even its hard bones were quickly dissolved, and finally died in the acid pool in despair, Sheyan shouted:

"The brain worms of the thick liquid tribe are dead! This means that only the brood is left that can actively mobilize troops to attack us! Judging from the practice of the blackthorn brood, this means that every time we receive Attacks will be limited, and it is absolutely impossible to have a steady stream."

"Adam Savage!" Sheyan began to order.

"YE, SIR!" Adam Savage stood up.

"You don't need to participate in the blocking battle. Don't forget that we are staying in the body of the empress. Your task is to destroy, destroy, and destroy here! The sooner the better. See if there is a pit over there, I I wish there were more, bigger and deeper pits of flesh before our eyes. Also, don’t you find these blood vessels hanging on top of our heads obtrusive?”

"I guarantee that all your requests will be met, SIR." Adam Savage patted his backpack, chewed his gum and said sharply, "You really have a vision, destruction is my specialty!"

Sheyan nodded:

"The rest of the people will block the passageway coming in! By the way, Mr. Magic Juice, you don't want to die at this time, do you? So two of your men have to come and defend together until we drain the viscous liquid." Until the empress of the clan is killed."

The black acanthiasis magic juice seems to have slowed down, and its fat body squirmed and crawled towards the corner where the crystal mines were piled up next to it. Its spiritual transmission also affected everyone's heart at this time:

"Thank you, my allies, your request will be implemented, and please buy ten minutes for me."

At the same time, the two elite swift beasts pushed up to the entrance of the passage according to Sheyan's request. Five minutes later, Sheyan and the others annihilated five elite swift beasts and a Hydralisk attacking them. These guys probably had a high explosion rate because they were the "Imperial Guards", dropping three blue It's a pity that the key didn't come out with anything good. Looking at the black thorn again at this time, everyone was shocked, because the Pandora crystal mine that was piled up next to it was actually rapidly evaporating!

The black thorn, a fat worm, is lying on the ground, seemingly docile and well-behaved, but the spiritual power emanating from its head is so terrifying that if there is any substance, it even gives the illusion of evaporating and distorting when people look at it. Under such powerful mental power, those Pandora crystal ores quickly decomposed, and the overflowing energy quickly submerged into the body of the black echinocerebrum magic juice bit by bit. The surface quickly becomes smooth and plump, and finally there is a crystal clear illusion on it.

After this feeling lasted for less than a minute, the surface of the black thorn began to harden and turn black, and quickly formed a huge chrysalis, lying quietly on the flesh-red ground. Under the chrysalis, there was a circle of blue aura like a fist and a ripple. Under the influence of this aura, Sheyan and the others all got a reminder:

"You are affected by the aura of the Zerg Black Iron Lord, your attack speed increases by 5%, and your attack power increases by 5%."

"Friendly Zerg creatures affected by this aura will get double the boost."

"Enemy Zerg creatures affected by this aura will get double the weakening effect."

At this time, several Zerg creatures from the Thick Liquid Tribe rushed in. However, on the one hand, Fang Sheyan and the others got a bonus, and on the other hand, the enemy was weakened. After the trade-off, the battle became easier. And Adam Savage succeeded again and again, the explosion sounded one after another in the mother nest, and the inside of the mother nest experienced violent convulsions and tremors from time to time, Sheyan and the others felt as if an earthquake had occurred.

In less than ten minutes, cracks began to appear on the surface of the giant pupa formed by the black thorn. It actually forcibly upgraded at this time! But Fang Sheyan thinks about the same reason. For the brain worms of the Blackthorn tribe, it has devoured two brain worms of other tribes in the previous killings. The accumulation is very deep and has reached the standard for advancement. Unfortunately After the promotion was interrupted, the success was on the verge of failure. And it successfully counterattacked at this time, devouring the brain worms of the thick liquid tribe, and there are enough Pandora crystals to provide energy. Naturally, it can break through and advance successfully in one fell swoop!

Soon, there was a steady stream of cracking sounds from the surface of the giant chrysalis, and a large number of broken black chrysalis shells were continuously scattered, and a new form of black spines emerged from them. This guy is still as fat as before, with a big belly, but there is an extra layer of bright black carapace on the surface of his body, which looks like a diamond, and his defensive power has increased several times compared to the previous plump appearance. Moreover, this guy also grew six thick giant legs, which looked quite similar to a dung beetle magnified hundreds of times, and his mobility must also be greatly enhanced.

Under the order of Blackthorn, the two elite swift beasts quickly returned to its side and began to devour the scattered pupa shells. During the process of devouring, the bones inside their bodies creaked and creaked, visible to the naked eye. The speed is changing rapidly. In the process of eating, one of the elite swift beasts suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed. The skin on the whole body kept rising and falling, and then there was a crash, and countless deformed bones pierced out of the body crookedly. He died after spitting out countless viscous light green sap, and died completely after seeing the failure of genetic evolution.

The other elite velociraptor continued to devour the chrysalis crazily, and let out a low growl from its throat from time to time. Its size rapidly expanded and its exoskeleton gradually formed. In the end, even the corpses of the same kind that failed to evolve were eaten dry. It was clean, and finally turned into a blood-red bone worm. It looked like an enhanced version of the bone worm in Starship Troopers. It was ferocious and ferocious. And its name has also been changed to Commander of the Velociraptor, it seems that it should have advanced to the level of a legendary creature.

With this guy at the entrance of the passage acting like a single man and suppressing it crazily, the troops dispatched by the brood naturally came and died as many times as they wanted. The ordinary velociraptor Hydralisk had one claw at a time in front of this guy. Even the elites are destined to be crushed by being knocked into the air.

After the elite troops were all dead, the ordinary Zerg that had been dispatched trembled out of fear of the superior when they saw the leader of the swift beast, and only half of their original abilities were displayed. After Adam Savage destroyed the interior of the brood to pieces, even the attacking Zerg disappeared. Obviously, the interior of the brood had been severely damaged and fell into a dormant state.

After seeing this situation, Sheyan and the others simply counterattacked. Naturally, the swift beast took the lead. Although the tongue turret at the door was still functioning faithfully, the Zerg troops of the viscous liquid army lost their brood and Dominated by the brain worm, it was completely unable to resist the strong suppression of the advanced black spiny brain worm's magic juice, so it could only flee in panic. The tongue-stinging fort was beaten into blood in a minute.