The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 196: Three punches and one shot!


This stalemate passed by every minute and every second. Although there were many dangers, it was undeniable that the life value of the scorching mouthparts was steadily and resolutely decreasing. There was another burst of crisp "da da da" three bursts, and the last bullet had an explosion effect.

There was a weird twist at the joint of one of the hind legs of this huge fat worm, and then as its center of gravity shifted back, the long leg immediately broke with a "click" very simply as soon as it exerted force. When it opened, a yellow-green liquid sprayed out from the section, and the next round of bullets even twisted and flew the thick broken leg, flying two or three meters before landing on the ground with a "slap".

Although the scorching mouthparts with a broken hind leg didn't seem to be affected much, the speed of turning was greatly reduced. This made Sheyan even more handy when dodging. Even if you can't avoid being stepped on by its long legs a few times, you can often trigger the effect of "parry and block" to reduce damage.

And if Burning Mouthpart wanted to trouble Mogansha, Mogansha's agility value would be quite high. If he wanted to escape, it would be difficult for Burning Mouthpart to catch up. Fang Senyan took advantage of the momentum and pointed the shotgun at its abdominal wound. Although this weapon was of the whiteboard type, it was still worthy of being bombarded within one meter by a "sprayer" like a shotgun. The murder weapon exists.

Just when its abdominal wound was getting bigger and bigger, and when its movements were getting slower and slower, this guy suddenly sprayed out a large group of yellow-green acid flames again! But this time Sheyan and Mogansha were well prepared, so they didn't let it succeed, but what made people's eyes wide open was that at the moment when the two of them were forced to retreat, this huge fat insect turned around and swayed. With its fat buttocks, it limped and quickly fled to the sand nest it drilled out of, and even planned to run away directly!

Fang Senyan's pupils shrank immediately: "Nimma has trampled on my barbecue takeaway for so long, and now she knows how to run away timidly? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?" He suddenly yelled:

"Want to escape? Dream!"

At this time, Sheyan's HP is close to 150 points left, and the fat worm's most powerful spit, the scorching mouthparts, has just been used, so even if there is any accident, there is enough chance of fault tolerance! So Sheyan slapped the combat armor on his body without saying a word, and gave himself a shot of stimulant!

Suddenly Sheyan felt a pain in his chest, as if a small scorching flame was injected into his body instantly! Then the burning and spicy feeling extended to all the limbs! What followed was a kind of crazy pleasure rampaging in the brain, which made people let out a low sigh of relief.

Fang Sheyan's health dropped by a quarter again at this instant, but his running speed suddenly increased. He was not a person who was good at speed, but at this instant, the special effect of the stimulant made Fang Senyan trample under his feet. Wave after wave of sand and dust rushed to the side of the scorching mouthparts, and then jumped up high, grabbing the incomplete elytra of this huge fat worm, trying to take advantage of the momentum and roll onto its back.

But at this moment, the scorching mouthparts probably felt a huge threat. The legendary creature is definitely not comparable to ordinary monsters. It let out a dull low cry, and suddenly turned sharply to the left, stirring up dust all over the sky like an off-road vehicle drifting. Fang Sheyan was caught off guard and slipped suddenly , the whole person flew up in the air, if it wasn't for the right hand tightly grasping the sharp and protruding back horn of this guy, then he would have been thrown off directly. But his palm was inevitably scratched by the sharp thorns. Not only was his skin ripped apart from the rubbing, but the bones were deeply visible, and even the deep red blood flowed out!

The sharp gunshots of "da da da" sounded again! Mogansha's spiritual power (MP value) was also on the verge of exhaustion. He shot these three shots, and his eyes were blacked out. He couldn't help but fell down on the scorching sand, breathing heavily, and his fingers couldn't help convulsing .

I saw that the first bullet was accurately shot into the burning mouthparts of the left eye, and a jet of green juice spurted out, making it scream loudly and painfully, but the second bullet was shot with an extremely crooked aim, and shot straight at the He touched a rock next to him, but with an extremely weird "slap", a rock the size of a bowl spun and swirled horizontally, and it happened to be placed under Fang Senyan's Xuxuan feet! And the third bullet was fired first, and shot under the bowl-sized rock!

Sheyan's left foot touched something, so he instinctively kicked down hard. He kicked the rock straight down and smashed it down, but the force of the third bullet was equivalent to giving him a chance to step on his feet. At the same time, Fang Sheyan also got a place to borrow, and finally climbed up the guy's back with difficulty.

But just like the human frontal bone is the hardest and thickest, the thickness of the scorching mouthparts' head carapace is also the thickest in the whole body! Even though its HP is only about 400 points at this time, even though Sheyan is very close to its vital point, there is still a kind of sadness of being helpless.

At this moment, this huge fat worm is also running forward frantically. The distance of tens of meters is at most a few seconds for it. Once it gets into the sand nest, if Sheyan dares to follow up, Maybe they will even be killed alive in reverse! Therefore, if you want to hunt down this terrifying fat insect and get out of your body, you must seize the short few seconds. Once it sneaks into the ground, there will undoubtedly be many variables!

Sheyan suddenly raised his fist high! At this moment, a faint phosphorescent light appeared above his fist wrapped in steel spikes, the light gradually drifted in the air, and attached to the knuckles of his right fist like a will-o'-the-wisp. And the ferocious finger tiger gradually turned into a translucent state, looking exactly like a ghost!

Ghost Whetstone!

It was the powerful prop that Sheyan snatched from the crowbar in the previous world! After using it, the next three attacks ignore all the defense abilities of the opponent!


In the next second, Fang Sheyan's fist was smashed down, and there was even an afterimage with faint phosphorescent light floating in the air! And on the part hit by the fist, there was a sound of "cracking, cracking" immediately, like the cracking of thin ice. On the extremely thick shell of the scorching mouthparts, there are seven or eight eye-catching cracks spreading in all directions with the middle fist as the center!

Second punch! The thirty-centimeter-thick carapace was scattered like a shattered thick bowl bottom, and an obvious wound appeared on the head of the scorching mouthparts, like a car window left by a bullet. The cobwebs are densely covered like holes, and a dead white viscous mushy liquid leaks out of them!

The third punch, amidst the dull and shrill neighing of the scorching mouthparts, Sheyan punched into its head with one punch! This punch was so strong that his entire shoulder was deeply buried in the giant worm's body, and the dead white liquid was squeezed out by his arm in a large amount at this moment, and seven Eight meters away, it looked like a huge milky white fountain suddenly flew out of the head with scorching mouthparts! But the scorching mouthparts still didn't give up, still running forward desperately and crazily, with seven long legs crazily scratching the ground, rolling up large clouds of dust behind him, and he was about to plunge headlong into the sand nest in front of him.

Fang Sheyan's eyes turned cold, a dazzling brilliance flashed on the surface of the dark "Ambition" that was originally hidden in the nightmare imprint storage space, and then disappeared!

"Huh?" Mo Gansha, who was panting on the sand dune, suddenly shook his head! "How is it possible...? It must be an auditory hallucination. In this damned arid place, how could the sound of the tide suddenly appear?"

He suddenly lowered his head, looked at the bristling hairs on the back of his hands and arms, and muttered to himself:

"What a murderous aura!"

In the body of the scorching mouthparts, there suddenly sounded a very dull swelling sound, as if the sound of a balloon being punctured in the covered quilt was amplified a hundred times. It was also as if there was a muffled thunder roaring in the dark clouds all over the sky, and it could be seen that the body with the scorching mouthparts had already penetrated halfway into the sand nest. After the sound, its long legs suddenly scrambled violently and crawled up, huge. His body arched directly forward, like an excavator, plowed the sand into a deep ravine nearly 30 meters long and 5 meters wide, and then it was blocked by a rocky mountain.

Such a situation is because the connection between the brain ganglion and the limb ganglion of the worm was forcibly cut off, resulting in brain death, but the nerve was not dead, and it faithfully executed the last instruction of the brain.

Even though the huge worm hit the rocky mountain, it still continued to arch for a while before stopping. Several thick and long legs began to twitch violently, then weakened, and finally became rigid.

At this time, both of them received the prompt at the same time:

"You killed the first-level legendary creature: Searing mouthparts."

"Your reputation among all human forces has increased by 1000 points!"

Only then did Fang Sheyan struggle to crawl out of the sandy nest. His whole body was splashed with the dead white viscous fluid from the scorching mouthparts, but when he rolled in the sandy nest, he immediately turned into a A bloated sand man, with only two eyes exposed, looks ridiculous. And he couldn't even open his mouth to speak at this time, because as long as he opened his mouth, he would inevitably eat a mouthful of sand into his stomach.