The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 197: Eye of truth


At this time, Metal Instructor combined with the usual words and deeds of the crowbar, and he can basically conclude that the crowbar must have betrayed the intention long ago. The only thing he feels unreasonable at this time is the death of the crowbar. First of all, the time for Crowbar to prepare for this betrayal is definitely not short. As long as he dares to attack Gree, the mountain monster must have been seriously injured to a certain extent, and Crowbar is sure to kill it alone!

Well, people make mistakes. Assuming that the crowbar was flustered and nervous at the time, and misjudged the situation at the time, it is also possible to realize that he cannot kill the mountain monster alone after the attack. But after releasing the vampire Edward, the crowbars actually died, which feels a bit bizarre.

The vampire Edward was purchased by the metal mentor several worlds ago from a contractor who had just left the world of "Blade Warrior". Although it has been imprisoned for seven years and two months, it is extremely weak and cannot use a lot of abilities, but its strength is an out-and-out Tier 2 legendary creature, and its strength is absolutely strong. Of course, unless some contractors with extremely high charisma values and the ability to tame can take it as a pet, otherwise, if it joins the battle, the spoils will be "polluted" and the quality will be reduced.

This is also the main reason why Metal Mentor was willing to hand over the cross holding Edward to the crowbar.

Vampires are famous for their high recovery, high agility, and high dodge, and they can fully restrain the bulky mountain monsters in terms of attributes. Although Edward was very weak and unable to use most of his abilities, it was hard to imagine that the crowbar would be killed by the slow-moving mountain monster under the entanglement of the vampire's protection.

Therefore, the biggest suspicion in the Metal Instructor's heart is: there may be someone spying on the battle situation in secret, using a weapon with explosive attack capabilities similar to a sniper rifle to kill the crowbar in one fell swoop! Otherwise, even if the contractor who is good at close combat can kill the crowbar, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of the vampire Edward.

Even though he is as well-informed and scheming as he is, he never expected such a pervert as Sheyan to appear. This is also due to Sheyan's innate ability and tenacity. With it, Sheyan can survive the mad attack of second-order legendary creatures After more than ten minutes, but it's a bit funny to say that if the enemy is replaced by a mountain monster that is one stage lower than the vampire, Fang Sheyan will have to run away instead.

Since there were preconceived ideas in his mind, it was natural that the Metal Mentor's greatest suspicion on this matter was placed on Darth.

However, Metal Instructor will naturally not directly ask the doubts in his heart, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"I see, thank you both for your support."

After he finished speaking, he signaled Gree to trade with Sheyan and Dass, and sell them the detailed process of the series of missions for the title of "omnipotent". Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, because when facing this seemingly young metal mentor, there was always a feeling of depression in their hearts, which was quite uncomfortable. It would be best if they could not deal with him earlier . But half a minute later, Sheyan and Das immediately frowned, looked at Gree with their heads tilted, and said coldly:

"What does this mean."

Among the requests sent from the Mark of Nightmare, the required purchase amount is "10,000 utility points!"

The metal instructor smiled, and his voice had a clanging feeling of lightly tapping metal:

"According to the agreement between you and Gree, as a reward for you to stay, we will sell you a series of detailed tasks for the omnipotent title. Is there any problem?"

Das stood up, with a deceived anger in his eyes:

"It's cheap to sell to us! Cheap!"

The metal instructor said lightly:

"Do you know how much effort and price we have spent for this detailed process? In the nightmare space, we will not even sell this kind of secret to the outside world. Even if someone wants to buy it, it will definitely not be less than 30,000 points! The selling price of 10,000 universal points is indeed quite cheap, and you must sign a non-disclosure agreement when you buy it, and you can only use it yourself."

Das wanted to say something else, but his eyes met with the seemingly gentle but cold eyes of the Metal Mentor, and he was speechless immediately, stomping his feet and said:

"Okay, okay! I'm going."

The metal instructor smiled and said:

"Young people are impatient, listen to what I have to say. Gree just mentioned it many times: He has a deep friendship with you through life and death, especially you Darth, who alone caused extremely terrible damage to the mountain monster. And sailors can lure mountain monsters into traps by themselves, regardless of courage and personal strength! In fact, I also know that the price of 10,000 utility points is a bit high, and it is indeed an unbearable burden for solo contractors. price."

Having said that, the Metal Instructor glanced across Sheyan and Darth's faces:

"However, there is another way. As long as you nod your head, you can directly share this detailed process with you for free. I wonder if you want to hear it?"

"As expected." Fang Senyan sneered in his heart, but on his face he said "Oh" in surprise: "What method?"

The metal instructor stared at Darth's eyes and said:

"join us!"

Gree also said sincerely:

"The two of you have also seen that our symbiosis society should have a traitor called crowbar, so the man who can be used for melee combat has suffered heavy casualties. We need two such strong men to join us now! And the symbiosis society is currently preparing for a big move ! Once you succeed before the Banks gang, you can also get a lot of benefits!"

Fang Sheyan heard this, although there was still hesitation on his face, but he seemed to move on purpose, Gree immediately said again:

"You should know that new members in other organizations must have a review period of three worlds, and most of the benefits of those three worlds will be deprived, because we have lived and died together, so I am willing to be your guarantor, once you enter It’s an official member. Sailor, aren’t you doing the milestone of feeding fifty Bowtruckles? After you join the club, you can ask someone to help you by exchanging or giving common points. Besides, according to As far as I know, there are four people who are doing this series of missions with the title of 'omnipotent'! Everyone can do that series of missions together, and naturally we can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Hearing this, Sheyan rubbed his hands and couldn't help being surprised and said:

"If I join, what are the conditions?"

The Metal Mentor didn't focus on him, but at the moment he really lacks close combat contractors, so he wanted to say that he didn't need any additional conditions, but he was also suspicious, and said in his heart:

"The crowbar of your previous personal attribute information has also been passed on to me, but I ask you to open up all your basic abilities to me - I will definitely keep you absolutely confidential - but remember one thing, any cover up It is useless in front of me!"

Sheyan said very simply:

"no problem!"

The reason why Metal Mentor asked for this is very simple. He suspects that the person who kills the crowbar has a strong ultra-long-range attack ability, so that he can kill the crowbar without being killed by a vampire. Guns and magic are two ways to have powerful ultra-long-range attack capabilities. To master these two types of attack methods in the nightmare space, you must focus on basic abilities.

In reality, there is a word, which is called high-rise buildings rising from the ground, and the space also pays great attention to basic abilities. The metal instructor has seen the top attack spell in Harry Potter: the scroll of Avada Kedavra, just use this All witchcraft scrolls require basic prayer LV12, basic meditation LV12, advanced magic mastery LV10, black magic proficiency LV7 or above! Not to mention the basic ability required to master this spell

So in Metal Teacher's heart, if Fang Sheyan is the one who kills the crowbar and stays here pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, then he has mastered the powerful long-range attack ability, and his three abilities are basic long-distance combat, basic prayer, and basic meditation. There must be one item that will stand out and reach LV7 or above!

When Fang Sheyan appointed the Metal Mentor and opened up his basic abilities to him, the Metal Mentor was not in a hurry to watch, but took out a magic wand! Muttering the mantra in his mouth, at the same time, his right hand suddenly threw a glistening powder into the air. This powder is the material for casting the spell, using bat droppings, the teeth of the dead, ten grams of silicon dioxide and three grams of metronidazole. Grinded. When the powder formed a large cloud in the air, the metal instructor pointed at the powder with his magic wand!

The powder suddenly made a "puff", the sound was like fireworks exploding in the air. But the difference is that the explosion of the fireworks spreads in all directions, while the powder aggregates towards the inside at the same time. A strangely shaped eyeball quickly formed.

The eyeball was about the size of a fist, the black pupil was extremely big, and the white of the eye was only a small circle around it. It slowly flew in front of Sheyan, and began to look at the basic ability information he had shared.

The metal instructor said coldly:

"The perception of the Eye of Reality is the current world limit of 50 points, so even if you have any disguise, cancel it as soon as possible, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to escape the search of the Eye of Reality!"

Fang Sheyan said with an innocent face full of astonishment:

"Why should I pretend?"

Indeed, Sheyan's secret lies in his personal attributes, natural abilities, and personal equipment. But his basic ability has no need to hide, so his upright and straightforward answer also canceled the metal mentor's suspicion even more.

Even though he had decided in his heart that Sheyan was unlikely to be pretending, Metal Mentor still beckoned to draw the Eye of Reality to his face, then looked into the Eye of Reality, and carefully read the information about Sheyan's basic abilities sent back by the Eye of Reality .

"Well, basic melee LV2, basic footsteps LV4, and basic stamina LV2. Oh! There is also the rare advanced ability of grappling and fighting specialization LV2. No wonder you can survive the mountain monster."

The Metal Instructor showed a look of both stunned and admiring. The current symbiosis will directly cause the contractors who are good at melee combat to be severely damaged due to the betrayal of the crowbar. And the advanced ability of the grappling and fighting specialization that Sheyan learned is quite good, it can be said that it has greatly strengthened Sheyan's survivability.