The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 199: Darth joins the fight


There was a crisp burst of gunfire, and Mogansha was nowhere to be seen at this time, and he had obviously found a suitable hiding place, but the bullets fired by his golden AK roared without any delay, and this time even It can be seen that there are faint flashes of electric light around the fired bullets. Obviously, after ensuring his own safety, Mogansha began to use his own abilities!

The combat effectiveness of a gunner who can play at will can be said to far exceed most melee contractors at this stage, but there is no need to say more about the disadvantages of being melee.

Mogansha shot two bursts of electro-optical bullets one after another, and directly hit the two contractors who were flanking left and right until their bodies were sluggish. Not only were they injured by the bullets, but they felt paralyzed all over their bodies. Immediately, he distanced himself from Fan La, who was rushing forward and slashing horizontally. At this time, Gree did not retreat but advanced, and with a grin on the corner of his mouth, he used his shield to counterattack the flaming sword!

"Clang" a huge metal impact sounded, and Gree was indeed no match for Fante in terms of strength. He stepped back five or six steps, but Fante's sword was also directly shaken away, and the sword The flames were even more scattered, intertwined with the black air overflowing from the shield.

At the same time, at the moment when the sword and shield intersected, a very powerful "bang" sounded, which was the sound of the tough and strong bowstring being pulled to the limit and rebounding vigorously. Deco, who had been hiding in the dark, also found an opportunity, drew his bow and gained momentum, and shot an arrow into the thigh of a contractor of the Banks gang in another battle group!

This arrow is very sharp, if a jet of black light shoots past, the Contractor will be shot seven or eight times alive, his whole thigh will be torn apart, and the Symbiosis Club gunman who is entangled by him is not a fuel-efficient lamp , seized the opportunity to shoot double guns and added a grenade, it seemed that even if he didn't die, he would spend half his life with him. However, the gunman was not in a hurry to hunt down and quickly withdrew to Gree's rear.

It can be seen that the formation of the Symbiosis Society has been basically rearranged, forming a triangular front and arrow shape. The tip of the triangle is Gree holding a shield. Standing behind Gree are Vance and 13 who use shotguns. No. Deco, holding a bow and arrow, swept behind, and the remaining gunmen had already found cover, and there were murderous threats in the dark.

The current situation is obvious. If Fant cannot quickly defeat Gree in the front, he will probably be attacked by multiple gunmen. His high strength definitely does not mean that his physical strength is also high. If it is not for his physical appearance If that layer of invisible transparent armor, I believe it has already been seriously injured.

However, the tentative attack just now has fully demonstrated that even if Fante wins in strength, it is unlikely to defeat Gree with 18 points of physical strength and a strong shield in a short time. If it is true, then to be honest, even if the Banks gang can win, it will be a miserable victory!

In such a situation, Fante still roared wildly and jumped up in the air! The flames on the long sword in both hands were churning and blazing, as if they were about to fight to the death. At this time, Gree's new team leader wanted to turn the tide in this situation and stand up immediately. There was a grim smile on the corner of his mouth. He had calculated quite clearly that even if he fought to the end under such circumstances, he would be seriously injured. , but the fire support behind him is bound to beat Fant to death in front of him! Then Vance and No. 13 came out to cover, and retreated to use the bandages. It can be said that the Banks gang will definitely lose.

Fant is in the air and cannot dodge. There is no doubt that the long-range gunmen represented by Mogansha will never let go of this great opportunity. At the same time, they start to shoot at Fant. The translucent spiritual power armor on Fant It had already become indistinguishable, and under the concentrated fire attack, cracks began to appear, and then completely shattered! But at this time, he also exhaled heavily and slashed down, full of the intention of going forward.

Just as Gree sneered and pushed the shield upwards, the wooden door of a building next to him creaked open! A slender guy wearing a black magic robe and a pointed hat stood out. His whole body was covered by a cloak, and he couldn't tell what he looked like. He even looked a bit feminine and sympathetic.

But his actions sent a chill down the spines of all members of the Symbiosis Society.

Biting chill!

The contractor waved his wand, aimed at Gree, and said loudly:

"Expelliarmus (expelliarmus)!!!"

He even cast the Disarming Curse! This spell has played a huge role in the entire wizarding world of Harry Potter, and even Harry Potter used this spell to defeat Voldemort's Avada Kedavra in the final battle (I have always I think this ending is quite nonsensical, really, it's easy to give me the illusion that no amount of penance for genius can compare to a bottle of magic glue that can stick a wand to your hand.) When the spell was cast, the contractor also He coughed violently, and his hunched body gushed out blood from his mouth.

However, at the same time as the incantation sounded, Gree found that he could not hold the shield in his hand steadily. He felt that the solid handle of the shield suddenly turned into a slippery loach, and the whole shield flew towards Sky! And at this moment, the giant sword burning with raging flames slashed down! There was also a piercing gunshot in the distance, and Gree instinctively raised his head, but a seemingly old-fashioned Mauser rifle was reflected in his frightened eyes, and the black muzzle was aimed at his eyebrows! And those cold eyes.

"Damn...damn! Even Darth was bought by the Banks gang."

Gree is dead.

Even though he ate a wound medicine that could instantly recover 50% of his health.

Although the shield returned to his hand three seconds later.

Although Fante was also severely injured by the concentrated fire in an instant.

Although Vance and No. 13 have tried their best to shoot and rush to the rescue...

But Gree was still dead.

If only Fant attacked him, then Gree might still have a high hope of surviving, but after Darth joined him, he would definitely die. You must know that Das is actually a very neglected character. His offensive power is so powerful that few people present can match it. Just talking about the battle of killing the mountain monster, Darth alone accounted for almost 70% of the damage output to the mountain monster! The scariest part of his attack lies in two words: stable! It was also like this that Gree died so unwillingly.

In fact, there are traces of Das tearing up the agreement and joining the Banks gang. There is no doubt that the metal mentor has already suspected that he has become the profitable fisherman. Although Das has a cold and arrogant personality, he is not a fool, and the metal teacher's suspicion is almost obvious. Under such circumstances, what are the small conflicts he had with the Banks gang before-one was a small dispute of emotions, and the other was a suspicion based on huge interests. It's just that the metal instructor didn't expect the Banks gang to break through the space barrier and send emergency reinforcements! Otherwise, he would not have shown his suspicion of Darth so clearly.

As soon as Gree died, the defensive line that the Symbiosis Society had just organized immediately collapsed. At this time, the Whomping Willow controlled by the man with golden glasses, Finley, revived again, stirring up the ruins again, and the sky was full of dust. It was like throwing ten smoke bombs.

Such a situation is undoubtedly more beneficial to the melee contractors. It must be explained that Finley still did not choose to attack the members of the Symbiosis Society at this time, and it was obvious that he was unwilling to bear the horrible backlash that violated the team's rules-of course, no one is stupid enough to directly attack him at this disadvantage. Judgment - Once Finley has no scruples to shoot directly, then obviously the current situation will be even worse.

The screams kept coming, and the contractors died in this tragic battle. Both sides are killing each other, and it's not like no one is trying to escape, but at this time, the four members of the Ministry of Magic have teamed up to set up a huge barrier, completely enveloping the battlefield, which can isolate the troubles outside. Even the people inside can't get out of the melon's sight. And these four members of the Ministry of Magic probably used magic to remove the residents as soon as the battle broke out, so it was impossible to even try to hurt innocent people.

Just when both sides were red-hot, no one noticed that in a house not far from the battlefield, Sheyan had already started gesturing to the three contractors behind him, and began to assign targets to them—see The direction Fang Sheyan pointed out was surprisingly in the room on the second floor not far from the opposite side.

The contractor in the Banks gang who specializes in displaying auxiliary abilities is impressively busy inside.

It is worth mentioning that the team level of the Banks gang is obviously higher than that of the Symbiosis, and compared with the team ability of the Symbiosis: Survival from a desperate situation increases the dodge value. The team ability of the Banksy Gang is: burn the boat. The moment you are severely injured, you will get a shield. The shield's health value is 100 points, which inherits the defense of the protector. Obviously, in the early stage, this ability is much stronger than life from a desperate situation. This has greatly reduced the chances of members of the Banks gang dying in battle.

This time the Banks gang can have such a strong record, the first is the betrayal of Finley, the man with gold glasses, and the second is the powerful auxiliary abilities of this contractor: spiritual armor, flame blade enchantment, Disarm... And it seems that this person may have any medical ability at this time, because the people who were seriously injured in the Banks gang, without exception, as long as they were rescued, all of them went to that building Evacuated the past.