The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 2: Live happily and die without regrets!


After the fourth uncle bought Fuyuan a year ago, Sheyan did not hesitate to throw away his job and return. At that time, he was already the second mate on a Panamanian 5,000-ton cargo ship, and the first mate would retire in a year. Although the captain repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, Sheyan firmly refused. He returned to the dilapidated Fuyuan and became a new crew member. The shed was built with the last month's salary he took before leaving the job.

Although he didn't go far, the shoes under his feet were already filled with muddy water, and the cold feeling seemed to penetrate into the muscles and bones all the time, and there was a muffled sound of "clang" and "clang" when walking, which made people feel uncomfortable. People are struggling. After a while, Sanzai's hut had arrived, and without looking back, he slapped the wet tarpaulin twice as a way of saying goodbye, and then saw him bend down and turn left, struggling to He quickly opened the gate of the shed next to him, and then got in.

Sheyan was turning around to leave, but the gate of the shed behind him suddenly opened again, and San Zai poked out his wet head again, his black hair stuck to his forehead, and the expression on his face was full of envy and admiration:

"Brother Yan, at that time the wave was probably not more than one foot high, and even Fourth Uncle and Uncle Fa couldn't help it. How did you aim at that fat-headed monster?"

Although Sanzai is only a few months younger than Fang Sheyan, he is too far behind in terms of mental adaptability. In terms of knowledge, he is far from being able to compare with Fang Sheyan who has been wandering outside for five years, so he has always used a Treat this unrelated elder brother with an attitude of worship. Sheyan smiled slightly after hearing his question, and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"I was just fooled."

After turning on the light next to him, Sheyan took off his drenched coat and took a dry towel to wipe the water off his head. He is about 180 centimeters tall, with a sturdy build, thick black eyebrows, and the chest muscles under the close-fitting elastic vest show the outline of bulging muscles. Several years of sea life have made his complexion a healthy one. bronzed. The simple cropped head and the straight eyebrows make people think of a high-quality bodybuilding coach, but the slightly thin lips and indifferent eyes give him a kind of coldness that rejects people thousands of miles away.

In all fairness, this is an extremely simple shack, only about seven or eight square meters. It was built hastily with some scraps of building materials and low-quality asbestos fiberglass tiles, and the furnishings inside couldn't be more rudimentary. A single bed with spring steel wire, a washbasin, and a simple wall-mounted plastic wardrobe. But after entering here, there is a special warm feeling, that is a feeling of home, no matter how luxurious the hotel is, it cannot be replaced.

The only decoration here is a small mirror frame placed at the head of the bed. In the frame is a color photo that has turned yellowish. There are three people in the photo: Fang Sheyan, the fourth uncle, and the third boy. That was the photo Sheyan took before going out for the first time. Looking at the fourth uncle in the photo, Sheyan also had a look of admiration and respect in his eyes. He brought himself and Sanzai together, and more importantly, he never concealed their backgrounds, and he didn't even let them call him "Dad". Because the fourth uncle believed in Feng Shui and listened to the fortune teller's judgment that he was lonely all his life, he didn't want his two children to be contaminated by his bad luck, and would rather spend his whole life alone.

For the fourth uncle who firmly believes that there are three ways to be unfilial and have no descendants, what a ignorant and great feeling this is...

Thinking of all kinds of past events, Sheyan felt a little embarrassed for a while. He is a very resolute person. Since he became sensible, he didn't resent his parents who abandoned him very much, but he was more grateful to his senior uncle. Although he called him Fourth Uncle, he truly regarded him as his father in his heart. There is also a piece of white paper pasted on the head of the bed, with ten crooked words written on it - life can be full of joy, death can have no regrets! Fang Senyan read these ten words from a broken novel, and after chewing for a long time, he liked them very much, so he wrote them out and stuck them on the head of his bed.

After picking up the photos and posting them for a while, Fang Sheyan turned on the lamp and fell asleep, but after a period of drowsiness at the beginning, the drowsiness gradually disappeared. There was no surprise of getting a big fortune in his heart, but there was always something indescribable Anxious, as if something big is about to happen.

Sheyan's intuition has always been accurate, which is why he has always had a good reputation outside. Because he can often find the best way to deal with things with his intuition, and people who know him seldom gamble with him, because Sheyan can cleverly minimize the loss even when he is not lucky. Previously, Sanzai asked Sheyan why she was able to accurately shoot the vitals of the sperm whale with a speargun in the wind and waves. The fundamental reason was that Sheyan's extraordinary intuition played a huge role.

The torrential rain was ringing densely on the roof of the shed, monotonous and boring, Sheyan kept turning back and forth on the bed, but he didn't feel sleepy at all. He simply sat up and turned on the desk lamp with his upper body bare and lit a cigarette. He glanced inadvertently, and saw something red flashing in the opposite mirror. Looking down, he found that there were several criss-crossing red marks on the center of his chest at some point, which looked like marks from being scratched. He touched it and found that there was no itching, so he didn't care about it.

At this time, Sheyan felt a little thirsty, got out of bed, poured a glass of water and drank it while blowing, when he was halfway through the drink, he suddenly heard the sound of wading through the water outside, the sound was very irregular, as if It's like a person struggling desperately in the muddy water. Soon, there was a muffled sound of "bang bang bang" from the door of Sheyan's shed, as well as hoarse and indistinct shouts!

"Here we come!" Fang Senyan shuddered, and immediately went to open the door. As soon as the door opened a thread, the cold wind couldn't wait to rush in, and then stretched out a bloody hand, grabbing the door frame next to it firmly. Then bumped into a man with blood and mud all over his body. It was Gao Qiang who was sleeping on the floor at the fourth uncle's place. Although Sheyan stretched out his hand to help him, Gao Qiang collapsed on the ground with his hands weak. Grabbing Sheyan's feet tightly, hissed in despair:

"Brother Yan, something happened!"

Fang Senyan raised his thick black eyebrows like a long knife out of its sheath, but a clear thought came to his heart: "As expected", the source of anxiety is actually here! Although he was in a state of confusion, he took a few deep breaths and said loudly:

"what happened!"

"It's that bastard, Uncle Fa! The fourth uncle said that he would leave the money from the fat sale to you and Sanzai as his wife, so he secretly went to Huashanfei to marry us while the big guy was asleep. It’s sold! It’s nineteen catties and seventy-two three cents of balm, yet Hua Shanfei only threw out one hundred yuan!”

Fang Senyan's heart sank when he heard the word "Huashanfei". This guy can be said to be the ruler of Siqiao town, and anyone who wants to gain a foothold here must pay the protection fee on time. And he himself is secretly engaged in smuggling, smuggling, and drug trafficking, and there are more than a dozen thugs under his command, who are very happy in both black and white. There are even rumors that "Huashanfei" is also the backbone of the so-called third gang in Vietnam, "Guizai Gang", and is the capable subordinate of the gang boss "Black Guidong". If the ambergris was taken by this guy, it would really only be the teeth knocked out and the blood swallowed.

However, Gao Qiang got up and drank his saliva at this time, and continued with tears in his voice:

"Even though the fourth uncle is reluctant to part with it, he also knows that Hua Shanfei can't be provoked, so he can only sell it at a low price with the idea of losing money and avoiding disaster. Hua Shanfei also gave in a step, saying that we don't have to pay in the town anymore. Protection fee. But everyone was always uncomfortable in their hearts, so they couldn't help but whispered a few words behind their backs, but they were heard by a guy named Xidi next to Hua Shanfei! That guy was called Xidi, it seemed Even Hua Shanfei had to look at his face, and he didn't know why, so he immediately refused to let him go, and with that bastard Fa Shu fanning the flames, Xidi...Xidi actually wanted to burn Fuyuan!"

If you are not a person living by the sea, it is difficult to understand the feelings of the boat people for the boat. Most of them watched the boat pass by in their childhood, and when they grow up, the boat is their place of residence/work place/place of entertainment. , Even after marrying a wife and having a child, the time on board is far more than the time spent with family members. Under such circumstances, the boat was almost his spiritual support, so that many old people asked for the coffin to be made into the shape of a boat after death.

As for the fourth uncle, he spent half his life in poverty and squeezed out money through the gaps between his teeth to buy this Fuyuan. His affection for the boat is nothing less than nothing! If this brother Xi wanted to burn the boat, he might as well kill the fourth uncle directly!

When Fang Sheyan heard this, the veins on his forehead had burst out one by one. Gao Qiang then buried his head in tears and said:

"After hearing this, everyone couldn't hold back any longer, so they broke out and fought against them! But Hua Shanfei quickly called his men to help, and it turned out... Alas! But Xidi's bastard face also When we pulled him apart, that little boy immediately jumped into a rage like a mad dog. When I was running away, I heard him yelling that he wanted to take my fourth uncle to burn with Fuyuan! Uncle Agui in the nearby shack heard that he wanted to Come out to make peace, and Hua Shanfei knocked out seven teeth with a slap! Brother Yan, what should I do!"

The Uncle Agui that Gao Qiang talked about was also a respectable person on the fourth bridge, and it was said that he was related to Hua Shanfei. Faced with such a desperate situation, Sheyan calmed down. He patted Gao Qiang's shoulder first, then wrapped him in a dry dress, lit a cigarette and put it into his mouth, and then quickly It is a calm way:

"You go over and call Sanzai right now, the two of you go together, and report to the Public Security Bureau immediately!"

After Gao Qiang came in, he didn't know whether it was fear or the cold, he was shivering all the time, only after hearing Fang Sheyan's words did he feel like he had a backbone, he immediately took a puff of cigarette, took a few breaths, wrapped his clothes tightly and said in a hurry :

"Okay, Brother Yan, I'll go right away."

He suddenly seemed to remember something, and immediately said nervously:

"What about you, brother Yan, are you not with us?"

Sheyan said calmly:

"I can't watch Uncle Da Si and Fu Yuan being burned together! Hua Shanfei charges us thousands of protection fees every year, and takes hundreds of thousands of balms in vain. There must be some reason. I think I Talk to him in the past, it should be able to settle this matter. You two go quickly, if I can't settle this matter, then I have to rely on you to save me. "

When Gao Qiang heard it, he also felt that it made sense, and he was not a scheming person, so he nodded speciously, and went out to look for Sanzai. Sheyan waited for him to go out, his eyes turned cold, and he pulled out a sharp knife from behind the door!

This knife is specially used on fishing boats for killing fish and dissecting fish. It is about a foot long, and it is made of the scraps of that kind of steel plate. The cutting edge is ground by Sheyan himself bit by bit. The black blade, the sharp edge, the cold air is threatening, and the angular handle is simply wrapped with several layers of cloth, which plays a role in preventing slippery hands.

Fang Senyan's previous optimistic statement was just to deceive Gao Qiang and San Zai away, because he knew in his heart that this matter could not be resolved, and the Xidi who was slashed in the face is Hua Shanfei. Nigga East" son! At this time, the only thing that can be explained to "Hua Shanfei" is the knife! Live happily and die without regrets! I and my fourth uncle are not father and son, but the relationship between them is better than father and son. Now that I have risked my life, it is only natural, and I have no hesitation!

I saw a lot of friends asking for updates. There is no way to explode too much during the new book period. 6K plus bursts from time to time every day! Ha ha, usually one chapter in the morning and one chapter in the afternoon.

Finally, I would like to say: Dear friends, I miss you to death!