The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 20: return


When Hua Shanfei rushed back after receiving a call from his subordinates who were terrified and crying, what greeted him was a house full of mess and blood all over the place. Hua Shanfei didn't even take a second look at the corpse of his wife and brother, kicked it away in annoyance, and stepped into his bedroom impatiently, and immediately froze in place. Because he spent 50,000 yuan to purchase the so-called impenetrable safe, which was tilted on the ground, and the open door of the safe was still shaking slightly. Most importantly... the inside was as clean as a plate licked by a dog!

And there should have been a full 20 kilograms of drugs and 500,000 yuan in it!

Following the white powder sprinkled on the ground, Hua Shanfei cast his eyes dully to the bathroom next to him. Next to the toilet, he could see small bags of broken plastic bags that looked like soy milk powder. These empty plastic bags were all crumpled and discarded casually, and there was more white powder scattered here. After seeing this scene, Hua Shanfei felt that his head was about to split open, and he couldn't help moaning when his eyes were dark.

He predicted that the worst might happen: that damned Yanzi could not resist the temptation of the price, and flushed the whole 20 kilograms of powder into the toilet! ! You know, the batch of white powder in his hand is 99% Heluoyin, if it is re-exchanged to the "retail" offline, at least double the amount of goods can be exchanged. Between one plus and one minus, Hua Shanfei's loss is almost calculated in tens of millions!

At this time, Fang Senyan was sitting on a bumpy bus, wrapped in a hooded windbreaker, and carrying an ordinary briefcase in his hand, which contained the flying clothes from the floral shirt. There was half a million cash in the safe. He was sitting in the last row of the bus, his body was shaking rhythmically with the bumps of the bus, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, as if he was asleep. Although he suffered serious injuries after re-entering the real world, Sheyan could clearly feel that even the two deepest and longest wounds on his back were healing at a miraculous speed. Hours later, not even a scar is left.

Sheyan didn't know where this car came from or where it was going. After he got in the car, he handed a hundred yuan ticket to the driver, said "to the terminal" and went straight to the last row and sat down. To get rid of the enemy's subsequent pursuit, the best way is to go to a destination that you don't even know you are going to.

So Fang Senyan waited for the vehicle on the side of the road. As long as it was a bus, no matter the direction, price, or destination, he would get on the bus directly. The forces in Fangchenggang City are intertwined, and he will most likely put a series of serial murder/robbery charges on Fang Sheyan's head, so Fang Sheyan is not only considering the pursuit of gangsters, but also has the consciousness to face huge state organs!

Five days later, Fang Sheyan, who had transferred several times, arrived in Guangdong. He got off the long-distance bus first, then turned around and got on a rickety old minibus. The license plate of this minibus was so dirty that it was splashed with muddy water and could not be seen clearly. Although the driver and the conductor were smiling, they couldn’t hide the bruises on their faces. Sure enough, the car stopped when it drove to a remote place. , The conductor showed a fierce look and asked everyone to pay 100 yuan for the ticket. Fang Sheyan encountered this kind of thing, but he was not surprised but happy, and honestly paid for the car. What the driver of this car did was violating the public security management regulations, so the route he took would definitely avoid places where the people's police often appear, which invisibly added another guarantee for his own safety.

Sheyan's destination is an island in the east of Guangdong Province, called Fanchan Island. This island was originally contracted by a farmer to raise fish in cages, but they lost all their capital and profits, and the boss jumped into the sea in despair with a buttock of debts on his back. Since then, some people have said that the island is shaped like a rice shovel head, which is very unlucky in Fengshui, and it gradually fell into disuse.

The fourth uncle discovered this island when he was running a boat before. He thought it could avoid the wind and rain, and it was not too far from the market to sell the fish he caught. The place was also very quiet, so he regarded it as a semi-fixed island. secret base. According to Fang Senyan's speculation, after the Fuyuan sailed out to sea, it sailed down with the wind, there is a great possibility that it came here directly to avoid the wind.

Fanchan Island is also two or three kilometers away from the shore. In order to avoid attracting attention, Fang Senyan hid in a remote place for two hours, and only swam in the sea when it was dark at night. The result was quite disappointing. The tables and benches in the middle of the room on the island were covered with a thick layer of dust, obviously they had never been here.

Fortunately, there were still a few bags of rice and pickles left, and there was nothing lacking in Qingshui, so Sheyan decided to stay here to avoid the wind. Anyway, according to his speculation, he should be wanted by the police, and the popularity of this thing is within a week. It reached its peak when it reached its peak, and then it slowly declined. After one month, it was almost a piece of waste paper for people in non-political and legal departments. Of course, eating pickles for a month may be difficult for people to accept, but don't forget that Sheyan is an excellent crew member, and the surrounding sea can certainly provide him with rich and fresh seafood.

So Fang Sheyan stayed on logically, and he exercised his body according to the method he learned in the space. Time flies by, and it has been seventeen or eight days since Sheyan left the Nightmare Dimension. This morning, Sheyan was catching the sea by the coast (to pick up seafood while the tide was low), and he just picked up half a catty of sea intestines. The dormant nightmare imprint on his chest suddenly became hot, and he instinctively shuddered. He closed his eyes and checked, and a message immediately appeared in his mind:

"Please enter the Nightmare Dimension within 24 hours."

Fang Senyan took a deep breath. Facing this mysterious and dangerous space, he realized that he had no fear at all, but an uncontrollable excitement! He pushed out a small sampan from the side and hurriedly slid towards the land. Less than half an hour later, Fang Senyan was already in Pingyu Town, five kilometers away. He had accompanied his eldest uncle to sell seafood here four times before, so he was almost as familiar with this town as his own palm .

Soon, Sheyan came to the third floor of the largest supermarket here, and then took advantage of the unsuspecting people to turn into the fire escape next to it, and gently closed the door. Seeing a sharp contrast, Sheyan walked downstairs calmly while concentrating on the nightmare mark.

Soon, Sheyan came to the place where he was supposed to be at the bottom of the building, but there was a deep staircase leading to that unknown and mysterious world. After walking the last few steps, there was still a vast black mist in front of him. The nightmare imprint on Sheyan's chest was shining brightly, and the crimson light illuminated a path. Sheyan followed and soon saw the plane again. Get out of the elevator you took in the Nightmare Dimension.

The exercise on the island these days was not in vain. Sheyan added a little bit of physical strength and perception. After getting back the stored equipment, his attributes are as follows:

Strength 11 points (10+1)

Dexterity 8 points (7+1)

Physical strength 16 points (14+1+1)

Perception 13 points (12+1)

Charm 8 points (6+1+1)

Intelligence 6 points (5+1)

Spirit 5 points (4+1)

The numbers on the right side in brackets are equipment bonuses.

There are very few items that can be used: apart from the hamburger that can be used in non-combat conditions, there is still the unpurified black hemocyanin that was obtained from poor Quest. Fang Sheyan checked carefully, and after finding that nothing was missing, he stepped out of the elevator.

At this time, the Nightmare Dimension is still indistinguishable from day to night, and the surrounding light is bright but not dazzling. After Sheyan came back here, he felt an indescribable kindness. He still came to the trading market on the square and took a look around, and found many exciting things. Unfortunately, there were too few common points in his hand. Therefore, I can't help but feel overwhelmed.

When Fang Senyan was about to leave, he suddenly saw a group of people around the booth next to him, and they seemed to be arguing fiercely. So they approached the past, and found that things couldn't be simpler. Two groups of people took a fancy to a silver bell that looked very old at the same time, and then started bidding with each other. This kind of thing is naturally extremely gratifying for the seller, and the more the better. But the two groups of people confronting each other are very angry. I believe that if the space is not in a state where they cannot attack each other, they would have fought a long time ago.

For this kind of dispute, Fang Sheyan has no interest in understanding it deeply. What prompted him to stay was the conversation between those people:

"Five thousand utility points, plus ten potential points!"

"Five thousand five hundred utility points, plus eleven potential points."

"OH, SHIT! You stupid ass, this broken Sanpei bell is only effective against dark creatures, and it can be used up to five times, is it worth paying such a high price?"

"It's a pity, sir. The world I'm going to experience next time happens to have a lot of dark creatures, so I'm determined to get this prop that can deter these nasty guys from a wide range."


Sheyan didn't listen to the next words, he suddenly realized a very sensitive question from a sentence:

"Unfortunately, sir, the world I will experience next happens to have a large number of dark creatures..."

How does this guy know that there are a lot of dark creatures in the world he is going to experience? Could it be that there is any way to know the world of the next experience in advance. If this is the case, you can know the plot in advance, and even if the plot changes, you can prepare some equipment and props in a targeted manner, which will naturally greatly increase the chance of survival!

set sail! Storm in the Caribbean!