The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 203: The mountain monster's


The metal instructor once remembered seeing a document, which said: the two advanced basic abilities of grasping and fighting mastery and grasping and fighting specialization seem to have little difference, but after upgrading to LV7 in the later stage, specialization can be compared with mastery by a whole lot. 7% more dodge and 9% parry out! The difference is huge. In addition, Fang Senyan's adaptability and strength realized in actual combat are not bad, no wonder he was able to keep calm in front of such terrifying creatures as mountain monsters and lure them a kilometer away.

"It looks like this is an urgently needed manpower." After integrating these things, Metal Mentor looked at Fang Sheyan with a slightly different look, and he pondered in his heart:

"The potential of this contractor is still above average. You can start with preliminary cultivation and see if it is effective and has no ambitions, and then conduct in-depth investigations—of course, the premise is that he can still survive after this operation. if."

Thinking of this, Metal Teacher nodded to Sheyan, and stretched out his hand:

"Welcome to the Symbiosis Society."

Next, when Sheyan joins the club, he will naturally sign a series of agreements with the Symbiosis Club to pass the nightmare space certification, and the rights are almost the same as those mentioned before. The team members are in a state of peace by default, and even if it is a range of damage, it will not accidentally injure allies. If any party initiates an attack on the other party, it must declare war 10 seconds in advance, and 6000 universal points will be deducted immediately.

More importantly, the name of the initiating attacker will immediately be defaulted as leaving the team, and will be reported to all team members in this world, and after the battle (regardless of victory or defeat), a piece of equipment on him will be randomly selected and three items from the inventory are given to the victim. If the attacked team member dies, the compensation reward will be transferred to the highest status member of the team. Presumably this is also the reason why the crowbar did not dare to attack Gree directly, but could only kill with a knife.

Senior team members also have the authority to immediately execute a trial on a certain team member. After the trial, the member's team invulnerability status will be lifted immediately, and he will be expelled from the team, but all attributes of the judge will be temporarily reduced 5%, a vote will be initiated at this time: If more than 50% of the team members in the current world believe that this trial is correct, then the temporarily reduced attributes will be restored. Otherwise it is permanently reduced.

In addition, after Sheyan joined the team, he also found that he had obtained a passive team-specific ability: called Survival from Desperation. That is, once it is launched immediately after being seriously injured by the contractor during the battle, it can immediately get the effect of dodge +10% for 10 seconds. This effect is obviously quite tasteless, but it should be upgradeable. It should be quite good when the team level is high.

Team members can also leave the team in the peaceful state of the nightmare space, but it will cost 5000 utility points and 5 potential points.

After Fang Senyan joined the symbiosis society, Metal Mentor also invited Darth to join. Das thought about it, but he was resolutely unwilling. However, under Gree's mediation, he still signed a temporary cooperation agreement. In this way, he can purchase the process guide with 8000 general points, but he also needs to assist the symbiosis society in the next period of time. Metal Mentor still had great doubts in his heart at this time, but the focus of doubt had obviously shifted to Darth and Gree.

If it was normal, the metal instructor would of course have to investigate this matter to the bottom! But at this moment, it was at a critical juncture, and the gang of Banks gangsters were chasing after him hard. The situation was very tense, and it could be said that it was on the verge of breaking out, so he still could barely suppress his anxiety and put the big things first. His time was also very tight, so he gave a few instructions and left from the fireplace.

After joining the symbiosis club, Gree obviously became close to Sheyan a lot. Of course, this has something to do with the two people's life and death together, but the main reason is that Sheyan's strength is also impressive. There was also a vacancy in the position after the crowbar's death. Gree obviously hoped that Sheyan could support him, and he took over Sheyan's remaining milestones of pleasing the Bowtruckle. After discussing it, the three decided to go to Hogwarts Station to take a break and wait for the bus, and then went to London's largest magical farmers' market - Diagon Alley.

This time I was not so lucky to go to London. Someone took Floo powder for the whole journey, so I could only take the Hogwarts Express. Of course, the train from London platform nine and three quarters to Hogwarts cannot run every ten minutes. It only runs twice a day, once from London to Hogwarts and back. According to the time recorded on the platform, this bus should arrive at the station at 11 am, so Sheyan and the others did not miss today's train.

Sheyan suddenly remembered that when they first came here, Hagrid told them that there was a canteen here, so he decided to go and see what was there. Gree leaned on the bench in the waiting room, shrugged lazily and said:

"It must have been sold out. All kinds of goods here are quite cheap. It can be regarded as a benefit for the faculty and staff at Hogwarts. Once you get it in the space and sell it to the contractors, you can earn two or three thousand at least." To be more general, those two guys who stayed at the train station came for this benefit, and they definitely won't even give you a box!"

Fang Senyan was stunned, smiled wryly, and realized that his information was indeed not a bit worse than Gree's long-term mixed team. He looked at the time, and said to Gree and Jess, who had already started to sleep with their eyes closed:

"Where is the toilet here?"

Gree also looked really tired, so he let out a groan, not sure if he was saying that he heard it or that he didn't know. Instead, Jess pointed to the left:

"Go straight for twenty meters, the house with the white roof."

Sheyan walked into the toilet according to the instructions. The environment inside was quite neat and clean. Sheyan looked at the surrounding environment, checked carefully and found no one there, so he took a deep breath, and from the mark of the nightmare The key was taken out of the storage space.

The key dropped from the troll.

That key shone with a faint silver light!

Even Sheyan's calmness and calmness made his heart beat faster! He stabilized his mood, summoned the treasure chest, and opened it. Immediately, a string of messages came from the nightmare imprint:

"You have obtained a silver story-level prop: Horcrux of the Giant Monster"

"You have obtained a black-rank weapon: the huge leg bone of the mountain monster."

"You have acquired an unidentified item: a roll of thick leather."

"You got 2000 utility points and 1 potential point."

Fang Senyan didn't have time to take a closer look at this time, and rushed to collect these rewards into the space of the nightmare mark. However, the thigh bone of the black-ranked weapon: the mountain monster is abnormally large, and it is preliminarily estimated that it should be the kind of heavy weapon that can be held with both hands. arms! For example, Fante, who claims to have 28 points of strength, should be very interested in this thing. Adding the unidentified item: a thick roll of leather also occupies a large area, Fang Sheyan was flustered, and tried his best to organize the storage space of the nightmare mark. Inside, it was hard to free up space to stuff these two things in, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to the waiting room, both Jess and Gree had fallen asleep. They were already regular employees of Hogwarts at this time, and they were protected by the staff of the Hogwarts train station, which was almost considered safe. district. That's why the two of them slept so peacefully. Fang Sheyan also imitated them and lay down on the waiting chair, pretending to close his eyes to rest his mind, and then began to check the specific attributes of the newly obtained items.

Troll Horcrux (acquired in certain ways/rare)

Item rarity: silver storyline

Use effect: After using it on black-level equipment/weapons, it becomes its "device soul", and the level of the target weapon/equipment is upgraded to silver-level plot level.

WARNING: If the Horcrux does not fit well enough to use the equipment, the Horcrux will be damaged.

Material: Ghost

Weight: 3 grams.

Explanation: This is a rare and precious horcrux, almost comparable to the quality of dark gold.

Explanation: Death in battle is a glorious fate for mountain monsters. When they hunt other creatures, they are already mentally prepared to be hunted by humans. So they often face the coming of death calmly. However, all mountain monsters hate magic, and think that using magic to fight will tarnish the meaning of fighting, so once magic is used in the battle with mountain monsters, such Horcruxes will never appear. The appearance of the Horcrux also signifies that the mountain monster you killed is convinced by your bravery and is willing to accompany you to conquer the enemy.

giant leg bone of troll

Origin: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Equipment Rarity: Black

Attack Power: 30~80

Material: calcium carbonate/calcium phosphate/chitin

Additional devices available: handle

Weight: 87.34 kg.

Length 281.4 cm

Basic attack interval: 5.8 seconds (strength value can shorten the attack interval, but it will not be lower than 3.8 seconds)

Conditions for using the equipment: the strength must be above 25 points, and the physical strength must be above 15 points

Durability: 120 points

Equipment: Strength +2

Equip: When dealing damage, there is a 50% chance to ignore the enemy's 5 points of defense.

Active Ability: Bone Throwing Kill, the owner throws the giant bone in his hand, causing damage to distant enemies. Damage value = (strength of attacker - strength of attacked) multiplied by 2 + fixed damage 40 points.

This attack will be accompanied by: Knockdown attribute, causing the enemy hit by the giant bone to fall down for three seconds, unable to move, attack, or cast spells during the duration of the knockdown.

Warning: After throwing a giant bone, you will be empty-handed by default.

Warning: The thrown giant bone can be attacked and consumes its durability. When the durability is 0, the weapon is damaged and cannot be used, and must be repaired.

Passive effects of heavy blunt weapons: Penetration, when heavy blunt weapons attack, ignore the 50% increased defense of armor.

Combat score of this equipment: 21

Evaluation: It is longing for a powerful soul to control itself.

Unidentified Item: A roll of thick leather.

Item rarity: black

Material: ? ? ?

Weight: 27 kg