The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 208: Poison, cheapness and personal income tax


Aside from the personal instinct of being greedy for life and fearing death, Goblin Gold Mine is also equipped to the teeth. After selling unscrupulous fake medicines in the space last time and making a fortune, he also carried out a large purchase , Sheyan seemed to have caught sight of it, and it seemed that even this guy had brought a bottle of the pale golden potion that the metal teacher drank before! ! ! I don't know how I escaped to buy it, what is the reason for it!

At this time, Mogansha also knew this treacherous and wretched goblin. Knowing that this guy had great powers, he handed over a large piece of greasy barbecue very simply. Immediately, this guy quickly took out a large plate from nowhere, wrapped a white napkin around his neck, and then had all kinds of stainless steel knives and forks, and his eyes were shining like /poor in the QQ expression Holding the plate, he began to eat vigorously, making a vaguely satisfied sound while eating:

"Gold coins are on top, things that don't cost money taste really good..."

Sheyan rolled his eyes and said:

"Be careful to eat until tomorrow you have cramps, convulsions and vomiting."

Gold Mine said disdainfully:

"Free is the most beautiful word, there is no one... ah, sir, your barbecue tastes really good, tsk tsk, gosh, I bet you don't know that the oil dripping when grilling tastes amazing , it would be a colossal waste to let it drip and burn in the fire—I reckon you don't mind if I use a plate to catch some oil."

Mogansha smiled, his teeth looked extraordinarily white against his dark skin:

"It's my pleasure."

Driven by the words "free of charge", Mr. Goblin Gold Mine's appetite became surprisingly good, and Mogansha then dragged a half-dead Hydralisk over to disembowel and roast it. The two sluts were eagerly discussing which part of the Zerg's meat was the best, while they were cutting and roasting. When Mogansha served the gold mine until he was full of wine and food, this seemingly simple and honest guy also showed his true colors:

"Well, dear Mr. Goldmine, I hear you seem to be very good at mixing some medicines."

Jin Kuang, who was belching drunk, was lying comfortably on the sand dune. When he heard Mogansha's words, he immediately clutched his waist tightly, and said vigilantly:

"what you up to?"

Mogansha smiled honestly and said:

"I just want to buy some poisons that are suitable for me. That... You see, based on our friendship, can we get a 20% discount?"

As soon as he heard that there was a business, the gold mine immediately cheered up, and said with a wicked smile:

"Okay, okay... By the way, what do you use? Firearms, right?"

Speaking of it, he took out a small and worn-out test bench from behind as if by magic, test tubes, alcohol lamps, crucibles, etc., and then began to make arrangements in a hurry, and it seemed that he was about to perform live. Fang Senyan had never seen this guy do such a thing, and he was watching curiously from the side. Suddenly, when the gold mine was shaking the pot-bellied bottle, the bottle burst open with a bang, spilling all over it. , and even white smoke came out!

Fang Senyan was startled, this old Goblin Gold Mine is a great talent, if he dies here after being poisoned, he will suffer a great loss. Seeing the gold mine, his face was even paler, oh, no, it was pale green, crumbling, and he rushed to help him, but saw the poor Mr. Gold Mine with tears in his eyes, and the green wrinkles on his face were piled up. He said sadly:

"Another bottle popped, my God! That's going to cost money again."

Fang Sheyan was about to ask about the injury in a hurry, but after hearing his extremely painful confession, he almost didn't catch up, and fell down on the seat as soon as his eyes went dark. On the contrary, after wiping away his tears, Jin Mine wondered:

"Master, do you pick up girls too much? Why do your legs suddenly become weak?"


Next, Mr. Goblin Gold Mine performed on-site blending again, and this time it was successful. It blended out a small bottle of thick white liquid, and shook its head in satisfaction, but then it instinctively took out a bottle full of it. A large plastic bucket of clear water, and I intend to pour the small bottle of liquid into the clear water. Fang Senyan looked at it and thought in his heart, no wonder there is only a 5% chance of success in poisoning. It turns out that this bitch is mixing water with black voodoo, not black voodoo with water.

But just when Mr. Jinkuang was about to make fakes, he suddenly heard a deliberate heavy cough coming from the side. Looking back, he found Mogansha squatting beside him, looking at him with piercing eyes. Around the gold mine is extremely thick-skinned, and can only laugh dryly:

"Ahem, I'm used to this, I forgot that we are so familiar... By the way, are you satisfied with my new product?"

Immediately in front of Mogansha, the properties of the powder appeared:

Black Voodoo (modified): This is a poison specially improved by Mr. Goblin Gold Mine. After applying the prepared Black Voodoo to long-range weapons, every time it successfully damages an enemy, there is a 15% chance to give The enemy brings poisonous damage that lasts for 15 seconds and occurs every three seconds, with a total damage of 10~20 points. (depending on enemy resistance)

Tips: The success rate of application is 99%, and it lasts for 30 minutes after application.

WARNING: Every tick of Black Voodoo's damage can be a critical strike!

Mogansha immediately asked straightforwardly:

"How much?"

Gold Mine said boldly:

"Just give two thousand utility points."

Fang Sheyan was stunned, this guy was not like this kind of person anyway, but Mogansha immediately made the deal without hesitation... Ten minutes later, Mogansha, who was holding his head, screamed in pain. Carried on the desert!

"Sailors! Sailors!!! Why does this damn servant of yours still collect taxes when trading, my God, look what it is, personal income tax, stamp duty, and fucking youth loss fee, Didn't your servant just make a bottle of damn medicine and lose his youth?"

Sheyan held back a smile and said:

"Okay, okay, just get used to it."

Mogansha said painfully:

"Your servant isn't a goblin! He's a devil in goblin skin... My God, my savings!"

Sheyan spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Don't look at me, I don't have the slightest advantage. You should know how arrogant Phil and Fanu's summons are in the symbiosis society. My servant is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It can only be said that it has become worse. Nothing worse than that. I just want not to be blackmailed and exploited by him, and I don’t want this guy to spit out the money he got.”

Mo Gansha knew that Sheyan was telling the truth, so he hid to the side with tears streaming down his face and drew circles. After the two of them thought it over together, they decided to take a rest here before moving forward. It was good that Sheyan warned Mogansha to rest first, but after a while, he saw Mogansha staggering and covering his hands with a blue face. The stomach ran out and rushed to the back of the sand dunes, and then there was an earth-shattering rumbling sound, and then he rubbed his stomach with a bitter face and walked back slowly. Unfortunately, such a scene would appear every ten minutes... Sheyan could only let Sheyan rest first.

After Fang Senyan woke up after sleeping for two or three hours, he was surprised to find that Mogansha was already half dead, leaning against the rock and gasping for breath, with a sour smell coming from his body, and what was even more amusing was that he was investigating his condition through the nightmare mark At the time, I found that there were a few more explanations above:

Health Status: Deteriorating.

Acquired diseases: diarrhea. The reason is that the consumption of half-cooked meat of different types led to a large number of unknown germs in it.

Disease effect: Before recovery, all attributes are reduced by 15%, the upper limit of health is reduced by 20%, and the hit rate is reduced by 50%.

Disease course: exacerbations

Fang Senyan was really angry and funny when he saw it. He has never been sick since he became a contractor and was digitized. He even recovered from the mild rhinitis he had when he was a sailor. I didn't expect that something unfortunate would happen. He went to take a peek at the gold mine hidden not far away. Sure enough, the guy who ate the Houthi when he saw the free food was in a more serious condition. His face was pale and panting.

In desperation, Fang Senyan hurriedly checked the electronic holographic map, and found that there is also a human base called "Deadly Helmet" about 200 kilometers away from here. After killing the scorching mouthpiece, his reputation among all human forces has improved. At 1000 points, at any rate, he would not be killed by random gunshots or bombardment, so he took the two unlucky guys and started the old air-cushioned locomotive and drove in that direction.

After driving for nearly a hundred kilometers, Fang Sheyan heard intermittent gunshots from a distance, and the unique roar of the siege tank after it was set up. He followed the sound and saw the distant Thick black smoke rose, and a human convoy was leaning against a rocky hill to resist the tide-like attack of the Zerg.

These Zerg races are all the lowest velociraptors, apparently relying on the high mobility of a single velociraptor troop to catch up from behind, but there are many leaders who are at least two or three times larger in size among them. The limbs grew sharp long feet, the eyes were red, and a few drops of viscous liquid would drip from the corners of the mouth from time to time. The teeth and claws were extremely sharp, and they could easily tear apart the armor of the Zerg at a glance.

This human convoy also looks very elite. Not only did it have nearly a hundred strong machine gunners wearing combat armor to build three temporary positions, but it also had five or six vulture hover tanks patrolling and escorting the surrounding area. There were three heavy siege tanks at the rear. Besides that, even the civilian vehicles they carried were in the form of armored vehicles. They looked very solid and were pushed forward to use as cover.

Mogansha panted and watched for a while in the back seat and said:

"The human situation doesn't seem to be good."