The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 209: Entering Diagon Alley


Seeing these three items obtained, Fang Sheyan's first reaction was to combine the Horcrux of the giant monster and the huge leg bone of the mountain monster together, and make a piece of silver plot equipment! Despite the warning that the horcrux is not fit enough to use the equipment, the horcrux will be damaged. But even if you think about it with underwear, you know that the fit of these two things must be 100%. But Fang Senyan just thought about it, and immediately gave up this idea.

In this space where life and death threats may be faced at any time, there is no doubt that strengthening one's own strength is the first priority. The huge leg bone of the mountain monster obviously cannot be equipped by himself for a long time, so selling it or bartering it is the best choice. Relatively speaking, that piece of black equipment can change from quantitative to qualitative The horcrux should be kept, because Fang Sheyan already has two pieces of black equipment, upgrading any one of them will be a huge improvement in strength!

After making up his mind, Senyan inquired about it, but found that the Horcrux had to be used in the Nightmare Dimension, so he had to put it on hold temporarily. Although the strength did not improve immediately, Sheyan was quite satisfied with the harvest. At this moment, the train whistle sounded, and the three of them got up and walked towards the train compartment at the same time. You must know that the stop time of this train is only fifteen minutes. If you miss it, you will have to wait for tomorrow.

Ten minutes later, all three sat in the car. Fang Senyan was also quite tired, and he knew that time was precious, so of course he planned to catch up on sleep during the journey, and then rushed to Diagon Alley refreshed and worked hard for the title of +3 all attributes. During the period, he also asked Gree about title synthesis, but it seemed that this guy didn't know very well. The only thing Fang Senyan figured out was that the function of title synthesis did exist.

Just as Sheyan was in a daze, suddenly someone knocked on the door outside the private room of the carriage, he immediately became vigilant, unexpectedly Das and Gree rushed up with happy faces at the same time, and hurriedly opened the door!

Fang Senyan was still a little stunned, then saw a middle-aged woman pushing a cart outside, asking them with a big smile if they wanted to buy some food. He immediately realized that he should have encountered a hidden incident. According to the original plot, the woman who sells goods will only sell goods in the car when school starts or when the child is transported on holiday. When they bumped into each other at this time, one of the three should have been lucky.

Because it was relatively slow to catch up and rush to buy things, Fang Sheyan couldn't buy anything even if he had money, and the items he finally snapped up were as follows:

Patty's full-flavored beans X2: unique food in the world of Harry Potter, randomly eat coconut, mint, spinach, liver, tripe, pepper..., as well as snot, earwax and other flavors.

50% chance to eat normal snack flavor: Instantly restore 15% of maximum health.

When there is a 33% chance to eat weird flavors (such as liver, tripe, pepper): all basic attribute values temporarily +1, and the duration is 24 hours.

When there is a 10% chance of eating disgusting flavors: the upper limit of HP is immediately reduced by 5%, but all attack power is increased by 10%, and the duration is 12 hours.

Chocolate Frog X2: A unique food in the world of Harry Potter. After eating, the recovery speed of mental power is +50%, and the duration is 120 minutes.

After opening the package, there is a 50% chance to get a collectible magician card. If it is sold individually, it can be sold for 100 universal points.

After collecting the complete set (12 different magician cards), you will get a hidden mission.

Martian Chocolate Bar: A unique food in the world of Harry Potter. After eating, it will restore 33% of the health and 33% of the mental power within 30 seconds.

Buying these things can be paid directly with the wages that Hagrid gave before. Sheyan spent less than 10 pounds (it was still a non-precious item), and if you take it back into the space, you can sell it for 2000 utility points at least. And it's good to keep it for your own use. After the storm of panic buying, there have been no additional incidents. While waiting for the train earlier, Sheyan suddenly thought of a question, and couldn't help but bring it up at this moment:

"Why doesn't anyone think of Harry Potter? No matter how young he is, he's only a few years old, right?"

Gree laughed out loud as if he heard something funny:

"Sailor, do you think Harry Potter is really as safe and harmless as seen in the movies-a child that even a terrifying guy like Voldemort can't kill! How can you judge him with the eyes of normal people? I've heard a guy say that Harry Potter alone has triple blessings: the eighth-order protection blessing of love cast by his mother Lily with her life, which has an extremely terrifying ability to reflect damage, and his father The seventh-level real lucky blessings cast, and the seventh-level magic affinity blessings cast by Dumbledore! Once you attack him, you must be prepared to meet God in a few seconds!"

"Not bad." Das also said seriously: "Except for the abilities mentioned by Gree, Harry Potter has the powerful ability to transfer objects to other planes since he was very young. I still remember him and his uncle's family in the movie. A shot of playing in the zoo?"

"Harry Potter, trying to make a fool of his cousin, removed the glass window that held the snake, and it took several minutes to put it back together! This proves that he can, if he chooses, put any similar Move things away, and if the power of life-threatening outbreaks is further enhanced, this may include your weapons, your head, your arms, legs, or... internal organs!"

After Fang Sheyan listened to their analysis, he suddenly felt that Harry Potter is not a child of how old, but it is obviously a super light armored self-propelled fortress... Immediately put away all thoughts of bullying children, and collapsed on the seat of the car I fell asleep inside, and slept soundly and soundly, until I was woken up by the flight attendant at platform 9 and three-quarters in London.

Three and a half hours of sleep is already quite good for a contractor. After Fang Senyan washed his face with water at the station, he felt that he had recovered 80% of his energy. Then he boarded the taxi called by Gree and returned to The bar that recruited them - the Leaky Cauldron in London.

It was still less than five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no one in the bar. Only old Nick was wiping his wine glass with a rag very seriously. When he saw Sheyan and the three of them, he said slowly:

"Gentlemen, turn right thirteen meters to the Megasha Cafe, the honey cookies there are good, if you have the courage to touch the ass of the waiter on the thirteenth, you will find it feels good—how do you Still standing here? I swore to Barry that I would never sell a drop of alcohol in any liquid before six o'clock."

Jess, who is the most charismatic, naturally stepped forward to deal with the characters in the plot:

"Hey, Nick, I heard from my friend that the waiter at No. 13 in the cafe next door is a man. Could it be that you like to stir up sex? Also, we didn't come here for a drink, but we wanted to go behind the bar."

Speaking of which, Jess took out the badge representing the Hogwarts hunting ground worker. Old Nick said he had no objection, but he checked the badges of the other two in turn before letting him go. Fang Sheyan was also quite thirsty at this time. He knew that the mere charm would not leave a good impression on the characters in the plot, so he simply smoked a bottle of beer on the counter next to him, and easily put the cap on the bottle. After biting it open, he raised his head and grumbled.

Old Jack immediately roared angrily:

"Hey! I told you never sell half a drop of alcohol in anything before six o'clock!"

Sheyan burped comfortably, shrugged and threw the beer bottle away:

"Old man, if I don't pay after I finish drinking, won't it be considered a sale?"

Old Nick was stunned for a moment, as if he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say anything for a while, scratching his head and standing in the counter depressedly again.

At this time, Gree, who knew the process of entering Diagon Alley, had already stood on the wall behind the bar. It looked like a dilapidated old red brick wall, with a cross-shaped depression at the level of a person's eyes—Fang Sheyan thought that The depression resembles the Chevrolet logo on the car. Gree curled up his fingers, and lightly tapped in a clockwise direction next to the depression, and the brick wall began to turn, giving way to a path.

At this time, Old Nick's angry voice like a broken gong came from the front:

"You bloody idiot, you haven't paid for the drink yet!"

Fang Senyan laughed, ran away, and quickly hid in the bustling crowd of people in Diagonal Alley. Gree and Darth looked at Old Nick who was chasing after him out of breath, and at the same time raised their hands to show their innocence. Old Nick was already old. He rubbed his eyes while looking at the densely packed heads in Diagon Alley, but he couldn't find half a figure anywhere.

Among them, both Sheyan and Dass came to Diagon Alley for the first time. This place can be called a vegetable market for all wizards. Its crowding and bustle are comparable to those near Westminster Abbey. . Most of the buildings here are two- or three-story small wooden buildings in the sixteenth century, with triangular tiles on the eaves. These rickety houses are crowded together, which feels like being packed tightly inside a bus. Passengers holding on to the armrests have an interesting sense of patchwork.

Almost every house is a separate stand-alone shop with carefully designed signage. Under the eaves of the shop opposite Fang Senyan hung a lantern that would automatically do pull-ups, and the rusty signboard on the shop on the right would wipe itself with a rag. Suddenly, Sheyan heard the whistle of a train coming into the station, and hurriedly turned his head to look. It turned out that there was a teapot on the signboard of a shop at the back, which was spitting out steam. Seeing Fang Sheyan looking over, he blinked his eyes. Sprayed a few mouthfuls on him...