The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 212: Spray and dodge


The smooth flight was suddenly broken by an extremely violent shock! Fang Senyan only felt the green light shining, and then it exploded in front of his eyes in an instant, dyeing the entire universe in green. Even with Fang Senyan's constitution as a contractor, his retinas were completely covered by this light in an instant, and then he could It can be seen that there is a patter of fine green acid liquid scattered in the universe like a cloud, and finally disappears completely.

At the same time, Sheyan even heard an indescribable "creaking" corrosion sound from the outer wall of the cabin where he was staying, as if someone had sprayed a mouthful of water mist on a red-hot iron pan. the sound of. Obviously the outer metal is being corroded rapidly! Fortunately, my own perception did not give a special warning, so it should be relatively safe.

The green light flashed again, Sheyan could see clearly this time, a huge swirling mass of acid came roaring from below, the surface of the acid actually had ripples like whirlpools, and even pustules-like bumps and boiling pits , which was filled with a green emerald-like liquid, which exploded next to a troop carrier next to it. It was raining all over the sky, and the green liquid immediately drenched the troop carrier all over, and soon the entire troop carrier was corroded. It will catch fire and smoke, and then explode with a bang! In the mysterious and deep cosmic space, a group of magnificent fireworks is formed.

"Railway under attack from acid spore cannon."

"Railway under attack from acid spore cannon."

"Warning: Please change course."

"Warning: Please change course."

When the electronically synthesized female voice sounded, Fang Senyan already noticed that there were eleven people in the entire cabin, sitting close to the cabin wall like himself, with serious faces and silent. He was wearing that kind of advanced one-piece battle armor and a helmet, and Fang Senyan noticed that these people were full of vigilance when they looked around, and they seemed to be strangers to each other. This will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of this task.

At this moment, suddenly a ray of light shone on the empty space on Sheyan's left, and immediately after that, another person appeared in that position out of thin air. He was wearing a helmet, but Sheyan recognized his identity at a glance.

Because the weapon he deliberately carried on his back is too conspicuous, the stock of the gun is made of gold, the barrel of the gun is made of gold, and that kind of indifference to life and death, the attitude of superciliousness, is exactly what Sheyan encountered in the last world Symbiosis Club Ace Gunner: Mogansha! If Sheyan remembers correctly, he is the only one left in the Symbiosis Society.

After he appeared, he looked around as if nothing had happened. Some people probably recognized his iconic firearm and whispered. Finally, Mogansha's eyes fell on Fang Sheyan, and he paused for a long time before he could not believe it. A message passed through the nightmare imprint:


This kind of transmission of information requires the consumption of general points, but the increase in military rank can gradually reduce the consumption of general points, and it can be used for free after reaching the rank of school officer. Fang Sheyan knew that Mogansha also had a very strong perception ability, denying it was meaningless, and said lightly:

"meet again."

Mogansha took a deep breath and said:

"You have become stronger again. It seems that your perception has been greatly improved. This time I can't even detect your specific information. Fortunately, this time we will still not stand on the opposite side."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"Aren't you going to avenge the Metal Mentor?"

Mogansha said lightly:

"Killing and being killed in the space is a normal behavior, not to mention that the only person trusted by the metal teacher is Fanu, why should I avenge them? But I just speculate that you can get out of your body, I didn't expect them to die too Under your command."

"They died under greed and arrogance." Sheyan sighed slightly, "By the way, why did we meet again by such a coincidence?"

There was a slight look of doubt in Mogansha's eyes, but he said patiently:

"The people in this cabin at this time should all be contractors who have a certain strength and have not yet joined the team. These contractors may be like us, scattered personnel who were left behind after the death of the original team builder, It may also be a lone walker whose strength has grown to a certain level. This damn space should promote teamwork, so scattered contractors like us are forced to form temporary teams to perform special tasks so that we can find teammates. Of course, this The difficulty of this special task is often very high, and its intention is to force the contractor to join the team, otherwise, the later it is, the more difficult it is for the contractor to survive alone."

Sheyan nodded slightly after hearing this. He had gradually realized in the world of Harry Potter that if he wanted to continue to be a solo traveler, he would be hindering his own development. Don't say anything else, just the various milestones in the previous world are enough to kill all the time of the lone contractor. If he does not rely on the power of the Symbiosis Society, then even the opening conditions of some milestones cannot be achieved. Mogansha glanced at Sheyan and continued:

"We were in a team before, and you belonged to the melee type, and I belonged to the long-range combat type, and the fighting methods did not overlap, so when considering forming a temporary team, Space often gives priority to this combination, so we The chances of putting them together are at least 50%.”

Having said that, Mogansha glanced at Sheyan:

"To be honest, the two teams I have been in before have a fatal flaw, that is, the lack of a mainstay who can stand up at critical moments! To do this successfully, it must be a perverted guy with both brains and talent ... so I am still looking forward to working with you."

Sheyan's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled and said:

"You overestimate me... However, people who have worked with me before say that I am quite strong and difficult to get along with."

Mogansha said decisively:

"If you want to go on the right path, then a strong leader is naturally essential. Of course, strength does not mean domineering and greedy."

Sheyan narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled, but stopped talking. Because everything that needs to be said has already been said, and the next step can only be understood during the battle. However, according to the performance of Sheyan in the previous world who easily sent Fant's bloody key, Mo Gansha can basically judge that Sheyan is at least a shrewd guy who knows the pros and cons of trade-offs.

At this time, the flight of the entire aircraft gradually tended to be smooth, and it seemed that it should be because of throwing off the enemy, and there were only two transport planes left beside them, which continued to roar forward. But at this moment, a group of purple-brown faint clouds suddenly appeared in the distance ahead. Two deformed and hideous monsters rushed out, flapping their wings and rushing forward!

The upper bodies of these two monsters are somewhat similar to giant moths, but there are sharp and barbed fangs growing on the wing protrusions and the mouth. The wings are mainly composed of skin membranes. It was slightly thicker, with an enlarged gland at the end, and a deep cavity grew out of it. There is an indescribable bright mucus on their body surface, as if they have been coated with a layer of crystals, obviously this is the reason why they can survive in the cosmic space.

Even though the transport plane was obviously moving forward at full speed, and the tail flames ejected had changed from orange red to thin light blue, they were still rushed up by these two creatures frantically flapping their wings, and a faint light was ejected from the glands at their tails. The green blocky viscous liquid seemed to have life, and it flew towards a transport ship, leaving a burnt mark on its hard metal shell, and then ejected towards the nearby ship. Another transport ship was annihilated.

The hearts of all the contractors in the transport compartment were tangled up! You must know that they are in space at this time, once the transport ship is destroyed, of course they will die without any means! However, they soon discovered that the transport ship carrying them began to speed up and draw an arc, and quickly sprinted down to the surface of the khaki planet. At the beginning, the planet only occupied a small half of the porthole. The entire field of view of the front screen was covered, so it seemed that before the two transport ships were shot down, they would definitely be able to land safely.

Following the continuous attacks of the two flying monsters, a transport ship was already riddled with holes, and finally the metal reached the limit of fatigue. Fuel sprayed out from the pipes with a bang, and then ignited the entire body, roaring. It spun out of control, and then with the roar of a huge explosion, it brought flames and scattered parts, seats, and even human bodies into the mysterious and cold depths of the universe.

Fang Senyan looked at the two flying monsters that continued to attack another transport ship in the rear, his eyes flashed sharply, and he said to Mogansha through the nightmare mark:

"Can you attack those two monsters behind?"

Mo Gansha was startled, and was about to instinctively say no, but suddenly saw Sheyan's eyes, hesitated and said:

"Yes, but this is a killer that I have been hiding all the time. If it is bad for these two monsters, I don't think it is necessary."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"Very well, we have taken the first step of trusting each other. I found that you seem to be quite famous among these guys. Why don't you ask them if there is any way?"