The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 213: Imperial ruins


When Fang Senyan was thinking wildly, the front had already come to an end, and there was a huge bright lake in front of him. There were shimmering spots in the lake, which skillfully formed the shape of a half moon and surrounded the land in front, forming a peninsula. And just over twenty meters away, stands a huge blue crystal sculpture. The blue crystal sculpture happens to block the passage leading to the peninsula at the back. Walking over twenty meters in front of the sculpture, there is a The invisible pressure repelled people away, and they couldn't make an inch. It should be some kind of magic circle.

This blue crystal sculpture looks like a serious goblin, but it has been magnified nearly a hundred times, and it has been carved meticulously. Even the wrinkles on the face and the texture of the skin are clearly visible. Its left hand holds Holding the giant sword and holding the shield in his right hand, there was a huge invisible oppressive force. After walking here, Sheyan felt an extremely strong threat coming from the surroundings. It was obvious that an extremely powerful mechanism was set up. If it is triggered, Fang Senyan will die without a place to bury him!

There is also a large monument next to this goblin, which is sculpted into the appearance of an erected gold coin. The monument seems to have been corroded by a long period of time, and it has become crumbling. It is vaguely recognizable that the text on it is the royal family of goblins in ancient times:

"Even God can't do anything about that demon..."

"We can only deceive it, blind it, and satisfy it by dedicating innocent and weak gold coins and treasures..."

"Finally, the dawn has come..."

"I don't know why, this demon suddenly decided to sleep for a long time, and ordered us to build a huge tomb."

"We gritted our teeth and endured, and finally completed this project before the empire was about to collapse."

"After the devil went dormant, we used the legendary splitting magic circle according to God's instructions. Although this method still couldn't destroy its soul, it also divided it into ten pieces. According to the ancient civilization of the East, Peel off its three souls and seven souls!"

"Splitting the magic circle caused the thirteen most powerful sages of the Goblin family to fall, while the rest of the race took the opportunity to start a powerful war."

"Following God's instructions, we sealed one of the demon's soul fragments on the altar, and exiled the remaining nine soul fragments to other planes!"

"Although our empire is about to perish because of this, although our civilization is also lost because of this..."

"But our goblin family will never regret it!"

"Who told you that you like to plunder our money the most, while the rest of the races only want our lives!"

For some reason, Fang Senyan can understand the words on this mark through the nightmare mark, he is speechless and incomprehensible to the logic of the ancient goblins. At this time, his doubts intensified, and he became more and more curious about the "demons" these goblins were talking about. He stretched out his hand at this time, and the half-cut finger key in the palm of his hand was even more hot, slowly floating to the distance, and then stopped in front of the goblin statue in front of him.

Although in Fang Sheyan's eyes, the goblins are all similar in appearance, he can still vaguely see that some of the facial features of this statue are actually very similar to that Mr. Infinit, who is careful and careful, and there is probably a difference between the two. blood relation. The goblin statue suddenly opened its mouth, and ate the severed finger in one gulp, its eyes flashed red, Fang Senyan suddenly felt the chill all over his body become more severe, obviously all the hidden organs around were ready to go.

Fortunately, the goblin statue opened its mouth and spat out the key with the severed finger. After a long while, the red light in its eyes disappeared, and the statue collapsed directly. The crystals that made up the statue fell into the air and disappeared. It turned into fine dust like sand grains, drifted away with the wind, and moved away from the blocked door. Fang Senyan, who was covered with dust, patted the crystal dust on his body, picked up the severed finger key, and couldn't help but slander Mr. Infinit's ancestor.

After entering the portal in front, it can be said that there are a lot of gold coins piled up inside, dazzling people's eyes. Unfortunately, once Sheyan wants to pick it up, the nightmare mark will immediately give a ruthless reminder:

"Picking up such ancient gold coins will give you the curse of the ancient Goblin Empire. Do you want to continue? Yes/No?"

It's not that he has never encountered this kind of curse, and the ghost in the Caribbean world has been beaten and fled. Fang Senyan proudly said that his 31 point physical strength was not afraid at first, but adding the five words ancient goblin, he would have a good time weighing it, and the five words ancient goblin should be followed by empire After that, he immediately clicked No directly with an impassioned and death-defying attitude.

For Fang Senyan, this process of only watching but not grabbing is indeed a kind of torture, but it is also a matter of course. Under normal circumstances, for the contractors to arrive here, at least a team of more than a hundred people would be needed to cooperate with each other tacitly! The basic attribute value of each team member has reached the extreme value of 50 points! This is the way to kill all the way here. For this kind of team, even the curse of the ancient Goblin Empire must have a solution.

But Sheyan relied on Infinit's half-cut finger key to get here unimpeded, and this severed finger was cut off for him by Infinit because of his nightmares every day. It can be said that in this respect Fang Sheyan He didn't expend any effort, and it was natural that he couldn't get the reward. After understanding this, Sheyan didn't feel too depressed, but continued to walk inside with full of expectation.

After passing through the obstruction of the statue, a magnificent high platform appeared in front of Fang Sheyan. The high platform was divided into three floors, and the stairs leading to it seemed to be full of astonishing luxury. The armrests on both sides are decorated with flowers/fruits made of gold.

After climbing up to the high platform on the first floor, grasses made of silver, emerald green apple trees and golden apples appeared on it, full of luxury and luxury. Walking into the legendary Golden Garden of Eden, although I felt a little tacky after seeing too much, I was deeply shocked by such a magnificent and magical scene.

After passing through the jaw-dropping spectacle of this floor, Sheyan continued to go up, and found two ferocious dragons lined up on the second floor, one on the left and one on the right! I was taken aback immediately. Put on a defensive posture—although this posture may not be useful for dragons, which are at least seventh-level and above legendary creatures.

According to the name of the Harry Potter world, the dragon on the left should be a Romanian longhorn. It has black-green scales and long horns that shimmer with gold. It is one of the few creatures that only eats cooked food like humans. It usually kills its prey with its horns, and then roasts the prey with dragon flames. And the striking silver-blue fire dragon on the right should be the Swedish Shorthorn. It is good at blowing out dazzling blue flames from its nostrils, which are extremely hot.

Probably Sheyan's arrival broke through a certain barrier, so when Sheyan realized that the two dragons were already dead, and rushed over in ecstasy to make a fortune, the two dragons also fell to the ground in an instant, turned into dust, and then disappeared forever. Fang Sheyan, who was full of anticipation, felt so bored, coughed and spat heavily into the ashes of the two dragons, as a way to vent his anger a little.

Finally, Fang Sheyan walked to the end of the high platform, and what he saw was a large number of jewels and curios piled up on the high platform like garbage. It became blurred, probably this is the origin of what is usually called "jewelry". Of course, the curses on these treasures are even more powerful. What is the curse of the ancient royal family? Evaporated in the world, not even a little bit of ash remains.

After walking through the treasure pile for more than ten meters, Fang Senyan saw a very strange platinum throne at the highest point in the center of the platform! ! ! You can vaguely see that there seems to be a person sitting on it. There was a burst of excitement in his heart, and he hurriedly rushed forward and walked to the front to see the true face of this person, but he was surprised to find that the throne was still facing away from him!

Fang Senyan took a few steps sideways again in disbelief, and found that when he was moving, the platinum throne was also turning strangely by itself. He was already blocked by a lot of treasures and couldn't move forward. She could only walk on the spot, Fang Senyan took a closer look and found that there was actually a translucent light blue goblin pushing the chair with a smirk beside that chair. The image of the ghost is almost exactly the same, and it is obviously working in the dark.

Sheyan immediately used his insight ability, this time without any accidents, he simply fed back the guy's information:

Tireless Goblin Tinkerer Revenant

Race: ghost

Traits: Can never be attacked, but can never attack others.

Explanation: This is a strange ghost that appeared after absorbing the grievances of all the goblins who died in building this mausoleum. Even after death, it dared not directly blaspheme the devil, and could only vent on the devil's platinum throne in a disguised form. own resentment. If you can't get it right, then you'll never get to the ultimate truth.