The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 214: A bento for a thousand!


Fang Sheyan also noticed at this time that although the human firepower was very fierce, they could not withstand the swarms of the Zerg who would risk their lives. After just watching for a few minutes, the Zerg's attack line advanced at least 20 meters forward. If the advance is carried out according to this situation, it is obvious that in five minutes at most, the human line of defense will come into direct contact with the velociraptor!

Even in the real world, there is a well-known rule: once it is approached within two meters, the lethality of firearms is often not as good as that of melee weapons. What's more, at this moment, these soldiers are facing the fangs and sharp teeth of a swift beast known for its bestial instincts

At this time, a commander had roared with great urgency, and kept making gestures to the rear, as if he wanted someone to retreat first. But the protected car not only didn't start, but several people wearing white power armor stepped out of it one after another. There were men and women among them, and an obvious cross was painted on the armor with red spray paint. The medical kit held in the left hand was made into the shape of a shield. The outer side can be used to parry and block the enemy's attack, and various medicines are placed inside, which is very convenient to use.

The leader of this group was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. He didn't wear power armor, but looked kind and majestic. He said a few words to the tense machine gunners who looked around them, it should be similar to the words I am with you, those machine gunners cheered at the same time, and a faint white light flashed on their bodies, shooting The speed suddenly accelerated. Sheyan is very familiar with this state, obviously using the stimulant ability of the standard armor.

At this time, the men in white power armor had already dispersed among the soldiers, and a little blue light shone from their hands, and then turned into water vapor-like light spots on each soldier's head, gradually blending into them in the body. It seems that they should be recovering their lives. At this time, Mogansha was a little surprised and said:

"I read this information in the steel outpost. This seems to be a medical soldier? Some human beings in this world have begun to slightly awaken their spiritual power. After they have been trained, they are quite good field doctors. power into a sustained healing effect."

Under the powerful effect of the stimulant, the Zerg's line that had been slowly advancing was quickly repulsed, leaving a mess of flesh and blood on the ground. The Zerg's attack line had approached to less than 50 meters from the human line At this time, he was driven back to a position of about 100 meters.

But at this time, the Zerg suddenly changed their formation. First, they retreated out of the range of the tank like a tide, and the dozen or so leader-level swift beasts suddenly gathered together, and began to present a thick triangular cone formation. Obviously The next step is to use them as the forerunner, and the rest of the small velociraptors will follow up, rushing straight up with a thunderous momentum!

Mogansha said anxiously:

"These guys are in big trouble!"

Fang Senyan looked at the few two or three leader-level swift beasts in the remaining Zerg team, and said decisively:

"No, I have to go to support."

Mogansha thought for a while and said:

"The attack power of ordinary velociraptors is only about 30 points. It is said that if there are metal mines near their hatching pools, their attack power will increase, but at most it will not exceed 40 points. Their scary thing is that their attack speed is very fast. Considering Considering your special ability, it is indeed almost impossible to break the defense. The only thing you need to worry about is being hit by them critically. But there are too many swift beasts below... I think you'd better go around and join the machine gunner .”

"No, no, it seems like a good idea to join these guys, but it's actually much more dangerous. Obviously, they will definitely push me to the front line. If the leader-level swift beast rushing over at that time If there are a few more alive, then I will be under more pressure. More importantly, it will not impress them enough. It will not get enough benefits."

Mogansha said in astonishment:

"Are you going to pass from the side alone?"

Sheyan nodded seriously and said:

"Why not? According to the data collected at the Steel Whip Base, the attack power of the Velociraptor cannot meet my defense-breaking standard. As the lowest level of the Zerg, their advantages lie in their amazing numbers and moving speed." Fast, fast attack speed. So in addition to low health, their low crit rate is also their defect. In the test in actual combat, it is about 1%. So there should be no problem."

Mogansha pondered and said:

"Speaking of it this way, the risk has indeed been reduced to an acceptable level, ahem, besides, although I am sick now, I am capable of escaping with you, but I still have to say, go to the sea of insects below alone... It's really dangerous."

Sheyan said confidently:

"Don't forget that I will save the stimulant for my escape. As long as I leave the battlefield within the duration of the stimulant to prevent myself from being besieged, then I can activate another special acceleration effect to escape successfully. The main attractions of the following bugs It’s still on the human team under siege, and the group of machine gunners on the distant position is protected by this group of medical soldiers, so it’s not so easy to die. If I can divert some pressure from the side, it should be able to help them survive .”

After finishing speaking, Fang Sheyan gulped down a bottle of flesh and blood bear's gene potion, and then put on the one-piece armor that he bought. Although this thing is extremely powerful, it is reinforced at the joints, and the airtightness is very good. Well, it’s fine during the battle, if you wear it for ordinary activities, it’s no different from wearing a diving suit, and it’s extremely hot, so you don’t wear it when there is no danger.

Then he picked up the Prometheus III flamethrower. Because of the unlimited ammunition of this thing, Fang Senyan tried to fire it when he got it. , By the way, put on the helmet and ran quickly from the side of the battlefield to the battlefield.

At this time, almost all the machine gunners were pouring firepower at the group of velociraptor leaders rushing madly, and even the three mechanical siege tanks began to focus their fire, because everyone knew what would happen if they rushed in front of them Horrible situation. But there were a few peripheral machine gunners who noticed the behavior of Sheyan, who was carrying the fiery red Prometheus III flamethrower, and couldn't help but whistled and shouted while raising the machine gun and pouring firepower:

"Hey! The good news is that we seem to be reinforcements. The bad news is that there seems to be only one reinforcement. Is he trying to commit suicide?"

Indeed, in the cognition of these soldiers, even if this kind of firebat equipped with a flamethrower is indeed the natural enemy of the velociraptor (puppy), as long as multiple firebats charge in groups, they are good at range damage It is completely possible to carry out a crazy slaughter of groups of velociraptors. But the premise is that the number of arsonists must reach a certain number, and the opponent cannot have long-range units such as Hydralisks. Otherwise, they will be killed by the strong acid before they can reach the Hydralisks with insufficient range.

What's more, Arson Soldiers have a very fatal weakness, that is, they have no air defense capability at all. Therefore, in the current establishment of the Human Interstellar Alliance, the arsonists are usually organized as a whole, and they are recruited wherever there are special circumstances. Therefore, in these small-scale bases, there are usually no targeted arsonists. Strong armies exist.

Just when these soldiers thought that Sheyan would be submerged in the sea of insects in an instant, Sheyan stopped about 50 meters away from the edge of the sea of insects, approaching several swift beasts that were rushing towards the front position at high speed Suddenly there was a commotion, Fang Sheyan took a few steps forward, and immediately more than a dozen small swift beasts broke away from the team and rushed out with teeth and claws. When they entered Sheyan's shooting range, Sheyan's left and right hands pulled the trigger of the launcher at the same time, and two fire snakes with a length of more than 20 meters shot out at the same time, completely engulfing the more than ten swift beasts!

Suddenly being burned by the flames, the bodies of these ten or so velociraptors were also ignited alive. While screaming in pain, they tried their best to disperse and run away. However, Fang Senyan's perception as high as 23 points could accurately predict their S-type dodge route. As a result, these swift beasts only ran five or six meters before being burned alive! Even Fang Sheyan deliberately wanted to keep one of them to test the attack power of this group of swift beasts, but he couldn't do it.

"Why is the attack power so strong..." Sheyan himself was very surprised, because the Prometheus III flamethrower is a weapon exclusive to this world. Not only can it not be carried, but it will be automatically destroyed after the owner leaves this world. So Sheyan couldn't see its attack power and other detailed information at all! Now it seems that its attack range and attack power are probably far higher than the standard equipment of other arsonists, but think about the difficulty and value of its purchase, and it can only deal with the lowest level of velociraptors. In fact, it can only be called excellent value for money.

After pulling another wave of velociraptors, Fang Senyan tested the attack power of these velociraptors, which actually reached 37 points. It seems that what Mogansha said is true, there is metal ore near the hatching pool of the velociraptor nest of this group, so its attack power will increase. But for Sheyan at this time, the critical point of breaking the defense is stuck at 50 points of attack power, so there is no difference between 30 points of attack power and 37 points of attack power, both are forced to deduct a little blood.