The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 218: rescue


As soon as Mo Gansha heard Fang Sheyan's words, he knew that he planned to push himself to the front to attract attention. He logically said that he would not be willing to be used like this anyway, but he also knew the strength of Metal Mentor and Fanu How terrifying is it! But in the last world, it was the Metal Mentor and Fanu who died, and the sailor who survived was the sailor whose natural ability was to be defensive!

Such cruel facts further strengthened Mogansha's belief: this person can only be a friend, not an enemy!

After fighting with various thoughts in his mind, Mogansha coughed, attracted everyone's attention, and said loudly:

"I am Golden AK Mogansha. Many of you must have heard of my name, right? I wonder if anyone can attack the two monsters outside?"

As soon as this sentence was said, at least five or six people showed surprise expressions and began to whisper. A man in a leather jacket sitting opposite Mogansha frowned and said:

"I can, but first of all, it is impossible to kill them, and I don't think it is necessary at all. Wouldn't it be better to let the transport ship attract the attraction of these two monsters? It can better ensure the reliability of our safe landing."

Mogansha sneered, and ignored him, and suddenly a woman on the opposite side said confidently:

"I think I can go and communicate with the driver. If there is a way to fight back, then I can definitely find it out, but I want to know the reason for this."

Obviously this woman should have some expertise in charm, but she obviously couldn't get a definite answer - because even Mo Gansha didn't understand Sheyan's intentions, but Mogansha understood one thing, that is, Sheyan wanted to At this time, attack the two monsters chasing behind. If you can't even fulfill the sailor's first request, then your own value may be underestimated.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Mogansha pulled out his gold AK, aimed at the three safety belts that bound him and fired, then stretched out his hand to hold the metal safety belt, exerting force slowly, the ear-piercing sound of metal breaking sounded. , already tore off the three safety metal straps that bound him, and then stood up.

"What do you want to do!" There were several surprised voices who asked this sentence. Mogansha strode nonchalantly to the small window near the driver's cab, pointed at the intercom next to him and roared:

"Hey! Dude in front, those two alien bastards have already killed at least twenty of our brothers, and they seem to succeed again soon, can we just sit here and watch?"

The driver also growled:

"You think I don't want to fuck their assholes? Damn, I swear on my son's baseball cap, if this was a Valkyries frigate, then I'd fire eight HALO missiles in a split second and send these two The spore-eating wyvern is awesome! But it's just a fucking transport ship, even though it's a special thickened transport ship! The last thing I want to say is get back to your fucking seat and buckle up your seat belt!"

Mogansha shrugged and said disappointedly:

"Well, it seems that the only thing I can do now is pray for them."

The driver took a deep breath and said suddenly:

"Wait, I remember that when the ship was reinforced, that old Nick seemed to install a Camille cannon, but he rushed to take off before he could connect it to the fire control system. If you Believe in yourself, then I can turn the firing position on, but you can only shoot manually — seriously, I don’t recommend that.”

Mogansha showed a sinister smile on his face and said:

"Just wait and see the good show."

The driver didn't look back, but stretched out a thumb and waved, and didn't know what button he pressed. Suddenly, there was a long "嗤" deflation sound from the wall, and then a hand similar to driving The seat of the chair rotated and fell from above. Mogansha directly sat down on the defiant big thorn, and then the swivel chair rose again. The man in the leather jacket was full of disapproval, but he still didn't dare to take the lead in questioning. It can be seen that the fierce flame of Mogansha Gold AK is also absolutely loud.

Soon, tracer bullets began to fly out from the top of the transport ship, and poured directly onto the body of a predatory spore dragon. It can be clearly seen that the defenseless predatory spore dragon was beaten to death. The balance kept rolling, screaming miserably, a large amount of green thick liquid gushed out from the wound on its body, turned into little green traces in the space, and finally evaporated and disappeared.

An excited whistle came from the cockpit:

"Whoa, great job, man! Back at base I'll buy you a drink and introduce you to Mary, who's a big ass and fat tits!"

Then the little tracer bombs were thrown at another predatory spore dragon. This guy was still attacking the transport ship persistently, but it should have been prepared, and it just flapped its wings and deflected away. The skin membrane was punctured with several holes. Then with an incomparably flexible turn, it easily aimed at the transport ship where Sheyan and the others were on.

But at this time, the little tracer bullets also disappeared, and Mogansha actually stopped shooting at this time! Could it be that the weapon malfunctioned

Just when the predatory spore wyvern was about to arrive within a hundred meters of the transport ship, everyone could already see its wrinkled and ugly skin began to swell and synthesize the glands of the cannonball. Suddenly, denser bullets flew out at high speed, hitting this guy like an energy whip! The dense depleted uranium bullets mercilessly beat its body until green slurry was sprayed out, and it rolled and flew away. Only dare to roar angrily in the distance.

Just as the two spore-eating dragons who had suffered a disadvantage gathered together, the driver in front let out a long breath, and said through gritted teeth:

"Chopsticks, do you dare to follow?"

After speaking, he pushed the control stick, and the exterior of the transport ship began to glow with a dazzling fiery red light. It should have entered the planet's atmosphere, and these two predatory spore dragons are only suitable for fighting in space, they can only circle twice and then Fly away resentfully. The shooting chair on the top also circled down. Mogansha jumped down from it, looked around with a sneer, and then sat back in his seat.

At this time, the driver in front started talking loudly again:

"Hello? Is it No. 003? Are you all right? No, no, no, it's not that the glory of God is everywhere, but it didn't fall on you just now. It's Old Mike's Camille cannon and a brave Soldiers rescued you. Ah, I seem to see smoke coming from your engine. Yes, yes, the hydraulic system must have failed. It seems that forced landing is your only option. Good luck."

As he said that, he could see the troop carrier flying obliquely to the left dragging thick black smoke, but it seems that the forced landing should not be a big problem. All the contractors also looked quite disappointed, because there is no doubt that if the transport plane can land with them, then the soldiers inside should become an extremely powerful booster. Only Sheyan looked at the leaving troop carrier thoughtfully.

Soon, the transport plane rushed into the atmosphere, and the bare mountains, yellow sand, and rocky beaches passed below at high speed. After flying for less than three minutes, a small base made of steel appeared in front of it. The base was built in the middle of the rolling yellow Gobi Desert, and it looks extremely eye-catching. There are six dedicated air-to-air missile launch pads (Missile Turrets) in the four corners that are constantly rotating. The driver turned his head and shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Guys, welcome to planet P, since the front is full of small anti-air spore towers hatched by those goddamn bugs, and disgusting monsters like hydralisks/explosive floaters. So this outpost is the beginning of your journey End point. Next, the commander will read the instructions for this mission to you. After landing, you have one minute to leave the cabin. Oh, by the way, that brave soldier, I don’t know your name yet.”

Mogansha grinned his thick lips, revealing his white teeth:

"I am Mogansha Rem. It was a pleasure to ride your ship."

The driver winked, and threw a tin harmonica at Mogansha with his backhand, and Mogansha caught it:

"Help me bring this thing to Dundee, the pilot of the spaceship. You did a great job. I thank you for all the passengers on that spaceship. You have the opportunity to come to the base to find me."

And Mogansha also got a reminder:

"You got 1000 utility points."

"You got a prop: the harmonica made by the driver Kit. This is a harmonica made by Kit from various sundries and scraps. Although it is worthless, it is original."

At this time, the transport plane has begun to land slowly on the top platform of the steel outpost base. It can be seen that in the base, there are at least 30 SCVs (space construction engineering vehicles) holding up welding torches and shuttling through the entire base non-stop. With all kinds of strengthening and welding work, the dazzling arc light comes into people's eyes from time to time.

Obviously they are eager to strengthen this base. It can be seen that there are three bunkers (Bunkers) built around the five-meter-high steel fence around the base, and two bunkers (Bunkers) are under continuous construction. These bunkers can provide fairly reliable protection for vulnerable machine gunners. Even if they are attacked, they can be repaired in battle, and each bunker can output a lot of damage in a short time.