The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 219: that demon


"I will never be attacked... but I will never be able to attack others." Fang Senyan looked at the crap of the craftsman's unjust soul, and felt a feeling in his heart that there was nowhere to go. He began to search for the items on his body, and suddenly, something that had been hidden in the storage space for a long time came into his sight. Fang Senyan's heart suddenly moved: Goblin's dead soul... Maybe this thing will work.

The thing Sheyan saw was the ancient gold pound obtained from Pirates of the Caribbean! This gold coin was snatched by him from Kerry. It was marked as a valuable, extremely valuable and very popular with the characters in the plot. Of course, Sheyan's weakness is the pitiful charisma points, but don't forget that it has been verified by the respected Gringotts wizard bank manager Infinit before, and goblins happen to be one of the few types that do not suffer from charisma points. One of the creatures affected…

"Ghost goblins, should they be goblins too?" Fang Sheyan thought happily, took out the gold pound, put it between his fingers, and it flew up with a "ding". , and then twirled and fell into the palm of my hand.

After the ghost goblin heard the crisp sound of the gold coin, it immediately turned its head extremely quickly, and its resentful eyes immediately switched to scorching heat.

Sheyan spread his hands and said:

"I think we can talk now, Mr. Goblin."

The goblin immediately screamed angrily:

"Sir? You call me sir! You impolite fellow, I am the Grand Duke of Punk Gold Ingot, conferred by the emperor himself! Let me tell you, I will never change my mind, I will always stop the attempt to get close to this demon people! forever!"

Sheyan shrugged and said sincerely:

"But I didn't intend to get close to this demon. The bottle monk came here after going through untold hardships all the way from the Great Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land. In fact, he came here just to see your demeanor, Grand Duke!"

The ghost goblin's ears immediately pricked up, and he immediately stroked the beard on his chin, and coughed solemnly:

"Don't try to deceive me, you obviously came here for this demon."

"Of course not." Fang Senyan said decisively: "Ever since I got this incomparably precious ancient gold coin, I have been unable to find its historical background and other information, and more importantly, it is completely impossible to verify its authenticity. I have even traveled all over the land, but it has brought me nothing but disappointment. At this time, Mr. Infinity, the manager of the Wizarding Bank of Gringotts, after charging me thirty pounds, offered me an invaluable According to the news, the last remaining polymath of the Goblin family should be staying here, so I came here."

In order to verify his statement, Sheyan took out the severed finger key which had played a huge role again, trying to squeeze out its remaining value again. Punk Gold Ingot took the severed finger key and stroked it. After nodding his head, he put it aside, and immediately revealed a kind of unconcealable excitement. It has already begun to rub its hands excitedly and said:

"Infinit? Oh! I know, it should be the blood inheritance of the royal family—even though I still don't have any good feelings for you, I still have to admit that your vision and luck are quite good. Not bad! In front of you at this time The one standing there is Punk Gold Ingot, the Grand Duke of the Goblin Empire. He also holds the titles of Master of Heraldry, Erudite Family Emblem, and Authoritative Gold Purity Appraisal... I said, can you take this gold coin? Closer? I can't see at all."

Sheyan smiled and handed the ancient gold coin to Punk Gold Ingot's translucent palm. The goblin's eyes were more greedy and fanatical, and full of concentration. It immediately let out a low sigh of surprise:

"My God! This purity is better than any gold coin I've ever seen. It's so fascinating to look at this beautiful gold color. It's better than any goblin virgin's carcass... This weird pattern is also amazing. It is very well used, a very clever dividing line! Damn, why can’t I find anything related to it in my memory? Damn, I have to look up the Encyclopedia of Arms... "

Sheyan exclaimed in a timely manner:

"Did I hear it right? I really didn't hear it wrong? Please forgive my presumptuousness, Grand Duke, you said that the purity of this gold coin is better than any gold coin you've ever seen?"

Punk Gold Ingot suddenly shouted angrily:

"There is no doubt about it! I am sure of it, yes, I dare to bet the reputation of the gold ingot family for three thousand seven hundred and thirty-one years to be sure of this, gold coins! Any guy who insults and questions gold should be Put on the gallows or burn at the stake!"

Sheyan breathed a sigh of relief immediately and said:

"Since that's the case, I'm relieved."

The old goblin began to try to bite the gold coin—although it was a futile move for the ghost—it said impatiently:

"What are you worried about?"

"I bet someone else that that idiot thought that this gold coin was a copper coin, so we had a heated argument and bet on each other's property." Fang Senyan said seriously: "I finally met someone who can be sure and speak loudly. An authority that says it's a gold coin. May I then make a trivial suggestion to the esteemed Grand Duke Punk Gold?"

"A negligible... suggestion?" Old Goblin asked vigilantly. "Of course, this suggestion cannot involve my wallet!"

"If... if I use this insignificant ancient gold coin as a reward, will I be honored to get a certificate of appraisal issued by Grand Duke Punk Gold Ingot himself?" Sheyan asked cautiously.

"Remuneration? I haven't heard such a sweet word for more than 10,000 years!" Grand Duke Punk beamed and said, "Although your request is too much, but in view of my always kind heart, I still promise you. "

Speaking of which, the ghost goblin began to plan to draft a certificate, but found that it could not find paper and pens everywhere, and it began to become irritable.

Sheyan frowned and said:

"Dear Mr. Punk Gold Ingot, you should know that time is money. Since you have promised me, then we should not waste our time. I can only give you five more minutes, otherwise I have to put this A lovely gold coin has been recovered."

"Take it back? Gold coins? No!!" Punk Gold Ingot immediately screamed angrily. "No one can take the gold coin away from Punk! Especially such a cute baby full of mysteries and unknowns! It is simply more important than my life!"

"Then you have to issue me a certificate!" Fang Sheyan also said angrily. "Otherwise you are a fraud!"

"Scam?" Punk Gold Ingot suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "Maybe this is a good choice? Thank you for reminding me young man! Hahahaha!"

It immediately fled towards the side of the high platform with a high-pitched laugh, and when it stepped out of the high platform, its entire figure blurred and disappeared into the air, and then countless resentments formed a face and disappeared from the place where it disappeared It flew out and flew towards the sky.

For Punk Gold Ingot, the purpose of its existence as a ghost is to never forget the bad things the devil did to it back then, but now all its thoughts are transferred to this ancient gold coin that it has never seen before. Being dispersed smoothly, one will naturally be relieved. This demonstrates the nature of goblins from another aspect-gold coins can override everything!

At this moment, there is no longer any barrier between Sheyan and the mysterious demon king sitting on the throne! At this time, Sheyan couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer, stepped up with one step, and immediately saw a short strange man wrapped in a black cloak sitting on the golden throne. He couldn't even see his face, and on his left shoulder was a shabby and dirty sackcloth bag. After matching it together, it gave off a wretched smell.

"This, is the demon king that the goblins talk about? Maybe this guy is also a goblin! Even the so-called gods can't do anything to it?" Sheyan couldn't believe his eyes. He suddenly thought of the burly and stalwart man painted in the murals he saw earlier, who wiped out the enemy with a wave of his hand, and that guy was also carrying a sack... Fang Sheyan almost spat out a mouthful of blood, he guessed it There must be a certain gap between artistic processing and reality, but how can the gap be so large!

At this time, Fang Sheyan's movements were probably a little louder, which might have caused some wind noise, and the little weirdo wrapped in a black cloak sitting on the throne immediately fell sideways! There was a sudden click on the golden throne, and then a lot of broken bones flew out, and turned into powder in the air before landing, and the little weirdo wrapped in a black cloak also turned into powder in an instant. After the powder is gone, only the throne is as golden as ever.

After seeing the bone that was thrown out, Fang Senyan immediately realized that the bone was also quite thin, obviously it should be the bone of a short goblin—he immediately combined the various characteristics of the goblin with what he had seen. After combining the smells, I suddenly found that I found the truth of the whole story as if it was a matter of course:

Ten thousand years ago, the last emperor of the Goblin Empire was very narcissistic, licentious, immoral, and tyrannical. He also possessed some superpowers, so his brutality and ability were passed down from generation to generation, and everyone was in awe. Horrible, and this guy also imitated Qin Shihuang's frantic accumulation and construction of his own tomb, and finally aroused the anger of the nobles, and the entire empire collapsed... But because the devil himself is also a goblin, so the goblins of later generations have no psychology The pressure was frantically boasting about it, and finally after repeated artistic processing, the story in Infinit's mouth was formed.

As for the sign standing in front of the mausoleum, Sheyan sneered even more: Well, since such a short and wretched guy can be artistically processed into an Ultraman on the mural, then the goblin in the text Of course, it is logical that it looks exaggerated.

Having figured everything out, Sheyan suddenly felt a sense of dullness, waved his hand and was about to leave, but at this moment, a series of reminders came from the nightmare mark, which immediately stunned Sheyan!