The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 220: Unparalleled flames


Suddenly, there was an accident in the temporary defense line built by humans! The ground rumbled, and a giant fire-breathing bug suddenly drilled out of the ground, overturning a siege machine tank. Although this guy was not as powerful as the burning mouthpiece of the low-level legendary creature that Sheyan and the others had dealt with before, it was Appearing in its heyday, it crawls and scurries quickly. With a weight close to ten tons, it doesn't need to breathe fire, it just needs to walk around in the crowd, and the lethality is amazing enough, although it is hard to escape being killed The fate of death, but the two spurts of acid flames killed at least twenty or thirty people, and caused a lot of chaos!

As the so-called internal and external troubles, it doesn't matter if the manpower is lost, but the firepower gap caused by the siege tank being knocked down is quite obvious. Seeing that although the leaders of the group of swift and fierce beasts were all killed and injured, the sea of swift and fierce beasts behind them rushed up frantically, and the already precarious defensive line immediately collapsed.

Several machine gunners yelled, dropped the machine guns in their hands, and rushed out into the sea of insects. When they were about to be overwhelmed by insects, a dazzling blue light shone around them, within a radius of six to seven meters. All the velociraptors within ten meters were killed or injured, and even the velociraptors within ten meters fell into a state of sluggish shock. Of course, the machine gunners at the core of the blue light also died and fell to the ground, their bodies reduced to ashes.

Then the leading medical staff used a powerful ability, causing the swift beasts in the range in front of him to suddenly become irritable and chaotic, biting each other, which was able to support the defensive line, but this was also a machine gunner. They exchanged their flesh and blood for their lives. If the Zerg continues to increase its troops, then I believe that the Zerg will soon be able to carry out a crazy massacre. The situation is so critical that it is imminent!

At this moment, Fang Senyan's original plan has been completely disrupted. If he does not do something immediately, then the human beings on the opposite side may be completely destroyed in this wave of offensive. He raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly , The cry was full of madness, and then he pressed the switch of the flamethrower to the limit, and the two fire dragons grew as soon as they saw the wind, nearly 30 meters long. Then it rushed into the sea of swift and ferocious beasts that were rushing towards the human defense line like a tide! ! !

A bird's-eye view from the sky—

one person!

A figure that looks only the size of a grain of rice!

At this moment, it suddenly came forward like an awl, exuding an indomitable momentum, deeply inserted into the vast sea of insects! ! !

Fang Senyan strenuously moved forward, while swinging the flamethrower left and right, and immediately engulfed a large number of swift beasts into the sea of flames. At this time, if you can look down from a distance from the sky, it seems that a torrent of flesh and blood has been directly blocked by a dam formed by noisy flames and turned into a half-blocked state!

Although the machine gunners in the distance were in a hard fight, many people still noticed the crazy behavior of the bright red figure in the distance! Many soldiers even stayed where they were, numb and stunned, and it took a long time for them to say "Wow, that's cool!". But Sheyan is the only one who knows his own suffering, because he adopts such a method of strafing, there will inevitably be "worms" who slip through the net and rush up fiercely with a whole body of flames!

In such an environment, Fang Sheyan's field of vision was greatly hindered, he only felt that there was fire ahead, and all directions were crazy and fast beasts!

More importantly, although the Prometheus III flamethrower is introduced to be used for five minutes, it refers to the situation of regular use, just like a lighter. If you smoke occasionally, it is estimated that it can be used for half a month. But I'm afraid it will take ten minutes at most to boil water with it. If the injection holes of the left and right hands spray flames continuously, the use time of this flamethrower will be reduced to only fifty seconds!

Sheyan gritted his teeth, and continued to stride forward! At this time, he completely cut off the terrifying insect swarm with his own strength! Fang Senyan left a deep scorched scar with a width of seven or eight meters, covered with smoldering insect corpses, and those small swift beasts that were enraged lost the effective control of the leader, frantically Sheyan was chasing from behind, but Sheyan's back area was also limited, at most seven or eight swift beasts could attack at the same time, which is quite good, but their strength is not as strong as Sheyan, the probability of knocking Sheyan down is quite low.

In just over ten seconds, Fang Sheyan walked to the center of the swarm, and behind him were countless small swift beasts chasing wildly, so that most of the surviving machine gunners in the rear would pounce on him. After the swift beasts in front of them were killed in hand-to-hand combat, there was even a blank refractory period when they stood there dumbfounded!

At this moment, Fang Sheyan yelled suddenly, and activated the built-in stimulant function, and the health value that was already falling rapidly dropped again. But at the next moment, Sheyan immediately started to spin around himself. At this time, Sheyan's rate of fire was already doubled by the stimulant! He himself is in the sea of insects, and his killing efficiency can be said to have reached an astonishing value. After he finished spinning, an open space of hundreds of square meters has been cleared around him, but those crazy and fast beasts that are not afraid of death can be said to be It quickly filled this gap, and it only took a few seconds to jump back to Sheyan's side.

At this time, Sheyan spun on the spot again, at least burned nearly a hundred swift beasts, and burned the road leading to the human defense line behind him, and then took advantage of this precious life and death for a few seconds, After turning off the flamethrower, he turned around and ran towards the rear. At this time, the duration of his stimulant has not disappeared, and the 50% bonus to the movement speed is also there. To be on the safe side, Sheyan even activates the acceleration of the soul equipment: Endless Vodka, so that Sheyan's movement speed is even faster than The velociraptor, so it managed to escape without any danger before the velociraptors on both sides surrounded it.

The soldiers on the opposite side roared wildly with excitement, whistles and cheers came and went, it was obvious that Sheyan had achieved something that even they didn't even dare to think about! If it wasn't for the calm officers around to restrain him, I believe they would have rushed out to meet Sheyan long ago.

When Sheyan successfully escaped into the range of the machine gunner, he still had 150 health points left. Although he hadn't reached the critical point of danger, the excitement of going deep into the vast sea of insects was still there. It made his spirit deeply exhausted. Because at that time, once the fuel of the flamethrower was cut off or something malfunctioned, Sheyan would be consumed to death even if he had ten times more HP! ! !

At the same time, those machine gunners who had already aimed at them also pulled the trigger, and the muzzles of their guns spewed out long tongues of flame. Of course, they aimed at the furious swift beasts that were chasing Sheyan. At this time, the standard armor on Sheyan's body has been gnawed to pieces, and there are many deep and shallow wounds all over his body, blood is continuously flowing out, it seems that it is fair to say that he is seriously injured and dying. And the leader of the medical soldiers came out first, and waved his arm at Fang Sheyan. Fang Senyan felt a cool feeling coming from his body, as if he was bathed in the cold spring water, and his mind was immediately cleared. , I felt much better, and suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Don't look at Fang Senyan's interception this time, which only delayed the insect tide for more than 20 seconds at most, but for the human defense line that was on the verge of collapse, it was no less than a shot in the arm. Formation, changing magazines, and the buffer time for hiding in concealed objects. Fang Senyan simply acted and did the whole thing, as soon as he rushed into the defensive line, he half-kneeled on the ground, gasping for breath, and immediately several people rushed up to help, and professional medical soldiers came to help heal the wound and so on.

After resting for a few minutes, Sheyan picked up the Prometheus III flamethrower and rushed forward. At this moment, he is safe from the rear, has long-range fire support, and even has medical soldiers in the rear to support him. Fang Sheyan charged unscrupulously. Play very reassuringly, it is very difficult for the insect swarm to advance, and almost every meter advanced will cost a lot of money. It didn't take long for the leader of a swift beast left in the distance to know that the operation had failed, and he didn't see any orders from it, and the insect swarm receded like a tide, and disappeared far away on the horizon.

After confirming that the bug swarm had really receded, everyone's spirits suddenly relaxed. Many machine gunners ignored the blood on the ground and sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, and took off their helmets by the way. a cigarette. There is no doubt that Sheyan has become a hero among them.

When these people heard that Sheyan was dispatched by the parent star base to rescue the wrecked elite special soldiers, they suddenly realized and became very enthusiastic. Although Fang Sheyan's 2 points of charm are still strong, most of the soldiers showed "have admired the name for a long time." "The attitude should obviously be the effect of the +1 popularity.

Although the explosion rate of the Velociraptor is not high, the number of people killed is terrifying. Fang Sheyan also harvested a lot of materials in this attack. Fortunately, in that case, the dropped items are automatically put into the nightmare storage space. Yes, otherwise there would really be no time to pick them up. After Fang Sheyan left two of the dark blue rare carapace materials behind, the rest of the sundries were exchanged for nearly 3700 utility points, which is a typical example.