The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 221: difficulty!


The drop-shaped lead bullet with blue smoke shot directly at the Hydralisk's head. However, due to Sheyan's natural flaws in shooting, it can be seen that the bullet has clearly deflected, and the saying that a slight difference is a thousand miles can also be applied to aiming and shooting. But the strange thing is: in the dark, it seems that there is an incomparable magical power controlling something, forcibly twisting the shooting route of the bullet to a certain extent, and correcting the past in a living way! !

The special effect of inevitable hit will take effect at this time!

This deadly lead bullet severely injured the blood-colored golden-striped hydralisk, and at the same time knocked it into a stunned state. After the three-second stun effect disappeared, Mogansha apparently recovered from the paralysis, and retreated behind the cover as quickly as possible, leaving no chance for the enemy to attack at all.

Then the reef rushed into the group of swift beasts, and at the same time that the hideous and terrifying silver alien shield was protecting him, he let out a soul-stirring roar! Under that invisible impact, the nearby blood-red and gold-patterned beasts suddenly seemed to be swept by a strong wind, with bloodshot eyes seeping from their mouths, noses, and eyes, and their attack speed and movement speed that seemed to be berserk showed a huge increase. Decline!


These swift beasts with extremely high tactical literacy originally wanted to go straight to the long-range attackers in the rear: the Hydralisks of the Blackthorn tribe and the elite soldiers of humans, selectively ignoring the two guys in the front. But after being forced to slow down by at least 50%, if they insist on doing so, the only fate is to be directly killed by bullets and acid during the slow-moving charge, leaving no dregs left. So they switched their targets back to Fang Senyan and the reef—unfortunately, for their attack power, these two guys are two damn boulders, and their hardness is still at the level of granite.

In just a few minutes, this abrupt battle ended. During this battle, only three of the swift beasts brought by Sheyan remained. Fortunately, the long-range fire output was basically intact. Seeing this scene, Fang Sheyan's face became a little dignified. The velociraptor can no longer die, otherwise the hydralisk will have to be used to scout the way ahead. And it's hard to tell how much danger is ahead!

For example, the giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft tower in front of them seemed to be placed in front of them naked and undefended like a certain woman in Mr. Chen's works, but Sheyan absolutely didn't think they could rush up and do whatever they wanted. On the contrary, after the Zerg guards were killed and wounded, a great sense of threat came to Sheyan's consciousness, as if there was a voice telling him non-stop:

"Don't come close, don't come close! Don't come close!"

A group of people rested here for ten minutes, while waiting for their bodies to recover, they were still discussing the attack plan. But at this moment when they were hesitating, a reminder came from the nightmare mark of the three of them at the same time:

"Warning! You have delayed too much time. The troops directly under the Queen of Blades on the Spore Heights have detected an abnormality, and have sent an additional patrol team to meet you in ten minutes."

"Warning! You have delayed too much time. The troops directly under the Queen of Blades on the Spore Heights have discovered an abnormality. From now on, an additional patrol team will be sent to conduct patrols every 30 minutes. The power of the patrol team will be incrementally stronger."

"Oh! Damn it!" Sheyan didn't have time to start cursing at this time, he immediately looked around the surrounding terrain, and Mogansha and Jiaoshi were also experts in this field, and immediately selected a place that was most suitable for defending. area! Soon, the patrol team rushed up from behind, about thirty blood-colored golden-striped swift beasts and five blood-colored golden-striped hydralisks.

And among them there is a monster that has never been seen before. This monster has eight long legs like a long-legged spider, and the end of the long legs has a cold light like a metal blade. Its head looks quite similar. It was a Hydralisk, but it was at least two or three times larger than the Hydralisk, and because of the non-stop sliding of its eight long legs, it moved quite quickly. The golden stripes spread from its torso to its eight long legs, which seemed to have a kind of evil majesty!

After Jiao Shi saw this creature, his eyes widened immediately, and he immediately contacted Sheyan:

"This is the advanced unit of the Hydralisk! We encountered it when we rescued Reggiani, and it appeared with the fire-breathing insect! This monster is called a stalker, and there is no such monster on the ground. Attack, but it can drill into the ground at a very high speed, and then there will be undulating spikes like blades emerging from the ground, inflicting damage on everyone in the attack direction, but we didn't pay attention at the time, and as a result, a total of 13 soldiers from the tough guy detachment It died under its hands! We have to destroy it immediately, otherwise, once it gets drilled into the ground, it will be very difficult to cause damage to it."

"A range attack version of Tongue Bunker?" Fang Sheyan stared at the carapace on the stalker's body. There was a little bit of metallic luster on it. Obviously, this guy's defense is also extremely strong! "What's its range?"

"It will definitely not be inferior to the range of the machine gunner. Although this guy has penetrated into the ground and cannot move, his attack range is at least not inferior to our guns. More importantly, because the attack is launched directly from the ground, so many bunkers It is useless. More importantly, I don’t know if the stalkers of the Queen’s direct troops have any other additional enhancements!"

Obviously, Mogansha's Spartan Spear is still cooling down at this time. Seeing this situation, Fang Senyan could only sigh, this battle was fought very hard and it is a foregone conclusion! The only good news is that the song of rum has a cooldown of 10 minutes, which means it can still come in handy in battle.

Fifteen minutes later, the battle was over. Fang Sheyan, who was lurking next to him, succeeded in a sneak attack. He used the three-second stun of the Song of Rum and a trial electromagnetic cloud bomb to finally kill the bloody head. The golden-striped stalker took control for about ten seconds (because this stalker also has a weakening effect on stun resistance), and all ranged troops seized the time to kill this guy.

However, this Zerg patrol, which deliberately dispersed in formation, also launched a powerful counterattack in an instant. Under the dual control of Fang Sheyan and Jiao Shi, there were still seven or eight blood-colored raptors and blood-colored Hydralisks that successfully attacked the long-range troops. A raid has been launched! After the battle, one of Mogansha's eyes was blinded by the acid spray, Sheyan and Jiaoshi did not suffer much damage, but all the swift beasts they brought were wiped out, and only one of the Hydralisk survived with a serious injury , those few elite machine gunners of human beings died and only three remained!

Obviously, they had to complete the task within the next twenty minutes, at least blow up the giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft tower in front of them, and they didn't want the extra rewards. At least keep it from being punished! Although the perceived threat warning was very obvious, Sheyan gave the attack order to the only surviving seriously injured Hydralisk, and let it walk towards the giant spore spraying anti-aircraft tower to explore the way.

One hundred meters, no accidents.

Eighty meters, no accidents.

Fifty meters... All of a sudden, this seriously injured Hydralisk exploded abruptly! Scattered into pieces of meat and flying green slime! Those pieces of meat and body fluids were spread on the ground, dissolving quickly like butter thrown into a hot pan, and disappeared without a trace in just a few seconds. At the moment of the tragic explosion, a golden light could be seen flashing away, and the light almost pierced into people's hearts!

Sheyan turned his head to look at Mogansha who had the best eyes, and said solemnly:

"Did you see it?"

Mogansha swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with difficulty and dryly:

"I saw it. It was the attack of the tongue-piercing tower piercing up from the ground. The attack was hard, sharp, fast, and precise! It was full of blood! Its attack speed seemed to be only half of the ordinary tongue-piercing tower! But every time With one attack, two pale and blood-stained tentacles can be directly stabbed out! The tips of the tentacles are shining with a golden luster! Moreover, the location of this blood-colored gold-striped tongue-stabbing tower is very insidious, and it is destined to Without the long-range firepower, we must go around to attack it! If we go around, then we must enter its attack range, and someone must attract firepower in front!"

Obviously, it should be the last line of defense to defend the giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft tower: the bloody gold-striped tongue-stinging tower! Then the next key lies in Sheyan and Jiaoshi. If they can withstand the attack of the blood-colored gold-striped tongue-thorn tower, then there is still a chance to kill the tongue-thorn tower to complete the task! But the point is... can it hold up

If two players take turns topping the game, then one problem is how to attract the firepower of the tongue-piercing ground tower. For example, Fang Senyan went to the top first. When he couldn't support it, how could he ensure that the reef could attract the attack power of the tongue-piercing tower immediately, and also ensure that this guy only attacked himself.

This problem was solved by the remaining fireman Balance. He told Sheyan with certainty that according to the statistics of the human troops, the instinct of all tongue-stabbing towers will only attack the nearest enemy, unless it is the brain. The worms will only attack the most threatening troops if they control them personally. And the troops directly under the Queen of Blades do not have brain worms, they will only obey the orders of the Queen of Blades! Fortunately, the Queen of Blades is obviously not here at this time, so this weakness can be exploited.

The next step, and also the most important step, is of course for Sheyan and Jiao Shi to experience the attack power of this tongue-piercing tower for themselves. But the test results undoubtedly poured cold water on everyone's head! Although the attack interval of the blood-colored gold-striped tongue-piercing tower is very long, it takes almost six or seven seconds to attack once, but its theoretical attack least reached a terrifying 200 points or even more than 250 points! ! And its HP not only recovered extremely quickly, it even reached nearly 7,000 points according to preliminary estimates! !