The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 222: A ray of life


After assisting the Blackthorn tribe to kill the one hundred and seven spore dragons, Sheyan's reputation rose again. In fact, only a pervert like him dared to take such a gamble, because the moment he jumped out of the deep beard's sac cavity, he would inevitably suffer the ejection damage from the spore bullets spit out by the spore flying dragon. Although the ejection damage was only the original damage 50% of that, but at that time there were almost forty flying dragons whose projectile spores would attack Sheyan! If it wasn't for his "tough" body protection, he would be instantly killed on the spot!

Of course, high risk comes with high reward. After Fang Senyan's reputation has improved this time, he has directly reached the "worship" standard of the Blackthorn tribe! Then you will be able to view the highest level of redemption rewards! After he exhaled the exchange menu from the Mother of Blackthorn, he and Mogansha took a deep breath:

Your reputation in the Insect Tribe: Blackthorn has reached Exalted, and you can no longer exchange for special units under the current difficulty.

The redeemable passive abilities are as follows:

Infused Velociraptor Genetically Modified Adrenaline: Permanently increases your movement speed by 33%. It costs 15,000 reputation points and 2,500 general points.

Infused with Hydralisk Coelotropic Hormone: Permanently increases your ranged attack range by 15%. It costs 15,000 reputation points and 2,500 general points.

Inject Zerg Chitin Care Solution: Permanently increase your defense by 2 points, costing 15,000 reputation points and 2,500 general points.

Inject the power of the brood: increase all your attributes by 1 point, cost 25,000 reputation points, and 5,000 general points.

Tip: The same effect of the Zerg passive ability after exchange cannot be superimposed, and only the highest value is taken. (For example, Fang Senyan first redeemed the Velociraptor genetically modified adrenaline to increase the movement speed by 33% in this difficulty, and then come back to exchange for the Velociraptor genetically improved adrenaline II when the difficulty is high, which can permanently increase the movement speed by 50%. Then the increased movement speed is 50%, not 83%)

Tip: You can help the rest of the contractors to exchange.

Obviously, the most cost-effective exchange here is the power of the brood. As long as it can be exchanged successfully, there is no doubt that the deficit of basic attributes in this world will be made up, and it will be a great profit!

Sheyan's current prestige that can be used is: neutral to friendly 3000 prestige, friendly to respected 6000, respected to revered 12000, revered to worshiped 21000. And Fang Sheyan's reputation at this time is the terrifying reputation of worship, and there are just over 6,000 reputation points, a total of 48,000 reputation points can be used, and Mogansha's current reputation of reverence is just beginning, so he still has accumulated 22,000 points Prestige left and right. However, there is a problem that must be paid attention to: once Fang Sheyan redeems the power of the brood, his reputation will drop below worship, and he will not be able to obtain the exchange list after worship.

So Sheyan and Mogansha discussed it and asked Mogansha to trade him 20,000 prestige and 5,000 utility points, and he posted 5,000 prestige to help him exchange the power of the brood first. And Fang Sheyan is still worshiping the reputation next, so he also exchanged the power of the brood for himself, and all attributes +1. At this time, his total reputation has been reduced to 18000 points, and he is stuck in the respect (9000/12000) On the hurdle.

Of course, although Mogansha has been reduced to a neutral reputation at this time, his personal perception/friendship with the black spine brainworm magic juice/mother of the black spines is still there, so almost nothing has changed, the difference is that Those Zerg troops wouldn't salute him, and he couldn't get the corresponding purchase privileges from the Blackthorn Mother. Just when the two of them were gearing up to go to the Red-striped tribe to earn some more prestige, an unexpected situation happened suddenly!

That means their merit points plummeted again! Because a lot of people died before, so in less than ten minutes, the merit value dropped by a full 4 points! ! ! Unfortunately, not all the merit points deducted will take effect, because there will be a limit of 6 points for the deduction of merit points for this main task! In addition, during this process, if someone dies or even the protagonist dies after the mission fails, merit points will not be deducted.

The hidden meaning behind this is very important: it means that the reef's team has reached its limit in the long and protracted battle, so although no one died in the previous dozens of hours, once a certain link collapses , That will produce a domino-like chain reaction, leading to the complete collapse of the entire defense line!

Seeing the series of reduced meritorious service points, Mo Gansha felt a little emotional in his heart. Sometimes the choices in life cannot be wrong. For example, the strength of the crazy Hanick and Joel is limited compared to their own, even if they are inferior. The only difference is that they chose the reef, a guy with thick legs, but they chose the sailor, a potential stock. Now it seems that the sailor is really hiding his secrets, and he is in this place abruptly. In the side missions, I used the flesh and blood of the Zerg to break through the world!

"Damn it..." Thinking of this, Mogansha began to miss the human side task that he had abandoned, destroying the giant spore fungus spraying anti-aircraft tower! Immediately, I couldn't help but blacken out in bursts! If he had known that the Blackthorn tribe and the Red-striped tribe would inevitably fight, how could he have given up on this seemingly extremely difficult task? But fortunately, the sailor seems to be quite bold, with the style of a general. Although he seems to have lost in the short term, it is not a bad thing in the long run.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement in the nightmare imprints of the two, and there was a sound of violent coughing. The voice was obviously the weak voice of a woman, and it seemed quite familiar. Mo Gansha recognized it as soon as he heard it. Tulip, the legal summoner who chose to follow Reef and them:

"No matter who you are... and no matter what harsh conditions you ask... we will accept it."

"Please save us, our coordinates are, XXX, XXX."

"We have been pushed into a desperate situation, and we are also trapped with four key characters in the plot. At most, we can only support another six... hours."

Mogansha shook his head slightly after hearing the cry for help. Obviously, there are two paths in front of him at this time, one is to earn more reputation from the Red-striped tribe and complete side missions by the way, and the other is to rescue the reefs and the others. The first road is undoubtedly a bright and prosperous road when the Blackthorn tribe has completely obtained the air supremacy, but the second road is a dead end with extremely high risks and very little rewards. Even a fool knows how to choose.

Accustomed to seeing bloody shootings since he was a child, and after spending these years in the Nightmare Space, Mogansha has already seen through everything, stood up easily, patted his golden AK and said:

"Let's go, boss, those red-striped tribe bugs are still waiting for us to clean up."

When Fang Sheyan heard Mo Gansha change his name to call himself "boss", his eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't refuse, and suddenly said:

"Why can we hear that bitch from Tulip?"

Mogansha thought for a while and said:

"This should be a special way of teleportation similar to the mother nest, but the general point consumption is quite amazing, and the basic attribute points may be deducted. By the way, you can see it too, boss. Is this woman a whore?"

Fang Senyan said:

"Only guys like Reef will be fooled. When this woman is running, her peak speed is faster than that of the mad Hanick. It's strange that she didn't keep a few hands. Forget about her. I just calculated, The coordinates reported by Tulip are not too far away from here, only 1,100 kilometers. At this time, after the blackthorn brood has been upgraded to level II, related technologies have also improved. Even ordinary hosts can With the carrying and fast flying capabilities of the powerful mutant elite 'Deepbeard', of course, it is still far behind in terms of health and defense. If we buy a host, then it only takes two and a half hours to past."

Mogansha said in astonishment:

"Don't you want to save people now?"

Sheyan glanced at him and said meaningfully:

"Do you want to lose three highest attribute points for nothing?"

Mogansha was suffocated suddenly, and he said with a flash of thought:

"Could it be that you want to rescue the protagonist: Reg Johnny?"

Sheyan smiled and said:

"Let's play by ear, and I just checked, so the only Zerg tribe currently hostile to the Blackthorn tribe is the Red Stripe tribe, and the battle between them is also a battle for regional supremacy. Therefore, if we carry the host of the Blackthorn tribe to the past, then As long as you don't meet the red-striped tribe, the rest of the Zerg will show a neutral and indifferent attitude—of course, as long as we appear from the host, the rest of the Zerg will naturally attack the host and us together."

"It's just..." Mogansha hesitated. "It's not worth it for us to go there at this time. It takes at least five hours to go back and forth. What if the red-striped tribe attacks at this time? Also, if we spend these five hours hunting red Bugs from the Wen tribe, then the harvest may not be smaller than rescuing people, and the risk will be less!"

"No! If the hundreds of cephalosporin dragons are not killed, the red-striped tribe may launch a tentative attack, otherwise, the possibility of attacking at this time is very small." Sheyan nodded with certainty: "And if we go If you don’t, the harvest may be greater than staying. I still say that, follow voluntarily, and you can stay.”

Next, Sheyan asked Mogansha to get some utility points, and went to the brood to exchange for a host that could be used as a flying vehicle. Two more spore dragons were exchanged for escorts. The role of these two guys is not to attack, but to attract possible threats and let the host who is responsible for the transportation task escape quickly.