The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 223: Deadly Mauser VS Golden AK!


Faced with such a dangerous situation, Mogansha closed his eyes in despair. His remaining health is not enough, and he will definitely be severely injured at this moment! And it will only be a matter of seconds before the giant wants to kill him. But at this moment, the broken wooden door next to it cracked with a "crash", and dust full of mildew was flying around. A powerful palm suddenly stretched out, and it grabbed the dagger that was cut towards Mogansha. On the sharp edge of the dagger, the momentum of the dagger's thrust was suddenly suffocated!

With this grasp, the fatal cut that the giant was determined to win came to naught!

The giant's pupils shrank immediately, and he pulled back the dagger forcefully. The sharp edge of the dagger immediately wiped out a stern red streak in the air, and some blood splashed onto the wall next to it, but a fierce figure had already smashed through the wooden door with steps. , unhurriedly stood in front of Mogansha, who else could it be if it wasn't Sheyan? He shook off the blood on his hands as if nothing had happened, shrugged and said to the giant:

"I'm very sorry to tell you this sad news... You'll have to fight two from now on."

The giant's face was ashen. He never expected that he would suddenly become a prey from a hunter. What was even more desperate was that with a guy like Mogansha with such terrifying marksmanship, he couldn't even escape!

At this time, for Mogansha, who escaped from the dead, because of his extremely tenacious personality, he couldn't help feeling the excitement of a full bladder. He grew up in a chaotic place like Somalia in Africa. An orphan, his toy was a gun when he was a child, his friend was also a gun when he was a teenager, and his tool of earning a living when he grew up was still a gun! Therefore, to a certain extent, he is actually the same kind of person as Quest who was killed by Sheyan before. The only difference is that Quest and Sheyan are enemies, so he died, and Mogansha is a temporary ally of Sheyan. , so he can still live.

Suddenly, the giant became shorter, and the dagger in his hand pierced Fang Sheyan's lower abdomen like a snake. However, at this time, his attack power had dropped due to his right hand injury, and he was still the type with fast attack speed and low attack power. The previous touch was tested by Sheyan and just broke the defense. So Sheyan didn't dodge the giant's stab, he bent his knee slightly and let him stab on his thigh, only a bloodstain was left! There was no threat to Senyan at all!

But the giant surprised Fang Sheyan next time, his dodge rate was so high that it was unimaginable. Sheyan attacked three times in a row, two of which were directly dodged by the giant, and he blocked the remaining one with a dagger before hitting his body, although the blood spattered his right arm and was cut He took advantage of the huge wound and fled back. Seeing that he was about to turn out of the window, Mogansha, who had been holding his momentum all along, shot his head and directly exploded. He was seriously injured in the air. Mogansha grabbed When I got to the window, I made a shuttle down and killed him directly, but unfortunately I couldn't break out the key.

"It's really timely for you to come." Mogansha turned around and said mockingly.

Sheyan said lightly:

"Of course, otherwise you should be lying on the ground at this time."

Mogansha looked at Sheyan coldly and said:

"You know what? O'Connor is my only friend."

Sheyan said nonchalantly:

"So what?"

Mogansha's eyes turned cold:

"You idiot! If you hadn't run away shamelessly halfway! Then he wouldn't have died!"

"Then I'm the one who died." Fang Sheyan said confidently.

"Are you going to die too?" Mogansha sarcastically said, "You..."

His face suddenly changed, the words behind the word "you" seemed to be bitten off his tongue, and were directly swallowed into his stomach alive.

Sheyan smiled and said:

"How about me?"

Mo Gansha, a fierce and unruly character, suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, lowered his head and said in a muffled voice:

"Nothing. Let's save the rest."

Sheyan glanced at him, and said calmly:

"Then we have to save ourselves first."

Mogansha was startled and said:


"I pushed Dani and Fant, the intellectual support contractors, to a desperate situation... That woman used the hymn of the elves. And the three wolves released by Phil can't hold Darth for long." Sheyan said calmly, " So in about three minutes, we will face Fant and Darth in full bloom, if I remember correctly, the Darth who has killed five of us so far."

"Damn it." Mogansha said while taking out a roll of bandages and quickly wrapped up the wound on his body. "Fortunately, Muskai used the scroll left by the metal mentor to severely injure Finley, otherwise this battle would have been useless."

Fang Senyan said:

"If you can suppress Darth, then we have a chance of winning—Fante, you can leave it to me with confidence."

Mogansha took a deep look at Sheyan:

"Das's personal talent ability is: reloading, the reloading speed of his weapons will be 50% faster, and the crit rate will also increase, and he uses a Mauser rifle. I have no chance of winning at a distance of 100 meters. , within 100 meters, I can barely draw with him. Once I can bully him for nearly 30 meters, then he will definitely die!"

Sheyan said nonchalantly:

"Okay, then I'll cover you within fifty meters."

Then Sheyan threw his own soul equipment: endless strong vodka to him.


Mogansha took it conveniently, took a big sip, breathed out the alcohol and exclaimed:

"nice one!"

Sheyan took back the jug, smiled and said:

"You don't need to thank me. If you die early, it will do me no good at all."

Mogansha patted his golden AK, snorted and said:

"That's what I want to tell you too."

Sheyan walked to the door, turned around and said:

"Now there are at most two minutes before Fante comes out. Within these two minutes, I will shorten the distance between you and Darth to less than 50 meters... So, time is running out! Get ready. 3, 2, 1 ! GO!"

Fang Sheyan rushed out of the window suddenly, Mogansha stuck behind him like a shadow, although Fang Senyan's speed was not slow, it was not difficult for someone like Mogansha to keep up with him .

Darth's gunshots sounded again in the distance, but Sheyan's state was almost full at this time. He protected the vitals of his head with his hands and rushed forward. It was like a human shield, and Mogansha also Extremely savage, and will fight back with burst shots from time to time. Although Das had a natural advantage behind the cover, Mogansha also had Fang Senyan to cover him, and compared with that, his security was not bad at all.

Because this battlefield was sealed off by the people of the Ministry of Magic, it was very important to occupy the commanding heights that could overlook the whole field. And the roof of the building where Das is at this time is undoubtedly the core area. The purpose of Fang Sheyan and the others was to rush into that building, but Das's psychological quality was also extremely stable, and soon he began to organize a counterattack, firing hot bullets at Fang Sheyan one by one.

However, his mental strength is still limited, and he has never used the ability of reloading and triple shooting. Although the Darth Mauser's single-shot lethality is great, it cannot deal a fatal blow to Sheyan in a short period of time. Sha also kept shooting back, so after running all the way, Fang Senyan was only hit by three bullets, maintaining most of his combat power.

After arriving under the building where Darth was located, the initiative undoubtedly shifted to Mogansha's side. Because if Das refused to give up control of the commanding heights, then he would have to fight with Mogansha in this building between gunmen! Obviously, his Mauser, whose firing interval is as long as 3 to 5 seconds, must not be an opponent of a semi-automatic rifle like the AK47 in this environment, but it must also be taken into account: Dass is quite good in strength, and obviously has a powerful weapon. Melee ability, so it's really hard to say who will win.

"OK." After rushing through the blank area of death covered by Darth's long-range firepower, Mogansha looked relaxed and confident. He patted his AK in front of the building door, and the opponent Sheyan compared a Thumbs up gesture.

"Leave the rest to me. I can feel the aura of violence surging over there. Fant should come out too. You have to recover immediately and try to use the best state to deal with him. I heard It is said that Fante's natural ability is called berserk, which can increase his strength by about 15%, but it seems that he has used it once just now, so you shouldn't worry about it."

Sheyan took a deep look at Mogansha:

"Hell, it doesn't seem like you're worried about my safety at all?"

Mogansha curled up his thick lips, and pulled out a black turban from his pocket. The turban looked shrunken and dirty, and there were even spots of blood stains on it, then wrapped it around his head, and turned back. Turning around, he said meaningfully:

"Although Fante is very strong, really, but I am still more optimistic about you."

Sheyan's pupils tightened suddenly, but Mogansha had already disappeared from his sight. At the same time, there was an ear-piercing cracking sound from a building in the distance, and a door rolled and flew out, disintegrating into pieces in the air, stirring up dust all over the ground. With a murderous expression on his face, Fante came out step by step with the two-handed sword. Behind him, the old three-story British building shook, and then collapsed with a series of "clicks" It fell down, stirring up gray smoke all over the sky! His eyes full of resentment were like two nails piercing deeply into Sheyan's body!