The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 224: power struggle


The engine port of the transport plane began to turn downward, and the orange-red flame gradually weakened in the high-speed jet, and landed on the platform slowly and steadily. Fang Senyan and his team were already bored of staying in the cabin, and the most important thing was that the feeling that life and death could not be controlled by themselves was really uncomfortable, so they all scrambled out of the cabin. A bearded commander in a gray-blue military uniform was impatiently waiting for them outside with his hands behind his back.

After walking out of the cabin, almost everyone gasped, because the cabin they were staying in seemed safe inside, but in fact, the metal casing had been corroded by some unknown liquid, and it looked like It's like a well-fermented steamed bun being broken open. In some places, the first layer of external armor was completely corroded, and even fist-sized blister-shaped pits appeared on the inner layer of armor, and there was still an unpleasant smell of smoke curling up.

A few SCVs waiting nearby had rushed up, quickly raised the electric welding torch, and started welding and repairing the machine body amidst sparks. And the commander has already started roaring:

"Where are you looking? Boys, the headquarters sacrificed four transport ships to cover you and came here not to chat! I am Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Fickwin, but I prefer to be called by my nickname! Yes, It is the nickname that makes people tremble when they hear it: Iron Whip!"

"To be honest, I really don't understand why the superior would entrust such a difficult task to you group of weak rookies. Looking at your crooked stance, lazy expression, and weak movements, it's enough to make you My blood pressure has risen by 30 millimeters of mercury, so I have to finish what I have to explain as soon as possible and then give myself a depressurizing pill! Adjutant, adjutant, I will give you ten seconds to appear in front of me, Then tell these rookies what they're going to do in ten seconds!"

A man in military uniform with glasses hurried out from inside:

"Hello everyone, I'm Captain Crespo. Two hours ago, we received a radio message from the Whiskey base to the west: saying that they are being besieged by those goddamn bugs, so we ordered the nearby tough guy detachment to go to support , It is very regrettable that the west base has actually been captured, and this radio message is actually a false message from a radio operator whose brains were sucked out."

"Your task is to rescue the tough guy detachment. Under such circumstances, casualties are inevitable, but Second Lieutenant Johnny Rick in the detachment is a rare talent. If he dies, then your mission will fail. In addition, Sergeant Tizzy Flores, Sergeant Levi (the nonsensical cockscomb in the original film), and Commander Reich all have rare talents, so it is best to protect their lives. If you can rescue them all unscathed, then you will receive a very high evaluation from the headquarters."

In the original plot, Tizzi who has become the protagonist's lover? Both Flores and Commander Reich died here, which is obviously the difficulty of this mission.

At the same time, Fang Senyan and the others also received a reminder from the Mark of Nightmare:

Time: April 17, 383, galactic calendar, ten o'clock in the morning.

Location: Planet P, District 6, Iron Whip Terran Base (43°19' south latitude, 91°2' east longitude)

Scene: Starship Troopers

Difficulty: Medium (Grade C)

Pain reduction: 30%

Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0%.

Current scene exploration: 0.0%

Note: This scene is a peaceful scene, the contractor will not drop any items when killed, and the digital character information module is turned on at the same time. Contractors can view their personal attributes at any time through the nightmare imprint on their chest.

A side note: You have now formed a temporary combat group. For each death in the group, a point of merit will be deducted, up to a maximum of 6 points of merit. When all the people in the group gather together, the attack power +10%, when more than 50% of the people in the group gather together, the attack power increases by 8%, when at least 2 people gather in the group, the attack power + 4%.

You will automatically master the relevant language and be able to interact with characters in this world fluently. Forgotten after leaving this world.

The story of this world is an urgent and rare task, and you cannot open the relevant milestones.

Number of tasks accepted: 1

Main task: save the tough guy detachment.

Mission Statement: Ensign Johnny Rick cannot die. 5 points of meritorious service/and 3 points of the current highest basic attribute point will be deducted for task failure.

Mission statement: Ruo Diqi? Sergeant Flores, Sergeant Levi, and Commander Ritchie survived and successfully escaped, then they will receive rewards, and if the four escape together, they will also receive additional rewards. Even if Second Lieutenant Johnny Rick dies and all your teammates are wiped out, the total merit value deducted from this main mission will not exceed 6 points (including the death of teammates).

Warning: Contractors who fail to fight alongside Lieutenant Johnny Rick will be deemed to have failed the mission by default.

Your appearance has been processed and will automatically restore when you return to the real world. You can also adjust the settings related to the appearance in the nightmare space. If you have any questions, you can silently read the relevant questions in your mind and query through the nightmare mark, and you can get answers if you reach the authority.

Your weapons and related abilities have been camouflaged so that they don't draw special attention from the plot characters. (For example, Mogansha's gold AK is an ordinary standard firearm in the eyes of the plot characters)

Your standard armor will increase your defense by 1-2, but will reduce your movement speed, please decide whether to wear it or not.

Seeing this series of prompts, many contractors began to whisper to each other. Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Fickwin roared angrily:

"Quiet, quiet! You scum! You maggot-like incompetents, shut your damn mouths! Now I'll give you an hour to rest and prepare, and then the vulture chariot will send you where you should go. In There is a quartermaster named Onz in the central hall, you can go to him if you have any needs, now, get out of my face and disappear, right now!"

Although all the contractors wanted to drag this grumpy guy over and beat him up, they also knew that this could only be a good wish. Their attention was immediately focused on Onz, and they walked off the tarmac one after another to the central base hall.

After leaving all the plot characters, a small man suddenly clapped his hands and said loudly:

"Hi! Can you listen to me? I'm Hanick, mad Hanick. Have you worked with many of you? We should all have lost our original team or were alone. Generally speaking, the sacrifice of each partner will also bring us huge losses. From the perspective of long-term planning, we have now been brought together by space to form such a temporary team. If the cooperation is happy, then In the future, it is likely to become a partner who will fight side by side in the future. Therefore, I suggest that everyone report their own fighting style and specialties first, so as to optimize the combination during the battle."

Holding his golden AK with no expression on his face, Mo Gansha sent a message to Sheyan:

"This guy's nickname is Monkey, and his team was almost completely wiped out by the Metal Mentor in the world of Lord of the Rings, but his agility is quite high, and his talent ability is called Vision, which greatly increases his dodge chance. When I attacked him before, I hit him with a single shuttle, and even if I hit him successfully, almost one of the three bullets hit him, but it would have an effect similar to sliding away, and its strength is quite good."

Sheyan frowned slightly and said:

"Such a high passive dodge?"

After hearing Hanick's words, these contractors also took it seriously. Many people actually had the same idea in their hearts, but Hanick, who was mad, said it first. At this time, they even regretted losing this Given the opportunity to show their faces in the team, the group naturally found a secluded place to gather. Start by simply introducing yourself.

The first person to speak was of course the advocate Harnik. According to the established rules, he first introduced his position in the team: scout, assassin, attack exporter, and then showed one of his abilities, the LV5 throat wiper. Sheyan was startled by the ability to launch from behind, and the damage was astonishing.

Next, a big man next to the crazy Hanick stood up. He took off his helmet, but he wore a black blindfold on his left eye. He looked very much like the one-eyed dragon Shaget in Street Fighter. Sheyan suddenly Seeing Mogansha, he frowned. The one-eyed dragon said hoarsely:

"I'm Joel, the executioner Joel. Team positioning: ultra-long-range firepower output. Specialty, sniper."

Mogansha quickly pointed out the horror of this guy:

"I met this guy when I was in the Symbiosis Club. When Fant was in the prime of the encounter, he only shot this guy, and he was directly injured by him! At least five people from the Symbiosis Club will die later. Under his command... It seems that Hanick, who is crazy, is going to nominate Joel to compete for the captain's position."

Afterwards, people came out to introduce their expertise one after another. There were two people who left an impression on Sheyan. The ability is greasy, which can create a large area of greasy to make the enemy slip.