The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 225: Harvest!


Having figured everything out, Sheyan suddenly felt a sense of dullness, waved his hand and was about to leave, but at this moment, a series of reminders came from the nightmare mark, which immediately stunned Sheyan!

"Contractor No. 1018 passed the test of Gringotts Chamber of Secrets: Devil Vine. The team members who passed with you have all died, and the merit points they obtained will be passed on to you. You will get merit points + (experience The number of people is 5 people X2) = 12 reward points."

"Contractor No. 1018 has passed the test of Gringotts Chamber of Secrets: Flying Magic Key. The team members who passed with you have all died, and the merit points they obtained will be passed on to you, and you will get 3 merit points + ( The number of experienced people (4 people X3) = 15 points reward."

"Contractor No. 1018 conducted a complete exploration of the ruins of the ancient Goblin Kingdom alone, and you will be rewarded with +5 merit points."

"Contractor No. 1018 has conducted a complete exploration of the deep secrets of Gringotts alone, and you will be rewarded with merit +5."

"Contractor No. 1018 has completed a glorious deed: exploring ancient secrets, with a completion rate of 71.2%. Contractor No. 1018 has a reputation of +1, and the conditions for obtaining the remaining rewards have not been met."

"Contractor No. 1018 completed a glorious deed: exploring ancient secrets, completed evaluation E, contractor No. 1018's merit value +6, and did not meet the conditions for obtaining the rest of the rewards."

"You have accumulated 43 points of merit in this adventure."

"Your current merit point accumulation is 53 points."

"You have met the requirements for upgrading the rank of the Mark of Nightmare, and you can improve your rank after returning to the Nightmare Dimension."

"You have accumulated 43 merit points in this adventure..."

Fang Senyan stood there in a daze for a while before he came back to his senses. After carefully recalling his previous experience, he gradually understood the reason why he suddenly gained so many benefits: he was with the metal instructor before. Taking risks in a team, so the space evaluation obtained along the way must not be less, and at this time, all the people who formed the team with me are dead, so their evaluation and merits are also counted on me.

In the next exploration of the underground ruins, although I rely on Infinit's severed finger key to pass through unimpeded, which is almost cheating, but first of all, I have to risk my life to fall into the abyss from the passage with the statue knight's blow, and finally Finally, I saw that the "devil king" triggered the conditions for completing this glorious deed, and was able to get rid of that poor goblin ghost with an ancient gold coin before returning it. The price paid was not small, so The evaluation was raised from a rather low F to an E, which is also a matter of course.

As far as the space is concerned, after deducting the rest of the rewards, it is fair to only reward Sheyan's reputation and meritorious service.

With this in mind, Sheyan couldn't help but began to inquire about the Mark of Nightmare: the relevant settings of the deeds of glory and the degree of fame, and the answer he got was as follows:

The deeds of glory are the ultimate secrets hidden in every world. They are extremely difficult to discover and are unique. Once a contractor completes the deed of glory, the rest of the contractors will not be able to achieve this goal.

In a non-combat state, fame can increase the owner's reputation among any plot characters in the nightmare world. +1 Fame = When you increase the reputation of any faction, the required reputation is reduced by 10%, and the discount when you trade with all plot characters is +10%, and you have direct contact with some noble plot characters the right to dialogue.

In combat state, +1 fame can increase your dodge rate and hit rate by 5% at the same time!

In the clearance summary, +1 reputation can give you extra evaluation!

Strictly speaking, the soaring 43 points of meritorious service gave Sheyan a sudden increase in military rank, and the +1 reputation is also very good in terms of long-term benefits and short-term growth. Fang Sheyan was very satisfied with being able to get these two great rewards, and felt that it was worthwhile for him to travel all the way to this place. At this time, the nightmare mark reminded him again:

"You can choose to sit on the golden throne in front and immediately return to the entrance where you entered the three trials of the Gringotts Chamber of Secrets. Please note that once you use this function, you will not be able to return here, and the ancient goblin The ruins of the kingdom will also sink deeper into the ground, never to be found again."

Fang Senyan searched around, confirmed that there was nothing he could get here, so he sat on the golden throne and planned to return, but he always had a feeling that something was wrong, as if he always felt that something was missing. I couldn't figure out what went wrong. Therefore, the teleportation was activated after all, and Sheyan was teleported out in a flash of white light.

The moment Sheyan's figure disappeared, something suddenly moved.

It turned out to be a sack, a dirty, old, unremarkable sack! ! !

The sack was originally placed on the shoulder of the "devil king", but for some reason it was not weathered, and the mouth of the sack opened automatically, and something next to it was sucked into the sack, it was the Infiniti Sheyan gave Punk a gold ingot to win the trust of this ghost goblin, but Punk put it aside after confirming the authenticity.

The moment the sack opened, Sheyan, who had been teleported back to the basement of Knockturn Alley, trembled violently, and that extremely familiar and indescribable feeling flooded his heart again! He immediately cursed that he actually forgot about this matter! It was this weird feeling that made me choose to start the mission with the Gringotts Wizard Bank, and I finally went down to the deepest part of Gringotts, and I also had the idea of figuring out this matter in my heart, but I didn't expect He actually forgot this purpose and sent it back in vain!

In the extremely deep underground space, violent earthquakes began to appear in the ruins of the ancient Goblin Kingdom, and quickly spread to the vicinity of the Golden Throne. At this time, it can only be seen after the decorations and hidden treasures are destroyed and dropped:

There is actually an invisible barrier around the golden throne, or it can be said to be a seal. The barrier is composed of a few lines of mysterious and powerful ancient Hebrew words. The translated meaning is:

The human body can no longer accommodate this wretched and powerful soul.

In the process of sinking into the underground abyss, a huge and incomparably black hole-like magic circle appeared below it, which obviously possessed extremely powerful crushing and destructive power, and seemed to swallow everything in it, and the Golden Throne also began to slowly disappear. Being dissociated and shattered, the ancient Hebrew seal on its outer layer finally appeared broken!

The moment the seal was shattered, the opening of the tattered sack hidden under the golden throne suddenly opened, shooting an imperceptible ray of light at the shattered gap in the seal, breaking through the seal in an instant and disappearing. !

The light emitted was exactly the phalanx key that had been sucked into the bag earlier!

It can be clearly felt: this phalanx key has become different, with an indescribable faint brilliance glowing on it—if a dead thing suddenly possesses its own soul, it is like a dragon that has been dotted. The beautiful woman in the lower painting, the spirit monkey burst out from the stone, and the moment the key was shot out, the dilapidated sack turned into a little bit of fly ash, and finally dissipated.

After Fang Sheyan, who was full of frustration, walked out of the basement, the black old man still sat in front of his counter. When he saw him, he immediately waved his hand with a snort, and said viciously:

"I have said that I will abide by the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, why don't you believe me? You gang of the Ministry of Magic, you have suffered for a few days in the fireplace for nothing. I want to tell you, if you don't have the Ministry of Magic Kabataba will definitely eat your brains, Kabataba will use your brains to cook soup, Kabataba will make your brains into collectibles and put them in Kabataba’s bottle!"

Sheyan ignored him and walked out the door directly. When he saw the blue sky, he almost had the urge to cry after staying underground for a long time. That kind of staying in a dark, depressing cave for too long will indeed give birth to a feeling of depression and even mental illness.

At this time, there were less than two hours left in the remaining seven days of Sheyan's stay. And during these two hours, with his considerable charm, he probably couldn't handle the small tasks, and he couldn't do the big tasks—such as completing the last two tasks of the Enthusiast milestone, whether it was stealing The new broom, the technical blueprint of the Firebolt, and the blood of the unicorn all take a long time to plan, and even the preparation work cannot be completed in just two hours!

In the middle of being bored, Sheyan suddenly thought of the bearded man he met when he entered the space: "Jack Scissorhands", Sheyan was sure that he did not participate in the battle between the Symbiosis Society and the Banks gang, this guy is obviously good at both sides, Cleverly avoiding the huge vortex, it seems that he returned smoothly.

Due to the lack of time, Sheyan could only go to Diagon Alley to try his luck, to see if he had the chance to meet a character with the same "compatibility" as him. Of course, Sheyan is quite clear that at present, Gringotts is the most likely place for him to receive some temporary small tasks. Because only the cute goblins are ignoring the charm and treat everyone equally - if there are enough pounds or gold coins, it will be a paradise for low-charm guys who want to crave some quests.