The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 227: Dark golden... power!


Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the main shortcoming of the people in front of them is Fang Senyan. Even if the defense power reduction is calculated in the blood-colored gold-striped tongue-piercing tower, it really exceeds the 100-point terrorist attack In front of the strength, the effect of his innate ability "Toughness" was almost reduced to a negligible level! But Reef is much better. His natural ability reduces the damage according to the percentage. With double damage reduction, the damage he receives is only over 60 points, and both the health value and equipment/skills are better than Sheyan's. Much higher.

The three of them fell into an awkward silence and looked at each other, and time passed quickly. If you count the time to leave, then in theory they only have less than ten minutes to use, and this even includes the time to find the weak point of the giant spore spraying anti-aircraft tower and destroy it!

"Perhaps... there is a way."

Reef took a deep breath.

As he spoke, he began to take off the silver plot shield on his body: the processed alien skull, and the black weapon: the centaur plasma lightsaber (for practice), and then began to take off his body to add physical strength The equipment was actively traded to Sheyan.

"Your current problem is still that the damage reduction is not enough. If you gather together, in terms of defense damage reduction, you can continue to reduce the attack power of this blood-colored gold-striped tongue-thorn tower to below 80 points, then it will be very impressive. If you cooperate with you His natural ability can definitely play a greater role."

Fang Sheyan took over the equipment traded by Jiao Shi, but didn't change it at all, calculated it directly and shook his head very seriously:

"It's useless. I didn't learn how to master the shield. At most, I can only use 80% of the shield's ability. You can use the shield's ability to 120%! There is a big gap, not to mention you still have the armor of faith." This very powerful meat shield ability exists, so even if I get your equipment, it will be at most equal to the time you lasted for before! The most important thing is that the basic attribute of your naked physical strength alone is higher than mine 13 o'clock! The gap is so big that there is absolutely no need to say anything."

Saying that, Sheyan took a deep breath and said:

"So, the correct approach should be, I will trade my equipment to you, gather the strength of the two of us on you, and I will assist you while outputting attacks! I have already calculated that if you add me After obtaining this piece of equipment, you can reach the extreme value of 50 points of physical strength under the current difficulty! According to my speculation and the information obtained before, after a single attribute reaches the extreme value, it is very likely that there will be additional rewards! More What's more, even if I don't have any equipment, I can buy you ten seconds to take medicine and apply bandages, plus that bottle of merit potion that refills in an instant, I will definitely be able to complete this damn mission!"

"Of course, if the extreme value reward of 50 points of physical strength is not enough to support us through this mission, then it is still too late to retreat and give up. We still have a choice!"

While Fang Senyan was talking, he decisively traded his silver plot accessories: +5 troll's fighting spirit/blue ring and ring of rotten bones (strength +1, stamina +1) to Reef! The ring of rotten bones was fine, but the "troll's fighting spirit" made the reef gasp! Looking at Sheyan in disbelief, he said:

"This... is this a defensive silver plot accessory?! And the exclusive rare attribute of the accessory has been extracted? You are willing to trade this piece of equipment to me? You know, its value is enough to compare with any top-quality dark gold equipment or green growable equipment!"

Sheyan smiled, and said very simply:

"Since you can trust me, why can't I trust you?"

Jiao Shi didn't say anything more, the time was urgent and there was no room for delay, he quickly put on the accessories that Sheyan had traded, but turned his head, took a deep look at Sheyan, and initiated a transaction with Sheyan immediately , Among the trading options, there is a necklace shining with dark golden light!

Smith's Matrix Chip

Equipment Rarity: Dark Gold Level

Outworld: The Matrix

Material: unknown

Additional devices: no

Equipment location: neck

Equipment Type: Necklace

Weight: 11.6 grams.

Equipment use conditions: all basic attributes are not lower than 15 points/or the military rank is above the upper class (including the upper class)

Equip: Increase Strength/Agility by 6

Equipment: Increase critical rate/hit rate by 3%

Passive Ability: Update Database? ? ? Activation condition not met

Passive ability: call out (DIR), every time you successfully cause damage to an enemy, you will make a call out (DIR) order judgment, and if the judgment is successful, you can get the enemy's weakness, making your critical strike chance of the enemy Increase by 3%! This effect can be stacked up to three times, and the DIR command determines that the single effect is reduced to 1% for the Contractor, and it can be stacked up to 2 times.

Active Ability: Format (format), you format yourself to temporarily convert 5 points of stamina into 5 points of strength. After the format is executed, it cannot be canceled for at least 20 minutes. During this period, the converted stamina The incoming health boost effect will remain, but cannot be restored after the health is deducted. (Example: Suppose Fang Sheyan with 10 points of physical strength casts formatting on himself, then his health is still 100 points, but his defense power drops to 2.5 points. In good condition, there are only 50 health points)

Explanation: This is an ordinary chip dropped by Smith's avatar in The Matrix. Since Smith's avatar exists as an anti-virus program, it is endowed by the matrix with the ability to surpass ordinary people. In the matrix, he has the ability to rewrite the program of human characters, so he can constantly borrow other people's bodies. This chip also absorbed the violence and madness of Smith's clone, and possessed very powerful power! Once owned, it can be reborn!

"What are you?" Sheyan was stunned.

The reef said lightly:

"This is the insurance money to prevent you from losing everything if I die in battle!"

After finishing speaking, Reef directly added a belief armor to himself! A transparent and hard ice-like light shone from all over his body, and then he clenched the black lightsaber without hesitation and rushed forward silently! That feeling, there is a kind of madness that although thousands of people go alone!

At this time, it is the so-called moving the whole body with one hair, and when the reef moves, the rest of the people will also rush forward directly! Because the location of the tongue-piercing ground tower was very insignificantly built, from their point of view, it was completely covered by the fat and bloated giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft tower! Therefore, if there is a shooting angle, then it has to go around twenty meters in front and shoot from the side.

The impact of the reef was so sudden and decisive, even Sheyan didn't have time to remind him to "warm up" the monster's fighting spirit first! The two sharp and terrifying golden spikes pierced the ground in an instant and pierced the reef's body. You can see the surface of the translucent faith armor fluctuate, and the bright red blood flew out! At this moment, Sheyan also equipped this dark gold necklace without hesitation, and immediately activated the "formatting" ability on it!

Immediately, Sheyan felt a heat surge all over his body, and his strength surged to 27 points (drinking the Flesh Bear potion)! Even so, Sheyan still has 330 points of health left, and 18 points of physical strength! This kind of data combined with the tenacity talent is still very strong in survivability! It is estimated that it is not inferior to the crowbar before the symbiosis society, and the reason why Sheyan dared to do this is because of the bottle of honor potassium selenium high protein injection gun presented by the reef! This thing ensured that as long as Sheyan was not killed in an instant, it would be equivalent to two lives. As for Sheyan before, he didn't buy this item not because he was reluctant to bear honor points, but because he lacked common points.

Because the reef had only worn one accessory before, the attributes of "Troll's Fighting Spirit" were completely added to him. In addition to physical strength, he also added a full 6 points of perception, 2 points of strength, and 5 points of agility ! That is to say, Reef's agility at this time also reached a terrifying 33 points! This is a value that even many agile long-range attackers have not been able to achieve! Therefore, the distance of only fifty meters is almost like a gust of wind for the reef! Then raised the lightsaber in his hand and slashed down!

The appearance of this tongue-piercing tower also looks blood red, with golden lines on it, which is extraordinarily ferocious. Moreover, although the attack interval of this tongue-piercing tower is slow, the instant effect of the attack is quite fast. Evading with tactical moves such as rolls and jumps is completely impossible.

After it was chopped up by the black lightsaber, a scorching mark suddenly appeared on it, and there was an unpleasant smell of burnt flesh. And as one of the most important fighting organs of the Zerg, it immediately transformed the pain into fighting ability, mercilessly aimed at the reef and stabbed out its sharp tentacles again!

Although there are two tentacles pierced by this tongue-piercing tower each time, the shameless thing is that the damage caused by these two tentacles is only one, and it will not be counted twice to reduce the damage. Therefore, the damage is extremely high, so high that Fang Sheyan can bear it Not a few strokes. And the reef was stabbed once during the sprint, and now it happened to be the second time! This also means one thing! That is, the accessory "Troll's Fighting Spirit" has reached the strongest state, directly increasing physical strength by 10 points! This means that the physical strength of the reef at this time has reached the limit under the current difficulty—

The limit of 50 physical strength! !