The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 228: Calculation and counter-calculation


After taking care of everything, Sheyan thought about it, and probably felt that his strength for this trip was a bit weak. Then he mobilized the three firemen of the gravel special forces led by Balance to assist him, and then he was ready to set off, but before leaving, Mogansha, the black buddy, also rushed to climb in. In the transport sac of the host, he said in a desperate voice:

"Damn it, don't even think about taking advantage of it alone."

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile:

"It may also be sent to death."

Mogansha chewed his gum and said nonchalantly:

"Damn, I swear in the name of the Tam tree, since I met you, you have never suffered a loss, but I have suffered a lot."

Sheyan rolled his eyes and said:

"Oh, I'm not sure about the mission of Lieutenant Colonel Dundee, so I let you choose it yourself. Since it's your choice, you can't blame me."

Mogansha fastened the host's two tentacles as safety belts, shook his head and said:

"So I chose to go with you this time. Hey, I said, the host can only take eight people, and if the people we want to rescue plus the characters in the plot, there will be at least five. Is it not enough to leave only three seats? point?"

Sheyan said lightly:

"I'm afraid there may be too many empty seats."

Fang Senyan's simple words are enough to show how unfavorable the situation of the people in the reef may be! While the two were talking, the host had already taken off and flew towards that coordinate point under the escort of two spore dragons. The flying speed of the host whose speed has been increased is only a little slower than that of the spore wyvern, and the outside wind cannot be felt at all when riding in its sac. Because they wanted to avoid some irrelevant troubles, both the host and the spore flying dragon climbed to the limit.

Looking down at this planet from a high altitude, one can see endless khaki-yellow plains spreading towards the distant horizon. Only in some underground rifts can there be gray or brown plant-like plants, but all mountains are less than a kilometer The winding hills, with very little soil on them, are piled up with lead-gray rocks with deep cracks, and you can even see the brute force of the crustal movement pushing up the rock faults.

Looking at the magnificent scenery of the alien planet below, Mogansha suddenly said:

"Didn't they say it could last for six hours? Why are you so pessimistic?"

Sheyan sighed and said:

"We have already witnessed the extremely high war wisdom in the black acanthus magic juice. As far as the original plot is concerned..."

Speaking of which, Sheyan glanced at Bailance next to him, and saw that he and the two sergeants were resting with their eyes closed. Obviously, the space automatically blocked his words, so he continued:

"After the protagonist was trapped at that time, Reich, the captain commander of the tough guy detachment, and Sergeant Tizzy, who had a crush on him, also died in this battle. In the end, the fire-breathing insects also drilled out of the ground, and the walls of the base became completely decorative. At the most critical moment, the remaining troops left here on the rescue spacecraft sent by the headquarters. But this time, it is obviously not that simple. According to our current situation, it is very likely that the rescue spacecraft sent by the headquarters will be late …not even less!!”

Mogansha said in astonishment:

"That's okay too?"

Sheyan was silent for a while and said:

"You forgot our mission... oh, no, is it my mission? Destroy at least one giant spore jet anti-aircraft tower. According to the black acanthus magic juice, this thing is the king of all Zerg - the Queen of Blades of the Zerg (Similar to the human emperor) arranged, can pose a strong threat to the aircraft on the outer space route. When we entered the world, the spacecraft suffered a strong interception. After these days, it is obvious that the air defense force of the Zerg It will be strengthened even more terrifyingly, so I said that it is not uncommon for the rescue spacecraft to be late or even destroyed!"

At this time, a spore flying dragon suddenly began to flap its wings violently as a warning! Fang Senyan and the others pushed aside the roots inside the host and looked outside, and saw a group of mutated explosive mosquitoes that they had seen before spreading their sharp gray-white bony wings and quickly gliding towards them! A spore flying dragon of the Blackthorn tribe went up to meet them, and the demonstrators let out a cry. The group of mutated explosive mosquitoes immediately dispersed, hovered for a while, and then left.

Flying along the way, from time to time, you can meet the air early warning troops of other bug tribes, but after realizing that Sheyan's host was just passing by, these bug tribes did not launch an attack. And the electronic map they bought before came in handy at this time. Judging from the surrounding terrain, the whiskey base that needed assistance was ahead.

Obviously because of the need to collect Pandora crystal mines, this base was built helplessly on the undefended plains. Fortunately, human beings are naturally very good at defense. According to the markings on the electronic map, the whiskey base has 113 machine gunners, eight steel bunker machine gun towers, plus six tanks, and seven air-to-air missile defense towers. Such a force is enough to withstand more than a thousand Zerg forces-of course, this is based on the premise that there are no fire-breathing insects.

Although the markings on the electronic map are still extremely clear, there is no sign of any human buildings on the khaki plain ahead. If you continue to fly forward, there will be a slime carpet unique to Zerg! After continuing to fly forward for a while, one can suddenly see a new den of Zerg that is vigorously hatching, and there are twenty or thirty swift beasts lazily lying on the ground beside it. On this sub-base of the Zerg, cracked steel, twisted walls and barracks, tank wreckage and tattered armor can be seen everywhere. The corpses had either been eaten, or had been transformed into nutrients for the Zerg slime carpet.

Those iron and steel substances will be quickly dissolved after the hatching pool and other organs appear, and then the elements inside will be provided to the hatching eggs to enhance their defense and attack power. Seeing the current scene, Mogansha felt a chill in his heart and said:

"Could it be that the tulip has been sucked by the brain worm? It's actually a brain worm's trap to call us here?"

Sheyan shook his head and said:

"Not like, if my deduction is correct... Never mind, this Zerg base is defenseless, let's get rid of it first. Although there is only one building that is incubating, it represents a sub-base of the Zerg. Get rid of it." It should be able to reap a lot of benefits from humans."

Saying that, Sheyan controlled the host and landed on it. The twenty or thirty swift beasts below were not in his eyes at all. He already had a lot of fighting experience with the Zerg. After landing, he pressed The flamethrower burned wildly, and the two spore dragons on it also jumped down to assist in the attack. Then Mogansha and Bailance's team rushed to join the battlefield. According to the strength of their group, let alone twenty or thirty velociraptors, even ten times more would be no problem!

Three minutes later, the Zerg base that was still incubating exploded into plasma, and Fang Sheyan and Mo Gansha also got the prompt "You destroyed a sub-base of the Zerg, the reputation of the Human Alliance +5000 points", But this kind of good thing can only be done once. The Zerg who built the sub-base here probably guessed that the enemy would not be able to get through in a short time, so the defense is so lax. If they continue to build sub-bases here to mine Pandora crystal mines If so, then the defense must be very strict. If they make a comeback, they may have to face the crazy siege of Hydralisks.

Of course, the two of them didn't dare to stay after doing bad things. Once the beast den in the sub-base died, the mother nest would have a very strong reaction, and reinforcements should come in no time. A group of people hurriedly boarded the host and began to flee the scene of the crime. Mogansha looked at the coordinates reported by Tulip on the electronic map when he called for help, and said with some doubts:

"Their current location should be on the top of the mountain? If they are on the top of the mountain, then it is a good move if they are not afraid of the fire-breathing insect's burrowing attack. The woman's previous announcement method is to all the contractors in this world , but I think even if there are other contractors in this world, I'm afraid they won't come to save her."

Sheyan said disdainfully:

"If they have enough troops, then there is no doubt that going to the top of the mountain is a good move, but after a hard fight, they can't even save the lives of their team members! Going to the top of the mountain with such a weak force, while facing the air The mutated explosive mosquito and the two-faced attack of the ground insect sea, isn't that courting death?"

Mogansha frowned and said:

"Then why did she lie to us?"

"Because they never heard of our death, the bitch Tulip presumed that we were not dead. The situation she was in when she sent the distress signal was undoubtedly very dangerous, so that she was so desperate that she thought that there would be no rescue without reinforcements. "Fang Senyan said lightly.

Mogansha's eyes suddenly became vicious:

"So, she's going to drag us into the water together? That mountain should be an important defense area for the Zerg, this bitch, don't let me see her again!"

Fang Sheyan looked at the rapidly passing plain below, with a hint of disdain in his expression:

"This woman should be dead now. I guess her head is most likely digested in the stomach of a velociraptor. Hmph, she didn't indicate the escape route and location, so don't I know? No. It is too far away from this base, not only can avoid the fire-breathing bugs that drilled out of the ground, but also can block the attacks in the air, and can also maximize the ability of the contractors with defensive talents... Obviously, the nearby caves are their best s Choice!"