The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 229: Fant's death


Sheyan was panting heavily, leaning against the pillar next to him, wiping the sweat off his face, and of course the blood.

Sweat rolled down his back, leaving traces on his bare and dirty back, and dipped into the wound again, causing a burning pain.

Fant's body was just three meters in front of him.

Sheyan had to admit that his previous tactics were wrong.

He had calculated before that if Fant couldn't crush him, then even if the two sides exchanged injuries for injuries, and he exchanged his ax for a sword, he would be the one who couldn't hold on until the end. But Fang Senyan soon discovered that fighting is not a math problem, and accounts are not calculated in this way. At this time, Fante is in full bloom. It is estimated that he also has similar advanced basic abilities: two-handed weapon mastery or two-handed sword mastery. The connection of retracting the sword is like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Less than two minutes into the battle, Fang Sheyan immediately realized something was wrong, because although his HP was more than Fant's, Fant's damage output and attack distance were far longer than his own, and he was all aiming at himself Focusing on the legs, if you exchange injuries for injuries, I'm afraid that you will be beaten first and become physically disabled! I was already short in speed, but if I really reached that point, then it would be even worse.

Of course, the reason why Sheyan fell into such a predicament was because he hadn't used his hole card "ambition". Otherwise, his current lack of explosive power can be improved immediately! And once the enemy knows the existence of "ambition", they will naturally have a lot of scruples in the attack, and they will naturally be able to take the upper hand in an all-round way.

However, just when Sheyan was hesitating whether to use "ambition", he got a helping hand! Fan Te was roaring and raised his two-handed sword to attack, but suddenly a scorching bullet flew from a distance and hit his wrist with a snap! Immediately, the two-handed sword tilted and slashed past Sheyan's left shoulder, leaving a deep mark on the ground!

This is exactly Moganshan's magical ability to cover the battlefield! Obviously, the rhythm of Fante's slash was immediately disrupted, and Sheyan easily dodged it and returned him with the axe. Mogansha, who was confronting Das on the roof, was able to distract himself and come out to help, which fully demonstrated that Mogansha had already gained an absolute advantage in that duel!

At this time, Fang Senyan said a word very seriously, a word that pointed directly at Fante's heart.

"Dani's seed should be on you."

This sentence immediately caused Fante's fighting spirit to fade eight layers!

For Fante, he is used to charging forward and watching the enemy crumble under his high strength of 28 points! He completely killed the enemy with three blows and two blows, but he has already used his berserk ability today, and his strength value is no longer enough to cause additional crushing damage to Sen Yan! Therefore, it is inevitable to enter an unfamiliar war of attrition. After a long time, the blood in my heart and the fierce fighting style are all slack.

And Sheyan's words made Fante inevitably think of Danni...

"Dani's seed is still on me! This is her only hope of resurrection!"

This sentence was what Fang Sheyan didn't say, but Fant inevitably remembered it! Therefore, the intention to retreat spontaneously grew in Fan Te's heart, but his two-handed sword is a typical example of sharp attack but poor defense. Sheyan certainly sensed Fan Te's retreat intention, and he didn't push too hard, but just didn't let him Just walk away comfortably, and pay attention to driving him to an open place at all times, so that Mogansha in the distance can make a surprise attack.

Obviously, when the Banks gang set up an ambush battlefield, they should have left a way for their group to escape. Fante's target was an unremarkable small house on the east side of the battlefield. But just as he was about to approach the small house, Mogansha, who was supposed to be dueling Dass on a distant building, appeared strangely in a window of a building twenty meters away! The gold AK in his hand spewed out dazzling tongues of flame!

Fan Te was stunned by this surprise attack, he was gnashing his teeth and was about to speed up to escape, when Sheyan snatched up another ax and slashed at his thigh!

Although Fante was only ten meters away from the small house, these ten meters became a natural moat! He frantically waved his two-handed sword, Sheyan immediately backed away a few steps, but Mogansha would pour AK bullets over, as long as Fant tried to move forward, Sheyan would step forward and entangle him tightly.

That's why Fante died. For a person with an aggressive style like him who insists on going forward, once he feels like retreating, it is often the beginning of his own disaster. Especially for a character like Fant who was deliberately created for the team, his strengths are very obvious, but his shortcomings are also very prominent. If you have teammates, you can make up for their shortcomings, but if you don't have teammates, once you are caught by someone's weaknesses, you will often fall into a situation where you must die!

Fang Senyan leaned against the wall for a while, picked up the blood-red key that Fant dropped after his death, took a deep breath, raised his head, and smiled at Mogansha:

"Great job, you killed Darth? To be honest, you should take 80% of the credit for this key, come and get it."

Although this place is at the angle between two buildings, it is difficult for the few contractors who are still alive outside to see the situation, but Mogansha stood 20 meters away, looking around vigilantly, his eyes Complicated way:

"Das escaped. This guy's abilities are really good. The Ministry of Magic's barrier doesn't seem to work on him... You know, I'm the leader of the remote group of the Symbiosis Society."

Sheyan shrugged nonchalantly and said:

"I heard Gree say it seventy-two hours ago—God bless his soul—so what?"

"So, if I tell you that I have received messages from Metal Mentor and Fanu, would you believe it?"

Fang Senyan said:

"I believe, what did they say?"

Mogansha said:

"They'll be here in five minutes."

Fang Sheyan's expression changed suddenly:

"What do you want to say?"

Mogansha was silent for a moment, then retreated behind the cover:

"My perception is 18 points, and I have also obtained an ability called real insight. I can collect some combat data of the rest of the people."

Sheyan said lightly:

"Sure enough, so you can check the battle records without me noticing... Well, no wonder you started with such a huge contrast, so what do you think?"

Mogansha's answer was somewhat surprising:

"I don't know what your intentions are, and I don't want to know, but I don't want to be your enemy. If you promise not to attack me, I got an item before: it's called special Floo powder, which can be used in a non-combat state It can be used, and the effect is to arrive immediately on the No. 5972 train that stops at platform 9 and three-quarters bound for Hogwarts, and immediately perform the operation of returning to the nightmare space. Never meet with the metal tutors and they will leak your information secret."

If he wanted to return to this world at this time, he had to board the Hogwarts Express. Mogansha said so, so he obviously planned to return to this world immediately, and really didn't get involved in this matter. In fact, for Mogansha's calculations and the city government, if Fang Sheyan is to be disadvantaged, it is the most stupid way to expose this matter at this time. He should have kept this matter quiet beforehand. You only need to wait another two or three minutes until the Metal Mentor and Fanu come, and then expose the matter secretly! Nature can take full advantage. From this, it can be seen that Mogansha is indeed sincere not to be an enemy of Sheyan.

Of course, there is another possibility that Mogansha has already betrayed Fang Sheyan to Metal Mentor and the others, and at this time he turned around to show his favor to Fang Sheyan - this seemingly comprehensive way is actually the most stupid, because Sheyan only needs to be with Metal Mentor and the others. Face to face, it is very likely that Mogansha's lies will be exposed! This will inevitably lead to contempt and precaution towards Mogansha on both sides. Given the shrewdness Mogansha has shown so far, it is unlikely that he will choose this method.

Before Fang Sheyan had planned to consider the fact that someone saw through his own attributes. Although it is impossible to view other people's combat information in this world, there are exceptions to everything. He has long speculated that there may be people who can actually check their own attributes. According to the current spatial rules, the most likely to master this ability It must be on long-range physical attack professionals, because perception is their secondary attribute besides agility!

That's why when he was attacked by the Banks gang, Sheyan deliberately brought the legal contractors to delay. His main purpose was to hope that the long-range physical attack professions in the Symbiosis Society would die as much as possible. However, his main purpose was to We have to fish in troubled waters to see if we can get a share of the Metal Mentor's plan for the Sorcerer's Stone. If all the long-distance professions of the Symbiosis Society are killed here, it will not meet this expectation.

Besides, if Fang Senyan never made a move, then when Mogansha and his group were all dead, he was not sure that he would be able to deal with the rest of the Banks gang with the few legal contractors. I just didn't expect that a small probability event really happened:

Someone in the symbiosis society actually had this ability, and survived the chaotic battle. Undoubtedly, it is a small probability event, but fortunately, for some reason, Mogansha would give up his loyalty to the team and refuse to be an enemy of Sheyan!