The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 235: Extracting


After Crab tied him up at the time, in order to prevent San Zai from gaining enough strength to escape, he only gave him water and no food. At this time, he was so hungry that he was so hungry that he carried out the exhausting work of running away. High-intensity physical activity, so Sanzai covered his belly with a bitter face and said pitifully before he ran far:

"Brother Yan, I can't run anymore, I'm so hungry."

Fang Senyan waved for a taxi, and drove straight to Yau Ma Tei before stopping. Then he found a random restaurant and let Sanzai fill his stomach first. As the saying goes, a half-grown man eats a poor man, and Sanzai has a good appetite, so he picked up his chopsticks First gobbled it up and ate half full, and then talked about the situation after the farewell.

It turned out that it was extremely dangerous for the Fuyuan to set sail in a typhoon, but the fourth uncle was seriously injured and worried about Fang Sheyan's safety. Being able to follow the wind, it was blown to Taiwan Island in the end. Fortunately, although they came to this place less often, those who lived at sea certainly had their own way, and settled down quickly.

And Hua Shanfei is a gang organization in mainland China and Vietnam. Because of the awkward relationship between the two sides of the strait, no matter how long Hua Shanfei's hand is, it can't reach here. Sperm whale belly balm sells for a fortune. Then the disheartened fourth uncle distributed the money to several old men, letting them find their own way out, and Fu Yuan simply sold it.

The crippled fourth uncle fell seriously ill again. Thanks to the care of San Zai, his condition gradually eased at this time. The fourth uncle relied on his previous relationship to rent a small house from an acquaintance by the sea, where he could only recuperate slowly, but the third boy had no choice but to take a part-time job in the local area to take care of the fourth uncle.

As a result, not long ago, someone suddenly reported that Yanzi seemed to have appeared in Hong Kong, and they were still inquiring about their whereabouts. This news immediately cheered up the fourth uncle, and he was going to Hong Kong to find someone to support his sick body. As a result, he fell to the ground and coughed loudly before he even got out of the door. Unwilling to give up, Sanzai must come to Hong Kong to find Fang Senyan's whereabouts...

Sanzi said, tears fell drop by drop into the soup bowl in front of him, Fang Sheyan couldn't help closing his eyes, as if there was a rush of blood in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel moist tears in his eyes , stood up as soon as it slapped the table:

"We'll go find a boat and go back to Taiwan right away!"

At this time, Fang Senyan made a very wise judgment. The police may not take care of the gangsters' private fights, but so many Taiwanese and Japanese died in the clubhouse, which may cause international disputes. This cannot be ignored by the police. . If they could leave the port before the police imposed martial law, it would undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

With a lot of banknotes and various relationships, Fang Senyan and the two finally boarded a cargo ship bound for Taiwan. Before departure, they bought a lot of things at the pier as gifts.

At this time, it was at the peak of crew loss, and many ship owners were unable to recruit skilled sailors, just like the owner of this small freighter because of insufficient manpower, he could only watch helplessly as he could not make money. Because of this, although Fang Senyan and Sanzai's boat price was not too high, the two promised to help him on the boat. After a simple interview, the boss promised to take them to Taiwan for free. The condition is naturally Help out on board.

Because of the deep draft of this freighter, it is expected to take two and a half days to reach Taiwan. After the ship set sail, Sheyan found a quiet place to summon the bloody key dropped by Iwufu to open it. Still got four options:

"One, get the remaining 50% potential points and utility points of the deceased's predecessor."

"Second, the deceased was killed in the real world, so there is a 50% chance of obtaining a piece of equipment placed by the character in the space. Note: The acquisition of equipment is randomly selected."

"Three: Randomly obtain three props from the storage space of the character before death."

"Four: There is a 33% chance of obtaining a scroll of a certain ability of the character. This scroll draws one item from all the abilities that the character has mastered (including but not limited to basic abilities, advanced basic abilities, and natural abilities), and becomes a gift that can be supplied to any person. A scroll learned by humans. The ability level after learning the scroll is the original ability level/2."

Then Sheyan continued to get hints:

"No. 7277630 was killed by you in violation of space regulations. You got an extra chance to choose, but you cannot choose one of the four options multiple times."

Fang Senyan missed two opportunities to obtain a large number of utility points in the Starship Troopers world. This doesn't mean that he doesn't want utility points, it just means that the other options are better. Actually for him. Various basic abilities, advanced abilities, and now there is an additional sixth-level ability... These are all urgently needed to be improved. And to improve these abilities, potential points and talent points are absolutely indispensable!

Faced with the current situation, Sheyan deduced and confirmed one thing after careful consideration: since Yiwufu's military rank has been promoted to the level of a reserve officer, his position in the team will at least not be low. Then the chance of "paying tribute" to others is not high, so the chance of the team training him will increase.

Therefore, based on his actual situation and the comprehensive results of reasoning and judgment, Fang Sheyan decisively chose the first option: to obtain the remaining 50% of the potential points and general points of the deceased's predecessor:

Sheyan is actually gambling by choosing this item, betting that Yiwufu, like himself, belongs to the group who just returned from the nightmare world in the space, and waits for seven days to return to the space for consumption.

More importantly, Sheyan can also make further inferences from the extracted results:

There are nothing more than three extraction situations.

The first kind of drawing situation is: no potential points and general points are drawn at all. This shows that Yiwufu spent money before returning to the real world. It may be spent on improving abilities, but it may also be spent on purchasing/upgrading equipment. As for the possibility of spending a lot of money to buy props, it will be less likely, unless the props belong to the kind that can instantly save the bad situation—but if there is such a thing, why didn’t Yiwufu just use it—then Sheyan’s second draw will be Decisively choose to extract equipment!

The second extraction situation is: the extracted potential points are no more than general points. This kind of result was the last thing Sheyan wanted to see. In this case, he may choose the fourth option to make a big gamble.

The third drawing situation is: draw a lot of potential points and general points! Then there is no doubt that Yiwufu is saving money and wants to buy something good to consume! ! In this case, Fang Sheyan's choice can only be resigned to fate, but considering various factors, extracting equipment is still a good choice.

With a red light shining, Sheyan put his hand into the box that was as bright as blood, and the result of the extraction undoubtedly left him dumbfounded! ! Fang Sheyan also made a mistake in his calculations, because the result of the extraction was that the fourth extraction situation that he hadn't considered happened! !

"You extracted the bloody treasure chest."

"You got 2311 utility points."

"You got 12 potential points."

"You still have the next extra chance to draw, but you can no longer choose the first one to draw."

This is the reminder of the nightmare imprint that rang next to Sheyan's ear. This extraction result was something he hadn't considered before. From the extraction result, it can be seen that Yiwufu's general points are 4622 points, but his saved The potential point is as high as 24 points - what does such a weird data indicate? Fang Senyan's eyes began to shine eagerly, he immediately changed his original intention without hesitation, chose three, and randomly obtained three items in the storage space before the character's death! ! !

Undoubtedly, although potential points have a wide range of uses, including skill upgrades/equipment enhancements/advanced skill use consumption, etc., this is definitely not a reason to accumulate 24 potential points. From a medium point of view, although the power of the "big upper stage" sword storage move is powerful, it will definitely not cost more than 24 potential points to upgrade!

The most reasonable purpose of Yiwufu's crazy storage of potential points is that there is a high probability that Yiwufu is carrying some kind of powerful rank skill scroll! The space evaluation obtained by this scroll is extremely high, at least it should be above the sixth or seventh order, so it is abnormal to the point where learning requires more than 24 potential points!

Of course, it is also possible to make mistakes in reasoning, but this kind of mistake will make the development of things tend to two extremes—either infinitely close to the truth of the matter, or infinitely far away from the truth of the matter. Fang Sheyan doesn't gamble often, but he also likes the intense and exciting feeling when gambling. Without hesitation, he reached into the blood-red treasure chest again. Even though Yiwufu carried as many as 20 items, if that powerful scroll really existed, Sheyan also had a one-in-seventh chance to get it. Draw it!

The first time he drew, an extra apple appeared in Sheyan's palm. That's right, it's an apple, the size of a fist, and the blue one. belong to the category of food. After eating it, 25 health points will be restored within 60 seconds, and it can also increase the recovery speed of mental power by 20% within half an hour... This thing is only worth 500 general points.