The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 237: Destiny


Sheyan once again fell into a deep silence. At this time, the two had reached the exit of Diagon Alley—the back door of the Leaky Cauldron in London. Sheyan suddenly remembered something and said:

"Oh, friend, it seems that you can only wait for me here. The so-called Muggle world is outside, and the appearance of goblins will frighten them-of course this is not a big deal-the important thing is that it may Bring on those idiots from the Ministry of Magic. So I'll bring you the takeaway in five minutes."

Old Goblin snorted and said:

"Don't underestimate me, I can do magic too."

As he said that, he took out a blackened broken wand and waved it at himself. With a "touch", his appearance suddenly changed into a human wretched old man, but his lower body was still wearing a pair of dirty leather shorts. A goblin with green skin. Seeing this scene, the guy said triumphantly:

"Ha! Another failure, but don't you think this look is cool?"

After five or six attempts, the old goblin finally succeeded in turning himself into a wretched old man with a cheeky eyebrow and a monkey cheek, hunchback coughed a few times and said triumphantly:

"let's go."

Sheyan sighed and said:

"Although it's exaggerated to say so, you are too slow and have delayed a lot of time. Now I have to go."

Sheyan didn't lie, he had already received a warning from the nightmare mark:

"You only have thirty minutes left in this world."

"You must return to the nightmare space within the remaining time. Otherwise, you will be forced to return, and a piece of equipment on your body will be randomly selected as compensation for forced return."

Of course Sheyan didn't want to be taken away for nothing, so he hurried to platform nine and three quarters of London Railway Station in a hurry! Although the old brother Brin made him feel very kind, he didn't care about it, so he immediately called a taxi. Unexpectedly, after the taxi started, the old guy sneaked in like a loach, and said curiously:

"where are you going?"

Although Fang Senyan was amazed at the skill of this old thing, he was in a hurry, so he could only shrug his shoulders and say apologetically:

"I have to go back to my hometown, which is ruled by mysterious magic, so I can't bring more people. It seems that I can only treat you to steak next time. Go home, Mr. David."

Old Goblin suddenly lowered his head and said sadly:

"Actually, I don't have a home to go back to."

"Ah!" Sheyan said in amazement, "No way, aren't you the neighbor of Infinit?"

With two cloudy teardrops hanging on the old goblin's face, he said melancholy:

"When I woke up this morning, I found that I had amnesia. The only thing I remembered was my name and screen name, and my house seemed to be next to Infinit's."

Sheyan was stunned:

"Screen name... Do you still have a screen name?"

"Yes." Old Goblin said with sparkling eyes, "David Beckham!"

Fang Sen is petrifying...

"Okay, please ask for your real name."

"Ah? Wait for me to think about it." The old goblin bit his finger and pondered: "I seem to have forgotten again, Frank? You call me a gold mine."

"Gold mine?" Fang Senyan said it a few times, always feeling weird, but it would be fine if he said it a few more times, he tentatively said: "Anyway, you don't have any place to go now, why don't you go with me in the future?" Me? Come and be my housekeeper, take care of food and housing and get a salary every month."

This goblin called Gold Mine obviously got a little tangled up. The solemn expression matched with its sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was really speechless. It smacked its mouth vigilantly and said:

"Why do I feel like I've been cheated?"

Fang Senyan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, secretly thinking that he was so naive to actually try to deal with a goblin and a white wolf, he said helplessly:

"Then there's nothing I can do, I have to go."

He jumped out of the car, waved to the gold mine and said, "Goodbye." Then he ran towards the train station impatiently. Finally, with five minutes left, he successfully boarded the No. 5972 train bound for Hogwarts, and immediately exhaled the nightmare mark to return to the space.

Fang Sheyan, whose figure was slowly fading and disappearing, was feeling a little regretful, and suddenly an empty Milk Milk box was thrown from the outside of the car door. He got out of the fighting state, and immediately pulled him out of the returning state. Fang Sheyan was about to jump up and curse, but saw the old goblin gold mine walking over very pitifully, and said aggrievedly:

"Well, if I don't really have nowhere to go, the gold coins are the best! I will definitely not be someone else's housekeeper."

Fang Senyan said anxiously:

"Then come quickly, my charm value is very low... I might have to do it many times to recruit servants, time is urgent!"

There was an unknown sinister smile on the corner of Jin Mine's mouth, but on the surface he said blankly:


Sheyan immediately got a prompt:

"Plot character: Goblin Gold Mine, who lost his memory, is willing to be your servant."

"During the time you stay in the nightmare space and nightmare world, the servant will continue to consume your utility points as its salary, and it will not be counted after returning to the real world. The higher the level of the servant, the more utility points will be consumed. "

"This servant of yours is an auxiliary type and will not directly participate in battles. It has 10 absolute health points. Any attack can only forcibly destroy a little of its life. Once it dies, it will drop 50 points of loyalty, and its current level will be randomly reduced. From level 1 to level 2, the general points spent on resurrection are directly related to the level and equipment worn by the servant."

"If the servant's loyalty drops to the standard of defection after death, he cannot be resurrected."

"Your current charm is lower than 5 points. When your slave loyalty is lower than 90 points, you will be passive and sabotage. If it is lower than 80 points, you may defect."

"Note: The opportunity to collect servants is quite rare, please cherish this opportunity."

"Do you want to take the servant? Yes/No?"

Sheyan naturally eagerly chose yes, he was already mentally prepared for N times of failure, but happiness always came too suddenly, it seemed that Sheyan hadn't chosen to collect it at all, and the gold mine immediately and naturally stood on his side Behind him, the wretched chest and belly were protruding, and Fang Senyan was even more surprised to find that its loyalty was a grand slam of 120 points!

Because Fang Sheyan had taken in a servant before, that unlucky dead ghost Charlie, and the summoner Phil from the Symbiosis Society also had a good relationship with him, so he knew something about loyalty. Under normal circumstances, as long as the servant is not too bad, 80 points of loyalty is the average value. If you want 90 points of loyalty, then you have to spend time and time to take care of it.

100 points of loyalty means that at least 5,000 utility points must be invested in each world, and 100~110 points of loyalty is extremely difficult to improve, which means finding at least 10 items whose rarity is equivalent to that of black equipment /item to this servant.

Of course, this price is not in vain. When the loyalty reaches 110 points, the servant will get a passive ability called: Loyalty, and its effect is to give back its own attributes to the master in a ratio of 10:1.

With 120 points of loyalty, no one knows what will happen.

Seeing this, Sheyan was a little worried, so he continued to check this guy's profile.

Gold mine? ? ? (Auxiliary servant): This is an ordinary old goblin, who has lost most of his memory due to amnesia &*¥#@% (garbled code, unknown failure here).

Currently level 0, experience 1/1500000. After the level is upgraded, its surrounding attributes will also be improved. And get a little potential point to improve your own skill level.

Current loyalty: 120 points.

Basic properties:

Strength 10 points

Dexterity 12 points

Physical strength 19 points

Perception 11 o'clock

Charm 1 point

Intelligence 12 points

Spirit 11 o'clock

Absolute HP: 25 points.

Servant's special ability: Loyalty (based on 110 points of loyalty), will return its own attributes to the master in a ratio of 10:1.

Auxiliary servants’ special abilities: telepathy (based on 120 points of loyalty), servants can inherit everything from the master except the basic attributes, including but not limited to the master’s reputation, popularity, basic abilities, basic passive abilities, etc.

Auxiliary servant special ability: Absolute life, any attack damage can only deduct a point of life for the creature with absolute life, and after deducting the life, the creature has three seconds of absolute invincibility, and the creature with absolute life cannot Deals damage to other creatures.

Goblin Special Ability: The creature is never affected by any effects related to the base ability Charisma.

Special ability of the Goblins: LV15 is worth every penny. When trading/communicating with any creature, they are exempted from all taxes, and have a great chance to get the treatment with the largest charm value in the current world theory.

Personal special ability: bully (this ability cannot be assessed by space to rarity/rank) (passive), creatures with this ability will be able to forcibly interact with any intelligent plot creature, and cannot be exempted in any way. This ability has no effect on the contractor and/or units it controls.

Personal special ability: cheating (this ability cannot be evaluated by the space rarity/rank) (passive), creatures with this ability may benefit from any intelligent plot creature.

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