The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 238: Ambushed Zerg


Mo Gansha thought about Fang Senyan's words, and felt that it was very reasonable, so he nodded and continued to move forward. In fact, he can't be blamed for this, Fang Senyan is a thick-skinned guy who dares to charge seven in and seven out in the sea of insects, but Mo Gansha dare not be careless, naturally he must give priority to caution in everything.

After walking less than 50 meters, Mogansha came to the sand next to him, where there was an obvious mass of soaked brown. He pushed aside the sand and looked at the depth of the mass of brown, shrugged his shoulders and said :

"Another dead. The body must have been eaten—God bless his soul."

Fang Senyan nodded, and continued to move forward. Along the way, Mogansha could always find the place where the escaped team was reduced. Obviously, these team members voluntarily stayed behind to snipe the bugs behind, but in the end they were defeated by these brave and fearless people. The insect swarm devoured the corpse alive. After another kilometer or so, the eyes of the two of them widened. On the vast Gobi Desert in front of them, there suddenly appeared a deep rock ravine that could not be seen from the beginning to the end! This gully is at least 100 meters wide, and it looks dark, gloomy, and terrifying. There are still strange rocks in it, but there should be moss / Haloxylon and other plants growing in places where the sun cannot shine.

Mogansha stared at the rift valley and said worriedly:

"Zergs have a very sensitive sense of smell. If these fleeing guys think they can get rid of them with complex terrain, they are very wrong."

Sheyan suddenly frowned and said:

"What smell? It seems to be the smell of rotting meat?"

Mogansha also sniffled:

"It's in the direction of the rift valley. It's strange. Bugs have the habit of not wasting food!"

Fang Sheyan strode towards the rift valley. At this time, it was already bright. He walked quickly to the edge of the rift valley. He couldn't help covering his nose with his hand, but his pupils had already shrunk. At the bottom of the rift valley three to four kilometers away from them, there was a tragic massacre!

However, the target of this massacre was not human beings, but at least several hundred Zergs! Their corpses had probably been piled up here for more than twenty-four hours, so they naturally began to rot in the high temperature of the Gobi desert. After the sun came out, they would probably rot even faster.

Mogansha also showed a look of shock in his eyes, he suddenly pointed at the Hydralisk whose head was torn off alive and said loudly:

"Oh! God, the one who ambushed this Zerg team turned out to be another group of Zerg! It is absolutely impossible for human weapons to cause such wounds!"

Regardless of the stench and rotten smell, Fang Senyan seemed to have outlined the situation two and a half days ago. The group of soldiers who were fighting and fleeing in despair found the Great Rift Valley and rushed down desperately. A group of greedy and crazy bugs are chasing after him. At this time, another group of Zerg that was hostile to them was eyeing them, and this Zerg cleverly launched a surprise attack from the rear. First kill the Hydralisks that are lagging behind and move relatively slowly, and then surround and annihilate the group of swift beasts with a single unit...

At this moment, Sheyan suddenly remembered the place where he encountered the first-level legendary creature "Scorching Mouthparts", and there was also a battlefield where the Zerg race fought each other! It seems that the Zerg, like humans, are also divided into factions, and the conflicts between humans can also be negotiated, but the conflicts between bugs can only be resolved by acid, claws and bites.

"AK, can you still find the escape route for those survivors?" Sheyan suddenly asked.

Mogansha hesitated for a moment and said, "It should be fine." Then he put on a helmet to block the stench, and then stood on the edge of the Great Rift Valley and looked down. Obviously, the height from the edge of the valley to the bottom of the valley is nearly 20 to 30 meters. If there is no buffer to jump down, you will die directly without waiting for the Zerg to come. With just a quick glance, Mogansha saw the gentle slope the survivors used to escape, and they also blew up a few stones that could be used as load-bearing buffers, so that most of the Zerg who were chasing behind were directly Jumping down, the traces left behind also began to scatter, and the pursuit formation of the Zerg was completely destroyed here.

The two walked through the stinking battlefield, and found that kind of black Zerg among the Zerg corpses here, but their casualties were very small, and they were obviously on the side of the ambush. They then saw where the survivors had stopped and started fighting. It was a narrow area in the Great Rift Valley, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack. It was difficult for the Zerg troops to deploy here, but humans could use the advantages of long-range attacks to cover the area with concentrated fire on the pass.

Mogansha looked at the charred marks on the nearby stones and the Zerg corpses next to him and said:

"They should also have arsonists. You see, I stand in a good position. If there is an arsonist hiding behind a stone, the Hydralisk's breath can't attack him. You have to go around this corner, but While rounding this rocky corner, the Hydralisk will come under heavy fire ahead."

The two continued to walk forward and came to this temporary position, where needles (stimulant injections), bullet casings, blood-stained bandages, and even opened military ration cans were scattered here. It looks rather messy. But here is actually a dead end! The rocks rolling from above completely cut off their retreat!

Fang Sheyan and Mo Gansha looked at each other, showing joy! Because in this temporary position, there were only a few bloodstains, and there were no scattered armors! What does this mean? It means that this group of survivors survived! The situation at that time can be figured out with your toes: because the long-range Hydralisks of the chasing troops were almost killed by the ambushing Zerg, so the survivors who faced the Velociraptor only had to rely on the fire-breathing soldier Played strong, so he was able to survive successfully.

Naturally, the group of survivors then faced the Zerg that had ambushed. At this time, Mogansha also found some corpses of those Zerg that had ambushed. These Zerg had sharp black barbs and black scales growing from their bodies. It seemed that they belonged to the same tribe as the black worms they found on the battlefield before, but the opponents were different.

For some unknown reason, this group of black Zerg didn't kill the survivors—or they didn't kill them on the spot. Otherwise, even if there are no corpses in this temporary position, blood splattered everywhere is absolutely indispensable.

"What is this?" Fang Senyan suddenly pointed to a light green stain on the nearby stone. At this time, the sun had not yet risen, and it was still quite dark in the rift valley, but this smudge glowed faintly in the darkness, making it easy to spot.

Mogansha observed carefully for a while, then asked Fang Sheyan to ask for a piece of hair to dip it in (because he is bald and has no hair to pull out), and after confirming that there is no poison, he stretched out his hand and touched it. , and suddenly pulled out a long and sticky light green sticky thread.

"It looks very sticky?"

Fang Senyan frowned, and then he found many such light green spots on the surrounding stones, shining brightly. There was no such thing in the information of the two of them. Mogansha found the retreat direction of the black Zerg without much effort, but he also mentioned with some concern that the core creature of the Zerg, the brain worm, has the ability to suck Disgusting precedent for human brains to capture memories. If these black Zergs have such intentions and habits, then there is no doubt that these survivors would be better off being gnawed to death on the spot.

Fortunately, Sheyan and the others also found many things along the way, such as scattered Camel brand cigarette butts, it can be seen that not only were the survivors not killed, it seemed that their personal freedom had been given a considerable degree of preferential treatment. The Zerg is obviously not a race that is good at concealing their thoughts and actions, so even Mogansha, who has always maintained a pessimistic tone, has to admit that the chances of these survivors are still alive are very high.

After walking through the Grand Canyon for a full two hours, the two walked up to the ground along a narrow ramp. If it wasn't for Mogansha's amazing tracking ability, he might have lost him long ago. They had just walked up the Gobi Desert, Fang Senyan suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling coming from behind, he immediately rushed forward, then turned around and made a blocking movement!

I saw a strange-looking creature floating in the sky behind him at a height of more than 50 meters. From a distance, this creature looked like a strange pear with brown skin. The four long legs and the two spider's stinging limbs are like tentacles, and the four long legs are connected by a wide membrane. As the long legs move and contract, the integrated membrane can quickly act like a blower. The thrust was generated, and the creature easily floated in the air.

When Sheyan saw this creature, he saw a faint green fluorescent light flowing from its four long legs, and then quickly converged on the two tentacles, and immediately shot out a ball of fluorescent light at Sheyan and the two of them. of green slime.

There is no doubt that this slime is definitely not a good thing to welcome them. Both Sheyan and Mogansha made evasive movements at the same time, and rushed towards different directions. The flying speed of the slime is not fast. Therefore, they are fully sure to escape.

But at this moment, the eyes of both of them widened, and the ball of green mucus actually split into two in the air, divided into two, divided into four, divided into four, and divided into eight... When they reached the sky above Sheyan and the others, a huge light green spider web with fluorescent light had formed! It was overwhelmingly shrouded!