The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 239: Hard victory


After a successful strike, Sheyan didn't stop at all, and while rushing towards another bloody golden Hydralisk, Sheyan couldn't help but glance at the battle information that came back:

"You used Song of Rum to shoot at the enemy, dealing 112 damage and stunning them for 2.71 seconds."

"You use a ghost whetstone, your next three melee attacks will cause damage to the enemy regardless of defense."

"Your normal attack has a critical strike. The critical strike damage is 200%, and it will cause 132 points of damage to the enemy."

"Your strength is 27 points! The enemy's strength is 12 points, and you will cause an additional crushing damage of 64 points to the enemy!!! This damage ignores the enemy's defense!"

"Your attack already has the effect of ignoring defense damage (from the phantom whetstone), which is superimposed with the effect of ignoring defense damage of crushing damage."

"Your crush damage will be a critical strike, and the critical strike damage is 200%."

"You will cause an additional crush damage of 128 points to the enemy."

"You killed the Scarlet Hydralisk!"

"Crushing damage... so that's it! I didn't expect that I can also deal crushing damage!" Fang Sheyan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart: "Is this the terrifying power of the dark gold equipment? It won't cause any damage to the holder. Weakened, it can instantly transform a contractor!"

Before this, Fang Senyan had never felt what it felt like when one of his eyeballs "canopy" exploded like a rubber ball. But this time, thanks to the blood-colored Hydralisk, he had this brand-new experience that he didn't want to experience a second time. As a reward for this damn Hydralisk, Sheyan, who was covered in blood and his face was distorted, approached and kicked this guy in the stomach!

This kick completely ignored the tense abdominal muscles of the Hydralisk, and kicked its tough belly out of a deep depression with such force! If it wasn't for its body structure being different from that of human beings, I believe it would have been kicked to pieces!

"Ahh!" Fang Sheyan couldn't help screaming under the tension of pain and life and death. He only felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling, and his outstretched left hand grabbed the hydra The scaly neck was lifted up like a sandbag.

This action finally made the blood-colored Hydralisk shut its mouth, and its disgusting and continuous spit was held in its throat alive. And this Hydralisk's nostrils filled with septum also smelled a strong smell of sweat and blood. Fang Sheyan's crazy and fiery eyes were close at hand, but his strong right arm was already bent. The knotted muscles are tense! Solid as iron!

In the next second, Sheyan punched the blood-colored Hydralisk on the mandible, and that unlucky bone instantly shattered into seventy or eighty pieces. If it wasn't for the tough fascia and blood vessels surrounding it , then it will surely fly apart like a shattered bowl. As this punch took effect, like an invisible fishing line in the air, the Hydralisk was pulled upwards at high speed like a big fish, and hit the rocky mountain not far away!

And the stones and dust on the rocky mountain exploded, flying the hydralisk twisted all over, and landing on the ground, it was like a towel that had been wrung violently was loosened again, it was already twitching directly, the light green sticky The thick liquid was overflowing and flowing all over the ground. It seemed that even if this guy didn't die, he couldn't escape being severely disabled.

Even though Sheyan already had a mental state, he didn't expect his attack to be so powerful. However, Hydralisk, a unit that is good at long-distance combat, would be a pain in the ass, and Sheyan was at his peak right now. Among them, it is reasonable to play such a terrifying melee strike effect.

But Sheyan didn't have time to savor the thrill of crushing at this moment! The top priority is to get rid of the elite tongue-piercing tower!

Moreover, there are always variables on the battlefield. When Sheyan jumped at the two Hydralisks, he never imagined that he could solve these two biggest troubles so neatly. On the other hand, Mogansha had an accident:

After the reef gave the order to move closer, both Mogansha and the three elite machine gunners moved closer to him at the same time, and those blood-and-gold-patterned velociraptors naturally came rushing wildly. But... the variable was born at this moment!

After the reef's "heart-piercing" roar was released, out of the eight blood-and-gold-patterned swift beasts, six of them "resisted" his skill! ! ! This is the disadvantage of lack of priority in ability, and often loses the chain at some critical moments, which often becomes a fatal disadvantage!

When the six vicious monsters plunged into the stunned group of long-range fire shooters, the reef was also helpless. You must know that his main task was to grit his teeth and resist the attack of the elite tongue-piercing tower. The blood-gold-patterned velociraptor had already added a lot of pressure to him. Although the reef has broken through to the extreme value of 50 points of physical strength, it definitely does not mean that he is invincible.

Thirty seconds later, two blood-and-gold-patterned velociraptors lay beside the reef, and he was already showing signs of fatigue and wounds. What was even more worrying was that all the long-range firepower members except Mogansha were dead. fell down.

It stands to reason that only six of the bloody gold-striped velociraptors running towards the long-range troops remained, and even Mogansha was not included, there were still three machine gunners! It stands to reason that the long-range units are not disadvantaged in terms of numbers with four enemies and six, but before the blood gold pattern velociraptors, the troops directly under the Queen of Blades, have been restrained. Sheyan and Jiaoshi have suppressed their performance very well. Until this time, these crazy beasts showed their real strength in this close combat!

In just six seconds, all humans/beasts except Mogansha were directly involved in a massacre. At least two machine gunners were torn to pieces within two seconds, completely to pieces ! But at this time, Mogansha was also desperately facing the pressure of survival. With a scream, he squeezed his natural ability: beast instinct to the limit, and every bullet he fired staggered and collided in the air! Then explode! This seemingly meaningless move gave him a glimmer of life.

Vitality comes from inspiration.

Inspired by previous battles, Fang Senyan detonated the multiple experimental body electromagnetic cloud bombs!

Zerg's greatest weakness is not their internal organs, but their auditory organs! The experimental body electromagnetic cloud bombs aim at this weakness and give them powerful damage and stun time. And Mogansha's desperate action at this time is to use a large number of bullets to fly out and refract and impact them in an instant, so as to generate sound waves similar to the frequency of the experimental electromagnetic cloud bomb to bombard these bugs and stun them. , Get enough survival time for yourself!

Mogansha succeeded in doing this, but the price was that his little spiritual power was almost completely swallowed up in an instant. However, Mogansha, who had been on the verge of life and death many times, gritted his teeth and survived. Under the side effect of his spiritual power being nearly exhausted, he still continued to pull the trigger, loaded the magazine, and fired bullets one by one. It was accurately delivered to the head of the Velociraptor, but the sky was dark in front of him, and the fireman Balance, who had lost one arm and one leg, actually held on to not pass out, and pulled the trigger with one hand to output firepower!

After finally killing all the swift beasts, Mogansha coughed blood, threw away the gold AK in his hand, pulled out the silver broken spear, and ran staggeringly towards the front of the elite tongue-stabbing tower. Mechanically stabbed. At this time, he also knew that the situation was extremely critical, and the sky was dark in front of him, and he could not guarantee the accuracy of shooting at all, so he could only choose this method to carry out the ultimate attack output! In the distance, Balance's gunshots were also ringing intermittently. Although this attack was as weak as his vitality, it was more as tenacious as his fighting spirit! ! !

Time passed quickly, and another crystal-clear and transparent armor of faith was condensed and blessed on the surface of Reef's body. The elite tongue-piercing tower in front of it seems to be riddled with holes, constantly spraying body fluids and juices, but its attacks are still monotonous, mechanical, and seem to be endlessly powerful without boundaries! ! !

From the start of the war to the present, it seems like a very long time, but in fact it is only a few minutes, and everyone is under tremendous pressure, but in the final analysis, the greatest pressure is on the reef! Because there is no doubt that he is the only one who has been enduring the fierce attack from the elite tongue-stabbing tower! Once out of control, death will be the first to fall on him.

But Reef's eyes are still firm, and his palms holding the shield and sword hilt are still steady. Although his body is covered with scars, the calm and firm image has never disappeared. That kind of feeling is like the aristocratic demeanor that has been passed down for hundreds of years in Britain or France. Even before going to the gallows, he would straighten his tie and comb his hair. He was even chanting some difficult sentences:

"I walk on the earth, spreading loyalty and faith, heroism and sacrifice are my principles..."

Finally, this elite tongue-piercing tower finally burst into purple-black plasma that filled the sky. It's like a large fountain of flesh and blood that "chugs" and crazily spurts blood. Everyone around was splashed all over.

On the surface, the reef seems to be able to support it, but when he tried to find the weak point of the giant spore spraying anti-aircraft tower, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground with one step! There was also a wry smile and a helpless look on his face. Every attack of the Elite Tongue Tower came from the ground. up.