The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 24: Three legendary ships


With this in mind, Sheyan immediately tried to inquire about the nightmare mark, and got the following hint:

"Your meritorious service value is 1 point."

"You can only get simple information about the next world five minutes in advance."

"You can also choose to enter randomly before entering the next world."

"The way of entering the world randomly will let you enter the movie world that is drawn at random. So you can't make targeted arrangements for the next world you will experience next."

"Randomly entering the world will allow you to gain the ability: insight." (Enabling you to obtain basic information about the current target, the stronger the target, the rarer the information you get) Perceive this basic attribute and the distance between you and the target The difference will affect the chance of success of the insight.

"Randomly entering the world will disable certain space-related abilities."

"After randomly entering the world, the various rewards you get will be increased by an additional 20% in the clearance statistics. This effect cannot be superimposed with similar effects." (That is to say, the original task reward can only get 100 general points, but the random Those who enter can get 120 points)

At this time, Fang Senyan is completely poor and blank, that is to say, even if he has predicted the content of the next world in advance, he is at most psychologically prepared. It is impossible to purchase any targeted props and equipment at all, so it seems that entering the world randomly is the best choice, and there will be at least two preferential treatment. Fang Sheyan waited silently in the space, and when there were five minutes before entering the world, he received a reminder on time:

"Your meritorious service value is 1 point."

"You can get information about the next movie world you're going to experience."

"You can also choose to randomly enter a certain movie world."

Fang Senyan, who had already considered it well, naturally chose randomness. As time went by, an oval-shaped white light door appeared in the center of the nightmare space, and people began to enter one after another, and ripples appeared on its surface. Lin took a deep breath and stepped in.

"Start entering the nightmare world..."

"Start matching data..."

"Start randomizing the world"

"The World Selected"

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world..."

"Beginning into the world..."

This is a civilized and barbaric world.

This is a world where gunpowder is in the ascendant and witchcraft is in the sunset.

This is a world full of rudeness and elegance, madness and sanity.

This is a world of gunpowder, skulls, muzzle-loading guns, and rum...

Sheyan calmly opened his eyes.

It was as calm as waking up naturally every morning. The first thing he saw was the yellow and black tattered Chengchen, and then he found himself in a low and simple house—or an old shed. Such a scene even gave him the illusion of returning to the shack in Siqiao Town.

There was a damp musty smell in the air, and the sheets covering her body were rough and heavy, probably made of linen. The worm eyes on the crooked table next to it are very clear, and it seems that a large amount of moth crumbs will be scattered when touched. As long as you move slightly, the bed under you will make a very violent sound. If someone passed by outside, they might misunderstand that some kind of intense and exciting primitive activity is going on in the room.

Fang Senyan rolled over and got out of bed. Although he would definitely recover to his best condition when he first entered the space, he still moved his body subconsciously. The touch from underfoot indicated that the floor was also decayed to a considerable extent due to dampness. Maybe it’s hard to tell clearly if you step on the ground, the surrounding walls are made up of old wooden boards scattered in pieces, and there is a strong damp breath on them, it seems that if you push it lightly with your hands, it will shatter like paper open.

The only piece of furniture in this room was a pocket round table. The surface of this table was full of old scratches, as if someone had slashed it violently. At this time, there was a piece of blank parchment with a slightly yellowish color on it, and a quill with a white feather. The pen seemed to be able to sense Fang Senyan's gaze, and immediately stood upright, as if a transparent and invisible palm was holding it, and then began to write smoothly on the parchment:

"Contractor No. 1018, welcome to the nightmare space."

"This is the second nightmare world you have experienced."

"You must complete the main task assigned to you within 24 hours, otherwise you will be out."

"Main task: busy people."

"Mission brief introduction: You must find a job in the port of Tutuga within 24 hours, otherwise you, a stranger, will either have your throat cut with a knife and thrown into the sea, or you will go back to where you came from!"

"Mission reminder: At this time, the rum festival is being held in the port of Tutuga, so it is the busiest time of the year, so it is definitely not difficult to find a job."

Tip: You have gained the ability: Insight in this world you entered through the random world. After using it, you get basic information about the current target. The stronger the target, the rarer the information you get, and the longer the cooling time of insight. The shortest period shall not be less than five minutes, and the longest period shall not exceed one hour.

Tip: Insight cannot be used on contractors.

Tip: Insight is a temporary ability that disappears when you leave this world. You have to pay universal points to use this ability that does not belong to you. In this world, you need to pay 100 universal points for each use of insights, but you can choose to settle the total accumulated after using insight multiple times at the end of this world cost.

Warning: If your general points are still not enough to pay the total cost when you leave this world, then the equipment on your body will be drawn to make up for it. If the equipment on your body is still not enough to cover the price difference, then you will pay your life to cover the remaining debt.

Tip: You can get the following milestones in this world (including this world and the extended world).

"Smart eyes and quick hands: You got any voodoo doll."

"Fearless: You have encountered and killed any legendary creature." (Note: The total value of your damage to the creature must exceed 10% of its total blood volume.)

"Drunkie: You drank a hundred glasses of rum." (Note: rum sold for less than 4 shillings per glass will not be included in the statistics)

"Great Voyager: You have completed a round-trip voyage from the New World."

"Because your merit points are insufficient, you cannot view the rest of the milestones."

Fang Sheyan looked at this series of information, and his slightly frowned brows relaxed. Through the current fragmentary information, he has roughly deduced which movie world he entered. For him, who grew up by the sea and worked as a crew member for eight years, adapting to this world is like swimming into the water as smoothly as a fish!

"Here I come... the Caribbean!"

Sheyan took a deep breath, then pulled off the hinge on the bolt, and opened the door!

It was the fresh sea breeze that he was very familiar with blowing in front of him. He was located on the hillside at this time, and there were similar small houses densely packed nearby. Below was a gray wooden town, and the buildings in the town were in disarray. They are intertwined together, giving people a dark and old feeling. You can vaguely see a large number of guys wearing old clothes and wearing ocher/gray/light black turbans, shuttling around the town like a colony of ants. One kilometer away, there is a vast and endless turbulent sea covered with white foam.

In the distance came the cries of white gulls in the Mediterranean, and the faint melancholy tunes of Scottish bagpipes. Although they were torn to pieces by the sea breeze, they still gave people the illusion of melancholy and emptiness. Five or six kilometers away, a steep cliff with a height of 1,000 meters plunged into the sea like a screen, enveloping the entire town like a giant's powerful arm, and resisting the possible storms and waves from the outside. As a result, a very excellent natural deep-water harbor has been created by extraordinary craftsmanship. Then, Fang Sheyan cast his eyes on the sea in the harbor, his heart suddenly seemed to be firmly grasped by an invisible giant hand, which made him take a deep breath instinctively, as if this could relieve the excitement brought by it. As if suffocating.

In the port, there are three huge ships of different shapes parked impressively! In front of the mysterious, primitive, and awe-inspiring feeling of these three ships, the ships parked around would be ignored by people!

Although for Sheyan, who is used to seeing huge ships with tons of tons, the size of these three ships can only be considered medium. But the 10,000-ton giant ship is just a dead thing made of steel, but these three ships feel like they have their own souls!

They just quietly dock between the mountains and the sea, between the sky and the water, and float on the ocean in their own way, which gives people a feeling of "ruling life and death and ruling the seven seas". You must bow your head and obey your ears in front of you, and be tame and submissive!

Although at least two or three kilometers away in a straight line, Sheyan couldn't help but pronounce the names of these three ships because of the obvious features:

Queen Anne's Revenge, the Black Pearl!

The Flying Dutchman!