The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 241: Chris Redfield's lucky bracelet


The result of the second drawing made Fang Sheyan's pupils shrink. Even if he was mentally prepared that he would not be able to draw anything, he still had the urge to jump around and scold his mother, because what he got this time was actually Yes... Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! Fake and shoddy products made by Goblin Gold Mine—of course, it’s okay to say it’s a defective product—black voodoo powder with a 5% chance of taking effect is on the scene. Sheyan almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, as for the value of this thing. Well, just look at the fate of Mr. Gold Mining, who loves money like his life, throwing away these unsold powders at will.

For the last extraction, Sheyan took a deep breath, and stretched his hand into the red light again...

During the two days of sailing on the ship, the two brothers also found time to get together and chat about the reasons for their departure. Fang Sheyan picked up some clips and told San Zai, and only said that he also played when he was running the ship. After working through his strength, he learned some self-defense techniques in the army from a former sailor who retired from the Russian army. This is the case, and San Zai was thrilled to hear it, exclaiming again and again, he couldn't help worrying and said:

"Brother Yan, you killed Hua Shanfei's subordinates, and when you rescued me, you killed those crabs. Will you be wanted by the police?"

Fang Senyan thought that I would not be afraid even if ordinary policemen from all over the world came, but he still comforted Sanzai a few words. San Zai's worries are trivial, but Fang Sheyan's most worried thing is his senior uncle's illness. He knew at this time that the fourth uncle was all supported by the tone of thinking about him. If he knew that he was safe, he might be completely gone because of his disabled hands and the loss of his boat. If the desire to survive is depressed, then you have to find a way to give him hope.

Undoubtedly, there is nothing more exciting than a new Fuyuan. Uncle Da Si's lifelong wish and lifelong dream is to own a new large fishing boat without debt. If he orders a large new ship by himself and asks the fourth uncle to supervise the work, then I believe he will definitely recover.

Of course, these are all measures of profit, and the real drudgery is undoubtedly the medicine that can restore the hands of the fourth uncle. This thing should require a higher military rank to buy, so I must hurry up on the relevant time.

After Fang Senyan made up his mind, he couldn't help but took out the thing that made people slam into action from the storage space to play with. This is a knot with a soft red light shining on it, even a little translucent illusion appears on the surface from time to time, and there is even an indescribable faint fragrance of cologne.

Sheyan has always been very confident in his intuition, so he took a gamble when extracting Yiwufu's bloody key.

This time, he won the bet.

This item was his prize.

This is also the last item Sheyan drew out.

This is a bracelet that looks like it was tied with a very old red string. The name of the item is: Chris? Redfield's lucky bracelet.

Fang Senyan's fingers caressed this seemingly inconspicuous bracelet. Although he had seen the attributes of this bracelet countless times, he couldn't help but re-read it seriously:

Chris? Redfield's Lucky Bracelet: (in bloody seal, unusable)

Weaver: Shinji Mikami (Hey, is there anyone who doesn’t know him?)

Rank: Quasi-seventh rank

Unlocking the first bloody seal Use effect: Allows you to master the fifth-level passive ability: Luck.

Unlock the second bloody seal Use effect: Allows you to master the sixth-level passive ability: Great Luck.

Unlock the third bloody seal Use effect: You have a 50% chance to master the seventh-level passive ability: True Luck. There is a 50% chance of being cursed, randomly losing one of your current abilities.

Prerequisites: None

Tip: Luck is a rare ability that only very few important plot characters in each world can get. It can make people turn bad luck into good luck, and go through danger like a barbarian. This one accompanies Chris? Redfield's lucky bracelet is an extremely precious item, and the person who owns it must be Chris? Enemy of Redfield and his friends!

Conditions of use: 28 potential points.

Conditions of use: Unlock at least one bloody seal

Space evaluation: Grade A

A side note: This bracelet woven from ordinary polyamide fiber was originally white, but it possessed magical powers because it was dyed red by a large amount of blood. The owner of the blood mixed on it was: Leon? Scott? Kennedy/Albert Wesker/Claire? Redfield/Ada Wong/Chris ? Redfield/Rebecca? Chambers and more.

Unsealing instructions: There are three extremely powerful and powerful seals lingering on this item. The only way to unseal it is to use the blood of three protagonists from different plots to unseal it! After the seal is released, you must learn it as soon as possible, otherwise the seal will be re-formed.

Unblocking instructions: If you want to master such a powerful ability as real luck, you must take great risks! In fact even Chris? Redfield also failed to fully possess this ability! (Because he is just the protagonist of Resident Evil 5, unlike Harry Potter, Jack Sparrow, a perverted guy who is the protagonist from beginning to end)

Looking at this item, it seems that among the sundries on Yiwufu's body, there should be the blood of a certain protagonist in the plot, but Sheyan was unlucky to get that bottle of blood when he was pulling the key. It's pretty hard to kill these protagonists—see the attributes of Harry Potter, the seemingly harmless "child" in the previous article—but getting a little blood from them can be worked around in many ways.

Facing this item that can learn powerful abilities, Fang Sheyan also felt that it was a bit tricky with his decisiveness. Obviously, the luck technique belongs to the category of illusory, and compared to Fang Sheyan's notes on the sixth-level ability beastman, it is bound to invest a lot of potential points and general points in it to be able to learn it to an advanced level. , to play a more and stronger role.

However, according to Sheyan's current situation, it is quite unrealistic to rely solely on trading to obtain potential points. He has not yet built a large team, so the task exploration speed cannot be improved. If he wants to get a large number of potential points, it is impossible It is very difficult to deal with the wood of the root and the water without a source. And because this item needs to unlock the triple seal, if it is sold out, it will inevitably be sold at a very low price, but in fact it is possible to obtain the seventh-level passive ability that the protagonist can only have: really lucky! !

The reason Sheyan was so impressed with the seventh-level passive ability: True Luck was because he had personally seen the protagonist Jack Sparrow possessing this ability, and from Darth, he also learned that Harry Potter also possessed it. This ability: Level 7 is really lucky, and it was blessed by his father to him. Fang Senyan was boldly speculating at the time: Is it only the protagonists of the plot, or the people who have been the protagonists of the plot, can have this ability, to explain the reason why they can turn danger into fortune

After thinking everything through, Sheyan put away the lucky bracelet. Although the first proposition in the space is to exchange for immediate combat power, for Sheyan, even if this thing is to be sold, it must be sold with the blood of the three protagonists! If it is sold individually, the price will be depressed very miserably. Having made up his mind, Sheyan no longer dwelled on this matter, but at the thought of seeing his fourth uncle soon, an indescribable passion surged up in his heart.

With the help of Fang Senyan and Sanzai, although this dilapidated small freighter encountered storms on the way, it still docked safely on time. The captain only felt that Fang Senyan was very capable, and he took care of all kinds of things clearly without his own help, and San Zai was also a skilled hand. When I got off the boat, I revealed that I wanted to keep people.

Fang Sheyan was so busy right now that he was hitting the back of his head with his heels, he just wished he could get out of his body and have another person to do things, how could he have time to be his second officer? On the contrary, Sanzai seems quite excited about this job that fell from the sky, but thinking that the fourth uncle needs to be taken care of, he can only smash his mouth, and regretfully dismissed this idea. The ship owner was still unwilling to give up, not only did not accept the ship's money, but even paid the two people's daily wages for the past few days according to the wages at that time. He also left his business card and phone number, and told the two of them to come to him if they changed their minds.

Under San Tsai's leadership, Fang Senyan came to a place called "West Five Wharf" in Taiwan. This place is similar to Fourth Bridge, and it is a gray area. The difference is that Huashanfei in Siqiao is vicious and vicious, while the "talker" here is called Uncle Da. He is shrewd and capable, but he still has a certain degree of humanity and sense of propriety, and he enjoys both black and white. Uncle Da Si had previously dealt with a batch of goods that Uncle Da needed urgently at that time. Because of this, Uncle Da decided to let Uncle Da Si stay on the West Fifth Wharf to recuperate from his illness.

When Fang Senyan arrived at the West Fifth Wharf, it was raining lightly. He and San Zai jumped off the "numb" (that kind of broken three-wheeled motorcycle with a canopy, which makes people's buttocks go numb~ so they got name), took a deep breath of the clear air with a slight earthy smell. Looking from a distance, we can see that both the sea water in the distance and the nearby houses are shrouded in a layer of light gray water vapor that is not very real, which obscures people's sight, not the lines in the distance. The white and dusty smoke from the kitchen clearly indicated that it was almost noon.