The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 247: Goodbye Big Four


At this time, Sanzai and Fang Sheyan were both anxious and eager in their hearts, and the two quickly ran towards a hut by the sea. The house looked crooked and dilapidated, as if another typhoon would knock it down. Sanzai hurriedly pushed open the door, and was about to yell, but was dragged back by Fang Senyan to cover his mouth.

There is only one room inside and outside the house, and the cooking area is planned under the eaves of the main entrance. Next to the exposed plaster wall on the left, there is a makeshift bed made of stone bricks and a door panel. It is covered with an old quilt with cotton wool exposed. The end of the quilt shows gray hair. It was blowing gently in the fishy sea breeze, and from the slight breathing sound, it could be heard that the patient on the bed was sleeping deeply.

Beside the bed was a wooden bench with half a bowl of dried porridge on it, and a few flies were buzzing around it. Fang Senyan looked at the corner of the quilt wrapped in dirty blood-colored gauze, and immediately felt a strong soreness in his nose. At this time, the fourth uncle probably also heard the movement. He struggled to get up from the bed, turned his head and looked over.

At this moment, Fang Sheyan's mind was blank, he only felt that the things he was carrying in his hands seemed to weigh a thousand, his hands trembled involuntarily, the luggage was scattered all over the ground with a clatter, and his eyes gradually blurred. It seems that only those vicissitudes and gentle eyes are left in the world!

"Big fourth uncle!"

At this moment, Fang Sheyan finally fell down in front of the bed and burst into tears. The ups and downs in the future, the fragility and pain that was suppressed by force in the bottom of his heart, finally vented out. In front of others, he Only be strong, and you can only be strong, so that you will not be underestimated, only in front of this man, in front of this man who has sheltered him from wind and rain for nearly twenty years without complaint or regret,— Only he can cry, and he can vent to his heart's content!

Seeing Fang Senyan, the fourth uncle also felt a little tearful, saying repeatedly:

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

After the father and son talked about the reason for their separation, Sheyan didn't hide anything, except for the things related to the nightmare space. When he heard that Fang Senyan had murdered and fled desperately, the fourth uncle couldn't help worrying about Fang Sheyan's future, and Fang Sheyan couldn't help but comfort him. Seeing Fang Sheyan's return, the stone in the fourth uncle's heart fell to the ground, and he listened to Fang Sheyan's words and then fell asleep again.

During the days when Sanzai was gone, thanks to the neighbor Zeng's grandma who came to take care of the fourth uncle every day, Fang Sheyan, the pillar of the family, came back at this time, of course he had to thank him. Then Uncle Da had to go and express that it was night when he came back after finishing these chores, and he was drenched in rain on the road. After returning home, seeing his uncle's pale face and shivering non-stop, Fang Senyan hurriedly lit a fire and brought him a steaming pot of brown sugar ginger soup. It was warming up, and the fourth uncle felt much better immediately, and finally fell asleep again.

There was only one bed in the room, so Fang Sheyan and Sanzai made the floor together. They had done this kind of thing countless times before on the boat, and it was not a hardship at all. Fang Senyan heard the fourth uncle's snoring gradually evenly in his ears, and his mind gradually calmed down. The rain was flying outside, and the coldness was caught in the wind until it soaked the bone marrow. Sanzai shrank a few times under the thin quilt, and Fang Sheyan simply covered him with his own blanket. It is said that the cold and heat are not soaked, but considering the temperature of 15 to 6 degrees at this time, it can be ignored.

When Fang Sheyan woke up the next morning, seeing the dark sky, he thought it was still early. He listened carefully, and immediately heard the crisp sound of the oilcloth paper outside after the rainwater gathered from the thatched roof, and heard the sound of a farmhouse outside. The noisy voices were vaguely mixed, and I immediately realized that it was not because the sky was dark, but because the weather was really bad.

When I came back yesterday, the room was dim, and I couldn't see the details clearly for a while. Fang Senyan looked around at this time, and saw that the surroundings were full of earthen brick walls, and even the plaster was mostly peeled off, and the few dusty New Year pictures of fat dolls stuck on the wall with rice porridge had turned yellow, and the corners were curled up . The uneven ground is still compacted earth, and there is no dust on the roof, only a slightly inclined beam supports seven or eight rafters, covered with rotten mountain grass that has been smeared gray-black by the years, Of course, there is also a piece of plastic sheet that Sanzai temporarily hung flat, otherwise, the rainwater would leak and flow around the house.

"This place can no longer be lived." Sheyan half sat up from the middle of the floor, turned his head to San Zai and lowered his voice. "Even if people who live here are not sick, they will become sick. What's more, the fourth uncle's injury hasn't healed yet?"

Sanzi also woke up early, and said aggrievedly:

"I have also talked to the fourth uncle many times, but the fourth uncle said that the rest of the money is our two wives who can't touch it."

Sheyan directly pulled Sanzai out, and said impatiently under the eaves:

"I'll take care of the money. The fourth uncle is stubborn, and most things can be up to him, but I have the final say on this matter. Didn't I see that kind of single-family building next to me when I came here? Planting a house! I think Grandma Zeng took good care of my fourth uncle. After you finish the house, go invite her to the old man and ask her how much spare money she has a month at home? We pay double to hire her to take care of people."

San Zai is also a man with quick hands and feet, but he lacks his own opinions. This has nothing to do with his age, his natural personality is like this, but he can take care of things properly as long as he tells him the matter. After Fang Senyan finished speaking, he directly threw a few stacks of money to the conscientious Sanzai, and asked him to take care of a series of trivial matters such as renting a house and buying furniture. Then I went to the stove under the eaves at the back and cooked sugar-watered eggs for the fourth uncle and brought them in to feed the patient. Then I sat next to me with a bowl and ate breakfast, and talked and chatted with the fourth uncle by the way.

During the conversation, the fourth uncle asked him about his future plans. Fang Senyan had already been thinking about it, even if the senior uncle didn't ask, he would find a reason to start, so he immediately lowered his voice and said:

"Fourth Uncle, after I got rid of Hua Shanfei's subordinates that day, I kept on doing nothing. When there was no one in his old lair, I killed him and accidentally robbed him of a batch of goods, and took them to Hong Kong to find an acquaintance to sell them off." It’s a blessing in disguise, and I got more than three million Hong Kong dollars back. It’s a pity that your fourth uncle is not recovering from your illness, otherwise you can start doing it first.”

The fourth uncle said doubtfully:

"do what?"

Sheyan was surprised and said:

"Of course I booked a boat. I've spent my whole life living on the water. If I don't run a boat, would I just sit and eat? Although Fuyuan is well-maintained, it has been in the sea for fifteen or sixteen years. It's just right when I sell it. Ordering a new boat. But I still have things to do, how can I have time to watch them cut corners? I’m sure you won’t be at ease if you do this kind of thing, why don’t you come and watch?”

As soon as the boat was mentioned, the fourth uncle immediately became energetic:

"More than three million Hong Kong dollars? Then you can build a very good boat. Uncle Da has a way! How big are you going to build?"

Fang Senyan knew about the dream of the fourth uncle, so he said immediately:

"I think the seven-seven specification is good. Our ship is estimated to go overseas, so the horsepower must be over a thousand!"

The seven-seven specification is an iron-hulled trawler with a captain of 49 meters. It is the highest dream of the fourth uncle in his life. The fourth uncle's face immediately glows:

"That's a good idea."

"En." Fang Sheyan said seriously: "That's why I think you should recover from your illness as soon as possible. Without you watching those bastards who started working, how dare I pay the deposit? We will go to the hospital when the rain stops this afternoon. Look, the sooner the illness is cured, the sooner the ship can be built."

After hearing what Fang Sheyan said, the fourth uncle hesitated for a moment, and then agreed. In fact, his heart knot was that he thought that he was a useless person at this time, and he would waste money on medical treatment. Once he found his own value, he would naturally have the desire to live.

After Sheyan successfully aroused the desire and interest of the fourth uncle, he finally let out a long sigh of relief. As long as the fourth uncle cooperates, the next thing will come naturally. After two days of systematic treatment in the hospital, and the fact that the fourth uncle's body has always been considered strong, his condition has improved a lot. In order to reassure him, Fang Senyan actually ordered an iron-hulled trawler through Uncle Da and went through all the formalities first.

Seeing that five days have passed in the real world, everything is on the right track. Fang Sheyan was thinking about the things in the space, after all, the power from the nightmare space was his foundation at this time - so he called Jessica according to the number in his memory. The savage girl immediately complained why she didn't answer the phone before, and then said aggrievedly that the house was dirty by the large group of beasts, and the roaring was so loud that she dared not go home to sleep.

Fang Senyan was overjoyed when he heard the words, hung up the phone and went straight to find Uncle Da, as the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around. After confirming that Fang Senyan, a stowaway, had no criminal record in Taiwan, he bought a direct flight ticket to Hong Kong at five times the price, and arrived at Jessica's mansion three hours later.

Although Fang Senyan did a big thing this time, because most of the people who died were members of the underworld, and Yi Wufu was not a good bird, so there was no such thing as a superior controller who came out to grab the sky and grab the ground. Therefore, it is only known and circulated within the police. For the police, the publication of such a serial murder case is not only to show the incompetence of the police, but also to trigger social panic and turmoil. Therefore, Mu Sheng got rich and had no choice but to investigate secretly, so Fang Sheyan could not see any rumors no matter in the newspapers or on the Internet.