The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 257: cruel process


Seeing the series of reminders from the Mark of Nightmare, Sheyan almost spurted out a mouthful of blood. His ability to mix genetic medicines requires spell-casting materials, and if he can't open the storage space, it means that his auxiliary ability is completely abolished! There is no way to quickly reply with the medicines and food you carry! More importantly, "Ambition" was also placed in the storage space by him, Sheyan's explosive power was directly reduced by more than half in an instant!

Because Fang Senyan obtained some privileges when he prepared the potion before. The elf girl Wuge, Jiaoshi and Fang Senyan got a separate room. They drank the melted snow water brought directly from the mountain next to them, and what they ate wasn't too bad. Forced to drink orc sewage.

The next day was still a sunny day, and the sun had risen early. Just as Wuge was going to continue to pray and practice in the sun, suddenly several ferocious orcs rushed in from outside. Then they were forcibly tied with a black rope. This rope seems to be made of some kind of vine, it is very tough, and it has a powerful sealing ability, even Sheyan and the others can't use their own active ability! Naturally, the girl Wuge couldn't cast any magic. After Fang Senyan used the detection ability of the helmet on the black rope, he finally obtained relevant information:

Black Thought Whip

Weaver: Saruman IV Body Secret Refiner

special props

Material: dirty blood, curse breath, cold crushed crystal, black cricket vine,

Time of existence: 12 hours

Purpose: Makes the bound creature unable to use any of its abilities.

Weight: 0.3 kg.

140 cm to 210 cm long

This rope called the Black Thought Whip is obviously very precious. It can be seen from the fact that it is personally made by Saruman's clone. After being tied, the sealing ability is very strong. Unfortunately, it only lasts for 12 hours. There is time, otherwise Sheyan would really like to buy one. It seems that the toughness of the black whip of thoughts is not strong enough, because after Fang Sheyan and the others were tied with a black whip of thoughts, it was not enough. These half-orcs continued to tie them with a secret strong rope made from vines, Clearly trying to be foolproof.

Under such circumstances, the three of Sheyan were brought out, and then mixed with seven or eight humans/dwarves/elves shivering in the cold wind outside the prison, forming a temporary team. A large group of half-orcs who were fully armed to the teeth and three tentacle monsters that Sheyan had dealt with before acted as guards, escorting them to the east. After they climbed over several bare ice ridges with difficulty, they began to walk up an ice peak along a spiraling ice road.

Fang Senyan noticed that the main body of this winding mountain road is formed by thick ice, and some stones are even worn very smooth at some resting places, which shows that this road is obviously used The frequency is very high, and people often go up and down here.

Although the weather was fine, the sun looked very bleak when we got here, and we couldn't feel the warmth at all. The wind with the ice fragments was still extremely strong, and the cold wind howled shrillly in the thousands of mountains and ravines, sweeping over those glaciers that hadn't melted for thousands of years, the sound could not be described as howling like ghosts and gods. In such an environment, the hearts and bodies of all the prisoners were trembling and trembling at the same time. Some people even collapsed on the ground due to lack of oxygen and fear during the trek.

At this time, the half-orcs showed their ferocious features, and they began to torture and beat the immobile captives with cruel methods, but all the captives were given hidden injuries such as fractures, without letting them see blood.

When they were about to reach the top of the ice peak, a group of people walked along the long ridge, and after walking for about half an hour against the wind and snow, there was finally no road ahead, and a snow-covered area appeared here. The covered flat land is about the size of a basketball court, surrounded by criss-crossed ice teeth, and below is the abyss. There is a long stone platform in the middle of the flat ground, on which a person can probably lie down. A strange dark brown color appeared on the stone platform and the surrounding rocks, which was particularly glaring in the white snow and ice.

Beside the stone platform, there are quite a few hastily hewn stone basins, the craftsmanship of which is extremely clumsy, and there are some rag-like things piled up in a mess around them. These things were scattered and scattered in the cold wind, like pieces of torn yellow paper, but with tenacious toughness. Although they didn't understand anything, there was an indescribable feeling of terror in everyone's heart, especially the few human captives, who couldn't help crying loudly and struggling desperately at the same time.

But neither the orcs nor the tentacle monsters were indifferent, they seemed to have been prepared for this situation. Most of these captives are tightly bound, not to mention that among the ropes that bind them, there is also a black whip of thought that has been subjected to witchcraft, and it is impossible to break it.

At this time, a tentacle monster with a relatively large head came over surrounded by half-orcs. It used its tentacles to roll out a bag made of cowhide from the pocket it was carrying on its back, and then pulled out the stopper The liquid in the cowhide bag was given to the captives to drink in turn.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, any captive would never be in any mood to drink anything. But this tentacle monster did it quite cleverly. It took a sip from the cowhide bag first, and then took out a bowl to pour out the liquid inside. It can be clearly seen that what is contained in the gourd is a kind of blue liquid that shows dots, which is thick and thick. Although the bowl does not move, the liquid fluctuates on its own as if it has its own life, even There will be small tides and waves.

These people were more or less injured when they were arrested. After a few days of imprisonment, their bodies were already weak. At this time, they were extremely tired after trekking on the mountain road for so long, so they drank one after another. , but he was also very thirsty, and the wound on his wrist that was rubbed by the rope was also very painful, so he opened his mouth to drink it.

To his surprise, the blue liquid was extremely cold. As soon as he drank it into his throat, he felt as if a thread of ice was drawn into his stomach continuously, and it lingered for a long time. He could not help shivering all over his body. , I felt frozen and stiff, and after holding back the shivering for a while, I suddenly felt that my chest and lungs were icy cold. The exhaustion from trekking on the snow-capped mountains disappeared, and my whole body became hot, as if my limbs were all bones. All the energy was ignited and converged into the blood.

The nightmare mark also sent a reminder to Sheyan:

"You drank the advanced blended potion: Haiqimjia's slime, which is a powerful genetic medicine prepared by Saruman's avatar. It is prepared by mixing the genetic liquid of the giant octopus Haiqimjia with various spell-casting materials. Secret medicine."

"The first time you drink it, you will get permanent special effects: life value (HP) +50 points, upper limit of mental power (MP) +50 points. (This reward can be taken out of this world)."

"Temporary special effect after drinking: your life value recovery speed is additionally increased, and the improvement range is: an additional 1 point of life every 10 seconds to 10 points of life every second, and the duration is 120 minutes."

"Reminder: The more serious the injury of the drinker, the more Haiqim and mucus can activate the potential of the injured person, and the speed of life recovery will increase rapidly! But there may be some adverse sequelae afterwards."

"What do they want?" She also took a sip of the slimy reef and got a bargain. Of course, she was very happy and couldn't help asking Sheyan. These two people have the ability to return to the space at any time, so they are also confident.

Even though Fang Senyan was extremely good at deduction, he was confused by this strange encounter for a while. These half-orcs and tentacle monsters definitely had no good intentions in bringing the slaves here, but at this moment when they were about to meet each other, they drank this extremely precious medicine!

After everyone drank the "Haychem with Slime", a short and fat half-orc stood up. The face of this half-orc was full of scars, like a ghost, its expression was numb, but there was an indescribable fanaticism in its eyes, a thick and wide belt was wrapped around his waist, the face of this half-orc Sheyan had a feeling of deja vu, he should have encountered it when making spell-casting materials in the mage's tower.

Next, two half-orcs put a human captive brought up on the stone platform, completely ignoring his resistance, and then tied him very forcefully to the stone platform. The chunky half-orc took out several thin and sharp knives from the belt around his waist, placed them one by one on the edge of the stone platform, and then licked the sharp blade of the knife in his hand with his scarlet tongue. Slowly cut open the captive's arm, and then, amidst the miserable screams of this unlucky guy, began to slowly cut off the flesh in front of him!

This half-orc seemed to be doing cruel things, but his actions and attitude were no different from the appearance of humans slaughtering livestock and skinning them. Obviously in his eyes, these elves and humans are all like livestock.

And Sheyan suddenly understood what those rag-like things were, it turned out to be dried human skin, the skin that was peeled off from the body! At this time, even Wu Ge, who had always been very plain, was drenched in fear and began to tremble involuntarily. Looking out from her eyes, it seemed that even the sky and the earth had lost their color, because she suddenly discovered that this world There is something more terrifying than death! But the elf's ability to commit suicide is sealed by the black whip of thought, it's hard to die!