The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 26: Never mind!


It wasn't until Karon barely got up from the ground that the guy wielding the giant ax stepped out! The already tattered bulkhead immediately shattered and flew out. This is a giant man wearing a black leather hood. He is at least 2.20 meters tall. He also wears black leather on his hands. The exposed skin of the glove has clear suture marks. What is even more strange is that there are many sharp iron spikes that are more than ten centimeters long and bloodstained on the surface of the glove. It looks like something is parasitizing In his body, squeeze out these sharp steel points from the surface of his body!

The giant man let out a beast-like roar from his throat, and he dragged the terrible weapon towards the pirates, giving the impression that his body was a shield, and the terrifying weapon was worth it. Like something to protect, there is a very unpleasant smell on its body, as if the corpse has been soaked in water after it has rotted. The smell is disgusting. A well-informed old pirate screamed in horror:

"Rotting soul corpse!!! It's a rotting soul corpse from voodoo!"

Voodoo is the most famous cult among Pirates of the Caribbean, and Blackbeard is proficient in black witchcraft. In Pirates of the Caribbean 4, his core members are all reanimated corpses. The rotting soul corpse is another extremely evil existence. It is a monster made by cutting off the strongest organs from multiple corpses and splicing them together. Once it is manufactured, it will not exist in this world for a long time. I don't know fatigue and pain during the existence, once it appears, combined with the various sinister and vicious spells of the voodoo black wizard who controls it, it will set off a bloody storm of death!

The two of them came out following the rotting soul corpse. The first one to appear was an old black man with gray hair and beard, with a cropped cut and a belt made of red cloth around his waist. His face was covered in white. Two coiled snakes were painted on the powder, and the way he walked was very weird, as if he was deliberately squatting into a horse stance and striding forward, looking weird. Beside him is a middle-aged man with a gray turban and a vigorous face. It is Gutas, the captain of the ship appointed by Fernandez. As soon as the hanging whistle blew, a large number of fully armed sailors poured out from the other passages in the room, raised their weapons and shouted to kill them.

— This is obviously a trap that has been carefully arranged in advance.

The big businessman Fernandez should have expected a boarding battle with the pirates—because no pirate would be foolish enough to sink a merchant ship before looting. So he recruited several great voodoo wizards in advance, set up traps on the merchant ship, and made arrangements in advance to ambush the enemy! But for Armand, this situation is still dangerous but not dangerous! Because he cleaned up the enemies very thoroughly when he came all the way before, so he didn't lose his retreat, which meant that he could retreat to the Bell and Wineglass at any time.

After all, Ammand is also one of the future Pirate Kings of the Seven Seas. As long as he retreats to the deck, he immediately orders his men to cut off the cables that bind the two ships, and Ammand can immediately activate that incomparably sharp captain skill again. Forcibly driving away the extremely maneuverable Bell and Wineglass, this heavy and heavy merchant ship that has been severely damaged is impossible to catch up with. At that time, across the vast sea, no matter how powerful the Rotten Soul Master was, no matter how elite the enemy sailors were, they would only have the fate of being played to death slowly!

"Withdraw!" Armand ordered decisively, and his word seemed to be squeezed out from the gap between his teeth. As the saying goes, the defeat of an army is like a mountain, and the pirates are very experienced when they escape. Although the casualties are relatively heavy, the price paid is not unacceptable. But when Armand ran to the deck, he happened to see the three lifeboats approaching the Bell and Wineglass, and the regular sailor ants of the Spanish Armada climbed up, and his whole body immediately became cold. one slice! The enemy's plan is so vicious, it is already one step ahead and even cut off his retreat completely!

"No! I have to go back to the Bell and Goblet immediately. Once those damned Spaniards seize control of the deck, I will definitely die here today!" a determination.

He gestured to the wounded boatswain Calon. Calon was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned red immediately, and he let out a wild roar. He turned around and led a group of elite pirates with the most loyalty to stop him. The hatch, trying to prevent the terrible carrion corpse from rushing out of the passage. Strictly speaking, they took their own lives to buy precious time for their captain!

But just as Armand was striding towards his own pirate ship with a gloomy face, a vigorous figure suddenly jumped up from the side window of the merchant ship, it was the captain Gutas, and immediately below was another Several brave sailors with scimitars in their mouths jumped up, blocking the way of Ammand's return! Gutas put his left hand on his chest, and bowed slightly in a gentlemanly manner, but his right hand was holding the scimitar handle at his waist. The distance of more than 20 meters seemed to be the distance of ah in an instant. Mound's insurmountable and terrifying natural moat!

"It's a very delicate trap..." Sheyan leaned on the main mast, tilted his head and looked at the opposite merchant ship intriguingly.

"Using the lifeboat to make a fatal blow, this attack method is at least four centuries ahead in terms of tactical concepts. From this point of view, there should also be contractors in this Spanish Armada, And this guy's status and prestige must not be low, and this is why he can implement his combat thinking so thoroughly. Ammand, Ammand, you seem to be very talented, but you can't get rid of greed in your bones The essence of pirates, this is the most fundamental reason why you were successfully calculated by others."

"There are more people than us." Fang Sheyan narrowed his eyes slightly, but his gaze had already passed over the sailors of the Spanish Armada seven or eight meters away who were about to start to join the ship, and then those pirates on the deck with earthy faces who were at a loss. .

"Weapons are better than ours." Sheyan's eyes swept over the exquisite scabbard on the sailor's waist again, and then stopped at the hand of a trembling old pirate beside him. trembling.

"The morale is stronger than ours." This can be confirmed from the high shouts of the sailors.

"but… "

"But they didn't carry any long-range attack weapons!"

"In this kind of wind and waves, the waves that rush past from time to time can easily cover the side of the lifeboat, and the drenched arquebus can't be ignited even if it is carried! And the height difference between the lifeboat and the Bell and Wineglass Close to three meters! This means that they have to climb on rope hooks to successfully board the ship!"

The hull of the Bell and Wineglass swayed slightly, and a Spanish lifeboat had already approached. In just a short moment, several rope hooks have been thrown to the side of the ship and held firmly, and then several tall and round sailors have already vigorously climbed up.

At this time, Fang Senyan sneered and walked to the edge of joining the Spanish sailors. His calmness was in stark contrast to the chaotic and frightened pirates around him. And Fang Sheyan picked up a heavy ax conveniently. This two-handed ax was used to cut deep into the plank of the enemy ship during the boarding battle, and then tied a cable to the tail to stabilize it. At least it has a weight of nearly 100 kilograms, and Fang Sheyan barely picked it up with one hand and put it on his shoulder with his 11 points of strength. Although it can't be compared with that monster carrion corpse, it can still successfully attract the deck. catch the eye of these pirates.

At this time, two Spanish sailors have already climbed up quickly along the hanging rope hook! Fang Sheyan turned around abruptly, and with a loud roar, the huge ax weighing nearly 100 kilograms smashed across with a dull whistling sound. Suffering such a vicious attack, he was swept away without making a sound, and fell into the rough sea with a long scream of "plop" in the air! Seeing that there is more than good luck!

Immediately afterwards, several other Spanish sailors who successfully boarded the ship surrounded them, at the same time, they drew out their sailor knives and chopped them off viciously, blood spattering, and there were five or six long red flesh wounds on Sheyan's body! The blood gushed like a spring, and half of his body was dyed red in a blink of an eye, but the heavy ax held by Fang Senyan swirled and swept down the waist with a huge wind sound, the wooden boards shattered and dust flew up wherever it passed. Several sailors were blown out of the side of the ship alive, flung their arms and legs in the air, and fell into the water after screaming miserably!

With one enemy against all, it is a total victory!

That kind of aura is really the crazy aura of a man who is in charge of everything!

And Sheyan didn't even take half a step back!

All of a sudden, the wind and the clouds were raging, and the huge waves slammed into the sky, and they slammed behind him and shattered into thousands of pieces of jade! Sheyan stood tall on the side of the ship, regardless of the seven or eight bloody wounds on his body, he tore off the tattered shirt on his upper body, held the half-damaged heavy ax with one hand, raised it into the air, and let out a frenzy Roar!

"COMEON, you idiots!!"