The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 261: Enemy of Steel and Fire


Mogansha said seriously:

"That's right, I still have hidden strength that I haven't used, but my concern is that even if I use this strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to defend against the attacks of these damned bugs."

Sheyan looked at the battlefield again, and said decisively:

"It's not as bad as you imagined. Now the thick liquid tribe is also at the end of its battle. You can see that although there are many standby troops left in the valley, they are all small velociraptors. As long as you can get rid of twenty Hydralisks, then we You can unite with the guys from the Gravel Task Force to suppress the rest of the Hydralisks, and my ability to crush the Velociraptor—you should be confident, then this mission may be completed."

Mogansha took a deep look at Sheyan and said:


As he spoke, he put away the gold AK, and then slowly took out a short spear that broke from it. Suddenly, Mogansha didn't see any movement, and a dazzling light shot out from the short spear! ! That ray of light is astonishingly silvery! And the end of this seemingly inconspicuous short spear is wrapped around a scarlet bloody banner, flying like fire on this battlefield!

Sheyan's pupils suddenly shrank! The murderous aura and domineering aura on this short spear are even higher than "ambition"!

Even though Fang Sheyan can't see its origin at this time, he knows this extraordinary thing. And Mogansha was half kneeling on the ground, muttering to himself:

"My partner, I offer you my praise and sufficient tribute!"

The short spear automatically floated into the air, and there was a buzzing and trembling voice:

"Find the enemy quickly!"

Mogansha's thick lips moved up and down, pious and serious like a voodoo believer:

"I designate the Hydralisk in front of you as the enemy of steel and fire!"

The short spear rose into the air slowly and automatically, and a dazzling brilliance flashed from the tip of the spear:

"Kill without mercy!"

Mogansha roared, this is their local aboriginal language, usually before killing or hunting loudly shouted battle horn!

"Aria comes from ancient times!"

With a bang, the short spear shot out like thunder and lightning! There was a deep roar:

"In the name of the Spartans!"

Sheyan took a deep breath immediately:

"Could it be! This short spear turned out to be the main weapon used by someone among the 300 Spartan warriors?"

Amidst the dazzling silver rays of light rushing around, the Hydralisks of the Thick Liquid Tribe shattered into pieces of meat and green pulp very simply! The light jumped over five, ten, and fifteen Hydralisks in sequence! This short spear turned into lightning, jumping crazily among the hydralisks, but Sheyan noticed that there were still a few elite hydralisks that survived even though they were severely injured by the short spear. A terrifying attack mode should only attack the same enemy once. Otherwise, according to its terrifying attack power, if it acts on the contractor, no one can bear the continuous puncture.

After killing thirteen Hydralisks, Mogansha collapsed to his knees, panting heavily, with a very ugly expression on his face. Fang Senyan threw the endless amount of strong vodka, but Mogansha couldn't catch it. It took a while to recover from the paralysis in his body, and he grabbed the jug with his convulsed fingers and took a sip. It can be regarded as regaining a little color. Sheyan asked tentatively:

"It seems that the price of using this weapon is very high?"

Mogansha smiled bitterly and said:

"To use the ability that comes with it, you have to use up all your mental power, plus 1,000 general points/1 potential point, a 5-second paralysis time after use, and a 20% chance of failing to use the ability! It’s just luck that I didn’t hit it this time.”

Speaking of Mogansha said meaningfully:

"It's the ability that you hide, sailor. I don't know when it will open my eyes again."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"Go and contact Lieutenant Colonel Dundee and ask them to suppress the remaining Hydralisks. As for my ultimate move, you will see it soon."

Speaking of which, Sheyan had already put on his helmet, clapped the flamethrower in his hand, pointed it down and rushed straight down! Two raging fire dragons flew out immediately, enveloping large swaths of velociraptors! The arsonist among them, Lieutenant Colonel Dundee, had already died on the way to escape, so when they saw the rampant familiar fire dragon, they almost mistakenly thought that the brother had resurrected and guarded them again!

This time Sheyan carried out the fire-breathing assault with the cooperation of his allies, and the pressure he received was far less. Therefore, he can effectively use his flamethrower, usually using the flamethrower holes of his left and right hands alternately, so that the two output pipes of the flamethrower can be cooled reasonably, and the use time of this flamethrower can be extended to the maximum extent!

The raging flames rolled, and each spray could envelop at least five or six swift beasts. After they were burned by the raging flames, they would suffer continuous damage and continuously reduce their health. As long as a velociraptor is enveloped by the flamethrower for three seconds, the subsequent continuous fire damage is enough to burn it alive to death. However, their death process is not instantaneous, and they can often survive for five or six seconds before being burned to death. At that time, the dying counterattack will probably cause very fatal damage to the fire-breathing hand at this time.

For ordinary arsonists, even if they can rely on the extra targeted ability of the unit to suppress the swift beasts, they can at most deal with twenty swift beasts alone at the same time, otherwise, the counterattack of the swift beasts before they die can kill him. life. Moreover, this is a theoretical situation where the terrain is the most favorable for the fire-breathing soldiers. If the velociraptors scattered on the open ground and rushed from all sides, then the arsonists would be very embarrassed. At most five or six velociraptors would be able to kill them. kill him.

But for Fang Sheyan, who is extremely capable of surviving under the attack of swift beasts, even in the sea of swift beasts, he can follow the example of Changshan Zhao Zilong and kill seven in and seven out. As long as the swift beast's dying counterattack does not hit a critical strike, it is completely tickling. Fang Sheyan, the arsonist, is strutting back and forth in the battlefield, and sometimes he uses the cover of buildings and remnant thorns to pant Panting, paddling, he quickly attracted and killed most of the remaining Velociraptors without any risk.

Five minutes passed quickly, and Sheyan got a prompt immediately:

"You completed the urgent task: bloody five minutes."

"You are taking over the mission from Goblin Servant Gold Mine. The special ability of the Goblins: Pennies will take effect at LV15."

"You are defaulted to the current world's maximum charisma value (50 points) to accept/complete the quest."

"Your reputation among the Blackthorn tribe has directly improved from indifference to friendliness."

"Your meritorious service value +2."

At this moment, Fang Senyan's face was full of cows—brother finally got high charm treatment! It is still the world's default limit charm value to complete! Directly from indifference to neutral and then from neutral to friendly, it is equivalent to jumping a level to increase the reputation. Mogansha, who also accepted this task, has merit +2, but he has only improved from indifference to neutral reputation!

After the Hydralisks on the battlefield were completely wiped out, Fang Sheyan and the others not only completed the task released, but even saved the first broken line of defense. It can be seen that there are still two tongue-thorn bunkers that are very bleak. It stood in place, but there were wounds everywhere, overflowing with blood. It seems that the current fighting form will be unable to maintain in the next second, turning into blood and collapsing.

Fortunately, this thing can be regarded as an extension of the organs of the entire Zerg base. After the creep decomposes the corpses on the battlefield, the nutrients obtained will give priority to supplying the injured organs, so they can gain a fairly good speed to automatically restore their health, not only that , even injured Zerg creatures. On the front line, only two or three of the Zerg creatures of the Blackthorn tribe mobilized by the brood survived, which looked extremely bleak.

During this battle, one member of the gravel task force was killed again. He was seriously injured, but was hit head-on by the acid sprayed by a Hydralisk during the battle. His broken helmet immediately disappeared. Half corroded, naturally died on the spot. This situation was so abrupt that Mogansha, who was good at supporting him on the battlefield, couldn't save him at all.

So far, these soldiers have witnessed the fall of one comrade after another, so all the survivors were a little sad for a while, sitting in the bloody water, taking off their helmets, silently smoking, bandaging their wounds, and giving injections. antibiotic.

Fang Senyan found Lieutenant Colonel Dundee at this time, and said with a somewhat unkind expression:

"Lieutenant Colonel, I want to accuse you of a huge problem with your command! You are obviously outputting firepower from a long distance, why do you have to stick to this place? The hill behind is an excellent blocking position, and the vertical height difference from here is more than If the Hydralisk wants to attack you, it has to shoot at a high angle of elevation! In this case, the swift and fierce beasts that are melee attacks must make a detour, and cannot directly attack you! You attack. Secondly, if the Hydralisk shoots at a high elevation angle, the shooting accuracy will also decrease, and your survivability will definitely increase greatly!"

Lieutenant Colonel Dundee didn't speak, his face was very ugly. Fang Senyan continued to say with deep sorrow:

"If your decision is correct, then this heroic soldier did not have to die!"

After hearing this, Mogansha looked at the surrounding environment, stood up and said:

"He's right, no matter what, the place where you stay is a dead place, which is very unsuitable for defense. The idea of bugs is difficult to understand, but I find it hard to believe that soldiers who have received formal training and tactical literacy will commit such a low-level attack. mistake."