The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 263: Fight violently


The chunky orc bared his fangs, his fingers were stubby, but he moved the knife so nimbly that it flew up and down. Under his interpretation of the cruel and bloody thing of skinning, he actually seemed orderly and meticulous. He even greedily licked the blood on the knife from time to time, like a chef who stole food.

Apparently this half-orc did not know how many such things he had done, and the prisoner's screams did not affect his "work" at all. In less than ten minutes, the prisoner's skin was completely peeled off, turning into a A terrifying flesh and blood monster that is constantly struggling! What's even more frightening is that his life is still tenaciously continuing because of the effect of the "Haikim plus mucus" he drank before!

After the bloody human skin was peeled off, most of it was collected by a half-orc next to him who seemed to be salivating—Fang Sheyan even saw it sucking his fingers—and then placed it in a nearby stone basin. Some scattered human skins were thrown aside, fluttering in the wind together with the dried human skins—after those half-orcs collected the peeled human skins, they threw fire into the stone basin. Some flammable substances were added to the basin in advance, and the flames rose up blazingly.

Despite the howling of the cold wind, a huge column of blood-red smoke appeared in the brazier, which rose up in an instant, soared straight up, and shot straight into the sky. At the same time, everyone present smelled an indescribable smell, as if fresh blood was boiled and spices were added. It was a disgusting pungent and sweet fragrance, as if it was about to permeate people's internal organs. Can't continue.

Next, several half-orcs actually lifted up the skinned captive, and dropped it into the icy abyss next to it! The prisoner's shrill scream was drawn out and echoed non-stop. The echo collided with the ice peaks, and it took a long time before it slowly dissipated.

Almost all the captives were shocked by such a mysterious and evil experience. Although there were many experienced human hunters among the captives, they couldn't figure out the intention of this group of orcs and tentacle monsters at all. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the fate that awaits them is extremely tragic! ! Although they were struggling frantically, the magic vines that bound them were like a lasso of death, binding their vitality! !

Time passed quickly, and prisoners were carried to the stone platform one after another, and then they were peeled off with bloody flesh and thrown into the abyss screaming and screaming. The peeled skin was thrown into the brazier and ignited. . Hearing the screams of his former companions and watching them fall into such a miserable state, Sheyan noticed that the fear in the eyes of Wu Ge beside him had gradually receded, replaced by incomparable firmness.

Although the elf girl's face still maintained a terrified expression, the hands tied behind her had already flashed a faint green light. Although it was constantly extinguished under the suppression of the black rope, the light still shone tenaciously. This should be the special feature of the Dawn Elves. The special vine ropes can't completely seal their abilities. Obviously, this elf girl has made up her mind that no matter what the price is, she must get rid of this living creature in front of her. The sad fate of falling into the abyss after skinning!

After peeling off the skins of three or four people in a row, the chunky executioner also felt very tired. He peeled off the skin of a person alive, and tried not to let this person die. This is definitely a very physical and energy-consuming thing. He casually sat down on the ground, scooped a cup of blood from the stone platform, licked and drank greedily, and tasted it, but a pair of small eyes were fixed on Wuge's body, gradually exuding a lewd light .

At this time, according to the strange behavior of these half-orcs, it can be seen that: Obviously, the reason why these half-orcs gave preferential treatment to the captives before is obviously to keep them in the best condition as possible, and the purpose is to make them return to life after being skinned. Can live! ! Although the motive for doing so is unknown, it is precisely because of this that they dare not invade Fogsong, because many elves have mastered the ability to sacrifice their lives to nature and turn themselves into a seed.

But now these half-orcs know that the abilities of the elves are bound by the "black thought whip" that binds them. But when the elf girl Wuge was tied up, it was estimated that the half-orc who was tied up was also a person in the lewd way. The one on the left was tied up and the other was tied up on the right, which doubled the exquisite and full curves of Wuge. The chunky executioner stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, his crotch obviously swelled out.

He stood up directly, rubbed the swollen animal skin under his crotch that was obviously about to move, and walked over to Miss Wuge with lewd eyes. Wuge's face was slightly pale, but she still showed a kind of arrogance and indifference. Her lips were tightly pressed, but the green light still gathered on the tightly bound hands behind her.

And Sheyan is also ready to go! Compared with the rest of the captives, Sheyan has a big advantage, that is, his strength is still as high as 37 points at this time, in this world that can be called A-level difficulty for them, it cannot but be said that he is quite Not bad stats—you have to know that the rest of the captives don’t have equipment bonuses—this made Sheyan’s tireless struggle along the way have some effect. Impressively, it has been loosened, and there is a certain amount of room for movement in both hands.

When the half-orc was about to approach Wuge, Fang Senyan's muscles all over his body tensed suddenly, and then he retracted and let go! The huge explosive force suddenly exploded at the wrist, and the black vine was snapped into three or four sections with a snap, and then fell to the ground. The broken black vine was like a dead snake, turning into a It became several paragraphs and bounced on the ground a few times before it froze. Undoubtedly, this kind of change is beyond everyone's expectation—of course, Jiao Shi, a muscular man, is well aware of Fang Senyan's actions.

Sheyan's feet kicked hard on the ground, and then rushed straight out in a way parallel to the ground! The snow on the ground was scattered by it, but his target was not the disgusting short and fat half-orc at all, but the nearest tentacle monster!

The reason for this is very simple, because the two of them have basically understood all the attack methods of orcs, but they have not seen the attack method of this tentacle monster before. It is hard to imagine what kind of physical damage its short and thin octopus tentacles can cause. The damage is mostly based on the attack ability of the legal system, and its huge gray and fleshy head seems to have quite poor defense ability. And once the tentacle monster is attacked, no matter how hard the half-orc skinner is, he won't be able to commit atrocities against Wuge girl, right

There is no doubt that Sheyan's surprise attack was quite successful. There was a metallic luster on his fists, and his clenched fists flew through the air at high speed, and even made a low whistling sound, hitting the gray head of the tentacle monster not far away. But although this tentacle monster didn't expect Fang Senyan to explode, it has a circle of eyes on its head, and there is no visual blind spot at all!

When Sheyan's fist was about to hit it, the guy's eye facing Sheyan's direction suddenly shone like a neon light, and then shot out a ray of gray-black light like a laser!

Naturally, this ray of light hit Sheyan's chest first and last, and a puff of black smoke burst out immediately. , his whole body glowed with a gray-black color, and the nightmare imprint even sent a reminder:

"You were attacked by a mental ray. After deducting the defense damage reduction, you received 127 points of damage. The damage type this time is spiritual, and your talent: tenacity cannot take effect."

"You are cursed with filth: Weakness, your attack power is reduced by 15%."

"Damn it! It really is the type I hate the most!" Fang Senyan gritted his teeth.

But his fist inevitably hit this guy's head!

The hard fist hit the soft brain, the tragedy is inevitable! 49! 25! The two damage figures are impressively displayed, the former is Sheyan's initial attack value, and the latter is the extremely powerful crushing damage! Amidst the spray of thick gray-white mucus, the tentacles of this tentacle monster waved and convulsed, and the electric light lingered on Sheyan's body, showing scorched marks. With a punch, it just hit the tentacle monster's eyeball facing him.

I could only hear the continuous muffled sound of "噗噗", as if the watery grape core was squeezed out alive. Fang Sheyan's vicious punch directly blew out the two eyeballs of the tentacle monster. Immediately, black, white, and red mixed together, and it was so thick that it flowed down, and fell drop by drop onto the rock surface. It condenses into a jelly-like shape at low temperature.

Because after these two eyes were brutally blasted, the tentacle monster undoubtedly lost its most powerful attack method, so it struggled crazily, dancing its tentacles, trying to turn its head around so that the other eyes could have attacking powers. Angle, but how could Sheyan give it this chance? A cold and cruel light flashed in his eyes. Regardless of the roaring orcs behind him, he retracted his fists and struck out again!