The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 27: harvest and expectations


With previous key opening experience, Sheyan is naturally familiar with it at this time. The two items still appeared in the box, and the main CPU chip (incomplete) fell out again. But the second thing is something that looks very strange. It seems that it is completely out of touch with this world.

It was a thing rolled into a cylinder, which seemed to be only about 20 centimeters long. The first impression given was that the small map was randomly wrapped and placed, and a faint light shone on its surface.

Fang Sheyan stretched out his hand, and the fingertips felt a soft and heavy touch, as if touching the yellowed parchment of the Middle Ages. It was ancient and mysterious, and it was covered with thick historical accumulation. Immediately afterwards, the nightmare imprint sent a reminder:

"You have obtained the Scroll of Light Gunpowder Weapon Proficiency."

Scroll of Light Gunpowder Weapon Proficiency.

Rarity: light blue

Use effect: Allows you to master basic ability advancement: light gunpowder weapon proficiency LV1.

Requirements: Dexterity not less than 15 points, perception not less than 10 points, strength not less than 8 points

Explanation: Scroll abilities are usually divided into three types: mastery, proficiency, and specialization. Specialization scrolls are the rarest, but give the best boosts when used.

Note: Light Gunpowder Weapon Proficiency LV1 enables you to skillfully master the use of pistol/light submachine gun gunpowder weapons, so that its fixed shooting accuracy (hit rate of ten rings at 50 meters target) reaches 85%, and mobile shooting accuracy up to 45%. Ammo reload speed increased by 10%.

"Agility... no less than 15 points?" Fang Sheyan's eyes widened. To be honest, he has a lot of love for that M500, and he is also a little envious of Xiao Ma's black windbreaker + machine gun + infallible heroic posture, so Seeing the introduction on the front of the scroll, I was also very excited, but when I saw that the agility needed to be at least 15 points, I became sluggish. You know, because Sheyan is a newcomer in this world, all attributes are strengthened by 50%, and the agility is only 9 points! How can the huge gap be filled

"SHIT." Sheyan cursed depressedly, and threw the scroll on the table. And then he found out that there was a reminder on the back of the scroll: You must practice basic long-distance combat to level 4 or above in order to fully display the ability of light gunpowder weapon proficiency. This undoubtedly made him even more frustrated.

Sheyan hadn't experienced this feeling of being drenched in cold water while full of expectations for a long time. Because of this feeling of depression, Sheyan frowned and paced around the room, staring at the scroll with bitter eyes, wishing to grab it and tear it to pieces.

But Fang Senyan suddenly understood as he walked: Isn't this kind of frustration and failure what I want? Isn't such a challenging and stimulating life what I have always longed for in my heart

He took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet next to him and took a sip, laughed long and loudly, was relieved immediately, and put that feeling behind him with a blunt smile.

Although his body was also very tired, Sheyan still didn't feel sleepy at all. The process of fighting the two Terminator during the day was played back in his mind one by one. While feeling hearty, there was also a bit of aftertaste of fear. Like the two terminators encountered in the first battle, both of them have obvious weaknesses. In fact, even if their artificial skin is damaged, and the metal skeleton is exposed, they will not short-circuit if they come into contact with water. The places where the two terminators who fought today were short-circuited were all penetrated by the power of the space-time rift in advance, so this low-level failure occurred. What should I do if I encounter a 100% terminator next time? Sheyan really didn't have a clue.

After summarizing the gains and losses of the battle, he casually turned on the TV next to him, sat on the sofa and watched it, and ordered some late-night snacks to eat. Suddenly, an urgent interrupted news caught his attention:

"Los Angeles has seen frequent crimes recently, and the law and order situation has deteriorated. According to crime experts, it should be related to the recent rampant Colombian drug dealers and mafia. At 9:13 in the evening, two criminals sneaked into the apartment in the 14th District of Los Angeles Among them, an attempt to commit a crime against the resident Mos Dyson was shot dead on the spot by the guards stationed there."

"Mos Dyson?" Fang Senyan suddenly felt that the name looked familiar. This is the time when the thick phone book comes in handy, after a simple search. Fang Senyan's face suddenly became gloomy, because behind the name of Mosdyson, Sebotine Computer Company was impressively written. The words of senior engineer - this guy is the main designer of the later "Skynet" system!

Obviously, most of the two guys who were killed were also contractors who entered this world. These two guys should also have studied the plot of the movie, and they are keenly aware of the huge secrets and benefits of Mos Dyson, a key figure who has not yet received attention.

Regrettably, since the Los Angeles police can dispatch the military's Delta Special Operations Force to maintain order in times of crisis, a place like Sebotine Computer Company, which has a close relationship with the military, must also have extremely elite personnel. Secret Service Guard - This is actually a logical thing. Just like Qian Xuesen, a nuclear weapons expert back then, there is also a reason why 8341, the imperial forest army, has 24-hour secret protection.

(Note: Unit 8341 was originally the First Central Guard Regiment. Taizu personally changed its name to Unit 8341. It is said that the name also has the meaning of occultism. Taizu lived to be 83 years old. He officially confirmed the leadership from the Zunyi Conference held in January 1935. status, until his death in 1976, a total of 41 years in power, the total is 8341. The appointment of the main leaders of this unit must be approved by Taizu himself, and no one else has the right to appoint. Whenever a recruit of Unit 8341 enlists, Taizu must Personal interview... Of course, the bodyguards of Zhongnanhai, which were rumored to be coaxed by Niu B later, are their nicknames)

Seeing the two corpses covered with white sheets on the TV screen, Sheyan's eyes narrowed. He is definitely not an idiot, and he is familiar with the principle that the greater the risk, the greater the profit. It can be inferred that if Mos Dyson, a guy who plays a key role in Skynet, is killed/even controlled in his hands, great benefits will inevitably be obtained. In other words, the vision of the two guys who went to attack could be said to be extraordinary, but they did things beyond their abilities and paid the heaviest price.

"The deadline for returning is around four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, so what should we do during this time?" Sheyan leaned on the sofa with such thoughts, thinking lazily. It seems that there are opportunities everywhere in this world, but behind the opportunities there is still a huge danger bared its fangs.

Just like today's sudden Terminator chasing and killing incident, Fang Senyan obviously had the idea of stepping on the spot beforehand, but in the end he led out the two terrifying killer Terminator T-750s from the future. Even though Sheyan had made preparations in advance, he won the victory after a hard fight to survive.

Of course, it must be noted that Fang Sheyan encountered such a huge risk after choosing to actively participate in the battle. The tasks given at this time are very flexible, leaving a very loose choice for the participants.

For example, the two terminators encountered during the day today, if the contractor feels that they are not strong enough, then they can avoid confronting them head-on, but delay the time by dodging and fleeing until the police and the Delta Special Operations Force arrive to contain them After staying and then attacking the space-time node, you can naturally complete the task without any risk-this is what the bearded man should do-of course, the conservative method will not gain additional benefits.

"If my inference is true. Then, as the most important factor for the birth of Skynet—there is likely to be an area mission near the Sebotine Computer Company, and the activation conditions should be similar to the one where the contractor enters the company's area with a powerful weapon. Then Skynet's automatic protection function will be activated successfully. But... Judging from the fate of the two unlucky guys on TV just now, if they fight near there, they will probably face the double attack of FBI agents and Terminator! "

"Forget it..." Sheyan took a sip of the red wine and shook his head slightly. He was quite clear about his own strength. If he met the Terminator T-750 on a narrow road, his odds of winning were 50 to 50. If other forces are added to intervene, then it must be close to death.

What's more, for the intelligent Skynet system, the two T-750 terminators sent earlier were killed one after another. Could it be so stupid to send two more to die? In other words, if Fang Sheyan activates this kind of regional mission again, he will probably face two T-750 Terminator, or even its evolution version T-800!

Courage is a virtue, but recklessness is stupidity. The bloody misery of those guys is still in sight, Fang Senyan has no intention of following in their footsteps. So he chose the safest solution:

"Sebotine Computers can't go...but Buster's Steakhouse is worth the trip."