The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 279: Team building task? ?


When Fang Senyan increased the strength of the naked outfit to 20 points, he really got a reminder:

"Your basic attribute: strength exceeds 20 points in the case of naked/no beneficial state."

"You have obtained an additional basic attribute reward, please make a choice within ten seconds."

"A, Basic Attribute Reward I (Passive): Big, grants you a 5-point bonus in all strength determinations except damage."

PS: For example, if you wear a piece of equipment that requires 25 points of strength, you only need 20 points of strength to wear it. In terms of learning, if you need a scroll with 25 points of strength, you can also learn it with 20 points of strength. Strength can crush a contractor with 15 points of strength, but the damage is calculated according to 26 points of strength.

"B, basic attribute reward I (passive): muscular man, your strong and well-developed muscles can effectively protect your body, any enemy's critical strike rate against you will be reduced by 10%, even if there is a critical strike, it will be reduced by 20% critical strike damage."

Fang Sheyan has been wandering between muscular man and big guy for a long time, but thinking that in the last world, once he encountered the vast sea of swift beasts, the main problem was that he was quite afraid of the critical attack of those swift beasts. If they can suppress their critical attacks, Sheyan's stay in the sea of insects will be at least 50% longer!

From a deeper level, because of the existence of tenacity talent, a single burst of high damage undoubtedly made Sheyan feel more troublesome. Whether it is in the battle with the contractor, or in the firefight with the plot characters. So Sheyan chose B: muscular man. It can be regarded as a talisman for his future position in the team.

After choosing to delay these times, the reef has already rushed over from his private space. Sheyan saw him in a hurry and couldn't help asking him what he was up to, Jiaoshi sighed and said:

"Of course I was busy with forging. Although I used a lot of Pandora crystal mines to restore Balance's hands and feet, there was a worker bee in Mogansha that could continuously collect minerals. He promised to share it with me when he came out. Some Pandora crystal mines are barely enough."

Seeing that Jiao Shi was really proficient in forging, Fang Sheyan took out the pair of whiteboard knuckles he had equipped to ask for advice. Jiao Shi was also a little surprised when he saw it:

"This thing should be made by a person who is very advanced in forging. He can extract the attribute of parry and block from other equipment and add it to this white knuckle in your hand. This is a branch of forging. It did, but the process of extraction + attachment is extremely easy to damage the equipment."

The two walked forward while talking, and arrived at the square in the nightmare space before they knew it. After the two took the "tentacle elevator", they quickly rose to the top of the space. The front convenience is the hexagonal metal channel.

At this time, there are still three people entering the metal passage ahead, and they seem to be using related functions. The rest of the people will not be able to get close in a short time, Fang Senyan took this opportunity to take out his black quality material "Mountain Monster's Back Leather", and let Reef, who has the forging ability, see if there is a way to make it. a top.

After looking at it, Jiao Shi nodded and said yes, and then asked Sheyan if there were any other additional materials. After Fang Sheyan thought about it, he went to search in the storage space of the imprint. Firearms, the number of velociraptors slaughtered is astonishing, so although the explosion rate is not high, they have also collected a lot of their rare explosion rate carapaces.

These carapaces marked as "material" have all been selected by Fang Sheyan, and their grades are all quite excellent dark blue. Except for the two pieces that are going to be left for the gold mine, a guy who has plucked his hair, all of them are I took it out and gave it to the reef to pick out, and the reef was quite satisfied when I saw it, so I picked a few relatively complete pieces out of them, and gave Fang Sheyan the remaining three or four pieces.

At this time, the three contractors who were working in front began to stand up, and it seemed that they had finished their work. They walked over casually talking, because all the contractors' heads had hazy light and shadow processing, so I can't see their faces at all, and I can only vaguely hear their conversations:

"It's finally promoted to a third-level team. It's really not easy. Kert didn't die in vain!"

"Why doesn't the boss come to do this? He doesn't seem to see anyone recently."

"I heard it was for a woman. Do you know the violent woman Froya? It is said that she had a dispute with the boss, but it is said that this woman died."

"Damn it, dead people are too common in this damn space. Aren't they just women? Boss, if he wants, I can find him a hundred if he comes to Amsterdam."

"I suddenly realized that it is terrible to talk about women and feelings with you idiot with the nickname mobile genitals. Although Froya died, the boss secretly bound a Horcrux in the on her."

"Horcrux? The thing that Voldemort used in the Harry Potter world? The boss is really willing to spend his money."

"YES! The boss should be busy with the task of reviving the Horcrux recently..."


Then those three people drifted away, their voices could no longer be heard, but Sheyan beside him took a deep breath!

"Level III team! Boss!!! Horcruxes!!! Metal Instructor Froya!"

The combination of these seemingly innocuous words directly gave Sheyan a great impact, like swallowing a mouthful of 56-degree Erguotou first, and then suddenly chewing a large grain of snow-white, crisp and tender garlic. After the two are mixed together, the burning hot feeling ravages from the tongue, goes straight into the throat, and burns to the stomach!

"Interesting." There was a sneer at the corner of Sheyan's mouth, and the feeling that the blood all over his body was slightly hot rose again. This was not fear, but a kind of excitement to face a powerful challenge! An instinctive strength revived from the depths of his soul! Then it floods the whole body and doesn't go away for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Fang Sheyan in a daze, Jiao Shi couldn't help asking.

"It's fine." Of course Sheyan wouldn't think about anything with just a few words. The Metal Mentor is not Voldemort, and it is not so easy to be resurrected, so what if he survives? You can't decide how others will behave, but as long as you quickly become stronger! After thinking of this, the two joined hands to enter the metal passage, and then passed through the dark green light-speed scan. Sitting down on a metal chair at the end of the passage, a holographic screen naturally appeared in front of him.

"No. 1018...reading"

"Identity confirmation..."

"Your current nightmare imprint is at the second lieutenant level."

"Your current merit value is 52 points."

"Your currently available services are as follows:"

"A: Purchase military rank-related items and props." (Click to enter the detailed purchase list)

"B: Access confidential information related to military rank." (This function may incur a certain fee)

"C: Apply to build a team."

"D: Obtain military rank subsidy." (Your current military rank subsidy is: purchase a military rank reward item for free, which must be available for purchase under your current authority)

"E: Accept rank quest." (Currently there are no related quests)

"F: Quit current team. (The service is unavailable, you are in a temporary team)"

"G: Other."

Because Jiao Shi was still in the temporary team with Sheyan at this time, he could also see the long list of options, and immediately made a very helpless expression. Sheyan only found out after asking that the second lieutenant in the reserve had only three options:

"A: Purchase military rank related items and props."

"B: Apply to build a team."

"C: Other."

Just from this simple point, you can see the huge difference between the real second lieutenant and the reserve second lieutenant! Fang Senyan was not in a hurry to choose to build a team. He brought back an unknown wonder from the last world: the body hair of the Blade Queen. After submitting it, he got two choices:

A, is to sell it and get 10,000 universal points.

B, is to donate it to the space and get 2 points of meritorious service.

Now that he knew the importance of meritorious service, he naturally chose to donate it. After increasing the merit value to 54 points, he chose the option of creating a team and got a series of prompts:

"You can form a small team at the lowest level. The upper limit of core team members cannot exceed three, ordinary team members cannot exceed 10, and temporary team members cannot exceed 20. You can purchase relevant prestige contracts in the space to expand the number of people. "

"You can appoint a deputy, but his military rank must be above sergeant. This operation appointment will consume a little merit point."

"Please name your team. If you skip this item, the team you create will be named after the number."

Fang Senyan looked at the options for naming, and for some reason, he suddenly entered two words slowly by mistake:

"trump card!"

Then Sheyan froze for an instant, because after confirming, a prompt popped up in front of him:

"Are you sure you want to build this team?"

"You will immediately get the relevant team building tasks. Usually, you will not encounter life-threatening danger in the team building tasks, but the task evaluation you get at the end will determine the benefits and team abilities you get after the team is established!"

Seeing this, Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi were stunned. It seems that it is quite rare for a genuine second lieutenant to come to build a team, so even Jiao Shi has never heard of such a rule.